Task 1

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BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
Assessment booklet – Task 1
Version 3.0 Feb 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G
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Copyright © 2023 Tr4in Right

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Unit Code/name BSBLDR601 Manage organisational change
Date of submission:
I __________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.
None of this work has been completed by any other person.
I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against
Student Signature: ______________________________________________Date: _______________
Assessor to complete
Assessment Task Number
and Title
Not satisfactory
Date Is this a
reassessment? Y/N
If yes, what
Assessment Task 1: Written
1st attempt __
2nd attempt __
Re-assessment __

Assessor’s Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
Assessment booklet – Task 1
Version 3.0 Feb 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G
Page 2 of 5
Copyright © 2023 Tr4in Right

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions(Knowledge Questions)


You are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge you have learned from this unit:
events or trends that may impact on the achievement of organisational objectives
existing policies and practices to guide organisational change
methods for conducting cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and opportunities
methods for conducting risk analysis, including barriers to change and relevant mitigation strategies
content of communication and education plans, including:
promotion of benefits of organisational change
change management processes or cycles and strategies for communicating and embedding change
organisational behaviour and how the external environment can impact on change strategies
components of a change management project plan.
Student/Learning Guide and other resources
Access to a computer (with MS Office application), printer, Internet, and email software (if required).
Your correct answers to all questions (in Microsoft word, Arial 10 font).
Assessment Task cover sheet
Reference List
Plagiarism check report (if applicable)
Student Self-assessment checklist
If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission
At the end of week 1
Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the
learning phase of this unit. In your own words, answer the following questions
Response: Provide correct answer to all of the questions below in a WORD file.
Your answers must be your OWN words (not copied from others)
Documents to be attached: Plagiarism Report and Reference List
Word length: 1,000 (about)

BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
Assessment booklet – Task 1
Version 3.0 Feb 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G
Page 3 of 5
Copyright © 2023 Tr4in Right
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. In 100 words, explain four (4) events or trends that may impact whether or not organisational objectives
are achieved.
2. In 25 words, list at least five (5) existing practices that may be used to guide organisational change.
3. In 100 words, describe the process to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. In your answer, explain which
methods are relevant and useful to complete the particular process step.
4. In 50 words, explain how effective change management strategies can assist with embedding change in
an organisation. Give an example of an effective change management strategy in your answer.
5. In 200 words, outline one (1) approach (or process) that can be used in the workplace to communicate
and embed change.
6. In 250 words, explain the risk management process. You may answer using a labelled diagram or in words
(or both) and must include:
a definition of risk management.
a list or illustration of the steps in a risk management process.
a description of what each step involves (including methods).
7. In 50 words, explain four (4) options that an organisation may use to take to mitigate or control risks.
8. In 100 words, complete the table below to identify and describe two (2) organisational policies that may
relate to change management and guide organisational change.

Policy Description

BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
Assessment booklet – Task 1
Version 3.0 Feb 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G
Page 4 of 5
Copyright © 2023 Tr4in Right
9. In 50 words, outline three (3) examples of content that could be included in a communication and
education plan.
10. In 50 words, explain why promoting the benefits of organisational change should be included as part of a
communication and education plan.
11. In 50 words, explain what is meant by “organisational behaviour” and how does it impact change
12. In 100 words, describe how does the external environment impact the change strategies used in an
organisation? Provide an example to illustrate your answer.
13. In 25 words, list at least four (4) components that should be included in a change management plan.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Your correct answers to all questions.
Assessment Task cover sheet
Reference List and Plagiarism Check report
Plagiarism check report (if applicable)

BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
Assessment booklet – Task 1
Version 3.0 Feb 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G
Page 5 of 5
Copyright © 2023 Tr4in Right

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
Student’s self-evaluation checklist
In completing this assessment task, I have developed knowledge and understanding of the following
(Tick if completed)
Tick or X
1. Events or trends that may impact whether or not organisational objectives are achieved.
2. Existing practices that may be used to guide organisational change.
3. Process and relevant methods to conduct a cost-benefit analysis
4. Examples of effective change management strategies can assist with embedding change in an
5. Approach (or process) that can be used in the workplace to communicate and embed change.
6. The risk management process.
7. Options that an organisation may use to take to mitigate or control risks.
8. Identify and describe two organisational policies that may relate to change management and
guide organisational change.
9. Examples of content that could be included in a communication and education plan.
10. Promoting the benefits of organisational change should be included as part of a communication
and education plan.
11. Definition of “organisational behaviour” and impact to change strategies?
12. Impact of external environment to change strategies used in an organisation List at least four
components that should be included in a change management plan.
I confirm that the above self-evaluation checklist is true and correct.
Student Name: Student