Stability Performance Supportability

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system is delivered.) This is a bit like getting the foundations of a building correct before building the walls and roof. In systems projects, this translates to whether we need to create big designs up front (BDUF). • Team characteristics: How big is our IT team, where are they located, do they have the skills they need, and so on? In addition to the IT team, itself, what is the customer team like—how many users, how diverse are they in terms of their roles and requirements, and so on? We shall see that big, complex teams tend to emerge from and be associated with big, complex functional and non-functional requirements.
Further Table 5-2 lists and defines the key characteristics in each of these three categories. In general, low values of these measurements increase the appropriateness of the agile approach. Conversely, high values of these measurements push us toward more of a hybrid approach.
Table 5-2 Home Grounds project characteristic definitions
Project characteristic
Number Complexity Interdependence Clarity
Stability Performance Supportability
Project characteristic description
“The degree to which…” Functional requirements characteristics • Project includes many new features
• Features include multiple functional areas • Individual features are complicated
• Requirements vary across different users, departments, or offices
• Goals require multiple projects and/or multiple systems • Existing application is difficult to update because of high coupling
• New features build on each other, so they must be built in a specific order • Current state of business and software is clearly understood
• Future state can be clearly understood up front • Requirements change slowly over time Non-functional requirements characteristics • Software must support large numbers of users/transactions/data
• Planned need for high performance contrasts with current low performance needs • Software needs to easily support future extensions to functionality
• Software needs to be easily maintainable
Project characteristic
Criticality Integration Technology
Project characteristic description
“The degree to which…” Functional requirements characteristics • Software is mission critical
• Software security needs to protect sensitive data
• Software impacts human safety
• Software subject to legal audit or requires formal requirements • Software must integrate or interface with many other systems • Need to use or integrate new or unproven technologies
• Technology is obsolete and needs to be updated or replaced Team characteristics • Mon. TT taar. mamharc