Support holistic learning

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Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio (CHCECEC035)

CHCECE035 Support holistic learning and development of children

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate that you can support the holistic learning and development of two children (of different ages). To do this, you are required to create and implement learning experiences that provide opportunities for the children’s physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communication development.Make sure that you address all five of the above-mentioned domains between the two children you support. As you complete these requirements, your supervisor will observe you to ensure that you:

Follow the service policies and procedures at all times

Use, model and encourage effective oral communication (such as asking open and closed questions, using active listening to seek information and confirm understanding)

Build rapport with the children you interact with

Support children and use appropriate support strategies when required

Use communication and modelling that encourages children to respect and value each other’s individual differences.

When in your work placement, keep in mind that the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of the children and families you work with. Your workplace supervisor will guide you in relation to your informed consent requirements. A Permission to Observe form is provided on Canvas.

2. Complete and submit your completed Portfolio.

Complete Table 1 of your Portfolio after you have worked with the two children and their families. Ensure all sections are completed neatly and clearly, all supporting evidence is attached.Have your supervisor complete Table 2.
Submit your completed Portfolio to your assessor.

Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio (CHCECE035)

Table 1: Reflective Journal

This section of your Portfolio requires you support the holistic learning and development of two children of different ages. Complete the table to plan the support you will provide. Before working with babies and toddlers (and discussing personal information) you must gain permission from the family of the child. Permission to Observe forms are found on Canvas with your assessment.

1. Policies and procedures

Child 1: Child 2:
Age (in years and months)

The two children must be different ages.

One of the children must be from a home that has English as a second language.

Check the boxes to select the domains you included in the child’s learning and development opportunities.

Make sure you address all five domains between the two children you are supporting.

You do not have to address all five domains for each child.Physical development

Social development

Emotional development

Cognitive development

Communication developmentPhysical development

Social development

Emotional development

Cognitive development

Communication developmentExplain how you scaffolded the child’s learning for their holistic development.

Explain how you scaffolded their learning for each of the domains you selected for the child.

Attach relevant curriculum documentation available to you as evidence you had access to it. (25-50 words)

Before you begin, familiarise yourself with the service’s policies and procedures for recording information and observations – you must follow the service procedures as you complete the Portfolio.

Check the boxes to confirm you have read the following policies and procedures.

You are NOT required to attach service policies and procedures or other service documents, unless stated.Educational program and practice

Physical environment

Relationships with children

Children’s health and safetyHow did you share and seek information related to the policies and procedures with colleagues? (5-10 words)Seek information:Share information:Summarise the organisational standards and requirements in the educational program and practice policy and procedure. (10-20 words)
Summarise the organisational standards and requirements in the physical environment policy and procedure. (10-20 words)
Summarise the organisational standards and requirements in the relationships with children policy and procedure. (10-20 words)
Summarise the organisational standards and requirements in the children’s health and safety policy and procedure. (10-20 words)

Complete the table to provide evidence of how you supported the physical development of one child.

Tick the box below to show which child this evidence relates to:

Child 1

Child 2

2. Physical development of children

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.
Provide three examples of opportunities you identified and used to support the emerging physical skills of the child. (5-10 words)

Attach evidence of how you have supported emerging physical skills (photos, entries in the daily diary, artwork)Opportunity 1:Opportunity 2:Opportunity 3:Provide an example of how you used a daily routine to support the child to acquire a new skill and then practise it. (5-10 words)What was the daily routine?Which physical skill did the child learn?How did you use the routine to help the child practise the skill?Provide an example of how you selected and arranged equipment to develop the child’s gross motor skills (5-10 words)

Attach evidence of how you arranged equipment to develop the child’s gross motor skills (photos).Which equipment did you select?How did you arrange the equipment?How did the equipment help to develop the child’s gross motor skills?Provide an example of how you selected and arranged equipment to develop the child’s fine motor skills (5-10 words)

Attach evidence of how you arranged equipment to develop the child’s fine motor skills (photos).Which equipment did you select?How did you arrange the equipment?How did the equipment help to develop the child’s fine motor skills?Provide examples of how you encouraged challenge, choice and spontaneity as the child was playing in a physically active way. (5-10 words)

Attach evidence of how you supported these skills during play (photos, entry in the daily diary, artwork).Example of how a challenge you encouraged:Example of a choice you encouraged:Example of how you encouraged the child to be spontaneous:Provide an example of how you supported the child to take increased responsibility for their own health and well-being. (5-10 words)How did you support the child to take increased responsibility for their own health and wellbeing?How did you use positive communication to provide the support?What information did you share with the child?Provide an example of a spontaneous teachable moment you used to help the child with their physical development. (5-10 words)

Complete the table to provide evidence of how you supported the social development of one child.

Tick the box below to show which child this evidence relates to:

Child 1

Child 2

3. Social development of children

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.
Provide two examples of how you encouraged the child to play with other children in a large group (10-20 words) Example 1:
Example 2:
Provide two examples of how you encouraged the child to interact socially with other children in one-on-one interactions. (5-10 words) Example 1:
Example 2:
Provide an example of how you arranged the environment to encourage interactions between children. (10-20 words)

Attach evidence of how you arranged the environment to encourage interactions between children (photos, entry in the daily diary).
Provide an example of how you supported the child to help them understand and accept responsibility for their own actions. (5-10 words)What did the child do?How did you provide support?What information did you provide during the support?How did the child accept responsibility for their own actions?Provide examples of how you modelled care, empathy and respect for the child (5-10 words)Example of care:Example of empathy:Example of respect:Provide examples of how you modelled care, empathy and respect for the child’s familyExample of care:Example of empathy:Example of respect:Provide examples of how you modelled care, empathy and respect for other educators (5-10 words)Example of care:Example of empathy:Example of respect:Provide examples of how you modelled language that children can use to express ideas, negotiate roles and collaborate to achieve goals. (5-10 words)Example of language you modelled to express ideas:Example of language you modelled to negotiate roles:Example of collaborative language you used:Provide an example of how you supported the child when they had difficulty understanding or communicating with another child. (10-30 words)
Provide an example of modelling and communication you used to encourage the children to value each other’s differences. (10-20 words)
Provide an example of a spontaneous teachable moment you used to help the child with their social development. (10-20 words)

Complete the table to provide evidence of how you supported the emotional development of one child.

Tick the box below to show which child this evidence relates to:

Child 1

Child 2

4. Emotional development of children

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.
Provide two examples of strategies you provided to the child to help them make informed decisions about their behaviour. (10-20 words each) Strategy 1:
How is the strategy appropriate to their level of understanding?
Strategy 2:
How is the strategy appropriate to their level of understanding?
Provide an example of how you supported the child to persevere with a challenge. (10-20 words each) What challenge did the child face?
How did you support and encourage the child to persevere?
How could your support contribute to the child’s resilience?
Provide an example of how you supported the child when they felt frustrated. (10-20 words each) What was the situation?
How did you acknowledge their frustration?
How did you support the child?
Provide an example of how you encouraged the child to see their mistakes as a learning opportunity. (10-20 words)
Provide an example of how you assisted and encouraged the child to experience pride and confidence in their achievement. (10-20 words) What did the child achieve?
How did you assist and encourage them to experience pride and confidence in their achievement?
Provide an example of how you (or the service) arranged the environment to support the child’s need for solitude, quiet or privacy. (10-20 words)

Attach evidence of how you arranged the environment to support the child’s need for solitude, quiet or privacy (photos, entry in the daily diary, artwork).
Provide an example of how you modelled an appropriate response to regulate and express feelings when experiencing a physiological response to a situation. (20 -30 words)
Provide an example of how you helped the child identify and respond to a physiological response themselves. (5-10 words each)What physiological response did the child experience?What situation caused the physiological response?How did you help them to identify the response?How did you help the child to express their feelings?How did you help the child to regulate their feelings?Provide an example of how you helped the child to develop empathy. (5-10 words each)What emotion was another child experiencing?How did you help the child you are supporting to identify the emotion?How did you help the child you are supporting to respond to the other child’s emotion?Provide an example of how you formally shared one of the child’s successes with their family. (5-10 words)
Provide an example of how you informally shared one of the child’s successes with their family. (5-10 words)

Complete the table to provide evidence of how you supported the cognitive development of one child.

