Sustainability and Human Resource Management

186 views 11:50 am 0 Comments March 29, 2023

Week 6 – Preparation Work: Sustainability and Human Resource Management

Read Chapter One from the following text:

Ehnert, Harry, W., & Zink, K. J. (2013). Sustainability and Human Resource Management: Developing Sustainable Business Organizations. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.

After reading the above chapter answer the following question:

In the reading the authors discuss how they use Sustainable HRM as a broad umbrella term to aid in understanding Sustainable HRM. What do the author’s mean by this and why not use a single specific definition – what other perspectives could be included to improve this definition and make the concept more rigorous?

Your answer should be 150 words (+/- 10%). When answering the above question you can draw on sources beyond the article suggested. 

Please note only submissions that are uploaded ahead of the workshop are eligible for inclusion in the final portfolio at the end of semester. There is no opportunity for late submissions.

If you are experiencing troubles with uploading to Canvas, please email your submission ahead of the due date and time. Emailed submissions received after the due date and time will not be eligible for inclusion in the final portfolio. 










Additional readings:

Anlesinya, & Susomrith, P. (2020). Sustainable human resource management: a systematic review of a developing fieldLinks to an external site.. Journal of Global Responsibility, 11(3), 295–324. (Links to an external site.)

Piwowar‐Sulej. (2021). Core functions of Sustainable Human Resource Management. A hybrid literature review with the use of H‐Classics methodologyLinks to an external site.Sustainable Development (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England), 29(4), 671–693. (Links to an external site.)

Randev, & Jha, J. K. (2019). Sustainable Human Resource Management: A Literature-based IntroductionLinks to an external site.. NHRD Network Journal, 12(3), 241–252. (Links to an external site.)

Spooner, & Kaine, S. (2010). Defining Sustainability and Human Resource ManagementLinks to an external site.. International Employment Relations Review, 16(2), 70–81.