162 views 7:21 am 0 Comments April 27, 2023
Maintain ethical and
professional standards
when using social media
and online platforms

Student first name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Student last name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Student Id: _______________________________________________________________________________________

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
Disclaimer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Copyright Notice …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Unit overview ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Pre requisites………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Conducting Assessment Requirements ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Access, equity and special needs ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Making reasonable adjustments…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Preparing for assessment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Prior to conducting Assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Assess written work and provide feedback ………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Assess practical tasks…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Recording outcomes……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Re-submission…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Student plagiarism, cheating and collusion………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Assessment appeals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Suitable and sufficient resources…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Assessment principles ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
The principles of assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
The rules of evidence…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
The Dimensions of Competency ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Credit Transfer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Skills Test ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Case Study ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Skills Test Activity 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Template 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26
Checklist 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 32
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1 ………………………………………………………………………… 36
Skills Test Activity 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39
Template 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42
Template 3………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 43
Checklist 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 45
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 2 ………………………………………………………………………… 48

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
This Assessment tool-marking guide has been designed to assist, support the assessor in making
assessment decisions, and is designed to support Actors College of Theatre and Television validation
processes; any errors of an editorial nature or assessment nature should be recorded on this master guide
and reported to the Compliance Manager at the conclusion of the delivery of this unit.
Your feedback will provide Actors College of Theatre and Television with suggestions for improvement that
will aid the continuous improvement cycle of the organisation.
This unit has been developed with relevance to the New South Wales and Victorian legislations and Actors
College of Theatre and Television policy and procedures, whilst ensuring compliance with Standards for
RTO 2015.
This Assessment resource was purchased from CAQA Resources (Australia) and has been contextualised
by Actors College of Theatre and Television. The assessment resources have been validated by both CAQA
Resources and Actors College of Theatre and Television to ensure that they are fit for purpose and meet
industry requirements.
Copyright Notice
No part of this resource may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying or recording, or by an information retrieval system without written permission for the
contextualised versions from Actors College of Theatre and Television who will seek permission from the
original authors CAQA Resources. Legal action may be taken against any person who infringes their
copyright through unauthorised copying.
These terms are subject to the conditions prescribed under the Australian Copyright Act 1968.
Unit overview
This unit overview is taken directly from
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to source information on, and
work according to, a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online
platforms for business purposes.
This key skill underpins effective performance when utilising social media and online platforms for diverse
purposes. It applies to individuals working at all levels from operational personnel through to managers.
This unit applies to self-employed individuals, and owners and employees of any type of micro, small, medium
or large organisation that utilises social media and online tools for customer engagement including
commercial, not-for-profit and government organisations.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of
Pre requisites
This unit does not have any pre-requisites.
SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
Conducting Assessment Requirements
Access, equity and special needs
An individual’s access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by restrictions placed on
the location or content of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the training package. Reasonable
adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities or special needs.
Adjustments can include any changes to the assessment process of context that meet the individual needs
of the person with a disability, but do not change competency outcomes.
The assessment process must:
● provide valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment
● provide for judgment to be made on the basis of sufficient evidence
● is based on valid, authentic and current evidence
● include workplace requirements as needed
Making reasonable adjustments

Reasonable Adjustments may be required to training and/or assessment methods for students with a
disability to provide them with the same educational opportunities as everyone else.


Assessors can refer to the Training and Assessment Strategy for further information about how and when
to make reasonable adjustments


When determining whether an adjustment is reasonable, consider the information in the above
mentioned guide and refer to the Disability Standards for Education 2005.

Where a reasonable adjustment is made to an assessment, this should be documented in the Student
Assessment Tool
if reasonable adjustment has been applied.

Preparing for assessment
Requirements of assessment for each unit are outlined for the student in the Student Assessment
Tool and instructions are provided for assessors in this Assessment Marking Guide.
Ensure students are advised of the assessment requirements at the start of the unit and they show
their agreement by signing the student declaration contained within the assessment tool, prior to
commencing the assessment.
Ensure students are advised of relevant due dates for each assessment task if applicable.
Advise the student of expected assessment duration prior to the assessment commencing.
Reasonable Adjustments (where required) should be recorded on the plan where relevant.
Contained within this marking guide you have access to:

Benchmark answers and decision making rules for the assessor;
Relevant page references to the learning material;
Recording tools for the assessor; and
Mapping documents showing how the assessment tasks relate to the requirements of the unit
of competency or module, are attached the back of this assessment-marking tool.

Prior to conducting Assessment
SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
All students are required to have completed their formative activities prior to engaging in any assessment
Your formative activities for the unit are not included within this assessment tool and can be found in a
separate workbook. These activities relate directly to this units’ observable criteria.
The formative activities are designed help the student develop their learning and remain engaged in practice.
The Assessor will be required to record the student’s progression in this assessment tool sign off
page prior to allowing them to commence the assessment.
The purpose of the formative activities is to ensure that the student has experienced sufficient learning prior
to completing the practical assessment.
Assess written work and provide feedback

Each written Assessment Task should be completed by the student ensuring that all relevant areas are
signed and dated correctly by the student.