Tick the box below to show which child this evidence relates to:

Child 1

Child 2

5. Cognitive development of children

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.
Provide three examples of experiences you selected for the child that supported their exploration and problem solving. (5-10 words each)

Attach evidence of the experiences you set up that supported exploration and problem solving (photos, entries in the daily diary, artworks)Example 1:Example 2:Example 3:Provide examples of materials, other resources and technologies you selected for the child that support exploration and problem solving. (5-10 words each)

Attach evidence of the materials, resources and technologies that you set up to support exploration and problem solving (photos, entries in the daily diary, artworks)Materials:Other resources:Technologies:How did the resources, materials and technologies challenge the child? How did the resources, materials and technologies provide an opportunity for the child to discover through curiosity?Provide at least two examples where you provided for the child that encouraged them to explore an appropriate concept or idea. (5-10 words each)What opportunity did you provide?

Example 1:

Example 2:Which idea/concept did the opportunity explore?

Example 1:

Example 2:Explain a conversation you had with the child during the opportunity to extend their thinking.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Complete the table to provide evidence of how you supported the communication development of one child.

Tick the box below to show which child this evidence relates to:

Child 1

Child 2

6. Communication development of children

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.
Provide an example of how you valued the child’s linguistic heritage. (5-10 words each)

Child must be from a home that has a language other than English.What is the child’s linguistic heritage?How did you encourage the use of home languages at the service?How did you encourage the child to acquire further language skill in their home language?Provide an example of how you used books to develop the child’s communication skills and development. (5-10 words each)Which books did you select and read? Provide an example of at least one book.How are they developmentally appropriate stories?Which props did you use as you read one of the books?What questions did the child ask for one of the books? (Give two examples)How did you answer the questions?Summarise a discussion you had about one of the books.Provide an example of how you used stories to develop the child’s communication skills and development. (5-10 words each)Which stories did you select and tell? Provide an example of at least one story.How are they developmentally appropriate stories?Which props did you use as you as you told the story?Provide an example of a group discussion you encouraged. (5-10 words each)What was the discussion about?What different views did the children express?Provide two examples of opportunities you provided for the child to develop pre-writing skills. (5-10 words each)Example 1:Example 2:Provide an example where you showed the child symbols and patterns in their environment and discussed them. (5-10 words each)

Attach evidence of you showing children symbols and patterns in their environment. (photos, entries in the daily diary, artwork)Which symbols did you point out?How did you explain the relationship between the letters and sounds in the symbols?Which patterns did you point out?Summarise a discussion you had about the symbols or patterns.How did the child contribute to the discussion?

Assessment Task 2: Supervisor Report

The supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed and they have endorsed Table 1.

Supervisor report
The information provided by the student in their reflective journal is an accurate reflection of their actions. Yes No
The student has permission to submit the information contained within the Portfolio for the purposes of assessment. Yes No
During the activities described in their reflective journal, the student:

followed the service policies and procedures at all times

used, modelled and encouraged effective oral communication (such as asking open and closed questions, using active listening to seek information and confirm understanding)

built rapport with the children they interact with

supported children and used appropriate support strategies when required

used communication and modelling that encouraged children to respect and value each other’s individual differences.Please comment on the student’s abilities related to the above skills here.

Full name:
Contact details:

Assessment Task 3: Project Portfolio (CHCECE036)

CHCECE036 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in relation to:

Setting up and supporting play and learning experiences according to service guidelines

Reflecting on and evaluating the experiences you provided.

You need to complete the following as part of your evidence for this unit:

Describe the organisational requirements for children’s health and safety, educational program and practice, physical environment and relationships with children, including:

service standards and policies and procedures

learning framework and curriculum (educational program) used at the service.

Set up and support six play and learning opportunities, where:

three occur indoors

three occur outdoors.

Across the six experiences, make sure you that you include:

At least one group experience

At least one individual experience

At least one experience that runs over multiple days

At least two experiences for children aged birth to 23 months

At least two experiences for children aged between two and six years of age.

Use reflection on two occasions to evaluate the play experiences you provided, where you discuss your reflection process with your workplace supervisor AND your workplace assessor (once each).


Your assessor will observe you directly on at least one of the occasions where you setup and support an indoor activity and at least one of the occasions where you setup and support an outdoor activity. Your assessor will arrange the details of this with you directly.

To document all this evidence, you will:

Perform the above activities in an approved work placement and record this in your Work Placement Hours Log and have your supervisor sign off on this.

Complete written reflections in Table 1 of your Portfolio about what you have done while on placement.

Have your work placement supervisor complete Table 2 of your Portfolio to verify that you have worked doing the above activities during your work placement.

Complete the observations conducted by your assessor and/or supervisor during scheduled workplace visits or allocated timeframes arranged directly with the people involved.

2. Complete your Portfolio.

Complete Table 1 of your Portfolio after you have investigated and applied the learning framework. Ensure all sections are completed neatly and clearly, all supporting evidence is attached.

Have your supervisor complete Table 2.

Your assessor will arrange the details of their direct observation and provide you with information about when this will be. If you have any questions about this task, reach out to your workplace assessor.

Assessment Task 3: Project Portfolio (CHCECE036)

Table 1: Reflective Journal

This section of your Portfolio requires you to reflect on the work you have done while on your work placement in relation to the setup, support and review of experiences for children’s play and learning. You will complete it during your work placement, after you have completed various experiences with children and can complete some of it in the classroom as needed.

This section provides evidence related to the organisational requirements for children’s play and learning.

1. Organisational requirements and learning framework

Check the boxes to confirm you have read the following documents.

You are NOT required to attach the policies and procedures and the learning framework to the assessment. Provide links to websites where possible.

You may be asked to provide examples from the service curriculum and documented observations about children as proof to your portfolio. You will need to gain permission from the service and families where applicable.Educational program and practice

Children’s health and safety

Physical environment

Relationships with children

Approved learning framework _____________________________________________________________

Curriculum _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Documented observations about children (such as reports, journals, class communication booklet)Provide a link to the approved learning framework applicable to your State.
Outline the vision of the approved learning framework used by the service. (10-20 words)
List the principles of the approved learning framework used by the service. (10-30 words)
List the practices of the approved learning framework used by the service. (10-40 words)
How does the service’s curriculum (educational program) address children’s play and learning? (20-30 words)
Summarise the documented observations about children’s learning and play you read (at least one document). (5-10 words each)

This is found in the educational program of the service. Which documents did you access?What did you learn about the children’s play and learning requirements from the documents?How did the documented observations influence the play activities you setup and supported?

This section provides evidence of the six experiences related to children’s play and learning that you setup and supported.

Summarise your six experiences in the table below: Ensure three experiences are indoor and three activities are outdoor, PLUS age groups (2 x babies and 2 x toddler/preschoolers).

2. Outline of learning experiences

Describe the play and learning experience How much time was planned for the experience? Indoors or outdoors? Group or individual? (Minimum one of each) Single day or multiple days? (Minimum one of each) Age of children?

