Samson Media Case Study

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Assessment Workbook

BSBLDR811 – Lead strategic transformation

Student name

Student must include

Student ID

Student must include

Assessor name

Zaman KHAN

Submission date

5 February 2023

Business this assessment is based on

Samson Media

Documents reviewed

Samson Media Case Study

Staff Survey Results

Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures

Termination Policy and Procedures

Table of Conten

1. Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 3

2. Assessment Task 2: Project 5

2.1 YSection 1: Preparation 10

2.2 Section 2: Leading strategic change 15

2.3 Section 3: Review 19

3. References 25

Note: Please update the page numbers once you finished your assessment.

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

Discuss four (4) styles of leadership and the impact each of the identified styles on organisational culture.

Write your answer here

Explain the importance of a participative management style when implementing organisation change.

Write your answer here

Discuss three strategies that a leader can use for building trust and confidence with colleagues during times of organisational change.

Write your answer here

Describe the differences between organisational transformation and organisational development.

Write your answer here

Explain the key phases of a change management process.

Write your answer here

Describe five components that may be included as part of a change management plan.

Write your answer here

Explain two strategies that can be used to effectively communicate and embed change during an organisational change process.

Write your answer here

Explain three reasons why individuals or groups within an organisation may resist change. Include at least one suggestion of how resistance can be overcome for each of the areas you identify.

Write your answer here

Discuss at least three barriers to organisational change.

Write your answer here

Discuss at least two strategies to address barriers to organisational change.

Write your answer here

Outline key information that should be included in an organisation’s communication protocol for communicating internally, as well as externally.

Write your answer here

Discuss what is involved in personal development planning and the methods that can be used to achieve this.

Write your answer here

Outline at least five crucial components of a personal development plan.

Write your answer here

Assessment Task 2: Project (Instructions)


Complete the following activities:

Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to lead a strategic business transformation for an organisation or large work area. You will be required to analyse and lead organisational transformation and learning for strategic outcomes based on either a real workplace or a case study scenario which you can access in the Simulation Pack for this unit.

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this project on your own business, one you work in or a familiar with, or you can use the case study provided. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical and meaningful way to your own situation!

It is important that you are able to access enough information for your chosen business in order to be able to do your assessment. As a minimum this should include organisational objectives and need for change along with policies related to managing the change.

You will need to communicate with people who work for, or are involved, in this business or work area several times. Your communication may be either directly with actual staff members or fellow students/your assessor can play the roles of relevant people/parties. Communication can be in any appropriate format (e.g. face to face, video conference, email) as long as it meets the requirements outlined below, and in the Project Portfolio.

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below.


Make sure you are familiar with the organisation you are basing this assessment on and have read through the necessary background information. For the case study business, this is all of the documents included in the Simulation Pack.

If it’s your own business or a business where you are working or are familiar with, have your business approved by your assessor as it must be based on a whole organisation or large work area and there must be a need for strategic change that has been identified. For the purposes of this assessment, your business or work area must have more than 5 employees.

If you are using the case study, you will assume the role of the Change Agent as per the case study provided.

Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio.

Preparing for strategic change

Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.

To complete Section 1, you need to work through several steps to prepare for organisational change.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your assessor for review.

You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

You will use the work done in this section of the Portfolio to consult with others in the next activity. In preparation, read through step 4.

Stakeholder consultation

You now need to conduct stakeholder engagement and interviews to gather valuable insights to help inform your strategy. Conduct 3 short one-on-one interviews with three identified key stakeholders (at least one internal and one external) and then document your findings.

If basing this on a real business you can use real stakeholder if you have the opportunity or have fellow students role play – you must brief the students about the type of stakeholder they are and give them background information to read prior.

