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ACSC threat report 2016
Foreword 2
About the Australian Cyber Security Centre 3
Scope of malicious cyber activity – a high level overview 5
Cyber attack 5
Cyber espionage 7
Cybercrime 8
Cyber terrorism 8
Threat to government 10
Threat to the private sector 13
Threat to critical infrastructure 17
Trends in targeting and exploitation techniques 20
Spear phishing 20
Ransomware 22
Web-seeding techniques 24
Secondary targeting 27
Avoiding detection 27
Rapid integration 28
Targeting bulk personal and personnel information 28
Targeted disclosures 30
Credential harvesting campaigns 30
Cybercrime targeting customers of online banking 30
Microsoft Offce macro security 31
DDoS extortion 31
What does a ‘typical’ compromise look like? 33
The cost of compromise 36
Preparing for and responding to cyber security incidents 38
Further information 40
Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions 40
The Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM) 40
CERT Australia publications 40
Contact details 41

ACSC threat report 2016
ACSC threat report 2016
With more and more high profle cyber security incidents being made public, awareness of
the importance of cyber security continues to steadily increase. However, while an ongoing
dialogue is good for Australia, the level of public discussion and understanding would beneft
from more informed and considered perspectives. In order to have a mature discussion
in 2016, it is particularly important that we get the language right – calling every incident a
‘hack’ or ‘attack’ is not helpful for a proportionate understanding of the range of threats and
only promotes sensationalism. And treating every adversary as though they are all equally
sophisticated and motivated detracts from a balanced perspective of risk and vulnerability.
This is the second Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Threat Report. It continues to
reflect the experience, focus, and mandates of the ACSC’s member organisations. This
report provides an insight into what the Centre has been seeing, learning, and responding
to, focusing on specifc areas of change or new knowledge obtained. But we at the ACSC
are not just focused on the problem. Importantly, this document also contains mitigation and
remediation advice to assist organisations to prevent, and respond to, cyber threats. The
current hype associated with the proliferation of ‘threat intelligence’ can be a distraction from
what really matters: the motivation to allocate effort and resources to improving your cyber
security posture by implementing technical controls. If you are relying on threat intelligence
to respond to threats already discovered, it is too late for you and your organisation.
In cyber security, prevention is always better than a cure. This report should be read in
conjunction with the latest advice from the ACSC (available on the ASD website as well
as advisories posted on the CERT Australia website) to assist organisations to prevent
and respond to the cyber threat – particularly ASD’s
Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber
. This guidance is regularly reviewed and updated, informed by visibility of threats
and experience performing incident response, vulnerability assessments and penetration
testing. ASD’s
Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions have undergone signifcant
revision in 2016 and an update will be released later this year.
Clive Lines
Coordinator, ACSC
About the Australian Cyber Security Centre
The ACSC co-locates key operational elements of the Government’s cyber security
capabilities in one facility to enable a more complete understanding of sophisticated
cyber threats, facilitate faster and more effective responses to signifcant cyber incidents,
and foster better interaction between government and industry partners. We work with
government and business to reduce the security risk to Australia’s government networks,
systems of national interest, and targets of cybercrime where there is a signifcant impact
to security or prosperity.
The ACSC is the focal point for the cyber security efforts of the Australian Signals
Directorate (ASD), the Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO), the Australian Security
Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Australia, the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC), and the Australian
Federal Police (AFP).
ASD is the Commonwealth authority for cyber and information security and provides
advice and assistance to Commonwealth and State authorities on matters relating to
the security and integrity of information that is processed, stored or communicated by
electronic or similar means. ASD undertakes its cyber and information security mandate
from within the ACSC and is the lead for the operational management of the Centre
through the position of Coordinator ACSC. In addition, ASD carries out an intelligence
mission in support of its cyber and information security mandate.
DIO leads the ACSC’s Cyber Threat Assessment team – jointly staffed with ASD – to
provide the Australian Government with an all-source, strategic, cyber threat intelligence
assessment capability.
ASIO’s role is to protect the nation and its interests from threats to security through
intelligence collection, assessment, and advice for Government, government agencies,
and business. ASIO’s cyber program is focussed on investigating and assessing the
threat to Australia from malicious state-sponsored cyber activity. ASIO’s contribution to