(Minimum 2 for 0-23 months. Minimum 2 x 2 – 6 years)Observed by assessor?Experience 1

Experience 2

Experience 3

Experience 4

Experience 5

Experience 6

Answer the questions below to demonstrate how you supported children’s agency when setting up and supporting the six experiences listed above:

Explain what you did to build rapport with the children. (10-30 words)
Provide two examples showing strategies you used to assist children to participate in a variety of experiences. (10-30 words) Example 1:
Example 2:
Provide examples of strategies you used to help children to select activities according to their creativity, competence and confidence. (10-30 words) Example to show how you supported children to select an activity based on their creativity.
Example to show how you supported children to select an activity based on their confidence.
Example to show how you supported children to select an activity based on their competence.
Provide an example of how you encouraged a child or group of children to participate in an activity when the activity was new or unknown to them. (10-30 words)
Provide an example of how you demonstrated respect for a child (or group of children) who did not want to participate in an activity. (10-30 words)
Provide an example of how you used routines for intentional teaching during the implementation of one of your play and learning activities. (10-30 words)
Provide an example of a spontaneous learning opportunity you used during the implementation of your play and learning activities. (10-30 words) What did you do?
How is the opportunity consistent with the learning framework?
Provide an example of an opportunity you used to discuss a child’s (or group of children’s) play and learning with them. (10-30 words) Who was involved in the discussion?
Summarise the discussion
Explain how your discussion was age-appropriate
Choose one of your planned activities and explain how you could adapt it for differing interests, ages and abilities. (10-30 words) Which activity are you discussing?
How will adapt it for different interests?
How will you adapt it for different ages?
How will you adapt it for different abilities?

Document each of the six planned experiences that you setup and supported by answering the questions:

3. Experience 1

You will need to attach photos for each experience. TIP: Take photos after you set up before the children attend the experience. What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
How does the experience support children’s play and learning? (10-30 words)
How does the experience align with the service curriculum (educational program)? (10-30 words)
How does the experience adhere to the safety requirements of the service? (10-30 words)
Provide an example of how you used teamwork and collaboration with other educators to enhance the experience you planned. (10-30 words)What did you do? What input did other educators provide?Describe the area you selected for the experience. (10-30 words)

Indoor or outdoor and the area within this environment. Consider how you set it up for the child/children.
What resources did you use?
Describe the materials you made available for the experience.

Make sure you use real, natural and/or recycled materials across all six experiences. You do not have to use all three types for each experience.Which materials did you use?

Real _________________________________________________________________________________

Natural ______________________________________________________________________________

Recycled _____________________________________________________________________________How do the materials you selected suit the play experience?

Insert photos to show how you setup the area here.

You can take photos without children. If children are included in the photo, then you will need to gain permission from each child’s family and the service first. A Permission to Observe form can be found on Canvas.
Did you initiate play or follow the children’s lead? Explain. (5-30 words)Initiate OR

FollowWhat did you do?How was your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead based on the type of experience?How did your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead consider the needs and preferences of the children?Provide an example of how you provided a child or group of children with an opportunity to extend their play. (5-20 words)

Make sure that across your six experiences, you provide examples that extend play by adapting the experience as well as being flexible with resources and materials.Play was extended by:

Adapting the experience AND/OR

Being flexible with the use of the resources and materialsWhat did you do?Provide an example of how you encouraged a child or group of children participating in the activity to remain interested in and challenged by the experience. (5-20 words)
Explain how you interacted with the child or children with enthusiasm, playfulness and enjoyment as they completed the experience. (5-20 words)How did you show enthusiasm?Provide an example to show how you interacted playfully with the child or children.Provide an example showing that you enjoyed interacting with the child or children.

4. Experience 2

You will need to attach photos for each experience. TIP: Take photos after you set up before the children attend the experience. What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
How does the experience support children’s play and learning? (10-30 words)
How does the experience align with the service curriculum (educational program)? (10-30 words)
How does the experience adhere to the safety requirements of the service? (10-30 words)
Provide an example of how you used teamwork and collaboration with other educators to enhance the experience you planned. (10-30 words)What did you do? What input did other educators provide?Describe the area you selected for the experience. (10-30 words)

Indoor or outdoor and the area within the environment. Consider how you set it up for the child/children.
What resources did you use?
Describe the materials you made available for the experience.

Make sure you use real, natural and/or recycled materials across all six experiences. You do not have to use all three types for each experience.Which materials did you use?

Real _________________________________________________________________________________

Natural ______________________________________________________________________________

Recycled _____________________________________________________________________________How do the materials you selected suit the play experience?

Insert photos to show how you setup the area here.

You can take photos without children. If children are included in the photo, then you will need to gain permission from each child’s family and the service first. A Permission to Observe form can be found on Canvas.
Did you initiate play or follow the children’s lead? Explain. (5-30 words)Initiate OR

FollowWhat did you do?How was your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead based on the type of experience?How did your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead consider the needs and preferences of the children?Provide an example of how you provided a child or group of children with an opportunity to extend their play. (5-20 words)

Make sure that across your six experiences, you provide examples that extend play by adapting the experience as well as being flexible with resources and materials.Play was extended by:

Adapting the experience AND/OR

Being flexible with the use of the resources and materialsWhat did you do?Provide an example of how you encouraged a child or group of children participating in the experience to remain interested in and challenged by the experience. (5-20 words)
Explain how you interacted with the child or children with enthusiasm, playfulness and enjoyment as they completed the experience. (5-20 words)How did you show enthusiasm?Provide an example to show how you interacted playfully with the child or children.Provide an example showing that you enjoyed interacting with the child or children.

5. Experience 3

You will need to attach photos for each experience. TIP: Take photos after you set up before the children attend the experience. What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
How does the experience support children’s play and learning? (10-30 words)
How does the experience align with the service curriculum (educational program)? (10-30 words)
How does the experience adhere to the safety requirements of the service? (10-30 words)
Provide an example of how you used teamwork and collaboration with other educators to enhance the experience you planned. (10-30 words)What did you do? What input did other educators provide?Describe the area you selected for the experience. (10-30 words)

Indoor or outdoor and the area within this environment. Consider how you set it up for the chid/children.
What resources did you use?
Describe the materials you made available for the experience.

Make sure you use real, natural and/or recycled materials across all six experiences. You do not have to use all three types for each experience.Which materials did you use?

Real _________________________________________________________________________________

Natural ______________________________________________________________________________

Recycled _____________________________________________________________________________How do the materials you selected suit the play experience?

Insert photos to show how you setup the area here.

You can take photos without children. If children are included in the photo, then you will need to gain permission from each child’s family and the service first. A Permission to Observe form can be found on Canvas.
Did you initiate play or follow the children’s lead? Explain. (5-30 words)Initiate OR

FollowWhat did you do?How was your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead based on the type of experience?How did your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead consider the needs and preferences of the children?Provide an example of how you provided a child or group of children with an opportunity to extend their play. (5-20 words)

Make sure that across your six experiences, you provide examples that extend play by adapting the experience as well as being flexible with resources and materials.Play was extended by:

Adapting the experience AND/OR

Being flexible with the use of the resources and materialsWhat did you do?Provide an example of how you encouraged a child or group of children participating in the experiences to remain interested in and challenged by the experience. (5-20 words)
Explain how you interacted with the child or children with enthusiasm, playfulness and enjoyment as they completed the experience.(5-20 words)How did you show enthusiasm?Provide an example to show how you interacted playfully with the child or children.Provide an example showing that you enjoyed interacting with the child or children.


6. Experience 4

You will need to attach photos for each experience. TIP: Take photos after you set up before the children attend the experience. What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
How does the experience support children’s play and learning? (10-30 words)
How does the experience align with the service curriculum (educational program)? (10-30 words)
How does the experience adhere to the safety requirements of the service? (10-30 words)
Provide an example of how you used teamwork and collaboration with other educators to enhance the experience you planned. (10-30 words)What did you do? What input did other educators provide?Describe the area you selected for the experience. (10-30 words)

Indoor and outdoor and the area within this environment. Consider how you set it up for the child/children.
What resources did you use?
Describe the materials you made available for the experience.

Make sure you use real, natural and/or recycled materials across all six experiences. You do not have to use all three types for each experience.Which materials did you use?

Real _________________________________________________________________________________

Natural ______________________________________________________________________________

Recycled _____________________________________________________________________________How do the materials you selected suit the play experience?

