Secondary Research Portfolio Template

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ASS113-2: Assignment – Secondary Research Portfolio Template.

You have been asked to pull together a short secondary research portfolio demonstrating your understanding of research methods and data analysis. Follow the guidance below to complete the necessary evidence for your portfolio.

Agreed topic areas for this semester 1 – 2022-23:

Social media

Teenage pregnancy

Criminal exploitation

Submission: Friday 5th May before 10 am.

Identifying a feasible research question suitable for a literature review:

Devise a feasible research question for a literature review based on one of the three topic areas (above). Your chosen project must be related to your degree. It is important to consider how the question will be framed as your question will guide the design of your study.

The research includes the literature review for teenage pregnancy in the field of social sciences which is:

Q1: What are the factors under social and cultural standards that contribute towards teenage pregnancy? How can the communities tend to work on reduced pregnancy of teenage rates and supporting the young parents?


Give a short overview to explain the rationale behind your question. Make sure you include information to frame the social or political context; define any key terms; state what type of study will be carried out. Make sure you include references in the Harvard style.

(Approximately: 300-400 words)

The teenage pregnancy has been the major factor for social and public health issue in UK. It comes with the rates in UK that has been declining in the time. They tend be higher than the other developed countries and the disadvantage is for the minority population. The issue in UK is also complex with multifaceted factors that are under different social and cultural factors. The example is for poverty and exclusion that are key factors on increased parenthood and likelihood. The limited access is for the education of sex and contraception with cultural attitude on sexuality and parenting. It tends to play a major role for shaping on choice or behaviour for young people mainly. The consequences of pregnancy which is significant or long-lasting that is for young mothers and children too.

The teenage mothers are increased risks with experiencing on the mental problems of health, and social isolation that are set under the economic disadvantage where children are likely to experience on poor health or educational outcomes too. One needs to address issues of pregnancy in UK with comprehensive and evidence-based approach that considers over social and cultural factors. The key strategy is for improved access on education of sex and contraception with the vulnerable approaches and disadvantaged population. It includes provision on high quality of sex education with the increased access for contraception that involves services of community-based standards and outreach of programs. The approach is for the need to address cultural and other social standards which help in contributing towards parenthood. The initiatives aim on reduced poverty and exclusion with efforts on promoting attitude positively towards sexuality and parenthood. The programs are for supporting the young parents like the classes of parenting along with programs related to mentoring that plays a major role on promotion of outcomes at a positive level on young families.

Developing a clear search strategy:

Devise an initial search strategy and evidence what you have found. You should include, databases or specific journals searched; inclusion and exclusion criteria; methods of appraisal; and an overview of the literature found/available. Are there any ethical considerations for your study?

Ensure you refer to research method texts covered in the unit.

(approximately 250-300 words)

The initial research strategy includes literature revie with the teenage pregnancy in UK with the involvement of conducting a review about the relevant database of academic. It is for PubMed, and Web of Science where the search highlights on identifying studies with the exploring on socio-cultural factors contribute on the pregnancy of teenage in UK with community-based initiatives. The programs are for addressing on issues with inclusion criteria for search that is published in English. The focus is on the pregnancy of teenage in UK with utilization on qualitative and quantitative approach with mixed methods research designing. The exclusion criteria are for studies conducted out of UK with focusing on pregnancy of adult than the teenage pregnancy which is not able to meet the research standards.

The identified studies include appraising on the framework with Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions with assessment on designing study with risks of biasedness and the relevance for research question. The initial research includes the identification of 50 articles on the database selected and the removing of duplicates or screening is for the relevance with 10 articles that are reviewed too. The articles include qualitative and quantitative review with articles and the documents of policy.

The literature review is for cultural factors and contributing towards the pregnancy of teenage in UK which includes poverty or the limited access for education of sex and contraception. The sexuality and the parenthood include community-based programs which are set for addressing factors and implementing on different access for success degree. The ethical consideration is for studying on the ensured protection of human subjects with research that involves minors and the ensuring of literature review findings. It is used in the ethical and responsible manner with focusing on promotion of positive outcome for young parents and community too.

Articles found: Complete the table below detailing the journal articles you found to answer your research question:

Author, year of publication ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, Issue information, Page reference. Method of research Key findings Critical appraisal

Handa et al., 2015

Understanding on the impact for the Kenyan cash transfer with the vulnerability of children on early pregnancy with the marriage on adolescent girls.

Design of quasi-experimental method

Focusing on the transfer of cash with handling the effective reduction of pregnancy of teenage or the early marriage among the vulnerable population for the middle and low countries.