ACSC threat report 2016
ACSC threat report 2016
the ACSC includes intelligence collection, investigations and intelligence-led outreach to
business and government partners.
CERT Australia is the Government contact point for cyber security issues affecting major
Australian businesses including owners and operators of Australia’s critical infrastructure
and other systems of national interest. CERT Australia helps these organisations
understand the cyber threat landscape and better prepare for, defend against, and
mitigate cyber threats and incidents through the provision of advice and support on cyber
threats and vulnerabilities.
ACIC provides the Australian
Government’s cybercrime
intelligence function within the
ACSC. Its role in the Centre is to
discover and prioritise cybercrime
threats to Australia, understand
the criminal networks behind them
and initiate and enhance response
strategies by working closely with
law enforcement, intelligence and
industry security partners in Australia
and internationally.
AFP is the Australian
Government’s primary policing agency responsible for combating serious and organised
crime and protecting Commonwealth interests from criminal activity in Australia and
overseas. The AFP’s Cybercrime Investigation teams within the ACSC provide the AFP
with the capability to undertake targeted intelligence and to investigate and refer matters
for prosecution for those believed to have committed cybercrimes of national signifcance.
The AFP is also the ACSC’s conduit for State and Territory law enforcement.
The ACSC’s key areas of collaboration are:
triaging and responding to signifcant cyber security incidents affecting national
security or economic prosperity;
identifying, analysing, and conducting research into sophisticated malicious cyber
activity targeting Australia;
creating shared situational awareness of the cyber threat by developing alerts,
warning and mitigation advice, and producing intelligence;
working closely with government organisations, critical infrastructure owners and
operators, and key industry partners and sectors to reduce security risk and limit
the threat to Australia’s most important networks and systems; and
developing relationships with key international partners.
For more information about the ACSC, visit To provide
feedback or otherwise contact the ACSC about this report, please contact 1300 CYBER1
or use other details available at:
Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy – announced
by Prime Minister Turnbull in April 2016 – and the
2016 Defence White Paper are major initiatives that
forecast signifcant investment in the Government’s
cyber capability. The ACSC worked closely with the
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to
develop the Cyber Security Strategy and will play a
key role in delivering many of its signature initiatives.
Scope of malicious cyber activity
– a high level overview
Cyber attack
‘Cyber attack’ is a term that is frequently used by
media, academics and foreign governments to describe
the gamut of malicious activity including common
occurrences such as Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS), website defacement, spear phishing, social
media hijacking, cybercrime, and the theft of personal
data. The term ‘cyber attack’ is well-entrenched within
the information security community, where it is used to
broadly describe malicious activity against a computer
network or system.
The broad adoption of the term has seen it often used
in a sensationalist way – similar to ‘cyber war’, ‘cyber
terrorism’ and ‘cyber weapons’ – with the term ‘attack’
generating an emotive response and a disproportionate
sense of threat. The use of the term ‘cyber attack’
to encompass common cyber threats complicates
an advanced appreciation of the spectrum of cyber
security risk, vulnerability, and consequences; blurs the
understanding of potential ‘red lines’ in cyberspace;
and undermines the development and application of
proportionate nation state responses.
If a nation says it has been subjected to an ‘attack’,
this is weighted with tremendous signifcance. As such,
The Australian Government
has defned
cyber attack
as a deliberate act through
cyberspace to manipulate,
disrupt, deny, degrade or
destroy computers or
networks, or the information
resident on them, with the
effect of seriously
compromising national
security, stability or
economic prosperity.
This defnition was developed
in 2011 after extensive policy
and legal consultation. It
was subsequently used
to underpin the provisions
of the ANZUS Treaty that
allow Australia and the US
to consult each other in the
event of a cyber attack on
either party.
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ACSC threat report 2016 ACSC threat report 2016
the Australian Government’s defnition of cyber attack can be at odds with what the
information security community, the public and the media envisage cyber attacks to be. A
recent example is the disruption to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 online
Census. On 9 August 2016, as a precaution to ensure the security of census data already
submitted, the ABS and its service provider IBM temporarily disabled access to the
Census website after experiencing multiple DDoS incidents. However, this incident was
initially described in some media reporting as being the result of a “foreign cyber attack”
– a description that led to a heightened sense of threat and risk, increased concerns
from the public about the security of their personal information, and triggered media
speculation about nation state motivations, tradecraft, and the possibility of further
Australia treats cyber attacks as extremely serious and provocative events. Fortunately,
Australia still has not been subjected to malicious cyber activity that could constitute a
cyber attack as defned on the previous page. Contrary to speculation, this is not simply a
matter of failed detection; the effects of a cyber attack could not possibly have gone
unnoticed. However, the threat of a cyber attack being conducted against Australian
government, infrastructure, industry or other networks has grown following a series of
high-profle disruptive or destructive incidents in other countries over the last fve years.
The ACSC has previously assessed that cyber attacks
against Australia would most likely occur against highvalue targets such as critical infrastructure, government
networks or military capabilities during periods of very
high tension or an escalation to conflict. Although this
remains broadly accurate, the nature and targets of
recent incidents overseas – combined with a growing
understanding of adversaries’ capabilities and intentions
– highlight the breadth of potential targets and different
ways cyber capabilities can be employed by adversaries
seeking to achieve damaging or destructive effects
outside conflict.
Behaviour by a number of countries is demonstrating
a willingness to use disruptive and destructive cyber operations to seriously impede or
embarrass organisations and governments – equating to foreign interference or coercion.
For example, state-sponsored cyber adversaries have been publicly linked to causing
deliberate damage to commercial entities to achieve strategic, political or economic goals
– or a combination thereof – during increased tensions or a dispute with another state.
Some of these events have occurred outside conflict, and have set precedents for how
states may seek to use cyber operations to generate effects that could have a potentially
signifcant impact. Where coercion, economic damage or embarrassment is the goal,
Cyber adversary is an all
encompassing term that
describes an individual or
organisation (including an
agency of a nation state)
that conducts malicious
cyber activity.
the potential targets of cyber attack may include major industries, critical infrastructure,
political entities, the media, the fnancial sector and other sectors considered important to
Australia’s economy and identity.
A range of states now have the capability to conduct cyber attacks against Australian
government and industry networks. However, in the absence of a shift in intent – which
could occur relatively quickly – a cyber attack against Australian government or private
networks by another state is unlikely within the next fve years.
The absence of effective repercussions following past cyber attacks internationally will
embolden some states to continue developing and using cyber capabilities as a coercive
tool. A continued lack of international consensus on proportionate and appropriate
responses to offensive cyber activity makes the threshold for response ambiguous, raising
the risks of miscalculation.
Cyber espionage
Australia continues to be a target
of persistent and sophisticated
cyber espionage. The cyber
threat to Australia is not limited by
geography; adversaries with even
a transitory intelligence requirement
will target Australian individuals and
organisations regardless of physical
With a high level of collaboration
and knowledge sharing between
the ACSC’s member organisations
and other partners, our knowledge
of adversaries who target Australia
continues to grow – particularly
for sophisticated adversaries that
target government networks and key
industry sectors.
More and more foreign states have
acquired or are in the process
of acquiring cyber espionage
capabilities. The ACSC is aware
of diverse state-based adversaries
attempting cyber espionage against
Australian systems to satisfy
Attribution of malicious cyber activity is often
portrayed as contentious in contemporary media
and academic discussion. Attribution beyond a
reasonable doubt in a timely manner is portrayed
as diffcult – if not impossible – due to the absence
of readily identifable evidence and the use of
denial and deception tactics by many adversaries.
There are also differing perspectives on the need
for attribution.
For the Australian Government, attribution of
malicious activity is necessary to enable a range of
response options, as well as informing intelligence
collection and assessment and undertaking
proactive security measures. Depending on
the seriousness and nature of an incident, the
Government has developed the capability to
attribute malicious cyber activity in a timely manner
to several levels of granularity – ranging from the
broad category of adversary through to specifc
state and individuals – through the combined efforts
of the intelligence community, law enforcement,
foreign partners, and other relationships.

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ACSC threat report 2016 ACSC threat report 2016
strategic, operational and commercial intelligence requirements. But the number of cyber
security incidents across the breadth of Australian non-government networks either
detected or reported is highly likely to be a fraction of the total.
Cybercrime remains a pervasive threat to Australia’s national interests and prosperity.
Australia’s relative wealth and high use of technology such as social media, online banking
and government services make it an attractive target for serious and organised criminal
syndicates. Lucrative fnancial gains by serious and organised crime syndicates ensure
the persistence of the cybercrime threat. Ransomware, credential-harvesting malware and
DDoS extortion continue as the predominant cybercrime threats in 2016.
The extent of cybercrime is a signifcant concern. High levels of misreporting and
under-reporting make it diffcult to accurately assess the prevalence and impact of
cybercrime. While it is very diffcult to establish an accurate fgure, the actual costs of
cybercrime at the systemic level
include the costs of immediate
responses, system remediation
costs, and flow-on costs to
government and support programs
that assist cybercrime victims. The
direct and indirect costs to victims
include damage to personal identity
and reputation, loss of business
or employment opportunities
and the impact on emotional and
psychological wellbeing.
Cyber terrorism
Terrorist groups that seek to
harm Western interests currently
pose a low cyber threat. Apart
from demonstrating a savvy
understanding of social media
and exploiting the internet for
propaganda purposes, terrorist
cyber capabilities generally remain
rudimentary and show few signs of improving signifcantly in the near future. They will
continue to focus on DDoS activities, hijacking social media accounts, defacing websites,
The global cybercrime market
The global cybercrime market is a low-risk,
high-return criminal enterprise, with goods and
services in strong supply and demand. It can
be highly lucrative, and commodities are easily
accessible through online marketplaces and
forums. Anyone aiming to make an illicit proft can
purchase infrastructure, delivery mechanisms,
coding services, antivirus checking services,
exploit kits, communication services, and
‘cash out’ and money transfer services. Most
elements of this criminal economy and their global
business operations exist alongside the legitimate
online activity of governments, businesses and
individuals. The challenge lies in detecting the
constantly evolving illicit activity, and determining its
motivation, impact and mitigation strategies.
the hack and release of personal information (see Page 28) and compromising poorlysecured internet-connected services. It is unlikely terrorists will be able to compromise a
secure network and generate a signifcant disruptive or destructive effect for at least the
next two to three years.
Cyberspace will continue to present a target rich environment. With intent and investment,
terrorist groups could potentially develop more sophisticated cyber capabilities. However,
at this point in time, terrorist groups are more likely to embarrass governments, impose
fnancial costs, and achieve propaganda victories by compromising and affecting poorly
secured networks.

ACSC threat report 2016
ACSC threat report 2016
Threat to government
Australian government networks are regularly targeted by the full breadth of cyber
adversaries. While foreign states represent the greatest level of threat, cybercriminals
pose a threat to government-held information and provision of services through both
targeted and inadvertent
compromises of government
networks with ransomware.
Hacktivists will continue to use lowsophistication cyber capabilities –
website defacement, the hack and
release of personal or embarrassing
information, DDoS activities and the
hijacking of social media accounts
– to generate attention and support
for their cause. As such, issuemotivated groups pose only a limited
threat to government networks, with
possible effects including availability
issues and embarrassment.
However, some hacktivists intend to
cause more serious disruption and
may be able to exploit poor security
to have a greater impact.
As the Prime Minister acknowledged
during the launch of
Cyber Security Strategy
on 21
April, the ACSC has worked with
government organisations to
Between 1 January 2015 and 30 June 2016,
ASD, as part of the ACSC, responded to 1095
cyber security incidents on government systems
which were considered serious enough to warrant
operational responses.
As cyber security awareness has increased, and
government organisations have improved their
ability to respond to their own lower level cyber
security incidents, the number of incidents requiring
an operational response has decreased. We can
expect to see this trend continue.
The security of government networks and
information is not only measured by how many
cyber security incidents occur – it is about the type
of incidents, their scale and the impact they have
on national security and economic prosperity.
Australian government organisations are required
to report cyber security incidents to improve the
ACSC’s understanding of the threat and to assist
other organisations facing these threats.
understand and respond to signifcant compromises of government networks, including a
cyber intrusion on the Bureau of Meteorology’s network (see below) and the Department
of Parliamentary Services (which pre-dates the timeframe of this report).
Bureau of Meteorology
In 2015, ASD detected suspicious activity from two computers on the Bureau of
Meteorology’s network. On investigation, ASD identifed the presence of particular
Remote Access Tool (RAT) malware popular with state-sponsored cyber adversaries,
amongst other malware associated with cybercrime. The RAT had also been used to
compromise other Australian government networks.
ASD identifed evidence of the adversary searching for and copying an unknown quantity
of documents from the Bureau’s network. This information is likely to have been stolen by
the adversary.
ASD recovered a password dumping utility used by the adversary and identifed the
malicious use of at least one legitimate domain administrator account. ASD identifed at
least six further hosts on the Bureau’s network that the adversary attempted to access,
including domain controllers and fle servers. The presence of password dumping utilities
and complete access by the adversary to domain controllers suggested all passwords
on the Bureau’s network were already compromised at the time of the investigation.
ASD also identifed evidence suggesting the use of network scanning and time stamp
modifcation tools, used to analyse the network architecture and assist with hiding the
adversary’s tools on hosts.
In this instance, the ACSC attributed the primary compromise to a foreign intelligence
service, however, security controls in place were insuffcient to protect the network from
more common threats associated with cybercrime. CryptoLocker ransomware found on
the network represented the most signifcant threat to the Bureau’s data retention and
continuity of operations.
The implementation of security controls outlined in
ASD’s Strategies to Mitigate Targeted
Cyber Intrusions
publication will signifcantly improve the security posture of the Bureau’s
corporate network. The ACSC continues to work with the Bureau of Meteorology to
implement a number of further, specifc recommendations to mitigate future compromise.

ACSC threat report 2016
The ACSC undertook a major incident response, investigation
and remediation of a government network compromised by a
foreign state. ASD identifed that the adversary had gained initial
access to the network using malicious Microsoft Offce macros
– small programs executed by Microsoft Offce applications to
automate routine tasks. On advice from ASD, the government
agency implemented technical controls to mitigate the threat of
malicious Microsoft Offce macros on the network.
Since that time, the same adversary has repeatedly attempted to
regain access to the government network, incrementally evolving
their tradecraft. The adversary displayed the ability to use
knowledge from the previous intrusion to target specifc users,
vulnerabilities and systems. For example, the adversary sent a
spear phishing email to a staff member from the account of a
legitimate user from another foreign organisation with which the
staff member had prior communication. The adversary provided
advice to the staff member on how to circumvent security
controls to enable Microsoft Offce macros. The adversary
referred accurately to the department’s ICT service desk by
acronym and had hardcoded the user’s username, the domain
and the IP address of their computer in the malicious Microsoft
Offce document.
This activity confrmed that the foreign state has an ongoing
intelligence requirement against the government department and
has most likely not regained access since ASD’s remediation
work. The later spear phishing activity demonstrates knowledge
of the network, including that Microsoft Offce macros had been
disabled following the previous compromise.
Threat to the private sector
Australian industry is persistently targeted by a broad range of malicious cyber
activity, risking the proftability, competitiveness and reputation of Australian
businesses. The spectrum of malicious cyber activity ranges from online vandalism
and cybercrime through to the theft of commercially sensitive intellectual property
and negotiation strategies.
The ongoing theft of intellectual property from Australian companies continues to
pose signifcant challenges to the future competitiveness of Australia’s economy. In
particular, cyber espionage impedes Australia’s competitive advantage in exclusive
and proftable areas of research and development – including intellectual property
generated within our universities, public and private research frms and government
sectors – and provides this advantage to foreign competitors.
The ACSC’s visibility of cyber
security incidents affecting industry
and critical infrastructure networks
is heavily reliant on voluntary selfreporting. Some companies may
be hesitant to report incidents to
the government due to concerns
the disclosure may adversely affect
their reputation or create legal or
commercial liabilities. For example,
in some cases victim organisations
have sought legal advice before
reporting an incident. Many cyber security incidents across the private sector
are undetected or unreported. Increased reporting of cyber security incidents by
the private sector would subsequently increase the ACSC’s knowledge of cyber
adversaries who target Australian industry and critical infrastructure, and the
Reports help the ACSC to develop a better
understanding of the threat environment and will
assist other organisations who are also at risk.
Cyber security incident reports are also used in
aggregate for developing new defensive policies,
procedures, techniques and training measures to
help prevent future incidents.