Insert photos to show how you setup the area here.

You can take photos without children. If children are included in the photo, then you will need to gain permission from each child’s family and the service first. A Permission to Observe form can be found on Canvas.
Did you initiate play or follow the children’s lead? Explain. (5-30 words)Initiate OR

FollowWhat did you do?How was your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead based on the type of experience?How did your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead consider the needs and preferences of the children?Provide an example of how you provided a child or group of children with an opportunity to extend their play. (5-20 words)

Make sure that across your six experiences, you provide examples that extend play by adapting the experience as well as being flexible with resources and materials.Play was extended by:

Adapting the experience AND/OR

Being flexible with the use of the resources and materialsWhat did you do?Provide an example of how you encouraged a child or group of children participating in the experience to remain interested in and challenged by the experience. (5-20 words)
Explain how you interacted with the child or children with enthusiasm, playfulness and enjoyment as they completed the experience. (5-20 words)How did you show enthusiasm?Provide an example to show how you interacted playfully with the child or children.Provide an example showing that you enjoyed interacting with the child or children.

7. Experience 5

You will need to attach photos for each experience. TIP: Take photos after you set up before the children attend the experience. What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
How does the experience support children’s play and learning? (10-30 words)
How does the experience align with the service curriculum (educational program)? (10-30 words)
How does the experience adhere to the safety requirements of the service? (10-30 words)
Provide an example of how you used teamwork and collaboration with other educators to enhance the experience you planned. (10-30 words)What did you do? What input did other educators provide?Describe the area you selected for the experience. (10-30 words)

Indoor or outdoor and the area within this environment. Consider how you set it up for the child/children.
What resources did you use?
Describe the materials you made available for the experience.

Make sure you use real, natural and/or recycled materials across all six experiences. You do not have to use all three types for each experience.Which materials did you use?

Real _________________________________________________________________________________

Natural ______________________________________________________________________________

Recycled _____________________________________________________________________________How do the materials you selected suit the play experience?

Insert photos to show how you setup the area here.

You can take photos without children. If children are included in the photo, then you will need to gain permission from each child’s family and the service first. A Permission to Observe form can be found on Canvas.
Did you initiate play or follow the children’s lead? Explain. (5-30 words)Initiate OR

FollowWhat did you do?How was your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead based on the type of experience?How did your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead consider the needs and preferences of the children?Provide an example of how you provided a child or group of children with an opportunity to extend their play. (5-20 words)

Make sure that across your six experiences, you provide examples that extend play by adapting the experience as well as being flexible with resources and materials.Play was extended by:

Adapting the experience AND/OR

Being flexible with the use of the resources and materialsWhat did you do?Provide an example of how you encouraged a child or group of children participating in the experience to remain interested in and challenged by the experience. (5-20 words)
Explain how you interacted with the child or children with enthusiasm, playfulness and enjoyment as they completed the experience. (5-20 words)How did you show enthusiasm?Provide an example to show how you interacted playfully with the child or children.Provide an example showing that you enjoyed interacting with the child or children.

8. Experience 6

You will need to attach photos for each experience. TIP: Take photos after you set up before the children attend the experience. What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
How does the experience support children’s play and learning? (10-30 words)
How does the experience align with the service curriculum (educational program)? (10-30 words)
How does the experience adhere to the safety requirements of the service? (10-30 words)
Provide an example of how you used teamwork and collaboration with other educators to enhance the experience you planned. (10-30 words)What did you do? What input did other educators provide?Describe the area you selected for the experience. (10-30 words)

Indoor or outdoor and the area within this environment. Consider how you set it up for the child/children.
What resources did you use?
Describe the materials you made available for the experience.

Make sure you use real, natural and/or recycled materials across all six experiences. You do not have to use all three types for each experience.Which materials did you use?

Real _________________________________________________________________________________

Natural ______________________________________________________________________________

Recycled _____________________________________________________________________________How do the materials you selected suit the play experience?

Insert photos to show how you setup the area here.

You can take photos without children. If children are included in the photo, then you will need to gain permission from each child’s family and the service first. A Permission to Observe form can be found on Canvas.
Did you initiate play or follow the children’s lead? Explain. (5-30 words)Initiate OR

FollowWhat did you do?How was your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead based on the type of experience?How did your choice to initiate play or follow children’s lead consider the needs and preferences of the children?Provide an example of how you provided a child or group of children with an opportunity to extend their play. (5-20 words)

Make sure that across your six experiences, you provide examples that extend play by adapting the experience as well as being flexible with resources and materials.Play was extended by:

Adapting the experience AND/OR

Being flexible with the use of the resources and materialsWhat did you do?Provide an example of how you encouraged a child or group of children participating in the experience to remain interested in and challenged by the experience. (5-20 words)
Explain how you interacted with the child or children with enthusiasm, playfulness and enjoyment as they completed the experience. (5-20 words)How did you show enthusiasm?Provide an example to show how you interacted playfully with the child or children.Provide an example showing that you enjoyed interacting with the child or children.

This section provides evidence related to your evaluation and reflection of the play and learning opportunities you provided for the children.

Complete the table below to evaluate the implementation of the play and learning activities:

9. Evaluation and reflection of learning experiences

Summarise any informal feedback you obtained What learning and development outcomes were achieved? Describe any further learning and development opportunities based on the achieved outcomes. What would you do the same if you were to provide the same play and learning experience in the future? What would you do differently if you were to provide the same play and learning experience in the future?
Experience 1
Experience 2
Experience 3
Experience 4
Experience 5
Experience 6

10. Own pedagogical practices

Complete the table to reflect on your own pedagogical practices: (10-30 words each)

Which learning and support practices did you do well?
Which learning and support practices require improvement?
What is the role of the educator in children’s play and learning?

Assessment Task 3: Supervisor Report

The supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed and they have endorsed Table 1.

Supervisor report
The information provided by the student in their reflective journal is an accurate reflection of their actions. Yes No
The student has permission to submit the information contained within the Portfolio for the purposes of assessment. Yes No
The student has completed a reflective process with me on the above reflective journal entries and I am satisfied with the student’s responses that demonstrate their evaluation of the play and learning activities they set up and supported.

I am also satisfied that the student has provide accurate detail of observations to me.Yes No During the activities described in their reflective journal, the student:

always worked in line with the centre’s policies and procedures.

Yes No

used teamwork and collaboration with other educators to enhance play experiences.

Yes No

supported unhurried opportunities for play by organising and allowing sufficient time.

Yes No

engaged children in developmentally appropriate discussions about their play and learning.

Yes No

interacted with children showing enthusiasm, playfulness and enjoyment.

Yes No

asked open and closed questions and actively listened to seek information and confirm understanding.

Yes No

interacted and engaged with children to build rapport.

Yes No Please comment on the student’s abilities related to the above skills here. Full name:
Contact details:

Assessment Task 4: Project Portfolio (CHCECE038)

CHCECE038 Observe children to inform practice

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate that you can gather, document, reflect on and use information to inform curriculum planning for three different children at the service you are doing your work placement at.

The children should be between the ages of birth and six years (one of the children must be under 23 months).

As you do this, make sure that you:

Gather information using at least three different observation techniques across the three children

Use at least two secondary sources of information for each child (this will include the child’s records and input from their family)

Collaborate with others to gather and reflect on information about each child

Communicate a perspective about each child’s development and individual interests and learning

Provide links to the approved learning framework used by the service.

2. Complete your Portfolio.

Complete Table 1 of your Portfolio after you have worked with the two children and their families. Ensure all sections are completed neatly and clearly, all supporting evidence is attached.

Have your supervisor complete Table 2.

Assessment Task 4: Project Portfolio (CHCECE038)

Table 1: Reflective Journal

This section of your Portfolio requires you to identify and gather information about three children through observation and other sources as part of a collaborative process and as a basis for curriculum planning. Before working with children (and discussing personal information) you must gain permission from the family of the child. Permission to Observe forms are found on Canvas with your assessment.

