Service Marketing and Relationship Marketing

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Individual Assessment
Cover page

Name Service Marketing and Relationship Marketing
Code HC2112
Year, Trimester 2023, Trimester 1


Individual Individual Assignment
Due Date and Week 11.30pm 26/5/2023 Week 10
Weight 35%
Word count 3000 words


Student Number
First Name
Family Name


Integrity Declaration I have read and understand academic integrity policies
and practices and my assessment does not violate these.
Full Name
Submission Date


Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All
assessment must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Important academic
integrity breaches include plagiarism, collusion, copying, impersonation, contract
cheating, data fabrication and falsification. Please learn about academic integrity
and consult your teachers with any questions. Violating academic integrity is
serious and punishable by penalties that range from deduction of marks, failure of
the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or
cancellation of course enrolment.
Most assessments must be in MS Word format with no spacing, 11-pt Calibri
font and at least 2cm margins on all four sides with appropriate section
headings and page numbers.
You must name your file with the Unit Code and Student ID (e.g. “HC2112-
Check that you submit the correct document as special consideration is not
granted if you make a mistake.
Student ID needs to be indicated on the cover page.
Penalties All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date and time along
with a completed Assessment Cover Page. Late penalties apply.
Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed
appropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted
Harvard Referencing. Penalties are associated with incorrect citation and

Purpose of the assessment
This assignment requires students to learn the knowledge and then apply the learning to answer the
Assignment Instruction
Assignment is combined by three Parts
Part 1: Why the Airbus 380 failed – 1000 words – 15 mark
Read the information in the Forbes article below and answer the questions below. Students must use
the information from the article to support the answers.
Question 1
Provide the reasons for, and discuss the causes of the A380 failure. Discuss about the importance of
understanding consumer behaviour before getting into a new market (8 marks).
Question 2
Airbus is a significant organization. In the article there are clues that indicate the basic human
weaknesses that caused failure. Provide those clues and discuss how they prevented the executives
from making smart decisions based on simple marketing logic (7 marks)
Part 2: Coca Cola advertisement – 1000 words – 10 marks
Watch the video in the link provided and answer the questions below. Students must use the
information from the video to support the answers.
Question 3
Is Coca Cola a tangible product made of: water, sugar, syrup and caffeine? Or, does Coca Cola try to
really sell you an intangible product that involves a feeling of togetherness, integration with other
ethnicities, a feeling of global acceptance and harmony? Consider the words used: ‘home’, ‘honey
bees’, ‘doves’,’ harmony’ which all lead to the one core message of ‘real’. Does this shift from tangible
to intangible make it more than; water, sugar, syrup and caffeine? And does it overcome the problem
that it is really a combination of very simple and ordinary food ingredients? Explain how (5 marks).
Question 4:
Analyse the Coca Cola advertisement using the 5 Ws (Who, What, How, Where, When) model in the
integrated marketing communications planning process (5 marks).
Part 3: Case study – 1000 words – 10 marks
Select two main competitors in the fast food industry. Student is required to:
– comments about their price: value strategy in 100 words.
– compare their pricing strategies.
– determines who is the leader and who is the follower with regards to pricing decisions?
What are the different techniques that each organization uses to defeat their opposition? Explain
your opinion in 900 words.

Adapted Harvard Referencing Rules
Holmes will be implementing a revised Harvard approach to referencing. The following rules
1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources that provide full-text access to the
source’s content for lecturers and markers.
2. The reference list must be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled:
3. The reference list must include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged A-Z
alphabetically by author surname with each reference numbered (1 to 10, etc.) and each
reference MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
For example:
1. Hawking, P., McCarthy, B. & Stein, A. 2004. Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of
Information Systems Education, Fall,
4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the
surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year
of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found.
For example;
“The company decided to implement an enterprise wide data warehouse business
intelligence strategy (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”
Adherence to Referencing Guidelines is Mandatory
Where students do not follow the above rules:
1. For students who submit assignments that do not comply with the rules, a 10% penalty will
be applied.
2. As per the Student Handbook, late penalties will apply each day after the student/s has been
notified of the resubmission requirements.
3. Students who comply with rules and the citations are “fake” will be reported for academic