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ACSC threat report 2016 ACSC threat report 2016
methods they employ. This knowledge would further enable the development of cyber
security advice and mitigation strategies.
The ACSC is making a dedicated effort to engage industry on cyber threats and
associated mitigation strategies through a process of sustained engagement. However,
the private sector’s ability and
willingness to recognise the extent of
the cyber threat and to implement
mitigation strategies varies
considerably across and within
sectors. Generally, companies that
have been extensively targeted or
compromised are more likely to view
the business risks associated with
the cyber threat as suffcient to
warrant investment in cyber security.
Those without direct experience of
being targeted or a victim may not
be aware of the potential economic
harm malicious cyber activity can
cause their businesses, do not
understand the value of the data
they hold, and cannot conceive why
they would be targeted.
Between July 2015 and June 2016,
CERT Australia responded to 14,804
cyber security incidents affecting
Australian businesses, 418 of which
involved systems of national interest
(SNI) and critical infrastructure (CI).
The incidents affecting SNI and
CI are broken down by sector on
the following page. CERT Australia
relies heavily on the voluntary
self-reporting of cyber security
incidents from a wide variety of
sources throughout Australia and
internationally and therefore does not
have a complete view of incidents
impacting Australian industry.
Engaging with the private sector
The ACSC has provided advice and
assistance to the private sector to deal with
cyber security incidents, including serious
network compromises.
Exploitation techniques the government
learns through investigating cyber security
incidents contribute to public advice from
ACSC member organisations. Indicators
of compromise are shared with industry
through partnership with CERT Australia.
In 2015-16, CERT Australia participated
in 15 different cyber security exercises.
Exercises provide valuable insight into
how industry can best respond to cyber
security incidents.
CERT Australia provides businesses with
unique and sensitive information through
sector specifc, regional and national
information exchange programs.
The ACSC will be relocated to a new facility
that allows unclassifed and classifed
collaborative work spaces.
The ACSC will co-design regional hubs
– Joint Cyber Security Centres – with the
private sector to share information and
advice that organisations can use to take
practical steps to improve security.
Energy 18.0%
Banking and
financial services 17.0%
Mining and
resources 8.6%
Other 6.4%
technology 6.0%
industry 5.5%
Water 2.9%
Education and
research 2.6%
Food and
agriculture 2.6%
Legal and professional
services 2.4%
Manufacturing 2.2%
Health 1.9% Retail 1.9%
In CERT Australia’s experience, the energy and
communications sectors had the highest number
of compromised systems, the banking and fnancial
services and communications sectors had the
highest incidence of DDoS activity, and the energy
and mining/resources sectors had the highest
number of malicious emails being received.

ACSC threat report 2016
In July 2015, CERT Australia advised a fnancial services provider
of a compromised domain controller on their network which
was communicating with malicious domains. At the time of
notifcation, it was believed this host had been compromised for
at least a year.
CERT Australia forensically analysed a disk image of the
compromised domain controller (provided by the business). This
analysis revealed the presence of three different versions of a
malware variant capable of the extraction of sensitive fles and
other malicious activities including keystroke logging and enabling
access to other areas of the network, as well as the presence of
additional tools capable of extracting user credentials.
Following this analysis, CERT liaised with the business to help
them recover from the incident and mitigate any future incidents.
This included providing a full list of practical recommendations,
such as mandated password resets on all accounts,
implementing the ‘Top 4’ of ASD’s
Strategies to Mitigate Targeted
Cyber Intrusions
, and creating an incident response plan which
would bolster the business’s cyber security posture.
Threat to critical infrastructure
Internet connectivity and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) are
increasingly employed to improve the management of systems supporting critical
infrastructure, enabling a wide range of functions that would not be possible on an
isolated network. However, critical infrastructure is also a
target of a range of cyber adversaries seeking to achieve
a disruptive or destructive effect. Despite the many
benefts internet and ICT connectivity provide,
administrators of critical infrastructure need to remain
alert to, and protect against, adversaries seeking to
interfere with networks supporting critical infrastructure.
Industrial control systems (ICS) support the automation
and management of physical components used in
production and distribution for critical infrastructure
networks, and underpin the delivery of essential
services to the Australian population. The prevalence
of ICS technologies in critical infrastructure – and the
evolution towards greater connectivity and dependence
– presents opportunities for sophisticated adversaries.
For example, with adequate access, knowledge and
capabilities, a sophisticated adversary could modify
ICS systems to achieve a disruptive effect on critical
infrastructure. These effects could include manipulating
the production and supply of energy and power, the
creation of outages, damage to industrial systems,
and manipulation or theft of information utilised by
infrastructure owners and operators.
Critical infrastructure is
defned as those physical
facilities, supply chains,
information technologies and
communication networks
which – if destroyed,
degraded or rendered
unavailable for an extended
period – would signifcantly
impact on the social or
economic wellbeing of the
nation, or affect Australia’s
ability to conduct national
defence and ensure national
security. Critical
infrastructure can include
services that provide food,
water, defence,
transportation, energy,
communications, public
health, banking and fnance.
ACSC threat report 2016
The December 2015 Ukraine power
outages highlight the vulnerabilities
of critical infrastructure to
sophisticated adversaries. In a wellplanned and highly coordinated
operation, an adversary successfully
compromised and affected the
systems supporting three power
control centres, taking down 30
substations and leaving over
225,000 Ukrainians without power
for several hours. The adversary
also delayed restoration efforts by
disabling control systems, disrupting
communications and preventing
automated system recovery. These
effects were the result of over six
months of planning and involved a
range of activities, including
compromise through
spear phishing, the theft of user
credentials through key loggers,
and data exfltration.
Establishing a strong cyber security posture,
increasing awareness of potential vulnerabilities
and implementing effective security measures are
vital to deter and prevent similar incidents against
Australian critical infrastructure.
Network segmentation and segregation help to
prevent adversaries from spreading throughout
an organisation’s network, especially protecting
systems never designed to have a presence
online, such as power controls and circuit
breakers. Segmenting and segregating networks
into security zones, limiting user access to
systems and data, and denying unrequired
network connectivity between all computer
devices will make it signifcantly more diffcult
for adversaries to locate and gain access to
an organisation’s most sensitive information
and critical system controls. Organisations with
critically sensitive information might choose to
store and access it using air-gapped workstations
and servers that are not accessible from the
internet. Security patches and other data can be
transferred to and from air gapped workstations
and servers in accordance with a robust media
transfer policy and process.
Critical Infrastructure
The ACSC was notifed of a cyber intrusion on the corporate
network of an Australian critical infrastructure owner and
operator. CERT Australia led the ACSC’s incident response,
working alongside the AFP and ASD to determine the extent of
the compromise and the identity of the responsible actor.
Working onsite with the victim, the AFP identifed a signifcant
amount of data had been stolen from the network, including
sensitive information relating to the organisation’s physical
security and layout. The ACSC’s investigation revealed the actor
used legitimate credentials belonging to a staff member and
a contractor of the organisation during the compromise. The
actor was able to escalate their privilege to administrator level,
enabling further compromise.
With signifcant assistance from the ACSC – including ongoing
remediation assistance and advice to improve the organisation’s
ICT security posture – the organisation has taken measures to
prevent the incident from reoccurring. The AFP identifed an offshore suspect and liaised with foreign law enforcement which led
to a successful arrest.

ACSC threat report 2016
Trends in targeting and exploitation techniques
Spear phishing
Spear phishing – emails containing a malicious link or fle attachment – remains a popular
exploitation technique for many cyber adversaries, with methods used becoming more
convincing and diffcult to spot. As such, spear phishing emails continue to be a common
exploitation technique used in the compromise of Australian industry networks.
Adversaries are targeting industry personnel in order to
gain access to corporate networks; individuals with a
large amount of personal or corporate information online
make it easier for adversaries to target that individual or
their organisation. Adversaries also make use of publicly
available industry information such as annual reports,
shareholder updates and media releases to craft their
spear phishing emails, and use sophisticated malware to
evade detection.
The ACSC is aware of an increase in the prevalence of
socially engineered emails designed to elicit company
information, including organisational structures. In many
instances, this information is not commercially sensitive;
however, it probably provided insights into business
processes, employee details, and other information that
could later be used to craft spear phishing emails.
Adversaries are improving their social engineering
techniques, including by carefully crafting and
customising their attempts to appeal to a target by use of an individual’s personal and
professional circumstances and their social networks. In this way targets of spear
phishing emails are duped into opening malicious attachments and links.
Social engineering
employs psychological
manipulation and deceit to
establish trust and elicit
information. In cyberspace it
is commonly observed in
spear phishing, and
increasingly in exploitation
attempts through social
media. Used profciently,
social engineering can enable
adversaries to bypass
security measures they were
unable to overcome via
technical means.
Spear phishing
A company contacted CERT Australia for assistance in mitigating
sophisticated spear phishing. A malicious email with an attached,
password-protected zip archive had been sent to a company
manager. The email appeared to be from a familiar contact – a
contractor overseas – that was working on a joint project. The
email used the contractor’s signature block, was addressed to
the manager by name and contained details of relevant work
projects. The sender’s email address was a Gmail address
created by the adversary that contained the contractor’s full
name. Believing the email was legitimate, the manager forwarded
it for action with the adversary copied in. When the email
triggered an alert and was blocked, a request was made – also
copying in the adversary – to release the email from quarantine.
The malicious email was not released and the IT manager
contacted CERT Australia for assistance. Analysis revealed that
the attached zip archive contained a Windows screensaver fle
that would have appeared on the system as a PDF fle. When
opened, it would have dropped a malicious executable and
added a Microsoft update-themed shortcut to the system’s
start-up folder to establish a persistent presence. The malicious
executable would have sent encrypted beacons containing
details of the infected system. It was a frst-stage implant that
could have been used to upload additional fles and to execute
commands on the infected host system.
With assistance from CERT Australia, the company worked to
improve the integrity of its networks and systems to establish an
improved IT security posture.

ACSC threat report 2016
ACSC threat report 2016
Sophisticated social engineering is decreasing a user’s ability to distinguish between
legitimate emails and malicious cyber activity, and robust technical controls will become
increasingly important as a security measure.
The ACSC is aware that individuals and businesses continue to be infected with
ransomware via malicious emails and websites. These campaigns are constantly evolving
and highly successful. They target a broad range of sectors including government,
resources, business, educational institutions and home users. At a recent Regional
Information Exchange hosted by CERT Australia, almost all of the attendees noted they
were still being targeted and/or affected by ransomware campaigns. Almost all were
delivered via email, however CERT Australia is also aware of some web-based exploit
kits which are used to deliver them. Phishing emails also use attachments to deliver their
ransomware, such as malicious macros in Microsoft Offce fles which contain instructions
on how to enable and run macros.
Ransomware encrypts the fles on a computer (including network fleshares and attached
external storage devices) then directs the victim to a webpage with instructions on how
to pay a ransom in bitcoin to unlock the fles. The ransom has typically ranged from
$500 – $3000 in bitcoins; however
businesses have been hit with
more targeted ransoms of tens
of thousands of dollars. CERT
Australia has also been informed of
some cases where cybercriminals
increased their ransom price
depending on the value of the
information and its availability, for
example, if no backups were in place
then the ransom would increase.
In the past, victims have attempted
to recover from ransomware
activity using methods that are illadvised or unreliable. For example,
some victims sought to recover
by following instructions to pay
a ransom, while others resorted
to using stolen keys from the
adversary’s servers. Other legitimate
ways have been to restore from offline backups or using shadow copies from Microsoft
restore points. Even if no data is lost, the impact can still be detrimental for organisations; it
can take a long time to restore from backup, assuming there were adequate backups at all.
ASD, in collaboration with domestic and
international partners, developed its
Email Mitigation Strategies
publication (updated
July 2016) to provide strategies for mitigating the
security risk posed by malicious emails.
Malicious Email Mitigation Strategies
publication can be found at:
Organisations should consider their unique
business requirements and risk environment when
deciding which mitigation strategies to implement.
Furthermore, before any mitigation strategy is
implemented, comprehensive testing should be
undertaken to minimise any unintended disruptions
to business.
In 2016, a staff member from a government organisation
clicked on an Australia Post-themed email which infected their
workstation with Cryptolocker. At that time, the staff member’s
workstation was simply re-imaged.
Three months later, ICT staff realised that thousands of fles
needed for legal proceedings stored on a fle server had also
been encrypted by the ransomware.
Due to the amount of time that had elapsed, the backups
contained encrypted copies of the fles, and it was far too late to
pay the ransom. However, the organisation managed to recover
important information that was held elsewhere throughout the
agency in data repositories such as databases.
The ransomware itself, the email addresses used to deliver it and the malicious domains
hosting the malware are changed rapidly by cybercriminals which frustrates and renders
ineffective attempts to defend
against these threats by simply
blocking them. They often closely
resemble the expected legitimate
email addresses, webpages, and
domains to encourage the victim to
click the link and download the
ransomware. The ransom emails
often contain a threat of further fnes
or fees to pressure the recipient into taking action, and the ransom typically doubles after
24 hours if not paid. In some cases, fles are progressively deleted until the ransom is paid.
For up to date ransomware alerts and mitigations,
Australian organisations should use the OnSecure
portal (government), or refer to CERT Australia’s
regular advisories (private sector).

ACSC threat report 2016
Web-seeding techniques
State-sponsored cyber adversaries and cybercriminals
have continued to use strategic web compromises to
target users. By compromising web sites frequently
visited by targets, adversaries are able to exploit targets
without overt communication, such as spear phishing
emails. Strategic web compromises have proven
effective for thematic campaigns, such as targeting
foreign policy and defence organisations via the
compromise of think tanks and media organisations,
but pose an equal threat to all users.
Malicious advertising (Malvertising):
growing, effective and targeted
Malvertising allows an adversary to target a specifc
audience by exploiting online advertisement networks used by popular websites that
visitors trust. By using the advertisement network’s profling of website visitors, an
adversary can focus on specifc target groups such as government departments, military
personnel or senior business executives. Typically, either malicious code is inserted
into an ad being presented to users in the course of their normal browsing or a benign
ad is used to redirect the user to
somewhere that will download
malicious code automatically.
Importantly, adversaries can make
their ads, and themselves, appear
legitimate by serving up nonmalicious ads to the vast majority of
users, using legitimate companies’
domains for the redirects and by
swapping out non-malicious ads
for malicious ones for only a limited
period of time. As such, malvertising
requires no victim interaction, targets
historically vulnerable software (such
as Adobe Flash plugins), and is
diffcult to detect. Cyber adversaries
– predominantly cybercriminals –
will continue to misuse advertising
networks to exploit victims’ browsers
and deliver malware. Furthermore,
the combination of malvertising with
Watering holes
where adversaries
compromise a legitimate
website in order to deliver
malware to any visitor or
subset of visitors – are often
designed to take advantage
of vulnerabilities in software
like Adobe Flash. Visiting
infected web sites is often
the only user action required.
Adobe Flash
The ACSC has identifed increased exploitation
of vulnerabilities found in Adobe Flash. Cyber
adversaries will use these vulnerabilities to enable
compromised websites (watering hole techniques)
and malvertising to host crimeware tools.
In a recent investigation the ACSC identifed a
number of Australian business websites, regularly
visited by government staff members, being
used as watering holes. The websites had been
compromised to host Adobe Flash exploits.
Government staff had a genuine need to access
the websites and did not have to authorise nor
knowingly download any fles for the exploit to run.
The ACSC recommends reviewing business
requirements for the use of Adobe Flash.
Defending against strategic web compromises
On 26 May 2016, ASD identifed suspected malicious fles
present on a government network. The fles had been
downloaded when several staff members visited a legitimate
website, which was compromised to redirect users to another
compromised server containing the malicious fles.
Analysis confrmed the malicious fles were Flash fles which
enumerated browser details, encrypted them and passed them
on to a server. The Flash fle then injected JavaScript into the
user’s browser which then attempted to obtain the respective
public IP addresses.
ASD determined that this activity was likely opportunistic in
nature and not a targeted or persistent threat to the government
network. Although users from another government network
had visited the same compromised website, that particular
network had Flash blocking implemented at its gateway which
prevented the malicious Flash fle from penetrating the network.
Consequently, the affected government agency was provided
with advice on Flash blocking and removing or modifying
browser functionality in order to protect is network from this type
of malicious activity.

ACSC threat report 2016
ACSC threat report 2016
Various Canberra based websites hosting exploit kit
On 4 August 2016, the ACSC became aware that websites of
various Canberra based businesses – some of which were located
in close proximity to government departments – were hosting
an exploit kit redirect which forms the frst step in a process to
compromise visitors. Subsequent analysis indicated that the
exploit kit redirect was part of the Neutrino Exploit Kit which is
used to gain access to victim hosts in order to drop malware.
The ACSC determined that the activity was most likely
opportunistic in nature and was not targeted at any particular
government department’s network. The ACSC contacted the
owners of the websites hosting the exploit kit redirect and
provided detection and remediation guidance. Based on feedback
received, a number of WordPress site owners were able to
identify and remediate the exploit kit redirect.
Secondary targeting
There has been an increase in the detection of cyber adversaries attempting to gain
access to enabling targets – targets of seemingly limited value but which share a trust
relationship with a higher value target organisation. It is imperative that organisations
understand that they might be targeted solely based on their connections with other
organisations – the real target of these adversaries.
Cyber adversaries have been observed using compromised mail servers to send spear
phishing emails from legitimate accounts to peer organisations, increasing the likelihood
of recipients acting upon them. Adversaries have also been observed scanning for
connections from less-protected targets to higher value targets.
Avoiding detection
Sophisticated adversaries
persistently and aggressively
attempt to compromise Australian
networks, and are constantly
improving their tradecraft to defeat
security controls and remain
undetected once compromise
is successful. Adversaries have
increasingly employed robust,
standard encryption algorithms,
which hinders detection of malware
communications and investigation of
their activities. In a typical targeted
intrusion, the ACSC has observed
adversaries using archive fles, such
as zip and RAR, to compress and
encrypt a copy of an organisation’s
sensitive information. Adversaries
then exfltrate this information using
network protocols and ports allowed
by the organisation’s gateway frewall
or obtain legitimate remote access
account credentials, with the aim of
defeating network-based monitoring.
The ACSC has also observed sophisticated adversaries using ‘in-memory’ malware
– malicious programs that are never written to a disk – to minimise forensic evidence,
hinder detection, and bypass security controls. These adversaries have also increased
The ACSC has observed an increase of systems
being exploited using PowerShell. PowerShell
is a powerful shell scripting language developed
by Microsoft, enabling network administrators to
fully control Microsoft Windows systems easily.
PowerShell allows automation of a wide variety
of tasks, and it can be run locally or across the
network. Activities performed from the PowerShell
environment bypass many security protections and
leave virtually no residual artefacts on the system,
thus making any compromise more diffcult to
identify as well as making any forensic investigation
more diffcult to perform.
ASD has published a maturity framework
document to assist government organisations
in taking incremental steps towards securing
PowerShell across their environment. It can be
found at:
the use of exploit kits, normally used by cybercriminals, could allow many foreign states to
blend in with cybercrime activity and help to obfuscate their intent.
Real-time bidding (RTB) is a method used by advertisers to deliver their ads quickly to
a specifc audience, but the use of RTB could also limit the exposure of adversaries’
tools and techniques by only distributing their malware to specifc audiences. Ad
networks profle website visitors, acquiring the user’s general location from a database
of geo-located IP addresses and inferring user interests through tracking cookies.
This information is provided to potential advertisers to bid, in real-time, for ad space
attached to the website. Cyber adversaries can see this profling information and have
often created a fake enterprise to serve as a middleman to place bids on these ads. If
successful, the designated ad loads immediately, complete with a malicious redirect
to exploit servers. The redirect is active for only a few minutes and then discontinued,
returning the “legitimate business” page so that no one is alerted to the malicious activity.