Complete the table to document information for three children. Record information in ways that are free from bias and negative labelling of children.

1. Information about focus children

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.
Child 1: Child 2: Child 3:
Age of the child

One of the children must be under 23 months.

All the children must be between the age of birth and 6 years.

What information is important for you to gather about the child?

Why is it important that you gather the information listed above? (10-20 words)

Explain how you sought guidance from colleagues about the observation tools and processes used at the service. (10-20 words)

Which three observation tools did you choose to gather the information?

You must use at least three different observation tools for each child.

Provide an example of how you used the observation tool to record meaningful and accurate information. (10-20 words)

Attach proof of your recorded observations to your portfolio.

Make sure you document your observations using digital media/technology (not handwritten).

Provide two examples of how you interacted and engaged with the child to build rapport with them during your observation. (5-10 words)Example 1:Example 1:Example 1:Example 2:Example 2:Example 2:Based on your interaction and observation of the child, describe their interests, ideas, knowledge, skills and strengths. (5-10 words)Interests:Interests:Interests:Ideas:Ideas:Ideas:Knowledge:Knowledge:Knowledge:Skills:Skills:Skills:Strengths:Strengths:Strengths:Interpret the information contained in the child’s records to identify their interests, ideas, knowledge, skills and strengths. (5-10 words)

Attach proof of the records to your portfolio (if you have permission to do so)

Child records may be real or simulated.Interests:Interests:Interests:Ideas:Ideas:Ideas:Knowledge:Knowledge:Knowledge:Skills:Skills:Skills:Strengths:Strengths:Strengths:Which family members did you collaborate with to collect information about the child?

How did you collaborate with the family members listed above? (5-10 words)

Attach proof of how you collaborated to your portfolio (such as an email or notebook).

Provide an example of how you interacted and engaged with the family members to build rapport with them as you collected information. (10-20 words)Example 1:Example 1:Example 1:Summarise the input provided by family members about the child’s interests, ideas, knowledge, skills and strengths. (5-10 words)

If you are unable to meet with the child’s family face-to-face, consider sending something home in their bag or asking your workplace supervisor to help you send an email to them to gather the information.Interests:Interests:Interests:Ideas:Ideas:Ideas:Knowledge:Knowledge:Knowledge:Skills:Skills:Skills:Strengths:Strengths:Strengths:Document your reflection on the information you gathered from your observation as well as from the secondary sources. (10-30 words)

Make sure you document your reflection in a way that is free from bias and negative labelling of children.

Evaluate the relevance of the information you obtained from the three different sources for curriculum planning. (5-10 words)Observation tool:Observation tool:Observation tool:Child records:Child records:Child records:Family members:Family members:Family members:Document an opportunity (time during the working day) you identified and used to discuss with colleagues: (5-20 words)

the information you gathered

your reflection of the information

their perspective in the information and requirements for planningDescribe the opportunity:Describe the opportunity:Describe the opportunity:Who did you have a discussion with?Who did you have a discussion with?Who did you have a discussion with?What was your colleague’s perspective of the information you gathered?What was your colleague’s perspective of the information you gathered?What was your colleague’s perspective of the information you gathered?What input did your colleague provide regarding curriculum planning?What input did your colleague provide regarding curriculum planning?What input did your colleague provide regarding curriculum planning?What are the learning and development needs of the child? (5-20 words)

Base your answer using all the information you’ve gathered.

Identify at least two strategies that can be used to support the child’s individual needs. (10-30 words)

Strategies are not full learning experiences but can be one way you have adapted a routine task or play opportunity to support the child’s learning.Strategy 1:Strategy 1:Strategy 1:How will the strategy support responsive and respectful interactions with the child?How will the strategy support responsive and respectful interactions with the child?How will the strategy support responsive and respectful interactions with the child?Strategy 2:Strategy 2:Strategy 2:How will the strategy support responsive and respectful interactions with the child?How will the strategy support responsive and respectful interactions with the child?How will the strategy support responsive and respectful interactions with the child?Provide three suggestions for program planning that will promote the child’s learning development and wellbeing. (10-30 words)Suggestion for learning:Suggestion for learning:Suggestion for learning:How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?Suggestion for development:Suggestion for development:Suggestion for development:How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?Suggestion for well-being:Suggestion for well-being:Suggestion for well-being:How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?How is the suggestion linked to the approved learning framework?Provide an example of an open-ended question you asked for each child while completing this assessment. (5-10 words)

Provide an example of a closed-ended question you asked for each child while completing this assessment. (5-10 words)

Provide an example of how you used active listening to seek information for each child while completing this assessment. (5-10 words)

Provide an example of how you used active listening to confirm your understanding of the information gathered while completing this assessment. (5-10 words)

Assessment Task 4: Supervisor Report

The supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed and they have endorsed Section 1.

Supervisor report
The information provided by the student in their reflective journal is an accurate reflection of their actions. Yes No
The student has permission to submit the information contained within the Portfolio for the purposes of assessment. Yes No
During the activities described in their reflective journal, the student:

followed the service policies and procedures at all times.

Yes No

used, modelled and encouraged effective oral communication (such as asking open and closed questions, using active listening to seek information and confirm understanding).

Yes No

built rapport with the children and families they interacted and engaged with.

Yes No

sought guidance from colleagues about the observation tools and processes used at the service.

Yes No

used an appropriate observation tool to gather information about three different children.

Yes No

collaborated with the family members to gather information about three children.

Yes No

used an opportunity to discuss with colleagues the information they gathered, their reflection of the information and their perspective of the information and requirements for planning.

Yes No
Please comment on the student’s abilities related to the above skills here.

Full name:
Contact details:

Assessment Task 5: Project Portfolio (CHCECE037)

CHCECE037 Support children to connect with the natural environment

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in relation to supporting, planning and implementing activities that connect children with the natural environment.

As you do this, you are required to work in line with your work placement centre’s policies and procedures and all regulatory requirements at an approved work placement service.

You need to complete the following as part of your evidence for this unit:

Understand the legal and organisational requirements for supporting children to connect with the natural environment, including:

Laws and regulations related to the National Quality Standard requirements for the physical environment and relationships with children.

Service standards and policies and procedures for the physical environment (including the use of natural and recycled materials in the learning environment).

Policies and procedures related to relationships with children.

Support children’s knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the natural environment on three occasions:

Discuss the natural environment with children.

Promote and support the use of natural and recycled materials in the learning environment.

Support children to demonstrate respect for the natural environment.

To do this, you must first:

Use digital media to research the natural environment including:

the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander peoples’ connection and use of the natural environment

Identify and source suitable resources about the natural environment and impact of activities on the natural environment that can be shared with the children (such as books, posters or videos)

Identify opportunities for children to reduce their impact on the natural environment.

Plan and implement one indoor and one outdoor opportunity that encourages the children to positively interact with the natural environment, including:

An opportunity to explore the natural and constructed environment in their local community

An opportunity to experience the growth and care of a living thing.

As you do this, make sure you model respect, care and appreciation for both the natural and constructed environment. Be intentional about what you teach and ask open-ended questions as you interact and build rapport with the children.

You are able to choose which two opportunities you plan and implement as it depends on the age of the children, the nature of the service you are doing this assessment at and the learning framework they follow.

Make sure one opportunity is indoors and one opportunity is outdoors.

If you are unsure, speak to your assessor or supervisor for examples of how you can use the framework to support learning, development and wellbeing.


Your assessor will observe you directly on at least one of the occasions where you plan and implement a learning experience (either indoors or outdoors) and either your approved workplace supervisor, or your assessor, can observe you on the other occasion. Your assessor will arrange the details of this with you directly.

To document all this evidence, you will:

Complete written reflections in Table 1 of your Portfolio about what you have done while on placement.

