Theoretical position and literature

167 views 8:06 am 0 Comments May 26, 2023

BUSI49682 / 49683

Research project proposal title:

Student name:


Introduction and content (one paragraph)

Outline the organisation and background of the research project, including your position and a project title (or the ‘area’). Identify the main subject area you think your topic covers eg General management/strategy/change management, marketing, finance, HR.


Problem statement/research questions (one to two paragraphs)


The problem is one that already exists. You do not have time to investigate whether a problem exists or not. Then explain the area, topic and individual research questions that will address this. This should also identify why the problem and question are interesting to you and your organisation. What is the gap in knowledge and practice that you seek to investigate?

Single Research Aim

Research Objectives (3 or 4)

Theoretical position and literature (two to three paragraphs plus a list of the references you have found)

Using the breakdown above, highlight the main areas of academic research you intend to draw upon (e.g. stress management in the workplace, product portfolio and strategic diversification) and give a few example references for each area. A couple for each area is fine – this is to show your supervisor that you have an understanding of the academic terrain and that you have been investigating the right sort of areas.

Methods and data (one to two paragraphs)

This section should outline your main sources of data and what methods you will use to access them, e.g., the what, who, when, and how of data collection. Think about the how and why you have selected your methodology. Make clear how these data will address/answer your main research questions or hypothesis e.g., consider using the same structure for sections two, three, and four. Most studies will involve primary research i.e. data collected by the researcher – who are your participants? How will you reach them? How many do you need?


Barriers and risks (bullet point list)

Summarise the key barriers and risks to your project, and how you will address those.

Conclusion (one to two paragraphs)

Summarise very briefly your proposal – including what you hope to achieve





Appendix one: draft a project plan identifying key actions, milestones and dates in a project plan or Gantt chart.