
152 views 9:56 am 0 Comments May 24, 2023


Completingthetaskshowsyouimportantskillsinmarketingdataanalytics,marketingstrategyandgroupcollaboration. You will learn how to extract, transform, and load data to evaluate customer behaviour,purchasepatterns,andproposetargetedmarketingstrategiesbasedon the analysis.

This task provides you with opportunities to learn the knowledge (GLO1 & ULO1) and skills (GLO 2 & ULO2; GLO3 & ULO3; GLO5 & ULO4) required in the study and practice of marketing analytics. By completing this task, you will develop your skills in researching, understanding, applying, evaluating, and presenting information required of marketing analytics.

This group assignment requires you to analyse some given datasets, interpret, draw conclusions from the analysis, and then convey the conclusions in a written report. The assignment

uses three data files (User_profile.csv; Countries_with_Buyers.csv; Countries_with_Sellers.csv).


You are a marketing analyst in a marketing consulting firm. Recently, an online C2C fashion store named Etsy approached your company, seeking to understand its customers and improve its performance. Etsy provided you with records on over their registered users, which includes metrics such as country, gender, active users, buyers/sellers/ratio, products bought/sold/listed, and social network features (likes/follows).

Welcome to an exciting exploration of marketing analytics for Etsy, a popular online marketplace where people can buy and sell unique and handmade goods. Etsy launched in the US around 2005 and later expanded worldwide. The platform has become increasingly popular over the years, and as a result, Etsy is constantly exploring new ways to improve the user experience and grow their business. In order to achieve this, Etsy has implemented various marketing analytics strategies to gain insights into their customers and better understand their needs and behaviour.

The dataset provides valuable insights into e-commerce users, enabling you, as a marketing analytics team, to make informed decisions and effectively grow their business. With the data provided, please 1) conduct appropriate analyses to help Etsy understand its customers and its performance, and 2) based on your findings, give recommendations to Etsy to improve its performance. The analyses, findings and recommendations should be presented to Etsy via a well-written report.