System Administration

178 views 8:11 am 0 Comments April 27, 2023

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

Unit Code


Unit Title

System Administration

Assessment Type

Group Assignment (3 students per Group), T2-2018.

Assessment Title

Assignment 2

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

This assignment is designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills related to the following unit learning outcomes:

Apply human usability in systems and documentation within the context of constantly changing modern industry requirements;

Plan and implement various application servers for an organisation.



Total Marks


Word limit

1200-1500 words

Due Date

The Report submission is due in Week 11, Friday by 11:55 PM (Melbourne and Sydney).

Demonstrations will be held during the lab class in Week 11 (Melbourne and Sydney).

Submission Guidelines

All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page.

The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.

Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.


If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly through AMS. You must submit this application three (3) working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at:

Without a granted special consideration, late submissions will be subject to penalty as per the information on late penalty in the unit description.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.


This assignment is to be discussed every week about half-an-hour during lab hours with the tutors. Students are required to configure server using Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016 by following all the requirements specifies in the below mentioned case study. A user documentation report has to be submitted on Moodle, which should contain the important steps of the configuration with respective screenshots. Also, there will be demonstration for the whole scenario in Week-11 lab class. The presence of all group members is mandatory.

Windows Server with multiple domains

Form a group of three students and inform your laboratory tutor of the names and student IDs of your group members. Assume that your group has been employed by the client company, as described below, to develop a networked system for their required services given in the scenario below.

MagicTricks is a magic equipment supplying business requiring to setup a LAN for their office which is located in Brisbane. They have three different departments named Gadgets, Finance and Sales. There are 50 employees working in this company in different departments. All objects belonging to these departments should have their own Organisation Unit (OU). The company wants multiple domains with windows server. They require you to implement the following technologies in their LAN:

Centralized user authentication for different domains (Active Directory)

Configure a DHCP to acquire automatic IP address.

Company to host a website as well so a separate IIS server is also required

There will be two different domains. One is allocated for the administrator and the other is allocated for everyone else.

Your configuration should reflect the above criteria and display different privileges assigned to the different domains.

After the creation of a child domain (you will have two different servers hosting the parent and child domains), you will see the following:

An Active Directory integrated zone on the new domain controller for child domain name. (For example:, you need to choose an appropriate name reflecting your client’s business name).

A forwarded DNS (Domain Name Server) listing on this domain controller for

magictricks .com DNS servers.

A delegated DNS subdomain on the to new domain controller.

Submission Guideline:

Your assignment should be completed according to the General Guidelines for Presentation of academic work. Your submission should contain the following:

1. Write a report by following a standard user documentation report template on the above case study, which should include the following:

A short introduction using 4-5 lines

Design of the Network diagram (any software can be used such as Visio, Netsim etc.)

Configuration of the whole project.

Proper labelled Screenshots from implementation.

Any extra feature that you have added in your project or any difficulties you faced during your project, if any.

2. Documentation should follow the standard submission guidelines as follow:

Front page – indicating your Group members’ names and student IDs, teaching staff (Lecturer’s and tutor’s name), a statement of what has been completed and acknowledgement of the names of all assisted you.

List of references used (IEEE style) – Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list. Only IEEE referencing style is acceptable for this assignment.

3. The assignment must be submitted using Moodle, one submission for your group. The page numbers of the assignment must be clear on each page. The report document must be checked for similarity through Moodle/Turnitin while submitting it. Please refer to study skills unit staff if need further assistance. Please note that only one member per group should submit the report.

4. 15 minutes per demonstration in Lab, which will cover all the features mentioned within the scope of the given scenario. All the group members will have to demonstrate. If any member of the group fails to demonstrate, he/she will lose the demonstration marks.

Marking Criteria for Assignment 2




User Documentation Report (A standard template has to be followed)


A short introduction of 4-5 lines about the project scenario


Network Diagram

Network Diagram in Netsim or Visio. Packet tracer should not be used.



All the required configuration steps.



All Properly labelled screenshots from implementation



Summary of the project


IEEE Referencing

IEEE Referencing


Sub Total



Configuration of the project

Demonstrate the required configurations with full technical detail and knowledge.



Demonstrate testing of the project.


Group Participation and whole scenario working

Demonstrated the participation of all group members in the project. Answer all questions and ensure whole given scenario is working according to the requirements.


Sub Total




Contribution to Total of the Unit


Marking Rubric for Assignment 2














Very Good






The outline in the introduction is very clear and concise. The introduction stays on topic but could be more clearly written The introduction is generally relevant to the report The introduction has some relevance but it is not clearly stated.

This is not relevant to the assignment topic.

Network Diagram/3

The network diagram is depicting the scenario exactly

The network diagram is depicting the scenario to great extent

The network diagram is depicting the scenario with relevancy to topic

The network diagram is depicting the scenario with less relevancy to topic

The network diagram is not depicting the scenario at all.


All topics are pertinent and covered in depth. Ability to think critically and source material is referenced properly in IEEE standard.

Topics are relevant, covered in detail and

Soundly analysed and referenced in IEEE standard.

Generally relevant and analysed to some extent. The source is not referenced properly in IEEE standard.

Some relevance and briefly presented in report, no source material is referenced.

This is not relevant to the assignment topic.


All required properly screenshots given

Screenshots are relevant labelled to great extent

Screenshots are reasonably relevant and labelled

Screenshots are not much relevant and not labelled

Screenshot are not given or very less relevancy with poor labelling.


Summarised the project excellent

Summarised to great extent

Summarised with some relevancy

Lacks consistency and summarised to some extent with little relevancy

Not summarised well.

IEEE Referencing/2

Clear Styles with excellent source of reference

Clear referencing style

Generally good referencing style

Sometimes clear referencing

Lacks consistency with many errors


Configurations of the project/5

Demonstrated very well and excellent ability to think critically with very good knowledge of technical structure. Configured and explain the scenario with good technical knowledge

Demonstrated well and excellent ability to think critically with sound knowledge of technical structure. Configured and explain the scenario with reasonable technical knowledge

Demonstrated reasonably, ability to think critically with some technical knowledge. Tried to configure scenario to some extent with some knowledge of technical structure.

Demonstrated to some extent with less technical knowledge. The Configuration is not appropriate and does not demonstrate knowledge of technical structure.

Did not demonstrate at all or no technical knowledge at all.


All components are present and well integrated.

Components present with good cohesive.

Components are present and mostly well integrated.

Most Components present.

Insufficient testing.

Group Participation and whole scenario working /10

All group members participated and whole scenario was working.

All group members participated and scenario was working well.

Most group members participated and scenario was working well.

Most group members participated and scenario was working to some extent.

All group members did not participate and scenario was not working properly.