Student Assessment Booklet

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TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Student Assessment Booklet, V.2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Unit Code / Name TAELED803 Implement Improved Learning Practice
Date of submission:
I __________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.
None of this work has been completed by any other person.
I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.
Student Signature: ______________________________________________Date: _______________


Assessor to complete
Assessment Task Number and
Not satisfactory
Date Is this a
reassessment? Y/N
If yes, what attempt?
Assessment Task 2: Evaluation
and planning
1st attempt __
2nd attempt __
Re-assessment __
Assessor’s Signature: Date:

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Student Assessment Booklet, V.2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
2 of 5
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

Assessment Task 2: Evaluation and Planning


In this task, you are required to demonstrate your knowledge and skills you have learned from this unit to conduct:
Evaluation and planning
Learning/Student Guide
Project Portfolio template
Training and Assessment Strategy template or sample
Access to a computer, printer, Internet, and email software (if required)
MS Office application (or similar)
A suitable place (or simulated workplace) to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a
meeting space.
Completed Section 1 of the Project Portfolio
Current Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS)
Evidence of observations and data collection – analysis of learners and their needs (surveys, learner profiles you
have developed etc.)
Revised Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS)
Plagiarism Check report (if applicable)
Reference list (if applicable)
Assessment Task cover sheet
Self-evaluation checklist
WORD LIMIT : 1,500 (about)
If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Student Assessment Booklet, V.2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
3 of 5
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

You are required to prepare for the following (you do not need to answer the items below):
Select a current course to base your project on. This can be any Vocational Education and Training
(VET) course (qualification, skill set or unit) and will be the course you are currently studying if you are
not currently employed in the industry
Select a cohort of learners (this will be your student group you are studying with, if you are not
currently employed)
Evaluate current practices and research ways to improve current practice using best practice and
contemporary approaches (including the use of new technologies)
Manage and monitor improved learning practice based on your evaluations of a group of learners
Analyse and advance the adoption of improved learning practice by advocating for this, mentoring
others and designing and testing improved practice in real world situations.
o You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio and will need to submit a
number of attachments as evidence.
o The steps you need to take are outlined below.
o Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project Portfolio.
Guides and Notes:
If you are currently working within an adult vocational learning environment, base this assessment on your
workplace organisation. If you are not working then use the context of the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
that you are studying this course with. If using your RTO, then the fellow students in your class group will be your
learning cohort.
1. Conduct an evaluation and complete planning


Within the context of your learning environment in your organisation, you will need to evaluate ways
to improve learning practice.
Complete the following:
Select a group of learners (at least three) to base this assessment on (you must record the
names of the learners in your Project Portfolio).
Access and analyse the current Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) for your nominated
course (a sample copy will be provided to you by your Assessor).
Conduct observations and use other relevant methods (such as surveys, interviews or focus
groups) to analyse the following:
a. Learners’ interests, abilities, relationships and any contextual needs that need to be

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Student Assessment Booklet, V.2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
4 of 5
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

b. Their unique learner styles and how appropriate the current learning methods are for them.
a. Advances in learning practices and how these are being implemented by other
b. An evaluation of the role and impact of new technologies on learners and training
techniques and how this could be incorporated into your learning environment.
c. Ways new learning practices can be introduced for your chosen course and cohort in a way
that will ensure learning practice still reflects the qualification requirements.


4. Conduct research using the Internet into advances in learning practice which includes:
Note: Provide the URL links of your research (provide them in the Project Portfolio)
5. Plan for and develop changes based on your research and evaluations by deciding on the
changes you are going to make and the reasons why (ensuring integrity of the course)
6. Update the Training and Assessment Strategy accordingly.
As part of this step you need to have a discussion with your assessor where you clearly outline
your proposed changes and reasons for this.
Your assessor will be looking to see that you can lead the verbal change based on your research
and ideas and that your ideas can practically be implemented (see further notes below under
‘Guides and Notes).
Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. Remember to attach all necessary evidence
attachments as indicated.
Guides and Notes – you will be assessed on this:
Observations can either be viewed in person by your assessor or viewed online. Your assessor can provide
you with more details at this step.
Your assessor will be looking to see that you can lead the conversations so you can effectively gather the
information needed from your learners and explore their ideas and requirements related to the course they
are studying.


What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Completed Section 1 of the Project Portfolio
Current Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS)
Evidence of observations and data collection – analysis of learners and their needs
Revised Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS)
Reference List and Plagiarism Check report
Plagiarism check report (if applicable)
Assessment Task cover sheet
Self-evaluation checklist

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Student Assessment Booklet, V.2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
5 of 5
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

Assessment Task 2: Evaluation and Planning
Student’s self-evaluation checklist
In completing this assessment task, I have developed the following knowledge and skills: Yes or
1. Evaluate ways that current learning practices can be improved by:
conducting research using the Internet into advances in learning practice relevant to the
context of their learning environment.
analysing advances in learning practices and how these are being implemented by other
evaluating the role and impact of new technologies on learners and training techniques
and how this could be incorporated into their learning environment.
exploring ways new learning practices can be introduced for their chosen course and
cohort in a way that will ensure learning practice still reflects the qualification
2. Conduct observations and use other relevant methods (such as surveys, interviews or focus
groups) to:
analyse learners’ interests, abilities, relationships and any contextual needs that need to
be considered
assess unique learner styles and how appropriate the current learning methods are for
lead verbal discussions to gather information and explore requirements of learners to
improve practice
3. Plan, design and develop improved learning practice by updating the TAS to incorporate their
findings from their research, observations and evaluations which includes:
learner styles, needs and preferences
advances in contemporary practice
qualification requirements
4. Lead verbal discussions when discussing proposed changes and making recommendations.
I confirm that the above self-evaluation checklist is true and correct.
Student Name: Student