If you are using the case study business, you can use other students who are working on the same case study as you will all be familiar with the scenario and you can draw from each other’s unique perspectives and ideas. Arrange for three other students to play an identified role – this can be anyone from the case study that you choose, for example, a graphic designer moving from permanent to contract, a head office staff member staying on and a reader of the magazine. The role player has licence to make up their answers based on their own ideas and experiences. As everyone’s ideas and situations are unique, even if playing the same roles your answers will be different. It’s very important that you develop your own set of questions to ask the stakeholders and that these are not the same as anyone else working in your small group. You are all being assessed individually.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

express your opinions and information to the stakeholders when interviewing them

respond positively and respectfully to their views using language appropriate to the audience

adapt your personal communication style as necessary to build a positive working relationship and show respect for the opinions, values and individual needs of others

demonstrate effective communication skills including:

Speaking clearly and concisely

Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

Asking questions to identify required information

Responding to questions as required

Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

The meetings should last for approximately 15 minutes each. After the meetings, complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.


This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.

After the stakeholder meetings, complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. As part of this step, you are also required to develop written communication to both internal and external stakeholders affected by the change to inform them of the change and how this may affect them. Choose the internal and external group of people based on two of the stakeholder engagement meetings. Attach the communication developed to your portfolio.

Develop a change management strategy

Develop a change management strategy for the business. You can use an organisational template if you have one or you can use the Change Management Strategy template provided in the simulation pack. If using an organisational template then you must ensure it includes as a minimum what is included on the template provided. Ensure you complete all parts and that you use appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions when developing your strategy.

Attach this to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.

Develop a communication and education plan

Develop a communication and education plan to be used in conjunction with the change management project plan.

This plan should show how the change will be managed, including the provision of information to staff about the proposed changes and benefits.

Ensure that the strategies you develop are designed to promote the benefits of change to staff and to reduce the likelihood of a negative response/adverse outcomes.

Your communication and education plan should also show the communication and reporting process to senior management, which will be required on a regular basis.

Use can choose to use an organisational template or the Communication and Education Plan Template provided in the simulation pack.

Request feedback from staff

Assume a month has passed and you need to collect feedback from staff about how the change is being managed by the leaders. Develop an email, memo, survey or request for feedback that can be sent to staff. You can do this any way you like as long as you include at least three questions that cover their experiences of the processes implemented, their thoughts personally on resistance to change and how they believe the communication is that management has had with staff.

Attach this communication in Section 3 of your Project Portfolio.

Carefully read the following (applies to all students even if using their own business example):

Assume that the following change management objectives are included as part of the change management process that was implemented:

Employees were satisfied with information provided as part of the change management process

Communication occurred through multiple channels

Assume that the following communication activities were implemented:

Weekly staff meeting

Newsletter updates through staff email

Assume it is 1 month into the change process and a Staff Survey of the remaining staff has been conducted.

Reflect personally on feedback

Review the change management objectives, communication activities implemented, and the Staff Survey Results. You need to reflect personally on the feedback received so you can identify areas for improvement.

Complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio.

Write a change management review

Evaluate the effectiveness of the change management process and provide recommendations for improving communication activities to further mitigate the risk of change resistance.

Develop a short brief for the CEO of the organisation that includes your review. It should also recommend updates to the change management plan through relevant communication activities.

Your change management review should include the following:

What the change management objectives are

What change management communication activities took place

Recommended changes to the change management plan and the communication and education plans

Your review should be between half a page and one-page long.

Use the Change Management Review template to guide your work. Attach this to Section 3 of your Project Portfolio.

Update staff on change management processes

Make some changes to your Communication and Education Plan based on your own recommendations and inform staff of what these changes are. Changes must be around the communication processes instituted. You can develop a memo or staff email to communicate these changes to staff.

When developing your communication, ensure you apply the feedback received and from your own self-reflection to your leadership style.

Attach your updated Communication and Education Plan and developed staff communication to Section 3 of your Project Portfolio.

Submit your completed Project Portfolio

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as indicated.

Project Portfolio

Section 1: Preparation

Provide an overview of the current situation facing the business including:

Analysis of the company’s organisational objectives and identification of strategic changes needs

A review of any current policies, procedures and practices against strategic objectives and a summary of potential changes

Key stakeholders involved and affected by the change

Analysis of the company’s organisational objectives and identification of strategic changes needs

Write your answer here:

Review of existing policies/practices against strategic objectives to identify where changes are required:

Write your answer here:

Key Stakeholders

Write your answer here:

Outline any legislation, regulations and code of practice that applies to business strategic change and how you will apply this.