All projects may be worked on outside of class but must be submitted to the trainer/assessor for

All unit assessment should be completed by the student and the student is required to sign the student
deceleration in class in order to authenticate the work as being their own, fraudulent or misleading work
will be marked as not competent and the student may risk disciplinary action. As per the
Discipline Policy
located on our website
Students should be advised to keep a copy of their written projects or assignments as it will not be
returned to them and they are responsible for providing a new copy if an assessment goes missing whilst
they are working on it.
All assessments tools must not leave Actors College of Theatre and Television premises.

It is the Assessors responsibility to ensure that assessments are kept in lockable filing cabinets in the
classroom for safety purposes.


Use the benchmark answers/ marking guide and decision-making rules provided to make the decision.
Provide students with detailed written feedback on the Assessment Task recorded on the assessment
tool itself.
Examples of acceptable feedback is detailed below:
Excellent analysis of the concepts relating to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, you have provided detail

and thought as to its impact on society and how it shapes the way humanity today relies on key concepts
of physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. You have formed a solid
foundation for future assessment.
Well Done, good work.
SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
Created: 11 July 2022 Document Owner: CM
Modified: Version: 1.0
Review Date: 11 July 2023 Page 6 of 51
Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
Where the use of additional verbal questioning is required to fill gaps in written tasks you will only use
questions that are contained in the assessment additional question bank, if you deem it necessary to
determine competence. The responses from the student are to be recorded in the assessment tool in the
appropriate section.
Assess practical tasks

Practical tasks may be assessed during classes only or in a makeup class. Instructions for completing
tasks will be outlined in the relevant
Assessment Tool both master and student.


A record of the observations made during the assessment should only be recorded in the Student
Assessment Tool.

The assessor is required to provide the student with a verbal and a written summary (recorded on the Student
Assessment Tool) of the feedback and asked to sign the Student Assessment Tool to confirm they have
received their outcome and feedback.
Recording outcomes

The mark incomplete (IC) in any of the observations is not an assessable mark but is only to indicate that
the not satisfactory grade is give on the bias of an incomplete task.


Record the outcome of the assessment task on the appropriate assessment page on the Student
Assessment Tool.

Each task should be given an outcome of either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.

A student will receive a competent outcome once all the tasks for a unit have received a satisfactory

A Not Competent outcome will be recorded against a unit under the following circumstances:
All tasks have been assessed and some or all have been marked as Not Satisfactory, or
Only some tasks have been submitted even if they have all been marked as Satisfactory.
Students have up to three attempts per assessment task to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

Each attempt requires the assessor to reprint the marking schema and attach to the back of the
assessment tool.

Resubmission outcomes should follow the same process for feedback and recording as outlined above.

If a student has attempted a task three times but hasn’t achieved a satisfactory outcome after the third
attempt, the student must re-enrol in the unit or module and undertake further training.


Student who are deemed not competent after three attempts will be required to reenrol in the unit and
repay unit fees to re sit the unit in its entirety.

Student plagiarism, cheating and collusion
SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
Created: 11 July 2022 Document Owner: CM
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
Students are expected to complete all assessments ethically and without plagiarism, collusion or
Any students suspected of unethical behavior will be managed through the disciplinary procedures,
which may require the student to attend disciplinary meetings, submit their assessment again, or for
repeated acts, the student may be asked to withdraw from the course.
Assessment appeals
Students have the right to make an appeal against an assessment decision by following the Student
Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure
Prior to proceeding with an appeal it is encouraged that the learners speak with the assessor.

A copy of the Student Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure can be located on our website.

Suitable and sufficient resources
Actors College of Theater and Television ensures it has access to suitable resources, facilities and
equipment to deliver all courses on its scope of registration. This includes access to a sufficient
number of qualified trainers and assessors, relevant training rooms, learning aids, machinery, tools,
workplaces or simulated workplace environments that appropriately reflect a workplace that a student
is likely to work in once qualified. For further information, please see the individual course resource
list included within the training and assessment strategies and the Staff Recruitment and Induction
Policy and Procedure.
Assessment principles
Actors College of Theater and Television has an assessment system that ensures assessment:
Is conducted in accordance with the Rules of Evidence and the Principles of Assessment.
Is conducted in line with the requirements of the relevant Training Package or VET Accredited
Requires the student to demonstrate all of the skills and knowledge outlined in the components of
the relevant unit of competency or module.
Requires the student to demonstrate the ability to perform tasks in a variety of situations, adapt to
different contexts and environments and perform tasks to an appropriate level expected by a
Considers the students’ dimensions of competency when making all assessment decisions.
To ensure no students are disadvantaged, where required assessors will make reasonable
adjustments to assessment tasks or processes to accommodate individual needs and record these
Actors College of Theater and Television has a plan for, and implements, systematic validation of
assessment practices and judgments. Refer to the
Validation and Moderation Policy & Procedure for
further information.

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
Created: 11 July 2022 Document Owner: CM
Modified: Version: 1.0
Review Date: 11 July 2023 Page 8 of 51
Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
The principles of assessment

Assessment must be valid
o Assessment must include the full range of skills and knowledge needed to demonstrate

o Assessment must include the combination of knowledge and skills with their practical
o Assessment, where possible, must include judgements based on evidence drawn from a
number of occasions and across a number of contexts.