The study does not collect data but there are potential on confounding variables with limiting control on ability for factors. It could influence outcomes too.

Cook et al., 2015.

Handling the issues of social standards for the pregnancy of teenagers.

Systematic literature

The pregnancy of teenage is then for social factors like poverty, low attainment of education or instability of family too.

Handling limited study with the relying on existing literature rather than the original research too.

Hatley et al., 2016

Evaluating on social standards and determinants for the teenage pregnancy with temporal analysis through use of UK obstetric database from 1950 to 2010.

Qualitative analysis with in-depth interview

The strong leadership and collaboration with cross-sector with funding on national strategy to address the pregnancy of teenage.

The potential lack of generalizability includes reliance on interview with the informants that are major too.

Sedgh et al., 2015

Pregnancy of adolescence includes birth and rate of abortion which is cross the different countries of levels and recent trends.

Descriptive study analysis and methods

The adolescent pregnancy, birth with abortion rates which vary through defined procedures of country and regions. It is of a high rate that is found on developing region.

The use is for the national level data with the representation on substitutional area and there is exclusion of countries that is due to improper data.

Ngum et al., 2015

Handling the motherhood with qualitative study on experiences with African Australian teenage mothers in Australia.

Semi-structured interview

The African and Australian teenage mothers include multiple challenges with isolation of social standards, and then there are limit access for health care services too. There are positive standards on the motherhood forms too. It is for the increase of maturity with the sense of purpose too.

Handling the study finding which might not be generalized and then there are focus on African Australian teenage mothers under geographical area.

Wall et al., 2016 Ensuring about handling the pregnancy of teenagers with major impact on the adolescents or the childbearing impacts. There is teenage pregnancy for young sister too. Cohort study Finding is about the younger sister being the risk of becoming mother in teenage with the increase of the mother having the first child in adolescence. The study is for risks which is high and then there are young sister who are close to the old ones. The study is about administrative data with not providing information with potential over confounding variables. It is about the socio-economic status, educational and access for healthcare.
Amjad et al., 2019 The social determinants are for the adverse standards with health that is for the outcome of birth and the adolescent pregnancy. There are review of meta-analysis as well. Systematic review and meta-analysis The finding for the study is for the adolescents with experiencing on adverse social determinants for health and poverty or the limited education. There is inadequate housing which comes through material and the birth outcomes. It is about the pattern of pre-term birth and the low birth weight. Working on the study with heterogeneity which includes the limited study and then includes availability for inclusion. The possibility is for production biasedness with affecting generalizability too.
Akella et al., 2015 The impact is on social and cultural factors for teen pregnancy majorly. Literature review The key finding is for handling influences of religion, education, and socio-economic status. The family peer pressure and media have a major cultural belief or practice to access for healthcare and the pregnancy rates of teenagers too. This is not applicable for this.
Konner et al., 2017 Adolescent pregnancy and the childbearing factors on anthropological standards. Literature review Understanding the potential towards the negative consequences on early motherhood with benefits for supporting community and culturally involve in intervening to the support for the mothers who adolescent is. Handling the school age pregnancy with the editing that contains different multiple chapters from different sectors. It involves the difficulty on the valuable anthropological perspective with adolescent pregnancy and motherhood. It includes cultural attitude and societal factors that tend to contribute over a higher rate on Western societies. The research is for cultural contexts with understanding on experience for mothers and potential benefits over cultural intervention.
Aparicio et al., 2016 Sociocultural standards for teenage pregnancy in Latino community with workers for culturally responsive practice. Qualitative and exploratory design Sociocultural standards for comprehensive sex education along with defining on peer pressure or the cultural beliefs. It involves norms contributing towards the teenage pregnancy for communities of Latino. The literature review is useful on the existing research with gaps in knowledge. They are not primary research studies which are for not involving or collecting to the new data. It includes factors of quality of study which is included in a particular review.
Now, consider how you could adapt your literature review to use a different method – either a content or discourse analysis. What alternative viable data could be used? For example:

Official documents such as policy documents, reviews, reports

Print media such as newspapers, magazines, adverts

Social media posts, tweets, photographs on Instagram, YouTube videos, blogs

Political speeches, interviews, or podcasts

Students can choose from the range of documents suggested but they should choose a logical selection, i.e., either newspapers or policy documents or tweets or YouTube videos, etc., but not a random combination of those things.

Revise your question:
Study overview:

explain how the question will be answered; what sources will be used; any inclusion and exclusion criteria (e.g., newspaper articles between two specific dates); an overview of the data found.

Are there any new ethical considerations (this is especially important if students are using social media posts as there are specific site-specific terms or reproducing tweets etc.)?

