Take Home Exam Guidelines

192 views 8:56 am 0 Comments June 8, 2023

BMP6002 Take Home Exam Guidelines
1. Exam paper and answer booklet (i.e. a Word Document/Template) will be released/made available in Moodle by the HOS or PL on the due dates specified in the assessment brief. Only the HOS or his authorised representative can do this. Tutors are not authorised to share or make this available in Moodle during the exam date. 2. Students will have 24 hours to answer the Take Home Exam (see Assignment Brief 2 in Moodle). 3. Students need to upload their ‘answer booklets’ or drafts by the due date. They will have unlimited attempts to upload before the deadline — similar to their other assignment submissions (cleared with the HOS). 4. There will be no word count limit/requirement (cleared with the HOS). 5. However, students need to be instructed during your classes/sessions/revision sessions prior to the take home exam date that: – They should answer the questions correctly and sufficiently using concepts/theories/models discussed in class – Use their own words in answering (do not copy and paste from the internet) as a similarity report will still be generated by Turnitin. High similarities are still considered academic misconduct, even though it is a take-exam exam. Collusion or copying from each other’s work can still be detected by Turnitin. – Reference list is recommended – Still needs to make in-text citations for sources of information as needed/appropriate – The take home exam is essay-style or format, not a report-like format (see answer booklet/sheet) 6. Although we are strictly not sharing the exam questions (although as tutors you can already view this), you can give students the heads up about what to expect: – There will be 5 questions, but only 3 questions need to be answered. – Question 1 is compulsory (40 points/marks) – Students then choose only 2 questions from the rest of the questions (from items 2, 3, 4 and 5) – The next 2 questions are worth 30 points/marks each