Assessment must be reliable
o Assessment must be reliable and must be regularly reviewed to ensure that assessors are
making decisions in a consistent manner.


o Assessors must be trained in national competency standards for assessors to ensure reliability.
Assessment must be flexible

o Assessment, where possible, must cover both the on and off-the-job components of training
within a course.
o Assessment must provide for the recognition of knowledge, skills and attitudes regardless of
how they have been acquired.
o Assessment must be made accessible to learners through a variety of delivery modes, so they
can proceed through modularised training packages to gain competencies.
o Assessment must be mutually developed and agreed upon between assessor and the

o Assessment must be able to be challenged. Appropriate mechanisms must be made for
reassessment as a result of challenge.
Assessment must be fair

o Assessment process must consider the individual needs of the learner.
o Assessment must provide for reasonable adjustments, where appropriate, to take into account
the individual learner’s needs.
(Source: Standards for RTOs 2015, Clauses 1.8 – 1.12)
The rules of evidence
When collecting evidence, there are certain rules that apply to that evidence. All evidence must be valid,
sufficient, authentic and current:
Evidence gathered should meet the requirements of the unit of competency. This evidence should match,
or at least reflect, the type of performance that is to be assessed, whether it covers knowledge, skills
or attitudes.
SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
Created: 11 July 2022 Document Owner: CM
Modified: Version: 1.0
Review Date: 11 July 2023 Page 9 of 51
Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
This rule relates to the amount of evidence gathered. It is imperative that enough evidence is gathered to
satisfy the requirements that the learner is competent in all aspects of the unit of competency.

When evidence is gathered the assessor must be satisfied that evidence is the learner’s own work.

This relates to the recency of the evidence and whether the evidence relates to current abilities.
(Source: Training in Australia by M Tovey, D Lawlor)
The Dimensions of Competency
The national concept of competency includes all aspects of work performance and not only narrow task
skills. The four (4) dimensions of competency are:
1. Task skills
2. Task management skills
3. Contingency management skills
4. Job or role environment skills
Credit Transfer
Credit for a unit is provided prior to the commencement of training if you believe that you are eligible for
credit please refers to the
Credit Transfer Policy & Procedure located on our website.
SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
Created: 11 July 2022 Document Owner: CM
Modified: Version: 1.0
Review Date: 11 July 2023 Page 10 of 51
Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

Skills Test
Name of
SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
Unit Delivered SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online
Unit Pre-requisites Code and Title Pre-requisite units required
Type of Assessment Activity/ Project
Student Instruction This assessment task requires you to source information on, and work according to,
a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online
platforms for business purposes as per the case study provided. It includes:
Sourcing and interpreting information on:
o terms of service for three different brands of social media, including
information on how those brands share user information
o general impacts of social media on organisations and users, both
positive and negative, from three different sources
o cyberbullying and its impacts from three different sources
o a suitable code of conduct for online activities relevant to the
individual’s current or prospective industry
o employment
o an organisational code of conduct for online activities relevant to the
individual’s current or prospective job
o the role, and obtain any required permissions for release
o the overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy regulations
and any applicable local state or territory privacy regulations relevant
to the individual’s current or prospective industry employment
o copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect, exclusive
rights of owners and requirements for permissions
o defamation via social media from three different sources
o organisational criticism via social media; either customer or employee
Providing an overview evaluation of each of the above topics.
Evaluate three (3) situations involving personal online posts that present a
risk to an organisation’s reputation and identify guidelines that could be used
to avoid risk.

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
Created: 11 July 2022 Document Owner: CM
Modified: Version: 1.0
Review Date: 11 July 2023 Page 11 of 51
Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

Responding professionally to customer communications covering:
o a general product or service need, on two occasions
o negative comment or complaint about organisational issues, products
or services, on two occasions.
During the completion of this assessment task, you are required to complete the
following activities:
Activity 1: Research and source information on social media, industry, and
organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities.
Activity 2: Work according to a range of ethical and professional standards
when using social media and online platforms for business purposes.
Tools & Equipment
Mobile devices
Internet to source information to access social media and online sites
Real workplace situations or simulated activities that test aspects of this unit
that involve customer communication
Computers or mobile devices and the Internet to source information
Terms of service published by social media brands
Australian Privacy Principles (or their successor) fact sheets
Organisational privacy policies (Given in the assessment task)
Sample industry and organisational documents relating to online and social
media activities; including codes of conduct, policy statements or guidelines
(Given in the assessment task)

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
Created: 11 July 2022 Document Owner: CM
Modified: Version: 1.0
Review Date: 11 July 2023 Page 12 of 51
Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

