Understanding Business Organisations

180 views 7:26 am 0 Comments May 27, 2023

Module code and title:


Understanding Business Organisations

Module leader:

Olumuyiwa Ogunseye

Man Sheung Lam

Assignment No. and type:

Case Study 3,000 Words.

Assessment weighting:


Submission time and date:

Before: 14:00 of Friday 26th May 2023

Target feedback time and date:

3 weeks from the date of final submission

Assignment task

This assignment involves preparing an individual Case Study on your understanding of business organisations and the impact of functional management activities on those organisations.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1

Demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of a variety of business types and their functions.

LO 2

LO 3

Appreciate the impact of functional management activities on organisations and the people within those organisations.

Demonstrate knowledge of major forces and themes that shape contemporary businesses.

Task requirements



Students will choose one of the below business organisations to analyse their organisational structure, functions, and culture. Also discuss the internal and external factors which impact on their businesses as a result of emerging situations (crises for example war, pandemics, Brexit etc..) using environmental analysis tools such as SWOT and PESTLE.

These are the three organisations, and you should select ONE of them to analyse.

Hotel chain: Imperial London Hotel

Airline: EasyJet

Tour operator: British Tour Limited

Assignment Task (3,000 words) – 100%

You must reference all information used in the case study, using the CCCU Harvard Referencing Guide. Minimum of 10 sources, including Journals, Books and use a variety of academically accepted sources.

Referencing and research requirements

Please reference your work according to the Canterbury Harvard style guidance which you can access on Moodle.

Ensure you substantially use the recommended books in your write up.

Important: You must use citation from the core and recommended books sources.

How your work will be assessed

Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and your subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions.

This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 0.

See attached grid for grade descriptors.

Submission details

This assignment should be submitted electronically via Moodle (module tutors will discuss this process with you during class time).

Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format (Microsoft Word). Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in size.


You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.

Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment

You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on the University website: Academic Misconduct Policy. In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.

Submission date and time

This assignment should be submitted to Moodle before: 14:00 Friday 26th May 2023.

You should submit all work for summative assessments by the above deadline. The five percent penalty per day will be applied to the work submitted up to seven working days after the deadline, after which a mark of 0 will be recorded. The five percent penalty will be five percent of eligible mark.

For more information, please refer to: Student Handbook on Moodle.

Feedback and marks for this assignment will be available in three weeks from the deadline.

Case Study structure

Introduction 300 words

Give an overview of the organisation and what you are going to cover in your case study. It should include an account of your chosen organisation, briefly describing its history, business activities, and the current context. You should also outline the structure of your case study.

Business Organisational purposes-300 words.

Under this heading, you will define and explain the organisational purposes, mission, and vision. Examine the key aspects of the purpose and identify some of the major objectives.

Organisational Structure 400 Words

Under this heading, you will discuss the organisational structure of the organisation. It should include an analysis of the type of organisational structure (i.e., tall structure, flat structure, or matrix structure) of your chosen organisation. Your discussion should include how that structure benefits an organisation and what are the drawbacks of this structure. You are advised to include a picture of the structure of the organisation to support your explanations.

Organisational functions – 500 words

Here students are expected to define management and its functions in an organisation and identify some of the functions of the management which include finance, marketing, HR, operations, sale, and productions. Students should discuss the impact of their interrelationship on the organisation.

Organisational culture – 450

Define culture, how the culture develops and mention types of culture. Discuss organisational culture and how it impacts on the success of the organisation.

SWOT Analysis – 300 Words

Under this heading, you will define what is meant by SWOT analysis.


Under this heading, you will discuss the strength of the organisation that can help them combat the emerging situations (Covid-19, current inflation, and political instability, etc.).


Under this heading, you will discuss the weakness of the organisation that makes the organisation vulnerable.


Under this heading, you will discuss the external factors emerging and how they can be exploited by the organisation for their benefit.


Under this heading, you will discuss the external factors emerging and how they can be a threat to the organisation.

PESTLE Analysis – 450 words

Under this heading, you will define what is meant by PESTLE analysis.

Political Factors

Under this heading, you will discuss which political factors, both favourable and unfavourable, are impacting the Organisation.

Economic Factors

Under this heading, you will discuss which Economical factors, both favourable and unfavourable, are impacting the Organisation.

Social Factors

Under this heading, you will discuss which social factors, both favourable and unfavourable, are impacting the Organisation.

Technological Factors

Under this heading, you will discuss which technological factors, both favourable and unfavourable, are impacting the Organisation.

Legal Factors

Under this heading, you will discuss which legal factors, both favourable and unfavourable, are impacting the Organisation.

Environmental Factors

Under this heading, you will discuss which environmental factors, both favourable and unfavourable, are impacting the Organisation.

Conclusion – 300 words

In your conclusion, you will present the summary of the key findings of the SWOT and PESTLE analysis and conclude your case study.

Note: You must ensure that you use credible sources and reference them.

Reference Page. Minimum of 10 Sources, including Journals, Books and use a variety of academically accepted sources. Ensure you use recommended textbooks and journals. “DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA”