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School of Life Sciences Assessment Brief Academic Year 2022-23

Section 1: Key information
Module Code 6042BMS
Module Name Independent Project in Biomedical Science
Semester 2
Status Normal
Module Leader Lauren Acton ([email protected])
Assessment Title Thesis
Core /Applied Core Applied Core
Credit weighting 20 credits
Task outline Thesis, evidence of data collection and reflection
deadline/attendance date
The submission deadline for this assessment is 1800hrs GMT on 15th
March 2023. The 24 hour grace period applies to this submission
therefore submissions will be accepted until 1800hrs 16
th March
The assessment should be submitted through the turnitin link on the
6042BMS aula page
Word or time limit 5000 words (evidence of data collection and reflection are not
included in this)
You should state your word count at the end of your work.
If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% i.e. if you exceed 5500
words, then you will be penalised by a deduction of 10% of your final
mark. Work that is more than 30% above the allocated word limit
(i.e. 6500 words or more) will only be read up to the allocated limit.
Special instructions By submitting this assessment you are declaring yourself fit to do so.
If you are not fit to submit at this time you may apply for extension
to the deadline or deferral to the next assessment period (see
Extension and Deferral request instructions). Please note that if an
extension to the deadline is granted, the 24 hour grace period DOES
NOT apply.
You must collect a sufficient amount of data within the designated
period to be able to submit this assessment. If you are unable to
collect data during the designated period due to extenuating
circumstances you must inform the module leader and your project
supervisor. Extensions to the data collection period are not
By submitting this assessment you agree to the following statement:
I confirm that this CW submission represents my own work, and I have not received any
unauthorised assistance. I understand the rules around plagiarism, collusion and contract
cheating and that it is my responsibility to act with honesty and integrity in the assessment
process. I understand that there will be no tolerance towards academic dishonesty, and that
cheating can and will lead to serious consequences.
Section 2- Detail of the Assessment task
The thesis is based on the data collection carried out during the beginning of the semester.
The structure of the thesis should be as follows:


Title page
Template will be available on aula
This is an overview of your project, and should include brief aspects of background,
method, results, conclusion. Citations nor abbreviations should be included.
Background and introduction to information relevant to the project, should be
appropriately referenced throughout and text not copied and pasted from the proposal.
Section should end with the aims of the project. Objectives and hypothesis do not need to
be included, if they are however, they will be included as part of the word count for the
introduction. You may include figures and tables if appropriate but these should be
referenced as required and relevant to the content of the section
Details of the methods used presented in an appropriate scientific format and sufficient
detail for project to be replicated by someone not familiar with the project. Where
appropriate methods should be referenced and manufacturers included.
Sub headings used where required and presented in a logical order.
Descriptive text should be used to describe the results of the project, figures and tables
must be labelled appropriately with titles and legends. Statistical analysis and descriptive
statistics should be used to process data where appropriate. Raw data should not be
presented in this section.
Results should be interpreted, analysed and discussed throughout this section. Whilst
results will be recapped in parts, this section should not be an extension of the results
section, description should be limited. The discussion should consider the results collected
during the project in relation to other published literature, as part of this you should
CU Harvard/APA used as appropriate. Evidence of data collection (this should include raw
data, links to consent forms, reflection). Evidence of data collection should be documented
and complete. There should be a clear indication of what was carried out throughout the
entirety of the project. There should also be a reflective pi ece that demonstrates an
evaluation of your own skills and relationship to employability.
You may also choose to include
Contents page
Abbreviations index
Detail of submission/ attendance instructions
A DRAFT Turnitin link is available in the Course Community Aula site to allow you to check your
similarity score prior to making your final submission. You may submit multiple times to this link,
but do remember that obtaining a similarity report may take up to 24 hours.
The FINAL Turnitin link on the module Aula page is for submission of your work for assessment. You
may submit only ONCE to this link. Remember that submission make take some time to complete,
so aim to submit several hours before the deadline. The TurnitinUK system will record the date and
time of your submission and cannot be over-written.
If you experience any technical problems when trying to submit your work, please consult Aula
help via the question mark link. If these problems are experienced at the time of the submission


deadline and cannot be quickly resolved, please capture screenshots as evidence and email these
and your completed assessment to the module leader asap.
Word count details
The following are included in your word allowance:
The text of your written work
Reference citations and reference to figures and tables within the text
Descriptive paragraphs as Figure or Table legends
Narrative text included in Tables
The following are excluded from your word allowance:
The title
Name and student ID
Figure and Table headings
Words, sequences and numbers associated with figures and tables (however extensive
narrative text presented in Tables will count)
Reference list
The word count details
Section 3: Help and Support
Support and guidance specifically for the project will be provided through meetings with projects
supervisors. For more general guidance, a padlet will also be set up for students to post questions
Students can expect supervisors to make themselves available at least bi weekly after data
collection until the submission deadline. If students defer or extend their thesis submission,
students can still expect support from their supervisor but frequency of meetings will be reduced
and shouldn’t exceed that provided to those who submitted on the original deadline.
An Aula discussion forum will also be opened to allow students to ask questions about the
assessment. Questions will be answered via this forum.
If you have a special requirement such as a variation of assessment need please contact
the disabilities team.
Section 4: Learning Outcomes and Marking Rubric
Mapping to module
Learning outcomes
This assessment is designed to assess Learning Outcomes 1, 2 & 3
of the module:
1. Implement a project plan, manage time and resources effectively
and record data accurately in accordance with ethical and health and
safety requirements.
2. Analyse, interpret and present project data in appropriate formats
and critically evaluate this data in the context of current literature.
3. Reflect on the skills and competencies developed during the
project period and the impact on employability
Knowledge, Skills and
Personal and Professional Development
Models of critical reflection and self-reflection to enhance the quality
of patient care you provide personally and as a team leader
Health, Safety and Security


Legislation/policies/regulations relating to health and safety at work
and your responsibilities
Risk assessment methodologies, including strategies for
dissemination of the findings, and approaches to implementing the
changes required
Technical Scientific Services
The underpinning scientific principles of investigations offered by
HCS services
The principles and practice of equipment management,
maintenance, repair and safety
Critical evaluation of the evidence base that underpins your clinical
technical practice
Research & Innovation
The opportunities for research/innovation/implementation of
How to contribute to research and grant proposal writing as
Person-centred care and Professional Practice
Use appropriate language to share complex technical information
with the public/patients/colleagues, including giving/receiving
Personal and Professional Development
Critically reflect on your technical/non-technical practice, keeping
knowledge and skills updated & responding to appraisal/feedback
Work within your scope of practice as an autonomous practitioner
Technical Scientific Services
Independently analyse/interpret accurately clinical technical data
Be responsible for the safety and functioning of equipment
Research & Innovation
Use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills to support quality
care improvements/innovation in your area of work
Task type/scheduling
This assessment reflects the standard presentation of scientific data
and demonstrates: understanding of the rationale for the project,
reporting of the methods used, recording, interpretation and analysis
of the data collected. The inclusion of raw data reflects the
importance of recording results clearly and accurately.
The date of submission is after the conclusion of the data collection

