Secondary Research Portfolio Template

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ASS113-2: Assignment – Secondary Research Portfolio Template.

You have been asked to pull together a short secondary research portfolio demonstrating your understanding of research methods and data analysis. Follow the guidance below to complete the necessary evidence for your portfolio.

Agreed topic areas for this semester 1 – 2022-23:

Social media

Teenage pregnancy

Criminal exploitation

Submission: Friday 5th May before 10 am.

Identifying a feasible research question suitable for a literature review:

Devise a feasible research question for a literature review based on one of the three topic areas (above). Your chosen project must be related to your degree. It is important to consider how the question will be framed as your question will guide the design of your study.


Give a short overview to explain the rationale behind your question. Make sure you include information to frame the social or political context; define any key terms; state what type of study will be carried out. Make sure you include references in the Harvard style.

(approximately: 300-400 words)

Developing a clear search strategy:

Devise an initial search strategy and evidence what you have found. You should include, databases or specific journals searched; inclusion and exclusion criteria; methods of appraisal; and an overview of the literature found/available. Are there any ethical considerations for your study?

Ensure you make reference to research method texts covered in the unit.

(approximately 250-300 words)

Articles found: Complete the table below detailing the journal articles you found to answer your research question:

Author, year of publication ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, Issue information, Page reference. Method of research Key findings Critical appraisal
Now, consider how you could adapt your literature review to use a different method – either a content or discourse analysis. What alternative viable data could be used? For example:

Official documents such as policy documents, reviews, reports

Print media such as newspapers, magazines, adverts

Social media posts, tweets, photographs on Instagram, YouTube videos, blogs

Political speeches, interviews or podcasts

Students can choose from the range of documents suggested but they should choose a logical selection, i.e., either newspapers or policy documents or tweets or YouTube videos, etc., but not a random combination of those things.

Revise your question:
Study overview:

explain how the question will be answered; what sources will be used; any inclusion and exclusion criteria (e.g. newspaper articles between two specific dates); an overview of the data found;

Are there any new ethical considerations (this is especially important if students are using social media posts as there are specific site-specific terms or reproducing tweets etc.)?

Ensure you make reference to research method texts covered in the unit.

(approximately 200-300 words)

Analysis – coding:

Generally, when analysing data a systematic approach is used. This often begins with familiarising yourself with the data (reading and re-reading); writing memos (short notes of initial/general reflections of the data); before generating codes. Often codes may start out as fairly descriptive – being refined as you continually work and rework through the data. This process takes time and patience. Eventually, you will combine and refine codes as you notice patterns/trends or to generate themes.

Below please include a practical example of how you have coded and analysed the data. This should demonstrate the process used. Copy and paste approximately 500 words of data from your study into the table below (add highlights, circle key words, underline key elements in the text etc); generate initial codes and develop refined codes in the columns below.

Original text Initial coding Refined codes
[copy and paste data here]
Method of data analysis:

Briefly explain what type of analysis you have used (thematic, discourse or content analysis), what it is and how you have applied it (will it be qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods content analysis? Discourse or critical discourse analysis? Reflective thematic analysis or codebook etc…). Give a step-by-step guide how the coding was carried out – including the different stages (initial coding, writing memos, refining codes, and generating themes).

Ensure you make reference to research methods textbooks (covered in the unit).

(approximately 300-400 words)


What did your analysis generate? Outline key themes, patterns or trends in the data – (for example, name and define any themes generated).

(approximately 400-500 words)


Include all of your references formatted in the Harvard style (check if you are unsure how to reference any sources).

Remember you should have made reference to at least two research methods texts in your portfolio.