Theoretical learning

179 views 11:19 am 0 Comments June 8, 2023

13 :13 12:03 10 G 49 81,
This assessment builds on your theoretical knowledge and applies that theoretical learning to a practice situation. The assessment consists of two parts: 3A) an Individual written assessment -Action Plan Proposal; and 3B) a Group Presentation.
3, Individual Written Assessment (Action Plan Proposal) : word count: 1200-1500 words (30%)
You are required to work in small groups of 3-4 during class tutorials, in order to work towards the preparation of an individual action plan pi,posal for a community development project based on the case study option listed below (each student will submit an individual proposal). To complete this task, you must use the provided template.
Work done in tutorials during weeks 1-5 will inform your proposal, but you will also need to do your own individual out-of-class research to inform your proposal, including researching on capacity building models anci innovative community development programs relevant to the case study. You will also need to consult the relevant literature and the communitytoolbox in order to inform your proposal.
Three schools in the same regional community have identified the need to set up a mental health program specifically designed to work with students post Covid-19 lockdown.
Students at the three schools have reported to teachers that they have been feeling isolated, scared and overwhelmed during lockdown. They have advised that they are also feeling anxious about returning to school after three months of online learning from home.
The Federal Government has allocated funding for a three-year period for schools to assist them in helping to address the issues faced by students. Although the funding will be allocated for a three year period, it is a limited amount, therefore the three Student Wellbeing Coordinators have decided to work together and pool the funds to enable them to provide a more comprehensive service to students within their community.
The Coordinators believe that by combining their efforts and the funding, this will allow them to collectively make better decisions about the use of resources such as infrastructure, knowledge and skills.