Have your work placement supervisor complete Table 2 of your Portfolio to verify that you have worked doing the above activities during your work placement.

Complete the observations conducted by your assessor and/or supervisor during scheduled workplace visits or allocated timeframes arranged directly with the people involved. Your assessor will provide you with more details about this directly.

You will collect most of your evidence and complete Portfolio documentation during the work placement phase of your course. The rest can be completed in the classroom after your work placement is finished.

When in your work placement, keep in mind that the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of the children and families you work with. There will be requirements around informed consent from children’s family or guardians in some cases and your work placement organisation.

2. Complete your Portfolio.

Complete Table 1 of your Portfolio after you have investigated and applied the learning framework. Ensure all sections are completed neatly and clearly and all supporting evidence is attached.

Have your supervisor complete Table 2.

Your assessor will arrange the details of their direct observation and provide you with information about when this will be.

Assessment Task 5: Project Portfolio (CHCECE037)

Table 1: Reflective Journal

This section of your Portfolio requires you to reflect on the work you have done while on your work placement in relation to supporting children connect with the natural environment.

This section provides evidence related to the legal and organisational requirements for supporting children connect with the natural environment.

1. Legal and organisational requirements

Question Provide detailed information. (All sections must be filled out)
Identify the national and applicable state or territory specific law and regulations that govern the National Quality Standards (NQS). (10-30 words)
Which regulatory authority assesses the service against the National Quality Standards (NQS)?
What is the rating of the service against the National Quality Standards for Quality Area 3 – Physical Environment (as assessed by the regulatory authority)?
What is the rating of the service against the National Quality Standards for Quality Area 5 – Relationships with children (as assessed by the regulatory authority)?
Which policies and procedures does the service have that relate to the physical environment?

You are NOT required to attach the policy and procedure. Write the name of the policy and procedure at the service and summarise the main points.
What are the requirements of the policy and procedures when using natural materials in the learning environment? (10-30 words)
What are the requirements of the policy and procedures when using recycled materials in the learning environment? (10-30 words)
Which policies and procedures does the service have that address relationships with children?

You are NOT required to attach the policy and procedure. Write the name of the policy and procedure at the service and summarise the main points below.
Summarise the policy and procedures addressing relationships with children.

This section provides evidence related to supporting children’s knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the natural environment. (All sections must be filled out).

2. Investigating suitable resources

Provide at least three digital media references (such as a website link or social media post) showing how you researched information about the natural environment.

Make sure your references include information about:

the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander peoples’ connection and use of the natural environment.Digital reference 1:Digital reference 2:Digital reference 3:Summarise your research on the natural environment. (25 – 50 words)Research on the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land:Research on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander peoples’ connection and use of the natural environment:Further research on the natural environment:Provide at least two examples of suitable resources (such as books, posters or videos) you identified and sourced to share with the children.

One information source should provide information about the environment.

One information source should provide information about the impact of activities on natural environments.Resource about the environment:Resource about the impact of activities on natural environments:How did you provide children access to the resources? (10-30 words)

Attach photos of the resources to show that you have provided children access to the resources. Do not include children in the photo unless you have permission from the family and the service to do so.
What are two ways the children at the service can reduce their impact on the environment? (5-10 words)Example 1:Example 2:

3. Discussions with children

Occasion 1: Discuss the natural environment with children (All sections must be filled out)

Make sure your discussion includes:

the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander peoples’ connection and use of the natural environment.What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
What resources did you use?

Attach photos of the resources that were used in this discussion. Do not include children in the photo unless you have permission from the family and the service to do so.
How did the children react? (5-20 words)

For example, what questions did they ask?
How did your actions support children’s knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land? (10-20 words)
How did your actions support children’s knowledge, appreciation and understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ connection and use of the natural environment? (10-20 words)

Occasion 2: Promote and support the use of natural and recycled materials in the learning environment (All sections must be filled out)
What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
What natural resources did you use?

Attach photos of the resources that were used in this discussion. Do not include children in the photo unless you have permission from the family and the service to do so.
What recycled resources did you use?
Provide one example of how you adhered to the requirements of relevant policies and procedures. (10-30 words)
How did your actions support children’s knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the natural materials? (10-30 words)
How did your actions support children’s knowledge, appreciation and understanding of recycled materials? (10-30 words)

Occasion 3: Support children to demonstrate respect for the natural environment (All sections must be filled out)
What did you do? (10-30 words)
Who was involved?
What resources did you use?

Attach photos of the resources that were used in this discussion. Do not include children in the photo unless you have permission from the family and the service to do so.
Provide one example of how you adhered to the requirements of relevant policies and procedures. (5-10 words)
How did your actions support children to develop respect for the natural environment? (5-10 words)

This section provides evidence related to planning and implementing an indoor and an outdoor opportunity that encourages the children to positively interact with the natural environment.

Your assessor will directly observe the student implement one opportunity. Your approved workplace supervisor can observe the other opportunity.

4. Learning opportunities (indoor and outdoor)

Opportunity 1: Explore the natural and constructed environment in the local community (All sections must be filled out)

Indoor activity


Outdoor activityWhat did you do? (5-10 words)

A Learning experience plan is provided on Canvas. Attach it here once completed.
Who was involved?
How does the opportunity explore the natural environment? (5-10 words)
How does the opportunity explore the constructed environment? (5-10 words)
Provide one example of how you modelled respect for the natural environment. (5-10 words)
Provide one example of how you modelled respect for the constructed environment. (5-10 words)
Provide one example of how you modelled care for the natural environment. (5-10 words)
Provide one example of how you modelled care for the constructed environment. (5-10 words)
Provide one example of how you modelled appreciation for the natural environment. (5-10 words)
Provide one example of how you modelled appreciation for the constructed environment. (5-10 words)

Opportunity 2: Experience the growth and care of a living thing (All sections must be filled out)

Indoor activity


Outdoor activityWhat did you do?

A Learning experience plan is provided on Canvas. Attach it here once completed.
Who was involved?
How does the opportunity help children to experience the growth and care of living things? (5-10 words)

Assessment Task 5: Supervisor Report

The supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed and endorse Table 1.

Supervisor report
The information provided by the student in their reflective journal is an accurate reflection of their actions. Yes No
The student has permission to submit the information contained within the Portfolio for the purposes of assessment. Yes No
During the activities described in their reflective journal, the student:

Always worked in line with the centre’s policies and procedures.

Yes No

Was intentional in their teaching to build children’s skills.

Yes No

Interacted and engaged positively with the children (followed routines, remembered names, gave attention and showed interest, asked questions, friendly body language)

Yes No

Modelled respect, care and appreciation for both the natural and constructed environment.

Yes No

Worked well with other educators and always followed directions.

Yes No
Please comment on the student’s abilities related to the above skills here.
Full name:
Contact details:

Assessment Task 6: Project Portfolio (CHCECE033)

CHCECE033 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in relation to developing positive and respectful relationships with children.

You need to complete the following as part of your evidence for this unit:

Communicate positively and respectfully in your interactions with children between the ages of birth and 6 years. Collectively this must include each of the following at least once:

Group interactions


Play opportunities

Physical care routines

Sustained individual interaction

Situation where child is reluctant to participate

Situation of conflict

Times of transition

Document and reflect on your observations, with a focus on how relationships are developed in the workplace including your:

Own relationships with children

Other educator relationships with children

Child to child relationships.

You must do all these activities while working in line with your work placement centre’s policies and procedures and all regulatory requirements at an approved work placement service.


Your assessor will observe you directly communicating positively and respectfully during interactions with children between the ages of birth and 6 years on at least one occasion for the following activities:

A play opportunity with a group of children

A physical care routine with a child that also serves as a sustained individual interaction (for example, assistance with a physical care routine while singing a song to them and spending quality time with the child afterwards discussing topics of their interest)

A time of transition – for at least one of the following:

from one activity to another

from one location to another

during arrival at the service

Either your approved workplace supervisor, or your assessor, can observe you communicate positively and respectfully during the following:

A mealtime

A situation where a child is reluctant to participate

A situation of conflict.