Case Study
Sunrise Cafe

About Us
Sunrise Cafe is a café located in Melbourne that offers delicious homemade breakfast food from
The owner, James Newman, is a breakfast enthusiast. He learned to make delicious breakfast dishes
and is excited to share them with a lot of people. Sunrise Cafe offers delicious continental breakfast
food, such as:
Fluffy pancakes
Sausage platters
Freshly brewed coffee
High-quality loose tea leavers and many more
Our price starts at $10 for a complete breakfast.
Sunrise Cafe Business and Marketing Plans
Strategic Objectives:
1. To become the no. 1 breakfast place in Melbourne.
2. To raise a total sales of $3,000,000 in the next two years.
3. Use social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) to:
Offer discounts and offers to the customers
Heighten café awareness
Convert social followers into qualified leads and new business
Increase customer satisfaction and positive café perception
4. To achieve a customer satisfaction rate of 90%.
Unique Selling Point:
Our café offers the best tasting.
Product Products & Pricing
Sunrise Cafe offers delicious continental breakfast food, such as:
SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
Created: 11 July 2022 Document Owner: CM
Modified: Version: 1.0
Review Date: 11 July 2023 Page 13 of 51
Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920
Fluffy pancakes
Sausage platters
Freshly brewed coffee
High-quality loose tea leavers and many more
Our price starts at $10 for a complete breakfast.
Menu includes:
Fluffy pancake: $3
Sausage platter: $6
Freshly brewed coffee: $4
Complete breakfast (Fluffy pancake + Sausage platter + Freshly brewed coffee): $10
Target Market
Our target market consists of customers of all ages who wish to try our delicious cooking.
The company’s competition will be the following:
Food to Go
Food to Go is a café business famous for its mouthwatering burgers and Filipino style Lucban sausages.
They always have a long line of customers daily.
Dessert in the city
‘Dessert in the city’ is popular among kids and kids at heart. Their homemade ice creams and candies
are a big hit.
SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
The owner and cook is
a breakfast expert
Still new in the business Increasing demand for new
Two well-known
competitors (Food to
Go, Dessert in the city)

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

The only cafe to offer
continental breakfast
No customer retention
Can offer dine-in and
delivery services
Economic downturn

Marketing Plan
The business will conduct a 2-phase marketing and promotional program.

Giving out flyers and opening day coupons.
Posting content on social media.

Social media content calendar

Phases Key events and
Milestones and
relevant dates
Content for
Phase 1: The first
phase of the
marketing plan will be
to advertise business
opening on different
social media platforms
Opening day coupon
(Free coffee with
purchase of any menu
Week 1 Social media posts to
promote opening day
An image
created in
canvas that
promote free
coffee with
each menu
A text that
would have a
tagline to
attract the
20% discount on all
Week 1 Social media posts to
promote discounts.
20% discount
in text form
on the post.
Phase 2: The second
phase of the
marketing plan is to
create different
promotions and deals
Free high-quality coffee
with breakfast.
Week 2 Social media posts to
promote free coffee.
A YouTube
Video about
free coffee

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

for customers on
social media.
The YouTube
video must
customers in
Sharing the
Video on
Facebook and
Customer loyalty card,
i.e., complimentary
breakfast after every
five (5) breakfasts.
Week 3 Social media posts to
promote customer
loyalty cards.
An audio file
loyalty cards.
Sharing the
audio on
Facebook and

Operational Plan
The café will have the following five (5) employees:
Kitchen hand
Mark Newman (Frontline sales and marketing)

Research on more continental food
James Newman Increase menu items
and revenue.
One week

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

Use social media platforms to
increase revenue
Offer discounts and offers to
the customers
Heighten café awareness
Convert social followers into
qualified leads and new
Increase customer
satisfaction and positive café
Mark Newman Increase overall monthly
sales by at least 5%
One month
Conduct online surveys to
determine customer satisfaction
Mark Newman Gather information that
will determine how to
improve the overall
customer experience
Two week

Organisational policies and procedures for social media use
This policy provides guidance for employee use of social media, which should be broadly understood
for purposes of this policy to include blogs, wikis, microblogs, message boards, chat rooms, electronic
newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, and other sites and services that permit users to
share information with others in a contemporaneous manner.
The following principles apply to professional use of social media on behalf of Sunrise Cafe as well as
personal use of social media when referencing Sunrise Café.

Employees need to know and adhere to the company’s code of conduct when using social media
in reference to Sunrise Café.

Employees should be aware of the effect their actions may have on their images and Sunrise
Café image. The information that employees post or publish may be public information for a
long time.

Employees should be aware that Sunrise Café may observe content and information made
available by employees through social media. Employees should use their best judgment in

posting material that is neither inappropriate nor harmful to Sunrise Café, its employees, or

Although not an exclusive list, some specific examples of prohibited social media conduct
include posting commentary, content, or defamatory images, pornographic, proprietary,

harassing, libellous, or that can create a hostile work environment.
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

Social media networks, blogs and other types of online content sometimes generate press and
media attention or legal questions. Employees should refer these inquiries to the owner.

If employees find encounter a situation while using social media that threatens to become
antagonistic, employees should disengage from the dialogue in a polite manner and seek the
advice of a supervisor.
When using Sunrise Café’s computer systems, use of social media for business purposes is
allowed (ex: Facebook, Twitter, Sunrise Café blogs and LinkedIn), but personal use of social
media networks or personal blogging of online content is discouraged and could result in
If employees publish content afterhours that involves work or subjects associated with Sunrise
Café’s, a disclaimer should be used, such as this: “The postings on this site are my own and
may not represent Sunrise Café’s positions, strategies or opinions.”

It is highly recommended that employees keep Sunrise Café related social media accounts
separate from personal accounts, if practical.

Ethical considerations

Ethical Requirements Explanation
Advocacy Only objective and neutral information should be shared.
Subliminal promotion There should be no hidden signals in the copy that cause people to
consume things irrationally.
Appropriate language An insulting and abusive language that makes people feel resentful or
embarrassed should not be used.
Honesty When describing the benefits, the copy should be accurate and truthful.

