Software Engineering Methodology

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MITS5002 – Software Engineering Methodology

Semester 1 2023

Assignment 1

This assignment will be completed individually.


Marks: 10% of your total marks/grades.

Due Date: Week 5 31-Mar-2023 Friday 11:55 pm AEST 

Submission: The presentation slides and the presentation video must be submitted as a ZIP file through the Moodle submission link provided under the assessments on Unit page before the deadline. No DRAFT submissions will be marked.

Lateness: A late penalty of 20% per day after the due date, including the weekends.

Authorship: This assignment is an individual assignment, and the final submission must be identifiable as an individual’s own work.  Breaches of this requirement will result in an assignment not being accepted for assessment and may result in disciplinary action. Refer to the Academic Integrity Section below for more details.

Extensions: No extensions will be given in normal circumstances. An extension may be granted in special circumstances as per the VIT policy.

Student Statement: A completed electronic student statement is required to be accepted with the submission. It is created automatically when you press a Submit button (or confirm your submission) for your assignment via Moodle submission system.


Academic integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care that you have:

  • Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e., directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods,
  • Provide a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites.

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate references, as if they were your own.


This assessment related to the following Unit Learning Outcomes: 

UL 05: Conduct research on state of art practices and assess various modelling methodologies in Software architecture, design, development, testing; and recommended appropriate approaches to tie the stages of software engineering methodologies to resources within the project.


In this assessment you are required to do 5-10 minutes presentation on a recent academic paper on a topic related to Software Engineering or related Software Engineering field (e.g., methodologies, analysis, design, testing, quality, etc.). Some possible research areas are included but were not limited to:

Automated Software Engineering

  • Mining Software Repositories
  • Search-based Software Engineering
  • Quantum Software Engineering
  • Project Management methodologies
  • Test Driven Methodologies
  • Advanced human Interfaces
  • Artificial Neural Networks (applied to software engineering)
  • Cloud Computing (in relation to software engineering)
  • Agent Oriented Software Engineering

The paper you select must be directly relevant to one of the above topics or another topic that is related to Software Engineering. The paper can be from Scopus Level Q1, Q2 and Q3 academic conferences or other relevant Journal or online sources such as ProQuest, Google Scholar, Academic department repositories, or a significant commercial company involved in research such as IBM etc.  All students must select a different paper and send it for approval (or discuss with) to the lecturer by end second week. Thus, the paper must be approved by your lecturer before proceeding. In case two student select same paper, the first come first serve policy will be applied. Note that popular magazine or web-site articles are not academic papers. Some suggested periodicals for this assessment are as follows.

Assessment 1 weight is 10% of overall Unit’s marks. The 10% marks depend on both your presentation video and the style of the presentation.  A marking guide/scheme for your presentation is attached herewith.


Selection of the Topic (5 Marks)

– The relevant topic was chosen (5 marks)

Content (50 marks)

– The overview of the paper discussed and intent Quality and clarity of the research problem statement and research question(s) (10 marks)

– Significance and originality of the research contribution (10 marks)

– Adequacy and coherence of the research methodology (10 marks)

– Appropriateness and relevance of the literature review (10 marks)

– Soundness and completeness of the research findings and conclusions (10 marks)

Organisation and Delivery (30 points)

– Logical and well-structured presentation (10 marks)

– Effective and engaging oral delivery (10 marks)

– Clear and concise slides with appropriate visuals (10 marks)

References (15 points)

– The references and citations are provided (5 Marks)

– The references and citations are correct (5 Marks)

– The references and citations are appropriate (5 Marks)

Last modified: Friday, 3 March 2023, 4:57 PM