Sample Assignment

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Unit 5.25 Human Resource ManagementSample Page

Level 5 10 Credits

Sample Assignment

Related Qualifications

ATHE Level 5 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management (RQF)

ATHE Level 5 Extended Diploma in Business and Administrative Management (RQF)


You are currently working in a temporary position as a Human Resource Administrator. You are very keen to develop your knowledge, understanding and skills to gain a permanent position and aspire to the role of HR Manager.

You are keen to impress your new employers and decide to carry out some research to deepen your knowledge and understanding of:

the concept and practice of human resource management (HRM)

how the HRM function supports the achievement of an organisation’s objectives and strategies

appropriate concepts and theories that encapsulate HRM as a corporate function

assessment of a range of human resource strategies that may be implemented within the organisation.

To provide evidence of your developing knowledge and understanding, you decide to keep a record of your research and write up your findings in a file.

Activity 1

Your first task is to research the context and role of human resource management (HRM) including the nature of strategic HRM. You need to write up your findings in detail, including referencing of appropriate academic sources to your discussions.

Your file must cover the following topics:

a definition of human resource management (HRM)

an analysis of the context, role and objectives of HRM

an analysis of the influences on the development of HRM as a theory and management function

Your file should continue to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of strategic HRM. You should:

evaluate the interface between HRM and strategic management

analyse models of strategic HRM

evaluate the extent to which strategic HRM influences business performance

Assessment Criteria 1.1/1.2/1.3/2.1/2.2/2.3

Activity 2

Your work as a temporary assistant has been effective and the department is pleased with your work. There is the potential for a permanent contract and your line manager has asked you to carry out some research on human resource planning (HRP). She has asked that you create a formal report to present your findings.

In your report you should:

identify the role and objectives of human resource planning

examine the process of HRP

identify different types of HR plans

identify the objectives of recruitment and selection in organisations

analyse the recruitment and selection processes as a system

You decide to include an appendix to the report which:

evaluates the difficulties of effective HRP implementation in a specific organisation which you have researched or worked in.

Assessment Criteria 3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4/4.1/4.2

Activity 3

Impressed by your report, your line manager has asked you to explore the role of human resource development (HRD), performance management and reward in organisations, with a view to reviewing the systems currently in place. She has asked that you prepare and deliver a presentation to the HR Director and senior HR management team.

Your presentation must:

identify the context of HRD in organisations

analyse models of HRD

examine learning theories

describe the role of continuing professional development (CPD) and lifelong learning

She has asked that the senior management team take away a detailed handout for reference. This handout must be presented to a very high standard, with clear referencing and links to further information sources. Your handout must:

identify the ways in which performance of individuals can be managed

evaluate the ways in which performance of individuals can be measured

explain strategies for rewarding employees in organisations.

Assessment Criteria 5.1/5.2/5.3/5.4/6.1/6.2/6.3

Activity 4

A promotion has unexpectedly arisen for a trainee HR manager. You decided to apply and were successful! One of your first duties is to carry out a formal assignment which examines the context of the relationship between the employee and the organisation.

Your assignment should be based on organisations you are familiar with, researched or have worked in. You must produce a document for your line manager which:

explains the different types of formal contractual arrangements which exist between individuals and organisations

examines the role of the psychological contract in organisations

identifies the importance of equality of opportunity and managing diversity in the employment relationship

explains how the organisation deals with conflict situations through complaints, discipline and grievance procedures.

The document should be professionally presented and well-written to a high standard. You should ensure you make specific reference to how your chosen organisations deal with conflict situations through complaints, discipline and grievance procedures.

Assessment Criteria 7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4

Guidelines for assessors

The assignments submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by all the assessment criteria for the unit. The suggested evidence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards.

Activity number


Suggested evidence



Learners must demonstrate they understand the context and role of human resource management (HRM) and the nature of strategic HRM.

Learners should consider different influences on the development of HRM as a theory and management function and when evaluating the extent to which strategic HRM influences business performance.

They must analyse different models of strategic HRM in their submission.

The detailed notes should be in an appropriate format which follows the expected referencing conventions, with a good standard of written English.



The report should be structured in a formal way with clear layout and appropriate presentation. A range of HR plans should be identified.

When evaluating the difficulties of effective HRP implementation, evidence must relate to a specific organisation that the learner is familiar with or has researched extensively. Evaluations should not be in general terms.



The presentation should cover all the main topics stated in the task, demonstrating analysis of different models of HRD. Different theories of learning must be examined.

The presentation format is flexible but must be supported by detailed notes, which demonstrate an understanding of the context of human resource development (HRD) and the role of performance management and reward in organisations. Specific examples of strategies for rewarding employees in organisations should be included.

The handout(s) prepared by the learner must be detailed with appropriate style and content for the identified audience.



The format of the assignment is flexible and can be adapted to meet the needs of the learner. It must however, demonstrate an appropriate understanding of the context of the relationship between the employee and the organisation.

Learners should make specific reference to how organisations deal with conflict situations through complaints, discipline and grievance procedures. This could be an organisation that the learner works in currently or previously. Examples of policies, procedures and forms may also be included as appropriate.

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