Legislative requirements

Legislations/standards Key provisions
– Age discrimination act 2004
– Disability discrimination Act
– Racial discrimination act 1975
– Sex discrimination act 1984
– Australian Human Rights
Commission Act 1986
Age, disability, race, colour, nation, descent, ethnic origin,
immigration status, religion, beliefs, cultural background,
gender, sexual orientation, intersex status, marital or
relationship status should not be included in social media posts.
Copyright Act 1988 Text, artistic work, databases, journals, music, computer
programs, media broadcasts, and other types of creative works
may be referred to as assets in a copy.

SIRXOSM002 Skills Test Assessment
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Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

Broadcasting Services Act 1992 The following are some of the key objectives of this Act:
Protecting children from improper online content;
Broadcasting content that is detrimental to children
through any media channel.

Privacy policies and procedures
Sunrise Café policy has been developed in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles commits
to ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to protect the privacy of its consumers and staff team.
The following policy and procedure outline how personal information is collected, used, disclosed,
stored, destroyed.

Sunrise Café policy takes all reasonable steps required to protect and maintain personal and
sensitive information. The staff members operating social media accounts must:


Employees are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential
or not public.

Employees should get appropriate permission before they refer to or post images of current or
former employees, members, vendors or suppliers. Additionally, employees should get
appropriate permission to use a third party’s copyrights, copyrighted material, trademarks,
service marks or other intellectual property.
Check the account privacy settings are appropriate for the scope of engagement you wish to
undertake. Protect your own privacy and personal information. Don’t share the private details
of others. Don’t disclose details of private conversations unless you have obtained explicit
consent from the relevant parties.
Without the owner’s explicit consent, personal details cannot be provided to third parties.
Prior to the collection of personal and sensitive information, the individual is told what
information is to be collected and stored, the purpose of collection if this information is to be
disclosed to a third party and/or under what circumstances disclosure may occur.
Once the individual is well informed, consent is obtained for the collection of information.

The organisation will only disclose personal information to a third party where written consent
has been obtained from the individual.

Organisational code of conduct for social media and online activities:
Be transparent
If you are commenting in a personal capacity about brands or campaigns you work on, you should be
open and transparent about who you work for, who you represent or who you may be speaking on
behalf of.

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Be fair and respectful
Be authentic and respectful. When posting about your organisation, colleagues, competitors or other
stakeholders, ensure content is always constructive and fair.
Be accurate
If you do make a mistake, ensure you correct it promptly. It is important to reference the earlier
comment because even if the erroneous comment has been deleted, someone may have saved it as
an image or other format to use as evidence. Always ensure that any criticism is backed up with solid
Be professional
Always act professionally and constructively and use sound judgment before posting. Always be polite
and respectful of individuals’ opinions, especially when heated discussions. Show proper consideration
for other people’s privacy.
Be smart
Respect other people’s intellectual property, including trademarked names, slogans, and copyrighted
Be aware of confidentiality
Only reference information that is publicly available. Do not disclose any confidential or proprietary
information to your organisation, its clients, or any third party that has confidentially disclosed
information to you.
Be careful
Do not use your organisation’s, client’s or a third party’s logos, trademarks or materials on your
website/blog or in a post unless it has been cleared for public use or otherwise approved by your
organisation’s relevant manager.
Financial Plan
Start-Up Costs

Description Amount Percentage of total
Café $20,000.00 20.00%
Licenses & Permits $5,000.00 5.00%
Equipment & Supplies $35,000.00 35.00%
Other Expenses $10,000.00 10.00%
Start-Up Fund Available $30,000.00 30.00%

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Total Start-Up Fund Required $100,000.00 100%

Projected Profit & Loss Statement

Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Sales $ 294,870.64 $ 354,503.60 $ 378,193.50
Less Cost of Sales
Direct Cost of Sale $ 128,548.91 $ 174,156.54 $ 124,686.14
Other Cost of Sale $ 6,137.34 $ 8,502.17 $ 12,149.04
Total Cost of Sales $ 134,686.25 $ 182,658.71 $ 136,835.18
GROSS PROFIT $ 160,184.39 $ 171,844.89 $ 241,358.32
Less Expenses
Wages $ 87,687.87 $ 74,229.94 $ 73,720.62
Maintenance and Supplies $ 5,545.22 $ 6,461.81 $ 6,529.37
Utilities $ 3,916.89 $ 3,234.13 $ 3,550.77
Insurance $ 21,149.68 $ 15,135.30 $ 13,031.18
Taxes Paid $ 10,936.90 $ 7,985.82 $ 8,485.60
Depreciation $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
Rent $ 16,386.59 $17,000.00 $18,000.00
Total Expenses $149,623.15 $194,644.53 $149,320.78
NET PROFIT/ (LOSS) $10,561.24 $43,797.89 $114,040.78

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Projected Balance Sheet

Description Year 1 Year 2
Current Assets
Cash $97,357.75 $86,566.53
Accounts Receivable $9,190.34 $8,654.96
Prepaid Expenses $5,868.65 $4,961.99
Inventory $4,713.03 $4,748.59
Total Current Assets 1,17,129.77 $104,932.07
Property & Equipment $41,541.43 $65,935.29
Goodwill $17,132.66 $14,926.85
TOTAL ASSETS $175,803.86 $185,794.21
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $29,952.41 $30,936.07
Accrued Expenses $5,797.80 $6,600.12
Unearned Revenue $24,492.41 $5,000.00
Total Current Liabilities $60,242.62 $42,536.19
Long-Term Debt $35,000.00 $20,000.00
Other Long-Term Liabilities $20,000.00 $15,000.00
TOTAL LIABILITIES $115,242.62 $77,536.19

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Equity Capital $50,000.00 $64,460.13
Retained Earnings $10,561.24 $43,797.89
SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY $60,561.24 $108,258.02
$175,803.86 $185,794.21

Task requirements:
The owner of the café wants you to handle its social media accounts. When handling social media
accounts, you must source information on, and work according to, a range of ethical and professional
standards when using social media and online platforms. The day-to-day tasks include:
Sourcing information on the general impacts of social media.

