Safety and Security Management in Tourism

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Safety and Security Management in Tourism (44-706859)



Task 1

Module Title Safety and Security Management in Tourism
Assessment Title Individual Report (3500 words)
Weighting 100%
In Module Retrieval Not available
Submission Deadline 30 March 2023 15:00


Task Details:

You are working as a tourism consultant and writing a report on safety and security management for a specific sector of the tourism and travel industries (e.g. airlines, airports, tour operators, resorts, tourism destinations, etc.).  In your report, you will

  • Identify current and future key safety and/or security issues and critically analyse them.
  • Provide recommendations on how to respond to the specified issues and threats.

You need to draw on a wide range of current and relevant industry data and academic literature.

Assessment criteria

Your work is assessed against the following assessment criteria and weighting:

  • Knowledge and understanding                      30%
  • Analysis and evaluation 30%
  • Reading and research   20%
  • Presentation, communication and referencing 20%


Criteria Weighting (%) Advice
Knowledge and understanding 30 Show your knowledge and understanding of the relevant safety and/or security issues and management approaches for the chosen industry sector.
Analysis and evaluation 30 Apply the relevant theoretical and practical concepts and approaches to critically evaluate the selected safety and security issues and to recommend actions. Any information and data used should be accurately evaluated and interpreted and support your ideas. Justify your ideas, particularly your recommendations.
Reading and research 20 Use both academic (textbooks and journal articles) and market data (market databases, current industry initiatives and research, company information and latest industry news) to support your ideas in a meaningful way. Use reliable sources.
Presentation, communication and referencing 20 This task is a formal report. Follow the structure

Cover page

Table of contents

List of figures/tables (if any used)

Executive summary (150 words)


Main body


Reference list

Appendices (if used)


You will have several sections for the main body. Use headings (and sub-headings) for different sections. Include page numbers.


Explain your ideas clearly and coherently. Signpost appropriately. The assignment must use correct paragraphing, formal grammar, tenses and spelling. Proof-read before submission.


All information sources cited should be referenced in text (in the body of the report) and the reference list using the APA referencing system.


An assessment grid is provided that indicates the standard of work against the above four assessment criteria in different grade bands (50-59%, 70-79% etc.).

You need to achieve a minimum of 50% to pass this Module.


Word count: 3500 words (+/- 10%)

Markers will stop reading after the + 10% point (3850 words) and the grade will be based on what the marker has read up to this point. Tables and Appendices (not required) should be used to provide data and information as reference points, not as space to write ‘mini essays’.

Included in the word count Excluded from the word count
Executive Summary

All sections of the report including

·         section/sub-section headings

·         citations within the body of the report

·         any qualitative/narrative content within tables

Cover page

Contents page

Lists of tables (if used)

Quantitative/numerical contents within tables

Reference List

Appendices (if used)


Include the word count on the cover page of your report.


Instructions to students for submission of coursework

The submission deadline is 25 March 2021. You must submit your work via BOTH the Assignment Submission Point and Turnitin on the Blackboard site.

In the Assessment folder, you will find

  • Online submission: The submission point will be available for you to upload your work.
  • Turnitin submission: You can upload your work as many times as necessary to Turnitin to check your referencing before you upload the final version by the submission deadline.

Coursework submitted within one working day (i.e. up to 24 hours) after the deadline date and time without an authorised extension will receive a mark capped at the minimum pass mark. Coursework submitted over one working day late without an authorised extension, will be considered a non-submission.


Assessment feedback & feed-forward arrangements

The module has several designated assessment support sessions (please check the Schedule of Study). There will be an early briefing on your assessment at the beginning of the module and this will be revisited throughout the module. You will have opportunity to discuss your assignment with the tutor before submission of your work.

After submission you will receive individual written feedback on your performance, with a clear illustration of how your work was marked against the marking criteria. You will be provided with an indication of what you should continue to do in future assessments and what you should consider doing to improve.

You will be also offered the opportunity to meet with your tutor after you receive feedback if you wish to discuss the feedback in more detail.

If students do not achieve the minimum pass mark for the module, a referral opportunity will be given during the reassessment period.  Note: The reassessment task will be different from the original task.


