Scenario For this assessment

92 views 7:48 am 0 Comments April 4, 2023

Nd bt fh Lb Scenario For this assessment, choose either O ption 1 or Option 2. You do not need to do both. You will apply one o these scenarios in the Requirements below. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide. Option 1 JM Manufacturing is a small manufacturing co akes power drills. Due to the specialty of the manufacturing and variety of parts needed, it is most practical to outsource the parts—a plastic case for the tool, power supply, batteries, printed circuit boards, and tool accessories such as drill bits—to perform the you consider your options, some research is required to ensure you make the best decision ent, you may create a fictitious supply vendor or use one found on this white by sea s of certain product parts: | 5 Technology Company, Ltd. (n.d.). https://www. nalytical report should be 5-6 pages, not including the title and reference pages. report template of your choice. | ‘company standards: he analytical report is a professional document and should therefore follow the correspondin, cademic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources). se at least five scholarly or academic sources, where applicable, one of which must come fro = Use APA formatting for citations and references. E Evaluation By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria: * Competency 1: Assess the market to inform effective and efficient global supply chain sourcing practices. © Recommend a global supply chain vendor for the manufacturing company. * Competency 2: Anslyze: effective Thy practices that support organizational needs. pient of your deliverable in the workplace, using tyou meet the grading criteria for this g guide. Refer to the scoring guide nt before submission. Ti nalytical report should be 5-6 pages, not including the title and reference pages. report template of your choice. | ‘company standards: he analytical report is a professional document and should therefore follow the correspondin, cademic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources). se at least five scholarly or academic sources, where applicable, one of which must come fro