ACSC threat report 2016
ACSC threat report 2016
their use of low-cost, anonymous commercial services that are easily replaced – including
virtual private networks, virtual private servers, cloud hosting services, and dynamic
domain name services.
Rapid integration
Sophisticated adversaries have demonstrated an ongoing ability to rapidly integrate new
information and opportunities – including publicly released exploits – into their operations
in attempts to gain access to systems before patches are released and applied. For
example, the ACSC observed leaked exploits associated with the public disclosure
of Italian security frm Hacking Team’s source code being used by known adversaries
within days.
The ACSC emphasises the importance of applying patches to applications, operating
systems and devices and considers it as one of the most effective security practices
organisations can perform. It is essential that security vulnerabilities are patched
as quickly as possible after vulnerabilities are identifed and reported by vendors,
independent third parties, system owners or users. ASD’s
Assessing Security
Vulnerabilities and Applying Patches
publication has been developed to provide advice
on assessing security vulnerabilities in order to determine the security risk posed to
organisations if patches are not applied in a timely manner. It can be found at:
Targeting bulk personal and personnel information
Australian networks that hold bulk personally identifable information (PII) have been,
and will continue to be, targeted by cyber adversaries. Organisations should carefully
consider how much PII they really need to collect, how they protect it, who they share it
with, and the expectations of individuals who are entrusting their PII. Individuals should
also consider how much information an online service needs to know about them and
minimise the amount shared.
The theft of PII is a key trend that shows no signs of abating. Foreign states, hacktivists,
terrorists and cybercriminals have sought to gain access to PII from poorly secured
systems in the private sector. The aggregation of a large amount of PII from many
people in one location is highly attractive to adversaries, who previously would have
had to compile or compromise a number of different sources to fnd the same amount
of information.
Criminals have sought PII to commit fnancial crime and identity theft. Even basic
information – a name and address – is often enough to impersonate victims.
Cybercriminals may also try to extort money from organisations by threatening to release
the compromised information.
Terrorists and hacktivists hack and release PII in order to embarrass, intimidate or threaten
individuals and organisations. ISIL sympathisers have published details of alleged Western
government and military personnel, including a small number of Australians, as ‘hit lists’
while encouraging radicalised individuals to harass or attack them. Some Government
employees had used work email addresses for personal business, meaning they could
be easily identifed and singled out. Often databases are released without context, but
ISIL-affliated individuals have enriched basic PII with information from social media to
provide fuller profles of the targets. Concerns over the vulnerability of individuals’ personal
information and the potential threat of an attack provided ISIL with valuable propaganda
for comparably little effort.
Payroll software compromise
In late 2015, a payroll system utilised by a number of
Australian based companies was compromised and the
personal data of employees was obtained. The actors used
the stolen information, including tax fle numbers, to lodge
fraudulent tax returns. The incident resulted in considerable
fnancial and reputational damage to the companies impacted
by the compromise.

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Targeted disclosures
Recent compromises and targeted disclosures of information from high-profle entities –
including the US Democratic National Committee and World Anti-Doping Administration
– demonstrate how cyber capabilities can be used by adversaries to influence, coerce
or embarrass a target. While the theft and targeted disclosures of sensitive information
is not a new threat, the employment of the tactic in such a brazen manner against high
profle entities has almost certainly lowered the threshold of adversaries seeking to
conduct such acts.
Damage caused by targeted disclosures can be increased when adversaries seed false
information amongst real documents. While this disinformation can be corrected, doing
so can be labour intensive and untimely, and there are likely to always be enduring
questions about the legitimacy of data, irrespective of claims about its fabrication.
State and non-state adversaries – including hacktivists and terrorist sympathisers – are
likely to continue efforts to compromise and release sensitive information.
Credential harvesting campaigns
The ACSC has become aware of a recent round of credential harvesting emails targeting
Australian government organisations. The harvesting emails direct the user to access
a document via Google Drive, and by clicking on a “View Document” link, the user is
then directed to a webpage where credentials are requested and thereby harvested by
the adversary. Emails are then sent from the compromised user’s account to contacts
contained in the compromised user’s address book, meaning the malicious emails will
appear to be coming from legitimate and trusted sources.
The ACSC advises users to abstain from using corporate credentials on public websites.
Where this has occurred, users should reset any corporate passphrase currently
matching a private use passphrase, and then reset the private passphrase as well.
Cybercrime targeting customers of online banking
Malware known as Dyre (or Dyreza) and Dridex featured in malware campaigns targeting
Australia’s online banking portals throughout 2015. While Dyre activity appears to have
signifcantly reduced in late 2015, Dridex appears to remain active in 2016.
Dridex is delivered via spam email with malicious attachments, monitors for activity related
to online banking and then steals information and credentials. Dyre enables the redirection
of a victim’s authentication credentials from their bank’s site to the criminal. Although
victims think they are interacting securely with the online banking site, their traffc is
actively intercepted by the malware.
Dyre was also distributed through
spam emails with a malicious
attachment. Customers of fnancial
institutions in English speaking
countries comprised the largest
target set, with the malware
targeting over 200 banks worldwide,
including at least 36 in Australia.
Microsoft Offce
macro security
Adversaries are increasingly using
Microsoft Offce macros – small
programs executed by Microsoft
Offce applications such as Microsoft
Word, Excel or PowerPoint – to
circumvent security controls that
prevent users from running untrusted
applications. Microsoft Offce macros
can contain malicious code resulting
in a targeted cyber intrusion yielding
unauthorised access to sensitive
The ACSC has seen an increasing number of attempts to compromise organisations
using social engineering techniques and malicious Microsoft Offce macros. The use of
these malicious Microsoft Offce macros can range from cybercrime to more sophisticated
exploitation attempts.
ASD has released the
Microsoft Offce Macro Security publication to introduce
approaches that can be applied by organisations to secure systems against malicious
Microsoft Offce macros while balancing both their business and security requirements. It
can be found at:
DDoS extortion
DDoS extortion against Australian businesses, including some of Australia’s largest
fnancial institutions, has increased. DDoS extortion occurs when a cyber adversary
threatens to launch DDoS activities against an organisation unless a fee is paid. These
threats can be accompanied by a small-scale DDoS activity – or temporary larger activity
– to demonstrate capability.
Dyre: Targeting customers of
Australia-based companies
Examination of a sample of Dyre malware identifed
that the list of targets included several Australian
banks. Additionally, some Australian-based
superannuation management platforms were
identifed in the target list. Dyre reportedly had
signifcant impact upon retail and business banking
systems in Australia. A further list of Dyre targets
contained 50 Australia-based companies.
A Microsoft Offce macro can contain a series
of commands to perform a variety of activities,
including malicious activities to exfltrate sensitive
information. If not setup correctly, Microsoft
Offce macros can automatically execute when
the documents are opened, without users ever
receiving a security warning.

ACSC threat report 2016
ACSC threat report 2016
International serious and organised criminal syndicates have raised DDoS extortion
threats against small, medium and large businesses in Australia. Over a three month
period, CERT Australia received 15 reports of this activity from different companies.
The DDoS extortion threats begin with an email that informs the victim of a low-level DDoS
underway against their website. The email demands a ransom be paid in bitcoin, backed
by the threat of a larger DDoS being launched. Multiple ransom demands are made of
the individual business and each demand gives 24 hours to pay. However, in instances
the ACIC is aware of, further DDoS activity has not followed after these demands were
not met. This pattern of activity indicates a reliance on the threat of DDoS activity to scare
organisations into paying. Larger organisations targeted in Australia have not reported a
signifcant effect on their ability to conduct business. However, if DDoS extortion threats are
repeated against large corporate entities, there could be an increasing threat to proftability.
What does a ‘typical’ compromise look like?
Based on compromises responded to by the ACSC, many adversaries broadly follow
the same approach when compromising a network despite each threat group employing
unique tradecraft.
Initial foothold:
An adversary sends a spear phishing email to their target, relying on trust already
established between users as they repurpose genuine emails or contacts to ensure
success. When the user opens the malicious attachment or link in the spear phishing email,
malware is executed on the user’s workstation creating an entry into the network.
Another method used to gain initial access is the compromise – either targeted or
opportunistic – of vulnerable internet-facing services. Most exploited services have
involved publicly-known vulnerabilities with patches available from application and
operating system vendors.
Network reconnaissance is continually performed by the adversary once they
have access to the network. Moving laterally, the adversary will study the network
infrastructure, search for domain administration credentials and possibly propagate
through other linked networks. Adversaries will typically build-up knowledge of the
compromised network that rivals, and sometimes exceeds, the organisation’s own
administrators. In some cases, ASD has observed adversaries actively monitoring
administrators to identify upcoming changes within the environment or to determine if
the compromise has been detected. As an example, an adversary will regularly access
the network to gain updated user credentials, thus avoiding losing access because of
password changes.
Establish presence:
Once in the network, the adversary will attempt to procure legitimate user credentials with
the goal of gaining legitimate remote administrative access.