Indicative marking criteria

Criteria and
Abstract (5% Introduction (10%) Methods (10%) Results (20%) Discussion (35%) referencing Presentation and (10%) Evidence and reflection (10%)
82, 85, 88, 90, 95,
Abstract is
succinct and
providing a broad
overview of the
project and
stands alone from
the rest of the
weighting of
different sections
and defined
structure to the
Information is
relevant, focused and
understanding of
beyond would be
expected. All key
concepts are included
in the relevant level of
detail and in a concise
manner. Aims are
clearly stated and
focused on the report.
All relevant
methods have
been included
and are an
accurate reflection
of those used
during the data
collection period.
Sufficient and
appropriate detail
is included for all
methods that can
be easily followed
by others.
Data has been
effectively and
presented in an
format in the
Description of the
results is succinct
and identifies the
key trends and
results. Analysis
of the results has
extended what
would be
expected and is of
Overall the section is
of publication quality
and suitable for
submission to a peer
reviewed journal.
Discussion is focused
on the results
obtained with critical
evaluation which is
supported by
evidence of relevant
published literature.
Discussion points
expand beyond the
subject knowledge
expected yet are
concise and relevant
to the report.
Conclusion is succinct
and clearly relate to
the aims of the
Very well written
and presented. No
spelling and/or
grammatical errors
and CU Harvard or
APA used correctly
Citations included
where appropriate
and all references
included in the list,
sources used are
appropriate and
broad range
Evidence of data collection
is well documented and
complete. Clear indication
of what was carried out
throughout the entirety of
the assessment period.
Reflection on the project
demonstrates evaluation of
own skills and relationship
to employability.
72, 75, 78
Abstract is well
structured and
summarises the
thesis well,
weighting or
length may need
minor revision.
Introduction is
relevant with key
concepts of the
project included and
well explained in the
required level of
detail. Aims are clear
and focused.
Methods clearly
presented and
reflect those used
during data
Appropriate detail
included and is
presented in a
format which can
Data has been
appropriately and
presented well.
accompanies all
figures and tables
with a succinct
Discussion is well
written and focused
on the key results
from the
experiment. Clear
understanding of the
experiment is
demonstrated and
relevant links
between published
Sparse errors in
spelling and/or
Presentation is
clear, CU Harvard
or APA used
throughout with
some minor errors
in places, a broad
range of
Evidence of data collection
and documentation of
what was carried out
throughout data collection
is largely complete.
Reflection on the project
indicates evaluation of


be followed by
demonstrates an
understanding of
the results
literature and results
have been made.
Conclusion is clear
and relates to aims of
the experiment.
sources used.
Very good
62, 65, 68
thesis well but
some minor
revisions needed.
Introduction is
relevant with good
level of detail. Some
areas where additional
detail could have been
included. Aims are
clear and relevant
Most of the detail
relating to
methods has been
included, some
or inclusion of
Data has been
adequately and is
clearly presented,
some minor
errors or
omissions in the
data. Description
of the results are
clear and most
key trends/results
included as
Key results have been
discussed in adequate
detail, strong links to
published literature
with supporting
evidence. Further
detail or discussion
points could have
been included;
conclusion relates to
aims but requires
more focus.
Some errors in
and/or grammar,
presentation clear.
CU Harvard or APA
generally used with
some minor errors.
appropriate, range
of sources used
may be limited
Evidence of data collection
and documentation of
what was carried out
throughout data collection
is completed to a high
Reflection on the project
included but may have a
lack of focus of skills and
own contribution.
52, 55, 58
Abstract provides
an overview of
the thesis, may
need to be more
focused or
include further
Relevant information
included in the
introduction but lacks
detail in some areas
and/or some key
points missing. Aims
are included but
needed to be more
specific/relevant to
the experiment.
Omissions and/or
errors in the
methods, could
mostly be
followed by
someone else.
May not always
accurately reflect
the experiments
carried out in the
Not all data
presented as
expected, may be
mistakes or
Descriptive text
included but
detail lacking or
the information
included not
focused on the
discussion of results
included with
some understanding
of the
results, relationship to
published literature
evident but
limited. Multiple areas
where discussion
could be expanded
upon or more detail
Conclusion included
and relates to the
aims of experiment.
Multiple errors in
and/or grammar,
generally well
adequate with CU
Harvard or APA
generally used but
either with errors
missing references
and/or citations.
Sources of
references not
appropriate and/or
Evidence of data collection
and documentation of
what was carried out
throughout data collection
has been included but lacks
data and/or lack of
Reflection on the project
included but generic and
doesn’t focus on own skills.