Your assessor will arrange the details of this with you directly.

To document all this evidence, you will:

Perform the above activities during in an approved work placement and record this in your Work Placement Hours Log and have your supervisor sign off on this.

Complete written reflections in Table 1 of your portfolio about what you have done while on placement which includes documented observations of two children which you will need to attach to your portfolio as part of your submission.

Have your work placement supervisor complete Table 2 of your portfolio to verify that you have worked with babies and toddlers doing the above activities during your work placement.

Complete the observations conducted by your assessor and/or supervisor during scheduled workplace visits or allocated timeframes arranged directly with the people involved.

You will collect most of your evidence and complete Project Portfolio documentation during the work placement phase of your course. The rest can be completed in the classroom after your work placement is finished.

When in your work placement, keep in mind that the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of the children and families you work with. There will be requirements around informed consent from children’s family or guardians in some cases and your work placement organisation. Your workplace supervisor will guide you in relation to your informed consent requirements.

2. Complete your Portfolio.

Complete Table 1 of your Portfolio after you have worked with the two children and their families. Ensure all sections are completed neatly and clearly and all supporting evidence is attached

Have your supervisor complete Table 2.

Your assessor will arrange the details of their direct observation and provide you with information about when this will be.
Submit your completed Portfolio to your assessor.

Assessment Task 6: Project Portfolio (CHCECE033)

Table 1: Reflective Journal

This section of your Project Portfolio requires you to reflect on your work placement and how you have developed positive and respectful relationships with children during your work with them.

As part of your evidence, you need to submit completed observations for two children. Observation templates are provided on Canvas. Before working with children (and discussing personal information) you must gain permission from the family of the child. Permission to Observe forms are found on Canvas with your assessment.

Observe both children in a group interaction or situation. Attach these observations as indicated below and ensure your answers below relate to the observations of these children.

1. Child 1

Child 1 (All sections must be filled out)
Question Provide detailed information.
Summarise this child and their culture, family and community context. (20-40 words)
What factors of the social and physical environments of the child’s home and community may impact on their behaviour? (20-40 words)
How did you gather this information? Describe who you communicated with and how? (20-40 words)
Describe: (20-40 words)

the child’s developmental level

their temperament

personality traits.
How did you support practices and routines that honour the child and their family, culture and community context? Provide an example of what you did. (20-40 words)
Provide your observations of this child in a group setting. What type of role do they take on in the group and how do they behave in the group setting? (10-30 words)

Attach the observations here. Only use child’s first initial to ensure their privacy.
Do you think their gender influences their behaviour and the dynamics of this group? If so, explain why. If not, explain how this can occur or your observations of another child in the same group. (20-40 words)
Locate the service policy on behaviour management and outline the behavioural philosophy of the service. Give an example of how you explained behaviour expectations to this child and how this was developmentally appropriate for them? (20-40 words)

Behavioural expectations must be in line with service policies. Consider the language you used and how you explained why you asked them to behave a certain way.

How did you involve children in this conversation?
Describe a behaviour strategy that is suitable for this child, in line with the service policies. (20-40 words)
How did you encourage positive relationship building between this child and other children in the group? (20-40 words)

Attach evidence of one space you have setup or modified to support the children (eg. photos).

Discuss how this has reduced the potential for the children to experience stress or frustration? (20-40 words)
How did you assist the child to have agency and be active in their decision making? (20-40 words)

Attach evidence to support this (eg. photos, children’s work, jottings etc.)
Give an example for each of the following routines of how you supported and encouraged positive behaviour in children:

Group interactions


Play opportunities

Physical care routinesGroup interactions:


Play opportunities:

Physical care routines

2. Child 2

Child 2 (All sections must be filled out)
Question What happened? Provide detailed information.
Summarise this child and their culture, family and community context. (20-40 words)
What factors of the social and physical environments of the child’s home and community may impact on their behaviour? (20-40 words)
How did you gather this information? Describe who you communicated with and how? (20-40 words)
Describe: (20-40 words)

the child’s developmental level

their temperament

personality traits.
How did you support practices and routines that honour the child and their family, culture and community context? Provide an example of what you did. (20-40 words)
Provide your observations of this child in a group setting. What type of role do they take on in the group and how do they behave in the group setting? (10-30 words)

Attach the observations here. Only use child’s first initial to ensure their privacy.
Do you think their gender influences their behaviour and the dynamics of this group? If so, explain why. If not, explain how this can occur or your observations of another child in the same group. (20-40 words)
Locate the service policy on behaviour management and outline the behavioural philosophy of the service. Give an example of how you explained behaviour expectations to this child and how this was developmentally appropriate for them?

Behavioural expectations must be in line with service policies. Consider the language you used and how you explained why you asked them to behave a certain way.

How did you involve children in this conversation? (20-40 words)
Describe a behaviour strategy that is suitable for this child, in line with the service policies. (20-40 words)
How did you encourage positive relationship building between this child and other children in the group? (20-40 words)

Attach evidence of one space you have setup or modified to support the children (eg. photos).

Discuss how this has reduced the potential for the children to experience stress or frustration? (20-40 words)
How did you assist the child to have agency and be active in their decision making? (20-40 words)

Attach evidence to support this (eg. photos, children’s work, jottings etc.)
Give an example for each of the following, showing how you have supported positive behaviour in children:

Sustained individual interaction

Situation where child is reluctant to participate

Situation of conflict

Times of transitionSustained individual interaction:

Situation where child is reluctant to participate:

Situation of conflict:

Times of transition (must be one of the following: moving from one activity to another, from one location to another or during arrival at the service):

3. General reflection

Complete the section below and then arrange a discussion with the workplace supervisor to discuss your reflections and show them your list of actions you have created in the space below.

General reflection (All sections must be filled out)
Question Answer
Reflect on your own pedagogical practices that you have learned while on this course. How has what you learned influenced the way you interacted and communicated with children while on your work placement? (10-30 words)
How have your experiences while on placement helped you to better develop positive relationships with the children in your care? (10-30 words)

Provide an example of a new strategy you have learned.
How has your observations of other educators while on placement helped you to better develop positive relationships with the children in your care? (10-30 words)

Provide an example of a new strategy you have learned.
How has your observations of children’s relationships with each other helped you to better understand children and develop positive relationships with them? (10-30 words)

Provide two examples of this.
What opportunities can you make use of that will further develop your skills as an educator? (10-30 words)

Create a list of actions here and discuss them with your assessor or supervisor.

Assessment Task 6: Supervisor Report

The workplace supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed and endorse Table 1.

Supervisor report
The information provided by the student in their reflective journal is an accurate reflection of their actions. Yes No
The student has permission to submit the information contained within the Project Portfolio for the purposes of assessment. Yes No
General reflection: The student has completed a reflective process with me on the above General Reflection Journal entries and I am satisfied with the student’s responses that demonstrate their understanding of the importance of developing positive and respectful relationships with children. Yes No
The student has discussed with me the list of actions they have developed to further improve their skills as an educator. Yes No
The student used open and closed questions and active listening skills during this discussion. Yes No
The following skills checklist needs to be filled out by either the workplace supervisor OR your ALG assessor. Supervisor checklist has been highlighted in grey:

(Show this to your assessor when they come to visit you)

Skill Details Observation type Documentation Date Observer’s signature Supervising EC educator’s name and initials
Play opportunity with a group Group interaction Assessor observation Observation Checklist

Physical care routine Sustained physical interaction Assessor observation Observation Checklist

A time of transition Individual interaction Assessor observation Observation Checklist

Mealtime Group of children Supervisor observation Observation Checklist

Reluctance to participate Individual interaction Supervisor observation Observation Checklist