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Adversaries will typically obtain legitimate privileged credentials by dumping them from
administrator workstations, domain controllers, or other key hosts within the network.
After legitimate credentials are obtained, the adversary will transition from malwaredependant tradecraft to the use of Virtual Private Network (VPN), Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure (VDI), or other corporate remote-access solutions combined with software
native to the organisation.
Ensure persistence:
In the types of compromises responded to by the ACSC, adversaries typically want to
establish persistence. To do this, adversaries strive to install malware or a web shell to
ensure ongoing access should their legitimate accesses cease to function. Malware is
typically confgured with a limited “beacon rate” to minimise network traffc and evade
network defenders. However, web shells are increasingly being used as they generate
zero network traffc and are diffcult to detect unless the adversary is actively interacting
with them.
Execute intent:
Once persistent access is gained, the adversary will execute their intent. This intent could
be anything from data exfltration to enabling lateral movement to the real targeted
organisation, exploiting circle of trust relationships between the organisations.
The ACSC has observed adversaries compromise
Microsoft Outlook Web Application (OWA) servers
and utilising web shells for network persistence.
OWA is a full-featured, web-based email client
where users can remotely access their emails,
contacts, tasks and folders through a secure
connection from anywhere with internet access.
OWA servers are often both external and internal
facing, so they are well-positioned to be used as
data collection points for network traffc such as
user login details. OWA servers can be used to
host web shells as well as to provide a channel
for network exploitation disguising as legitimate
network activities.

ACSC threat report 2016
ACSC threat report 2016
The cost of compromise
No organisation is immune from the risk of compromise. While the upfront costs of
implementing robust cyber security mitigation and incident management strategies
may seem high, senior management should consider the associated costs that could
be incurred if a serious compromise occurs on their network. In the event of a network
compromise, not only will organisations be faced with the cost of implementing these
strategies to prevent further compromise, they will also incur both higher direct and
indirect costs associated with remediation.
There are a number of direct and indirect costs associated with a compromise, including:
Resources to investigate the extent of the intrusion, understanding the harm,
and the immediate remediation of the intrusion (for example by cyber security
Reactive implementation strategies to mitigate further intrusions – this is more
expensive to do in response to an incident, as timeframes are more compressed
compared to implementing these strategies proactively.
Lost productivity and income, and the costs of diverting staff and resources from
other business to deal with a compromise.
Loss of revenue associated with the theft of information, such as intellectual
property, or information about Australia’s negotiating position.
Broader costs to the Australian economy where information is stolen from
networks, e.g. personal information used to conduct fraud.
Reputational costs, including negative social and news media exposure and the
trust of your customers, for example in the case of disruption to the availability of
online services.
Costs associated with breaching privacy legislation, or remediating data breaches
of fnancial information.
Legal costs when impacted third parties may sue for negligence or breach
of contract.
Loss of trust by partners (government or industry), harming domestic and
international relationships critical to the organisation.
Loss of trust in
domestic and
of staff and
costs from theft
of information
or intellectual
strategies to
mitigate further
Costs of
scoping the
extent of
the intrusion
and harm
Costs to
Cost of
remediating an
Cost of
data breaches
Legal costs
Monetary Cost ($$$)
Low High

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Preparing for and responding
to cyber security incidents
In cyber security, prevention is better than a cure. However, in the ACSC’s experience
providing incident response, relatively few organisations suffciently planned or prepared
for a signifcant cyber security incident. The effective management of an incident can
greatly decrease the severity, scope, amount of damage and therefore cost of a cyber
security incident.
Planning and Preparation
Have monitoring in place to assess your environment for cyber security threats.
Have processes in place to detect when an incident may have occurred.
Assign primary responsibility for incident response in your organisation.
Have an up-to-date and regularly tested incident response plan and business
continuity plan.
Have up-to-date documentation such as System Security Plans and Standard
Operating Procedures.
Maintain a current security risk management plan for information security
Know if agreements with contracted IT service providers have arrangements
in place for incident response, and understand what type of support you
can expect.
Identify your critical systems.
Identify key stakeholders including communications and legal.
How easily and quickly can you access resources key to mitigating an incident?
(For example, system managers, technical experts, Internet Service Provider,
system logs and physical system infrastructure.)
Have an up-to-date after hours contact list for key personnel and
external stakeholders.
Have the ability to identify and isolate an affected workstation or server.
Understand your legislative requirements and obligations for incident reporting.
Have procedures in place to provide information and reporting to relevant parties
during an incident.
Be familiar with the Cyber Security Incident Reporting process to the ACSC
(available on the ACSC’s website). Early reporting of signifcant cyber security
incidents to the ACSC will enable the triage, mitigation and containment of the
threat, if required. Reporting cyber security incidents also assists the ACSC
in developing an understanding of the threat picture for Australian information
system networks, and subsequently, enables the delivery of comprehensive cyber
security advice relevant to such networks.
The ACSC commonly fnds that poor logging
records, or a poor understanding of the layout
of a network, can impede the ACSC’s ability to
assist a victim organisation and result in more time
and resources being required to remediate the
Further, the AFP has observed numerous examples
of companies not testing what is being logged
or retained by analytic agents on their network,
resulting in redundant information being compiled.
Analytic solutions are important to establish baseline
activity in order to detect anomalies and should be
regularly tested.

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Further information
Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions
ASD’s Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, frst published in 2010, focuses
on mitigating targeted cyber intrusions by foreign states. The strategies will be revised
in 2016 and renamed, tailoring prioritisation and providing additional controls that will
make the mitigation strategies also relevant to current and emerging issues such as
ransomware and other destructive malware, malicious insiders, and industrial control
systems. Once fnalised, a list of changes and guidance to implement the mitigation
strategies will be available on ASD’s website.
The current version of the strategies can be found at:
The Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM)
The Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM) assists in the protection of
offcial government information that is processed, stored or communicated by Australian
government systems, and is available at:
CERT Australia publications
CERT Australia’s public website contains useful information for Australian businesses in
relation to mitigating cyber security incidents.
CERT publishes advisories for public consumption that provide detailed and time
sensitive information on mitigation strategies and action that can be taken in regard to
things such as security flaws or product-specifc vulnerabilities.
CERT’s website also hosts the 2015 ACSC Survey:
Major Australian Businesses and
Cyber Crime and Security Survey, which provides an understanding of the cyber
security posture and attitudes across Australian organisations.
More information can be found at:
Contact details
Australian government customers, businesses or
other private sector organisations with questions
regarding this advice should contact the
ACSC by calling:
1300 CYBER1 (1300 292 371)
or by visiting