a limited range
42, 45 ,48
Abstract gives a
general indication
of the content of
the work but not
focused and/or
lacks detail.
Introduction needs to
be more focused on
the content of the
project, some relevant
information but a
large number of
or irrelevant
Aims aren’t clear and
don’t adequately
reflect those of the
Data has not been
adequately and/or
missing data.
Lack of descriptive
text therefore
difficult to follow
the results
presented. Major
in the methods or
not presented in
an appropriate
Discussion of the
results is limited
with little
understanding of
the results
Little relation of
results to
literature, few
throughout the
Conclusion is
limited and
doesn’t relate to
the aims of the
Frequent errors in
and/or grammar,
which makes
difficult. Referencing
acceptable however
few in text citations
and reference list
inaccurate, sources
used not appropriate
or few sources used.
Evidence of data
collection and
documentation of
what was carried
out throughout
data collection has
been included but
data isn’t complete
and not well
Evidence of data is
not reflected in the
Reflection on the
project not
included or not
reflective of own
skills and
Evidence of data collection
and documentation of
what was carried out
throughout data collection
has been included but data
isn’t complete and not well
structured. Evidence of
data is not reflected in the
Reflection on the project
not included or not
reflective of own skills and
Fail (does not meet
the LOs
0, 10, 20, 30, 35
Abstract missing
or not relevant to
the thesis.
No or little relevant
information included
in the introduction to
support the
experiment carried
out. Inaccurate or
unclear aims where
there is no
understanding of the
Methods not
described, lack
detail and cannot
be followed.
Large portions of
data not
processed or
missing. No/little
descriptive text or
text doesn’t
relate to the
results presented.
No discussion of the
results obtained from
the experiment either
because omitted or
because it doesn’t
form a discussion.
Text included doesn’t
relate to the data
carried out. No clear
conclusion or doesn’t
relate to the aim
included in the
Spelling and
grammar needed
inadequate with
minimal or no in
text citations, the
reference list has
not been included
or no clear format
sources used.
Evidence of data collection
and documentation of
what was carried out
throughout data collection
either missing, largely
structured. Evidence does
not reflect what is
presented in the thesis.
Reflection on the project
not included/appropriate


Section 5: Marks return and feedback
Marking and moderation
This assignment brief has been moderated by a member of academic
staff outside the module team.
Marking will be completed by academic staff, which may include
hourly paid staff. The marking will then be moderated by a member
of the module team and reviewed by an academic staff member
outside the team. The module feedback and marks will then be
moderated by the external examiner.
Your mark will be reported as a banded mark according to
the School’s banded marking guidelines.
Feedback and return of
All banded marks released are subject to final Progression and
Awards Board decisions and are therefore provisional until after the
Board sits.
Provisional marks will be released on 29
th March 2023 via the Aula
site in the Student Success App.
Feedback comments can be accessed by (add in the relevant info eg
clicking on your submission in Turnitin and selecting the comments
icon. The completed marks rubric can be accessed through the rubric
If you have any questions about your feedback, contact the module
Following the Progression and Awards Board, your marks will
be confirmed, and you will be able to view your final grades through
SOLAR together with information on any resit or deferral
arrangements. If you require further clarification, contact your
Course Director or Faculty Registry.
Section 6: General Information
Penalties for late/non
Work that is submitted late, without an extension or deferral having
been granted, will receive a mark of ZERO (students will normally be
eligible for a resit attempt).
Work that is not submitted or tests/exams etc not attended, without
an extension or deferral having been granted, will be recorded as
Absent (ABS). In these cases it is at the discretion of the Progression
and Awards Board as to whether you will be permitted a resit
Extension and Deferral
If you are unable to submit coursework or attend an
assessment e.g. test, examination, presentation or assessed
laboratory session, you may be eligible to apply for an extension or a
deferral. Please refer to the
Extenuating Circumstances guidance on
the Student Portal.
Deferral or Extension requests must be made before the due date of
the assignment and must be accompanied by appropriate
Please be aware that deferral of an assessment may


