TeamInn Recognition and Reward Policy

172 views 10:50 am 0 Comments May 9, 2023

TeamInn Recognition and Reward Policy
TeamInn acknowledge people who demonstrate excellence in leadership,
relationships, innovation, or service, and who model Behaviours in Action.
Nominations should demonstrate service and benefit to the wellbeing of all
Categories for rewards are shown below:

Leadership This category recognises individuals or teams who have
demonstrated outstanding leadership through modelling
leadership capabilities and behaviours. This includes:
actively demonstrating and/or building leadership at
any level
fostering a culture of excellence, inclusion and
empowerment, teamwork and diversity, and
nurturing talent and building capability in others.
Relationships This category recognises a strong commitment to ongoing
collaboration, engagement, and delivery of high quality services
to internal and/or external stakeholders through:
building positive and productive relationships with
internal and/or external stakeholders with clear results
operating collaboratively and cooperatively, leading by
example, and
demonstrating integrity, reliability, responsiveness and
active engagement.
Innovation This category recognises individuals or teams who proactively
instigate an idea that leads to innovative work practices and
builds an innovation culture. This includes:
innovation within departments or across TeamInn as a
embedding innovative approaches in daily work by
removing barriers and fostering the ideas of others, and
leading by example and embracing change.
Service This category recognises individuals or teams who have
demonstrated the key behaviours of professional servants:
delivering high quality client service, whether internal
or external
works to understand client needs and helped find a
solution or service, and
actively builds the service culture and leads by

TeamInn Rewards and Recognition Program is designed so it can be changed to reflect
the needs of the organisation. The material is subject to a formal biannual review.
Challenges faced by TeamInn evolve in our ever-changing environment. However, it is
the responsibility of all staff to engage with the guidance material and provide feedback
on the efficacy of rewards and recognition within TeamInn.