Assessment type: Report (2,000 words) — individual assignment
Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they can identify and understand
synchronisation and deadlocks. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes b and c.
Value: 25% (Report 15%; Presentation 10%)
Due Date: Report Submission via Moodle (Week 9); Presentation (Weeks 10 – 11)
Submission: Upload the completed report via Moodle.
Assessment topic: Analysis of an Operating System scenario, Computer Organisation and Architecture
Task Details: Write a report regarding LOADING and LINKING and expand on the justifications given in
chapter seven’s Appendix (7A) of the coursebook.
Coursebook: Stallings, W. (2018). Operating System: internals and design principles. 9th ed. Essex:
Pearson Education Limited.
o You should use other resources like internet resources, books, journals and conferences.
o Your report should be clearly structured.
o Prepare a brief presentation of your report, and present it to the rest of the class.
o You must provide references and cite the resources that you consulted for this assignment.
o Harvard referencing is the required met