Complying with industry and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online

Maintaining personal online presence consistent with organisational standards.
Protecting customer privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of organisational information.
Sourcing information on copyright.
Engaging professionally with customers online.
Job responsibilities:
To source information on a range of social media and online platform categories and brands and their
key audiences, and to identify how organisations and their customers use different platform functions,
you will have the following responsibilities:
Access and interpret information about social media’s positive and negative effects.

To identify requirements, identify and evaluate the terms of service associated with social
media platforms.


Determine how online harassment can occur through organisational websites and who might
be targeted.

Determine how social media platforms share user data and the effects on users.
Consider ways to avoid having a negative impact on users of organisational social media sites.

Determine the objectives and scope of industry codes of conduct, and seek advice from relevant
personnel on their applicability to the organisation.

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Determine the applicability of the organisation’s online code of conduct, objectives, and scope
to one’s own job role.
Examine the contents of codes of conduct and their relevance to one’s own personal and workrelated online behaviours and communications.
Clarify the content and compliance requirements of the codes with the appropriate personnel.
Act in accordance with the professional values and principles outlined in codes, seeking advice
when necessary.
Determine the distinctions between an organisation’s and an individual’s online presence.
Distinguish between representing oneself and representing one’s organisation when engaging
in online activities.
Examine and ensure that personal online postings and activities do not jeopardise the
reputation of the organisation and those associated with it.
Access and interpret information on privacy laws and regulations, as well as the scope of
Determine the applicability of organisational privacy policies and procedures to one’s own job
role by identifying and interpreting them.
Collect, use, and safeguard information provided by customers and others in accordance with
privacy regulations and organisational policies and procedures.
Obtain and follow permissions before publishing images and text that represent others.
Maintain the confidentiality of sensitive organisational information and confirm that it can be
released before it is published.
Access and interpret copyright information to determine what is and is not protected by
Determine the exclusive rights to materials held by the copyright owner.
Determine which permissions are required for the use of copyright materials and how to obtain
To improve the organisation’s reputation, communicate with customers quickly, professionally,
and positively.
Respond sensitively, courteously, and respectfully to negative and potentially defamatory
comments, complaints, and conflicts.
Reduce the risk to one’s own and the organisation’s reputation by escalating conflict to relevant

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Skills Test Activity 1
Name of
SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
Unit Delivered SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online
Unit Pre-requisites Code and Title Pre-requisite units required
Type of Assessment Activity/ Project
Student Instruction This assessment task requires you to source information on, and work according to,
a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online
platforms for business purposes as per the case study provided. It includes:
Sourcing and interpreting information on:
o terms of service for three different brands of social media, including
information on how those brands share user information
o general impacts of social media on organisations and users, both
positive and negative, from three different sources
o cyberbullying and its impacts from three different sources
o a suitable code of conduct for online activities relevant to the
individual’s current or prospective industry
o employment
o an organisational code of conduct for online activities relevant to the
individual’s current or prospective job
o the role, and obtain any required permissions for release
o the overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy regulations
and any applicable local state or territory privacy regulations relevant
to the individual’s current or prospective industry employment
o copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect, exclusive
rights of owners and requirements for permissions
o defamation via social media from three different sources
o organisational criticism via social media; either customer or employee
Providing an overview evaluation of each of the above topics.
Evaluate three (3) situations involving personal online posts that present a
risk to an organisation’s reputation and identify guidelines that could be used
to avoid risk.

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Responding professionally to customer communications covering:
o a general product or service need, on two occasions
o negative comment or complaint about organisational issues, products
or services, on two occasions.
During the completion of this assessment task, you are required to complete the
following activities:
Activity 1: Research and source information on social media, industry, and
organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online
This activity requires you to research and source information on social media,
industry, and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online
To do so, you are required to:
Follow the steps given in Checklist 1.
Complete the templates associated with each step.
Provide APA style reference to the sources of information used to access
The Supervisor or trainer/assessor will:
Supervise and observe the student performing this activity.
Place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist after the student
performs/implements the step.
Sign off the checklist and ask the student for the submission of templates
associated with each step.

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Template 1
Template 1: Information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and professional
codes of conduct for online activities.


Information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and professional codes
of conduct for online activities. (800-1000 words)
Information on general impacts of social media
General impacts of social media on organisations and users, both positive and negative, from three
(3) different sources.
Terms of service for the following three (3) different brands of social media, including information
on how those brands share user information.

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Impact of information shared by social media brands on users.
How online harassment or cyberbullying can occur from three (3) different sources, who may be
targeted and its impact?
Evaluate ways to avoid negative impacts on users of organisational social media sites.

