Site Selection

158 views 11:04 am 0 Comments June 8, 2023

Milestone 2. Site Selection
Choosing a good site depends on numerous factors such as location. purchasing power, healthy environment, market economy, trans,rtation, and the domestic services that has to be accessible in the site are drainage effluents. subsoil drainage. surface water rernoval road drainage. rainwater installations, drainage systems. drainage – pipe sizes and gradients, wafer supply. cold water installations, hot water installations. flow controls. cisterns and cylinders, pipework joints, sanitary fittings. single and ventilated stack systems. hot water heating systems. electrical supply ond installation. gas supply and gas fires. open fireplaces and flues. services – fire stOPs oncl telephone installations, and electronic communications installations.
In addition. soil investigation is a fundamental element of selecting a good site. Before a decision is mode as to the type of foundation which should be used on any particular site. a soil investigation ought to be administrated, to ascertain existing ground conditions and soil properties. The strategies which might be used in conjunction with different sources data. like native knowledge, ordnance survey, and geologic maps. mining records and aerial photography.
Integrated Design Exercise
Site Evaluation.
Site evaluation is gathering information about the lot and surrounding area. Information include the physical properties of the soil, the existing water is distributed and moves in the soil. the depth to an underground limiting layer, and other conditions that describe whether wastewater treatment and disposal by the soil is possible. The slope of a lot affects how well an onsite disposal system operates. Mensuration slope is vital as a result of knowing fhe tYlOe and landscape contour at the location helps the authority estimate surface and belowground drain patterns. Hill tops. ridge lines. and side slopes usually have good drainage above ond below ground. Low spots (depressions) and foot slopes are liable to have poor drainage.
Site Analysis:
Site analysis is conducted in order to choose the right site for o successful project. These are some guidelines that will be followed for selecting a good site:
Referring to Ordnance Survey maps to determine adjacent features. such Os location, facilities. and roads. Conducting measurement survey for site dimensions and levels. Observing surface characteristics. like trees. slopes. steep, existing buildings, rock outcrops, and wells.
Investigating subsoil. by using trial holes and borings, to figure out what type of soil and water table level.