affect your ability to progress into the next academic year of study,
therefore you are advised to seek advice from your tutor or course
director if you are considering deferring an assessment.
In the event you apply for an extension (ECR) you should aim to
submit to the original submission link whilst you wait for a decision.
In the event your ECR application is unsuccessful this submission
would then be marked. Please be aware that this is likely to be
returned after the original marking feedback deadline has passed
If you have applied for an extension (ECR) and have already
submitted to the original submission link and your application is
successful then you MUST submit to the extension submission link.
You MUST also email the module leader providing your Name,
module code, Turnitin receipt, and submission paper identification
number. This will help ensure the correct piece of work can be
Reference formatting Coventry University now uses the APA Referencing Style. However, if
you started your course before 1st September 2020, you may
continue to use the Coventry University Guide to Referencing in
Harvard Style until you graduate. For support and advice on how to
reference appropriately please see the
online referencing
or contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.
SLS banded marking
The SLS banded marking approach recognises that marking cannot
be exact and avoids students being awarded marks that lie close to
a grade boundary.
The banded marks that may be awarded are as follows:

Outstanding 82, 85, 88, 90, 95, 100
Excellent 72, 75, 78
Very Good 62, 65, 68
Good 52, 55, 58
Acceptable 42, 45, 48
Fail (does not meet LOs) 0, 10, 20, 30, 35
Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty hurts everyone in the community. It not only
damages your personal reputation, but also the reputation of the
entire University, and it will not be tolerated at Coventry University.
It is in the best interest of all students for the University to maintain
the good reputation of its awards. Your co-operation is expected in
actively protecting the integrity of the assessment process. It is your
duty to observe high personal standards of academic honesty in your
studies and to report any instances of malpractice you become aware
of, without fail.
We expect students to act with academic integrity, which means that
they will study and produce work in an open, honest and responsible
manner. It is important, therefore, that you understand fully how to
avoid academic misconduct and where to obtain support. Academic
dishonesty covers any attempt by a student to gain unfair advantage


(e.g. extra marks) for her/himself, or for another student, in ways that
are not allowed.
Examples of such dishonesty include:
Collusion includes the knowing collaboration, without
approval, between two or more students, or between a
student(s) and another person, in the preparation and
production of work which is then submitted as individual work.
In cases where one (or more) student has copied from another,
both (all) students involved may be penalised.
Falsification includes the presentation of false or deliberately
misleading data in, for example, laboratory work, surveys or
projects. It also includes citing references that do not exist.
Deceit includes the misrepresentation or non-disclosure of
relevant information, including the failure to reveal when work
being submitted for assessment has been or will be used for
other academic purposes.
Plagiarism is the act of using other people’s words, images
etc. (whether published or unpublished) as if they were your
own. In order to make clear to readers the difference between
your words, images etc. and the work of others, you must
reference your work correctly
Self-Plagiarism is the reuse of significant, identical, or nearly
identical portions of your own work without acknowledging that
you are doing so or without citing the original work, and without
the written authorisation of the module leader.
Re-presentation is the submission of work presented
previously or simultaneously for assessment at this or any other
institution, unless authorised in writing by the module leader and
referenced appropriately.
Exam Misconduct is any attempt to gain an unfair advantage
in an assessment (including exams/tests) or assisting another
student to do so. It includes: taking unauthorised materials into
exams, copying from other candidates, collusion, impersonation,
plagiarism, and unauthorised access to unseen exam papers. For
online tests or exams where a time window applies, this also
includes sharing or accessing shared questions and/or answers.
In the event of an allegation of exam misconduct you are advised
to contact the Student Union Advice Centre immediately after
the incident.
For more details (including misconduct investigations and penalties)
please consult the
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Student
Also consult the Academic Integrity links on the Student Portal.
Appeals and complaints
If you have any concerns about your assessment results then please
contact your module leader or course director in the first instance.
If they are unable to resolve your concerns then please contact the
Associate Head Student Experience (Natalie Walker
[email protected]) or Associate Head Quality and


Accreditation (Steven Foster [email protected]/Alan
Greenwood [email protected]).
Details of the processes and criteria for formal appeals and
complaints can be accessed from the Registry
Appeals and
Complaints page

IMPORTANT NOTE: This assessment brief is the property of Coventry University and must
not be passed to third parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule by
any current or former students constitutes academic misconduct and will be reported to