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Information on industry and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for
online activities
Objectives and scope of industry codes of conduct.
Applicability of industry codes of conduct to the organisation.
Objectives and scope of organisation codes of conduct.
Applicability of organisational code of conduct to own job role and potential future employment.

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Significance of industry and organisational codes of conduct to own personal and work-based online
behaviours and communications
Information on privacy and confidentiality
Overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy regulations and any applicable local state or
territory privacy regulations relevant to the individual’s current or prospective industry employment.
Privacy policies and procedures

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Key points of privacy policies and procedures applicable to own role.
Information on copyright
Copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect
Exclusive rights of owners and requirements for permissions.

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Checklist 1
Checklist 1: Research and source information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and
professional codes of conduct for online activities.


Steps Place a tick
Step 1: Research and source information on general impacts of social media
and interpret using Template 1.
Conduct research using the Internet, access information and determine
the following:
o General impacts of social media on organisations and users, both
positive and negative, from three (3) different sources.
o Terms of service for the following three different brands of social
media, including information on how those brands share user
o Impact of information shared by social media brands on users.
o How online harassment or cyberbullying can occur from three (3)
different sources, who may be targeted and its impact?
o Evaluate ways to avoid negative impacts on users of
organisational social media sites.
Interpret and record the following based on research conducted using
Template 1.
o General impacts of social media on organisations and users, both
positive and negative, from three (3) different sources.
o Terms of service for the following three (3) different brands of
social media, including information on how those brands share
user information.

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o Impact of information shared by social media brands on users.
o How online harassment or cyberbullying can occur from three
(3) different sources, who may be targeted and its impact?
o Evaluate ways to avoid negative impacts on users of
organisational social media sites.
Step 2: Research and source information on industry and organisational ethical
and professional codes of conduct for online activities and interpret using
Template 1
Conduct research using the Internet, access information regarding
industry codes of conduct and determine the following:
o Objectives and scope of industry codes of conduct.
o Applicability of industry codes of conduct to the organisation.
Seek advice from the Supervisor assigned and clarify the applicability of
industry codes of conduct to the organisation.
Identify online organisational code of conduct (Given in the simulated
workplace scenario), objectives and scope, and determine applicability to
own job role and potential future employment.
Evaluate contents of industry and organisational codes of conduct and
determine significance to own personal and work-based online
behaviours and communications.
Further, document the overview evaluation of each of the above topics,
including the following using Template 1.
o Objectives and scope of industry codes of conduct.
o Applicability of industry codes of conduct to the organisation.
o Objectives and scope of organisation codes of conduct.
o Applicability of organisational code of conduct to own job role and
potential future employment.
o Significance of industry and organisational codes of conduct to
own personal and work-based online behaviours and

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Step 3: Research and source information on privacy and confidentiality using
Template 1.
Conduct research using the Internet, access information and determine
the following:
o The overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy
regulations and any applicable local state or territory privacy
regulations relevant to the individual’s current or prospective
industry employment
o Organisational privacy policies and procedures and determine
applicability to own job role.
Interpret and record the overview evaluation of each of the above topics,
including the following using Template 1.
o Overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy regulations
and any applicable local state or territory privacy regulations
relevant to the individual’s current or prospective industry
o Privacy policies and procedures
o Key points of privacy policies and procedures applicable to own
Step 4: Research and source information on copyright using Template 1.
Conduct research using the Internet, access information and determine
the following:
o Copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect
o Exclusive rights of owners and requirements for permissions.
o Permissions required to use copyright materials and how to obtain
Interpret and record the overview evaluation of each of the above topics,
including the following using Template 1.
o Copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect
o Exclusive rights of owners and requirements for permissions.
Step 5: Include APA style references of the sources of information used to
access information using Template 1.

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Three (3) sources of information of impacts of social media on
organisations and users.
Two (2) sources of information on industry ethical and professional codes
of conduct for online activities.
Two (2) sources of information on privacy and confidentiality.
Two (2) sources of information on copyright.

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1


This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.
To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs
to demonstrate competency in the
following critical aspects of evidence
S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete
(Comment and feedback to students)
Researched and sourced information on the
general impacts of social media and
interpreted them.
Conducted research using the
Internet, accessed information and
determined the following:
o General impacts of social
media on organisations and
users, both positive and
negative, from three (3)
different sources.
o Terms of service for the
following three different
brands of social media,
including information on how
those brands share user
o Impact of information shared
by social media brands on
o How online harassment or
cyberbullying can occur from
three (3) different sources,
who may be targeted and its
o Evaluate ways to avoid
negative impacts on users of
organisational social media

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Researched and sourced information on
industry and organisational ethical and
professional codes of conduct for
online activities and interpreted using
Template 1
Conducted research using the
Internet, accessed information
regarding industry codes of conduct
and determined the following:
o Objectives and scope of
industry codes of conduct.
o Applicability of industry codes
of conduct to the
Sought advice from the Supervisor
assigned and clarified the
applicability of industry codes of
conduct to the organisation.
Identified online organisational code
of conduct (Given in the simulated
workplace scenario), objectives and
scope, and determined applicability
to own job role and potential future
Evaluated contents of industry and
organisational codes of conduct and
determined significance to own
personal and work-based online
behaviours and communications.
Researched and sourced information on
privacy and confidentiality using
Template 1.
Conducted research using the
Internet, access information and
determined the following:
o The overarching requirements
of commonwealth privacy