Ensure you refer to research method texts covered in the unit.

(Approximately 200-300 words)

The focus is on the review which is conducted and planned through conducting proper research on teenage pregnancy in UK. It is about the comprehensive forms with the exclusion criteria that involves consisting of academic journals with the primary policy documentation and reports. The database includes identifying to the relevant policy of public health, sociology, and the social policy journals too. The standards involve the search strategy with the socio-cultural factors which are for guiding the search too. The inclusion criteria are for revieing on studies with English between 2010 to 2022. The teenage pregnancy in UK is qualitative and quantitative where there is exclusion conducted out of UK with the approach that is to determine on the selected studies with ensuring protection and the human subjects which define about the involvement of mirrors. The review is for finding on ethical and responsible standards to promote a positive outcome and the young parents with communities. The methodological approach is for the literature review and then following guidelines that are under Systematic Review of Interventions. It is for the evidence-based standards that is defined for the practices which are for reviewing and conducting a systematic and transparent form to identify a higher quality standard too. It is for the study relevant to the different forms of research questions.

Analysis – coding:

Generally, when analysing data, a systematic approach is used. This often begins with familiarising yourself with the data (reading and re-reading); writing memos (short notes of initial/general reflections of the data); before generating codes. Often codes may start out as descriptive – being refined as you continually work and rework through the data. This process takes time and patience. Eventually, you will combine and refine codes as you notice patterns/trends or to generate themes.

Below please include a practical example of how you have coded and analysed the data. This should demonstrate the process used. Copy and paste approximately 500 words of data from your study into the table below (add highlights, circle key words, underline key elements in the text etc); generate initial codes and develop refined codes in the columns below.

Original text Initial coding Refined codes

Social and the cultural factors that relates to the pregnancy of teenage standards.

Communities involve with working on reduced pregnancy of teenage rate and support for young parents in different ways.

The teenagers do not tend to receive the adequate reforms of information which is for sex and contraception or pregnancy prevention. It is about the teenagers feeling pressured through peers engaging on the sexual activity. It is about not having parents or the caregivers who are involved for the lives and providing with proper guidance and support. The teenagers are from low-income family with few opportunities on education and employment. There is a possibility to handle the ways on gaining a proper status or purpose in life. The culture is about the early marriage or the childbearing which is expected too.

The schools and community organizations are for handling healthcare providers along with offering information too. The resources are defined on helping teenagers with making decisions on sex and contraception or pregnancy. The young parents might be involved with assistance towards childcare or the education and employment. The organization of communication through parenting classes or services of childcare and programs of job training. The communities include highlighting of roles with modelling and decision-making process. It comes with the parenting and decision making is for the responsible approach and the communities work on addressing different education opportunities and employment. The communities work on challenges wit the cultural challenge approaches under norms and beliefs. The promotion is for early marriage and childbearing that leads to promoting on pathways for better success or the fulfilment too.

Refining over the codes with lack of comprehensive sex education and the peer pressure.

There is a lack on the parental guidance, poverty with cultural beliefs or norms.

One tends to work on providing the sexual education which s comprehensive too. The offering of better services of support comes with promoting on a positive role model and then addressing over poverty too. This is about challenging over cultural beliefs and norms too.

Method of data analysis:

Briefly explain what type of analysis you have used (thematic, discourse or content analysis), what it is and how you have applied it (will it be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods content analysis? Discourse or critical discourse analysis? Reflective thematic analysis or codebook etc…). Give a step-by-step guide how the coding was carried out – including the different stages (initial coding, writing memos, refining codes, and generating themes).

Ensure you refer to research methods textbooks (covered in the unit).

(Approximately 300-400 words)

As per the transcripts of interview, there are focus groups talks with the open-ended survey that are major example for the qualitative data and then there is analysis related to handle the different techniques which is thematic analysis. It is about revealing on the recurring topics with the interpretive procedures to isolate on the themes with procedures. The patterns are for thematic analysis which is for provided material that is qualitative. The language is for examining the discourse which is for establishing and sustaining over the power structures and social norms. It might then help in approaching over the discussion over social and cultural standards. This leads to adolescent pregnancy through critical discourse analysis (CDA) lens. Here, the policy language and the discourse include abstinence only education with contributing on propagating over misconceptions which are harmful. The limited access is for comprehensive sex education where CDA method includes the different approaches. The theme is about the analysis of CDA strategy which relies majorly on the suitable reliability with the research nature on the issues and study of objectives.

The learning is for understanding the numbers with reading the texts for the different times and the feel is for overall structure. The analyst works on highlighting over passages that tend to pertain over themes on social and cultural variables when coming under adolescent pregnancy.