Level 7 Marking Grid


Criteria 1-29% Fail

(Highly Insufficient)

30-49% Fail


50-59% Pass


60-69% Merit


70-92% Distinction


93%-100% Distinction


Knowledge & Understanding


Highly insufficient knowledge and understanding


Unable to evidence any meaningful understanding of the taught concepts or methods

Insufficient knowledge and understanding


Typically only able to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts


Satisfactory knowledge and understanding but not evidently critical and lacking depth


Mostly confined to concepts that are not at the forefront of the discipline

Good knowledge, understanding and application of theory and issues


Typically able to independently relate taught facts/concepts together, some of which are at the forefront of the discipline

Excellent knowledge, understanding and application of relevant theories and issues


Evidence of some clear independent insight and critical awareness of relevant concepts some of which are at the forefront of the discipline

Exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding


Evidenced of own independent insight and critical awareness of relevant literature and concepts at the forefront of the discipline

Analysis & Evaluation


Unable to address the assignment brief, make judgements or draw conclusions


Lack of understanding of the boundaries of the discipline and does not question received wisdom


Interpretation of assignment brief is seriously flawed

Little analysis and the conclusions drawn are tenuous in light of the evidence presented


Inability to adequately define problems and make reasoned judgements


Fails to add meaningful detail or make sufficient links between concepts and facts to adequately solve problems posed by the assessment

Satisfactory level of analysis and judgement based on evidence, although balanced towards the descriptive rather than critical


Arguments and explanations are limited in range and depth although some are adequately supported by the literature


Evidence of some competent independent inquiry operating with core concepts, methods and techniques to solve familiar problems


Arguments and explanations are typically supported by the literature and in some cases may challenge some received wisdoms


Evidence of ability to critically evaluate evidence and synthesise appropriate generalisations from it

Evidence of appropriate independent inquiry operating with core concepts, methods and techniques to solve complex problems in mostly familiar contexts


Sustained arguments on the basis of appropriate evidence,  well-supported by the literature


Strong evidence of ability to critically evaluate evidence and synthesise appropriate generalisations from it

Evidence of extensive and appropriate independent inquiry operating with advanced concepts, methods and techniques to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts


Strong evidence of exceptionally critical evaluation of a wide range of evidence


Evidence of going beyond accepted positions when evidence allows for it

Reading & Research


Very limited evidence of reading and research to advance work Limited ability to independently select and evaluate reading/research with a strong reliance on set sources


Over-reliance on few sources, without analysis, criticism or interpretation

Evidence of some independent reading and research to advance work and inform arguments and approaches


Relies on set sources to advance work/direct arguments


General competence shown within the prescribed range but lacking academic rigour in places

Evidence of independent reading and research demonstrating autonomy in learning


Relies on set sources and some quality sources beyond the prescribed range, to advance work/direct arguments


Evidence of academic rigour in some aspects

Strong evidence of independent research


Evidence of highly appropriate selection of material from an excellent range of sources


Reading used critically and deployed effectively in supporting arguments


Sustained academic rigour in most aspects

Evidence of highly appropriate selection of material from an excellent range of sources


Extends the boundaries of the discipline, beyond expectation of the level


Outstanding deployment of reading in supporting arguments


Sustained academic rigour in all aspects

Presentation, communication & referencing


Inability to communicate coherently


Poor presentation and incoherent structure


Little or no attempt at referencing

Competent communication and presentation in places but fails to demonstrate clarity and focus


Incoherent structure


Lack of or gaps in referencing

Competent and appropriate presentation and communication


Correct English usage with few imprecise statements


Generally shows clarity but structure may not always be coherent


Adequate referencing

Competent and effective presentation


Clear and coherent communication with very few imprecise statements.


Good referencing

Effective presentation and communication suited to both technical and non-technical audiences


Excellent use of English with sustained clarity and coherence


Excellent referencing

Effective presentation and communication suited to both technical and non-technical audiences


Sophisticated level of the English language in an eloquent and professional manner


Excellent referencing


May achieve or be very close to publishable or commercial standard