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regulations and any
applicable local state or
territory privacy regulations
relevant to the individual’s
current or prospective
industry employment
o Organisational privacy
policies and procedures and
determine applicability to own
job role.
Interpreted and recorded the
overview evaluation of each of the
above topics, including the following.
o Overarching requirements of
commonwealth privacy
regulations and any
applicable local state or
territory privacy regulations
relevant to the individual’s
current or prospective
industry employment.
o Privacy policies and
o Key points of privacy policies
and procedures applicable to
own role.
Conducted research using the Internet,
access information and determined the
Copyright in Australia; what it
protects and does not protect
Exclusive rights of owners and
requirements for permissions.
Permissions required to use copyright
materials and how to obtain these

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Skills Test Activity 2
Name of
SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
Unit Delivered SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online
Unit Pre-requisites Code and Title Pre-requisite units required
Type of Assessment Activity/ Project
Student Instruction This assessment task requires you to source information on, and work according to,
a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online
platforms for business purposes as per the case study provided. It includes:
Sourcing and interpreting information on:
o terms of service for three different brands of social media, including
information on how those brands share user information
o general impacts of social media on organisations and users, both
positive and negative, from three different sources
o cyberbullying and its impacts from three different sources
o a suitable code of conduct for online activities relevant to the
individual’s current or prospective industry
o employment
o an organisational code of conduct for online activities relevant to the
individual’s current or prospective job
o the role, and obtain any required permissions for release
o the overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy regulations
and any applicable local state or territory privacy regulations relevant
to the individual’s current or prospective industry employment
o copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect, exclusive
rights of owners and requirements for permissions
o defamation via social media from three different sources
o organisational criticism via social media; either customer or employee
Providing an overview evaluation of each of the above topics.
Evaluate three (3) situations involving personal online posts that present a
risk to an organisation’s reputation and identify guidelines that could be used
to avoid risk.

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Responding professionally to customer communications covering:
o a general product or service need, on two occasions
o negative comment or complaint about organisational issues, products
or services, on two occasions.
During the completion of this assessment task, you are required to complete the
following activities:
Activity 2: Work according to a range of ethical and professional standards
when using social media and online platforms for business purposes.
This activity is a continuation of Activity 1.
This activity requires you to:
Handle social media and online platforms for business purposes.
Comply with a range of ethical and professional standards when using social
media and online platforms for business purposes.
Comply with the following information sourced in Activity 1.
o Industry and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct
for online activities.
o Privacy and confidentiality protection requirements.
o Copyright requirements
Act according to professional values and principles outlined in codes, seeking
advice when difficulties arise.
To do so, you are required to:
Follow the steps given in Checklist 1.
Complete the templates associated with each step.
Answer a range of questions asked by the Supervisor.
The Supervisor or trainer/assessor will:
Supervise and observe the student performing this activity.
Place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist after the student
performs/implements the step.
Sign off the checklist and ask the student for the submission of templates
associated with each step.

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The trainer/assessor can allocate the role of customers to the staff members.
The trainer/assessor must ensure the customer/staff members visit the
social media posts posted by the student.
The trainer/assessor must brief the staff members on their responses to the
social media posts. These responses to the social media posts are given
Note: Each response would be on different social media content posted over a
period of one month.
Customer response 1: Review 1
Love this place. Wonderful ambience. Coffee is to die for. My favourite is Cafe
Mocha. It’s hard to resist such awesome flavours of delicious coffee with a
soothing aroma. It would be great if you could please share with me the
menu of the café.
Customer response 2: Review 2
Coffee, snacks, service are good, but the ambience needs to be stepped up.
Customer response 3: Complaint 1
“Fewer customers, hence less staff, hence less quality”. Will never visit this
place again.
Customer response 4: Complaint 2
15-minute wait to get in, which is fine but then the people who came in after
we got served first and received their food before we even got served, and
then we finally were able to order, and another couple who came in like 15
minutes after us still got their food first. My food was fine. My girlfriend didn’t
like hers.
Customer response 5: Fake trolling
Yak place. Only idiots visit this café.
Customer response 6: Complaint 2
Unhygienic staff. The worst place to visit.
Answer the questions given in the verbal questioning record (Template 3)
and arrange for a staff member to record the verbal response.

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Template 2
Template 2: Evaluation of situations presenting a risk to an organisation’s reputation and
guidelines that could be used to avoid risk.


Evaluation of situations presenting a risk to an organisation’s reputation and guidelines
that could be used to avoid risk. (200-300 words)
Three (3) situations involving personal online posts that present a risk to an
organisation’s reputation.
Guidelines that could be used to avoid risk.

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Review Date: 11 July 2023 Page 43 of 51
Actors College of Theatre and Television
RTO ID: 90168 | CRICOS 01544D| ABN: 87 079 097 920

Template 3
Template 3: (Verbal question record)

When you have completed this assessment, your trainer/assessor will provide a mark in the boxes
provided (on the right). Your mark will be correct or incorrect.

Assessor to mark
If Satisfactory X Not Satisfactory
1. What are the key differences between organisational and personal online
presence? How did you determine them?
Professional: Social media is your multi-media resume complete with
endorsements. It provides you with a platform for building your thought
leadership. Personal:
Social media is a way to engage with family and
, regardless of their current location.