First Stage Coding: The analyst underlines the words with the relevant issue. The codes include the “peer pressure”, “lack of parental supervision” and the poverty or cultural views or norms. There are support of services with positive role models with addressing on poverty and the challenges to the cultural beliefs or norms.


What did your analysis generate? Outline key themes, patterns, or trends in the data – (for example, name and define any themes generated).

(Approximately 400-500 words)

The peer pressure has been majorly challenging, where there is lack on the parental supervision too. It involves the hardship which comes through economic forms or the cultural ideas. The social and cultural variables are defined under the different standards of adolescent pregnancy. The support is for the young parents with information which is subjected to the young parents and the thematic analysis. The necessity is for the education and information that comes through helping over the young parents. The functioning is on the roles of positive models with influencing the poverty and the requirements related to the questioning of cultural values and beliefs. The themes are for demonstrating over complexity and multi-dimensionality. The problems need to determine over the necessitating of strategy and determining over all-encompassing factors that involves collaboration from people, or the families. The communities and the other institutions work over the reduced number of teenagers who become pregnant with families, communities, or people. There are people who work on reduced number of teenagers and then one who become pregnant for improved health and well-being too. The brief notes are for memoranda which is for every code defined by analyst. It comes with outlining on thoughts or data interpretation. The codes are improved with the offering on analyst handling first set and merging codes which is similar too. The codes are for “Positive Role Model” and the “Challenging of cultural ideas and norms”. It is for the merging to make the role and code on cultural transformation with lack of comprehensive sex education. The combined approaches are for forming the code of “education and awareness”.

The analyst is about looking on the finalized codes and extracting over broader themes from information. The “knowledge and awareness” is about the focus on peer pressure with handling lack of supervision too. The poverty and the lack is for the different chances and transformation of culture too. There is recognition of significant issues which is defined through handling the comprehensive approaches.

The lack of parental guidance and poverty or limited opportunities include need for proper guidance and support for teenagers. The theme is for the linking for poverty and the teenage pregnancy with potential on the sense of purpose with life status. The approach is on the community support or interventions which are defined through sub-themes and the comprehensive education standards for supporting services over the young parents and then promoting over the positive model standards. The efforts are made to address poverty and the limited opportunities with limiting and needing to challenge on beliefs of cultural standards or the norms too.


Include all of your references formatted in the Harvard style (check if you are unsure how to reference any sources).

Remember you should have made reference to at least two research methods texts in your portfolio.

Akella, D. and Jordan, M., 2015. Impact of social and cultural factors on teen pregnancy. Journal of Health Disparities Research & Practice, 8(1).

Amjad, S., MacDonald, I., Chambers, T., Osornio‐Vargas, A., Chandra, S., Voaklander, D. and Ospina, M.B., 2019. Social determinants of health and adverse maternal and birth outcomes in adolescent pregnancies: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 33(1), pp.88-99.

Aparicio, E.M., Vanidestine, T., Zhou, K. and Pecukonis, E.V., 2016. Teenage pregnancy in Latino communities: Young adult experiences and perspectives of sociocultural factors. Families in Society, 97(1), pp.50-57.

Cook, S.M. and Cameron, S.T., 2015. Social issues of teenage pregnancy. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine, 25(9), pp.243- 248.

Hadley, A., Chandra-Mouli, V. and Ingham, R., 2016. Implementing the United Kingdom Government’s 10-year teenage pregnancy strategy for England (1999–2010): applicable lessons for other countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(1), pp.68-74.

Handa, S., Peterman, A., Huang, C., Halpern, C., Pettifor, A. and Thirumurthy, H., 2015. Impact of the Kenya Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children on early pregnancy and marriage of adolescent girls. Social science & medicine, 141, pp.36-45.

Konner, M. and Shostak, M., 2017. Adolescent pregnancy and childbearing: An anthropological perspective. In School-Age Pregnancy & Parenthood (pp. 325-346). Routledge. method of research

Ngum Chi Watts, M.C., McMichael, C. and Liamputtong, P., 2015. Factors influencing contraception awareness and use: the experiences of young African Australian mothers. Journal of Refugee Studies, 28(3), pp.368-387.

Sedgh, G., Finer, L.B., Bankole, A., Eilers, M.A. and Singh, S., 2015. Adolescent pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates across countries: levels and recent trends. Journal of adolescent health, 56(2), pp.223-230.

Wall-Wieler, E., Roos, L.L. and Nickel, N.C., 2016. Teenage pregnancy: the impact of maternal adolescent childbearing and older sister’s teenage pregnancy on a younger sister. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 16(1), pp.1-12.

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