Conflict 1 or 2 children Supervisor observation Observation Checklist

Communicating positively during interactions with children Individual and group interactions Assessor observation Observation checklist

During the activities described in their reflective journal, the student:

used positive and respectful communication with children, families and colleagues

Yes No

used and supported practices and routines that honour children, their family and the community context

Yes No

modelled positive interactions with children and others (verbal and non-verbal communication)

Yes No

identified situations where children may need additional support and asked for guidance from relevant supervisor as needed

Yes No

showed genuine interest and respect for all children

Yes No

worked with other staff members and the centre to support children with specific needs

Yes No

responded to any challenging situations in a positive way

Yes No

always worked in line with the centre’s policies and procedures

Yes No Please comment on the student’s abilities related to the above skills here. Full name:
Contact details:

Assessment Task 7: Project Portfolio (CHCECE030)

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate that you can support inclusion and diversity with children in daily practice. To meet the requirements of this unit, you need to:

Work with two diverse children and their families while on your work placement and as part of your work:

Complete reflections about your work with them in supporting and promoting diversity and inclusive practices

Complete observation records to help you understand the child

Plan either a routine or play experience (note, that if you plan a routine experience with the first child then you must plan a play experience for the second child (or vice versa)

Identify a community resource that can help you have a better understanding of the child and their family and consult with a community member or group (in person or online) to help you follow a certain protocol

Work in collaboration with your work placement supervisor and peers or colleagues to support their specific needs

Answer all of the questions in Table 1 of your Portfolio and have your supervisor endorse it and complete a supervisor report included in Table 2 of your Portfolio.

Meet with either your workplace supervisor or your workplace assessor on two different occasions to discuss your reflections on both children you have worked with.

Be directly observed by your assessor while on your work placement completing either a routine or play experience with a child or group of children where you demonstrate your respectful and inclusive communication and practices.

When in your work placement, keep in mind that the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of the children and families you work with. There will be requirements around informed consent from children’s family or guardians in some cases and your work placement organisation. Your workplace supervisor will guide you in relation to your informed consent requirements.

2. Complete your Portfolio.

Complete Table 1 of your Portfolio during and after your work placement blocks.

Ensure all sections are completed neatly and clearly. Have your supervisor complete

Table 2.

Assessment Task 7: Project Portfolio (CHCECE030)

Table 1: Reflective Journal

This section of your Portfolio requires you to reflect on your own values and biases and how these could potentially impact in your work with families and children.

Occasion 1: To discuss your reflections on the first child and their family. (Discuss with workplace supervisor or assessor)

Occasion 2: To discuss your reflections on the second child and their family. (Discuss with workplace supervisor or assessor)

1. Reflection and resources

Question Provide detailed information.
Describe at least three important life experiences you have had and how these have shaped your: (10-30 words each)

current values


attitudes.Experience one (relate it to your values)Experience two (relate it to your beliefs)Experience three (relate it to your attitudes)How does an inclusive work environment that celebrates and supports diversity impact on those who work there? Provide two examples. (10-30 words each)
How does an inclusive and supportive environment at an ECEC centre impact on children and their families? (10-30 words each)Impact on children:

Impact on families:For each of the following groups, find a credible online group or agency that provides resources to help you understand people who identify with these groups and provide the weblink:

A culture that is common in your local area

Refugees new to Australia


Children with autism

Children with a physical disability

A culture that is common in your local area

Refugees new to Australia


Children with autism

Children with a physical disability

Reflect on two children and their families you have worked with while on your work placement who come from very different backgrounds to yours. Now, thinking about each child and their family, answer the following questions: (By using families you have already worked with, you do not need to gain permission from the families again)

2. Working with families

Child and family: 1
What is this child and their families’ background? Identify what makes them unique and different to you. (20-50 words)

Important: Only use the first initial of the child to protect their privacy

For example, this could be:

Their culture

Their family structure

Gender identity


Dietary requirements or preferences

Discuss how you have communicated with families to get this information? (10-20 words)

Attach evidence that shows this communication (eg. enrolment forms, conversations with families, screenshots of emails, letters written, communication through work-based APPs).
How could your values and beliefs impact on this child and their family (perhaps even unintentionally) in a negative way? (20-50 words)

Provide an example of what could happen if you had not learned about cultural awareness and inclusion.
Provide an example of how a life experience or interaction you have had (perhaps recently or in the past) has helped you to reflect on diversity to understand this child and their family better? (20-50 words)
How have you increased your knowledge of diversity and inclusiveness by using the centre’s policies on:

experiencing diversity through activities and interactions

building on diverse backgrounds of children

during your work with this child and their family?

Provide at least one example. (20-50 words)
How have observations of this child’s interactions with other children and educators, and their participation at the centre, helped you to plan an experience for them? (20-50 words)

Attach evidence of your observation record relating to this child/family.

Attach evidence of the experience you planned. (eg. Learning experience plan, photos, artwork)

Is this a:

routine experience (e.g., mealtime)?

play experience?

Tick one only.
How has this observation and experience helped you to be more understanding of diversity and become more focused on being inclusive in your attitudes and actions? (20-50 words)
How does your work placement support this child and their family’s uniqueness? (20-50 words)

List any policies or practices that directly relate to this circumstance and mention one way this supports the family.
Identify a community resource available to you that can help you to understand and support this child and their family and provide evidence that you have consulted with a community member or group to help you follow a certain protocol (consultation may be in person or online). (20-50 words)

This is an opportunity to learn more about the culture/language of this family. You are not required to share personal information about this child. Search for general information that will support your practices.

Attach evidence of this. (eg. screenshots, weblinks, emails, minutes from conversation).
How did you communicate any needs for additional support to ensure this child feels included while on your work placement?

Provide details of who you spoke with and what you spoke about (e.g., your supervisor or peers while on placement). (20-30 words)

Child and family: 2
What is this child and their families’ background? Identify what makes them unique and different to you. (20-50 words)

Important: Only use the first initial of the child to protect their privacy

For example, this could be:

Their culture

Their family structure

Gender identity


Dietary requirements or preferences

Discuss how you have communicated with families to get this information. (10-20 words)

Attach evidence that shows this communication (eg enrolment forms, conversations with families, screenshots of emails, letters written, communication through work-based APPs).
How could your values and beliefs impact on this child and their family (perhaps even unintentionally) in a negative way? (20-50 words)

Provide an example of what could happen if you had not learned about cultural awareness and inclusion.
Provide an example of how a life experience or interaction you have had (perhaps recently or in the past) has helped you to reflect on diversity to understand this child and their family better? (20-50 words)
How have you increased your knowledge of diversity and inclusiveness by using the centre’s policies on:

experiencing diversity through activities and interactions

building on diverse backgrounds of children

during your work with this child and their family?

Provide at least one example. (20-50 words)
How have observations of this child’s interactions with other children and educators, and their participation at the centre, helped you to plan an experience for them? (20-50 words)

Attach evidence of your observation records relating to this family.

Attach evidence of the experience you planned (eg. Learning experience plan, photos, artwork).

Is this a:

routine experience (e.g., mealtime)?

play experience?

Tick one only.
How has this observation and experience helped you to be more understanding of diversity and become more focused on being inclusive in your attitudes and actions? (20-50 words)
How does your work placement support this child and their family’s uniqueness? (20-50 words)

List any policies or practices that directly relate to this circumstance and mention one way this supports the family.
Identify a community resource available to you that can help you to understand and support this child and their family and provide evidence that you have consulted with a community member or group to help you follow a certain protocol (consultation may be in person or online). (20-50 words)

This is an opportunity to learn more about the culture/language of this family. You are not required to share personal information about this child. Search for general information that will support your practices.

Attach evidence of this (eg. screenshots, weblinks, emails, minutes from conversations).
How did you communicate any needs for additional support to ensure this child feels included while on your work placement?

Provide details of who you spoke with and what you spoke about (e.g., your supervisor or peers while on placement). (20-30 words)