(Note, if using the case study, conduct research and use federal and state specific information relevant to your own state/territory that must be applied).


Write your answer here:


Write your answer here:

Code of practice

Write your answer here:


Conduct research to identify environmental risks or impacts to the business or any other considerations you feel necessary.

Impact on external environment

Write your answer here:

Impact on internal environment

Write your answer here:

Impact on the achievement of organisation objectives

Write your answer here:

Outline the sources of information you identified about best practice change management strategies, as well as an overview of best practice change management strategies you will use.

Summarise each source of information and briefly outline how it has assisted in identifying major change requirements and opportunities

Sources of information about best practice change management strategies, as well as an overview of best practice change management strategies.

Write your answer here:

Major change requirements

Identify and document major operational change requirements based on the business and your research and analysis to date. Formulate ideas and opportunities and outline strategies to achieve goals and how these could be implemented.

Major change requirements

Write your answer here:

Prioritisation of change requirements

Outline your recommended priorities for each of the change requirements, including your reasoning.

Prioritisation of change requirements are as following:

Write your answer here:

Financial implications

Summarise the financial implications – financial costs of changes and also cost reduction strategies that could be utilised.

Outline the benefits of this.

Financial implications

Write your answer here:


Associated Risks

Write your answer here:

Communication channels

Establish channels for personnel affected by the changes to communicate with management. How will this be done and how often?

Write your answer here:

As the change agent responsible for the change, what are your personal responsibilities in relation to this strategic change are and how will your behaviour impacts others?

Write your answer here:


Describe how you see yourself in terms of personal efficacy.

Give an example where you have been effective in producing positive change in others.

Write your answer here:


Describe your interpersonal competence.

Give at least on example where you have demonstrated competence in helping others

Write your answer here:


Give at least one example of how you have demonstrated empathy in the following:

personal communication


day to day leadership role

Personal communication

Write your answer here:


Write your answer here:

Day to day leadership role

Write your answer here:


Evaluate your ability to build confidence and respect with diverse groups of individuals.

Comment on your ability to lead in a manner that is inclusive and respectful of the differences between people.

Write your answer here:

What are two personal weaknesses when it comes to change and what strategies do you use to regulate emotions/behaviour during times of change or disruption?

Write your answer here:


Organisational documentation reviewed including Change Management Policy

Section 1 Attachments:

Section 2: Leading strategic change

Stakeholder 1: Internal

Who is this person and what stakeholder group do they form part of?

Sample answer:

General Manager – Internal Stakeholders

List of questions to ask this person.

This is a sample only may not fit with your stakeholder interview

What is your evaluation regarding this change?…

Do you recommend this change?…

Write 4 – 6 related questions you may ask to interview this stakeholders…

Complete this after the meeting

How confident are you in this person’s ability to not only handle the change but to contribute positively to the organisation’s change management processes?

Provide reasons

This is a sample only may not fit with your answer

I am confident that this person’s ability to not only handle the change but to contribute positively to the organisation’s change management processes.


The above stakeholder realised that due to decline in readership, profits have fallen by 20% and there has also been a decrease in the share price. Therefore, he is positive about closing down the printing department and operate digitally. The stakeholder believes this change will increase the market size and reduce the operation cost and hence increase the profit and market share.

Stakeholder 2: Internal

Who is this person and what stakeholder group do they form part of?

Write your answer here:

List of questions to ask this person.

Write your answer here:

Complete this after the meeting

How confident are you in this person’s ability to not only handle the change but to contribute positively to the organisation’s change management processes?

Provide reasons

Write your answer here:

Stakeholder 3: External

Who is this person and what stakeholder group do they form part of?

Write your answer here:

List of questions to ask this person.

Write your answer here:

Complete this after the meeting

How confident are you in this person’s ability to not only handle the change but to contribute positively to the organisation’s change management processes?

Provide reasons

Write your answer here:


Written internal stakeholder communication

Written external stakeholder communication

Change management plan

Communication and education plan

Video footage of 3 x stakeholder engagement sessions (if not observed by the assessor)

Section 2 Attachments

Attachment 1 & 2 – Included in Section 2

Stakeholder engagement and interview details:



15 minutes


Room 2


Zaman KHAN (Assessor)

Student Name:






Activity purpose – The purpose of this activity is to perform the role-play of interviewing 3 stakeholders regarding the transformation of Samson Media.


Interview Requirements:

Stakeholder description and type




Interview close:

Observed By:

Zaman KHAN



Role-Play Outcome: Observation checklists attached.

Attachment 3:

Samson Media Change Management Plan


Write your answer here:

Project Sponsor

The General Manager.

Project Objectives

Write your answer here:

Change Objectives and Principles

Write your answer here:

Change Plan Elements

Write your answer here:

Rationale for the Change

Write your answer here:

Key Stakeholder Analysis

Write your answer here:

Assessment of Readiness to Change

Write your answer here:

Key Change Messages

Write your answer here:

Identify Change Elements

Write your answer here:

Develop Change Plan


Resource requirements



Performance Measures

Calculate redundancy payments and send out redundancy letters to all printing and distribution staff.

Human resources staff

Costs associated with redundancy payments to be calculated by human resources

Human Resources Manager

Commencement of change management process

All staff provided with correct redundancy payments and notice period.

Reporting arrangements

Weekly meetings to discuss progress and brainstorm solutions, weekly reports send via email to all staff.


Write your answer here:


Write your answer here:

Attachment 4:

Communication and Education Plan


Key message

Delivery method

Frequency and duration of session (if applicable)


Senior management

Progress on change process

Face to face, written reports

As required

Head office/Meeting Room



Section 3: Review

Summarise the feedback received that relates to management

Write your answer here:

How can the feedback you have received help you to improve your leadership style and communication?

Provide specific examples

Write your answer here:

What is one area that you feel you would benefit the most from improving.

Write your answer here:

Source two professional development activities that could assist with this identified area/s

Provide supporting reasons for your choice

Write your answer here:

Describe what you intend to do over the next few years for your own personal development.

Write your answer here:

Describe what you intend to do over the next few years to develop your personal leadership style

Write your answer here:


Request for feedback

Change Management Review

Updated Communication and Education Plan

Develop written communication about change of process

Section 3 Attachments

Attachment 1:

Request for Feedback

Assume a month has passed and you need to collect feedback from staff about how the change is being managed by the leaders. Develop an email, memo, survey or request for feedback that can be sent to staff.

Write your email draft here:

Attachment 2:

Samson Media Change Management Review


Write your answer here:

Activities conducted

Describe the range of communication activities associated with the change process that were conducted.

For example:

Weekly staff meetings

Newsletter updates through staff email

Informal communications


Write your answer here:

Attachment 3:

Updated Communication and Education Plan


Key message

Delivery method

Frequency and duration of session (if applicable)


Senior management

Progress on change process

Face to face, written reports

As required

Head office




Note: Yellow highlighted text indicates the updates.

Attachment 4:

Develop written communication about change of process

Write an email to all staff by advising the recommended changes that you have made to the Updated Communication and Education Plan.


Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Student Assessment Tasks [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 16 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Student User Guide [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 16 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, RSB Referencing Guide [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 16 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Assessment Resources, BSBLDR811 Project Portfolio [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Assessment Resources, BSBLDR811 Simulation Pack [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Assessment Resources, BSBLDR811 Student Guide [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 16 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Assessment Resources, Change Management Review Template [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Assessment Resources, Change Management Strategy Template [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Assessment Resources, Communication and Education Plan Template [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 January 2023];

Richmond School of Business. (2022). New GDoML – BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation, BSBLDR811 Assessment Resources, BSBLDR811 Project Portfolio [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 16 January 2023];

Note: Include all the other references you have used in this assessment and arrange them alphabetically (AZ).