Smart Urbanism essay

133 views 6:01 am 0 Comments October 27, 2023

Smart Urbanism essay


Length: 2000 words (10% more or less acceptable) – not including references

Worth: 40%

Learning outcomes:

Critically assess the implications of smart urbanism for people, places and environments

Apply concepts of smart urbanism to a range of case studies


Smart cities policies and practices have been described as either a false dawn or a utopian vision in academic smart urbanist debates.

Take a critical position on this debate by engaging with research on the way smart cities policies are implemented. In this essay, it is important to describe two cases of smart cities policies and practices in two cities that draw your interest. Choose one city from Australia and one city from a less economically wealthy nation to focus on in your essay.

Your essay should include analysis of the implications of smart cities for people, places and environments.

Suggested approach

In this assessment task you should aim to demonstrate your depth of knowledge about smart urbanism in relation to actual places that have used smart cities policies.

It is up to you how you want to structure your essay but ensure you have:

An introduction that sets up your argument and describes what is to follow.

An essay body in which you outline the cases that you will explore and what forms of smart urbanism you are focusing on

A conclusion in which you summarise your argument and the significance of the cases for smart urbanism as an idea.

It is expected that you will access at least ten academic references from outside the required readings on Leganto to complete this assignment. Please review the marking rubric on the next page before completing this assignment.

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