Safeguarding in children social services

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Module Code: SHN 3103

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Project Title: Safeguarding in children social services



The safeguard is about the action with promoting child welfare along with protecting from any kind of harm. The child protection includes procedures with responding to concerns for a child. The child protection is a part for safeguarding processes which focus on protecting the individual children and ensuring suffering or likely to suffer the major harm. This includes child protection with procedures that are defined for major concerns of child. The safeguard processes includes protecting health, wellbeing and the human rights that tend to allow people with children, young people or the vulnerability of adults to live majorly without the fear of abuse. There are terms of UK and Ireland which includes the healthcare system. It is about promoting the safeguarding awareness with provisions related to proper training and risks assessment tools which is available for health and social care. The broader approaches or the cultural factors might also lead to hindering people with recognition of risks of abuse and then taking proper actions. There are analysis based on broader mapping review with research evidences on promoting safeguard practices too (Crawley et al., 2020).

Reasons for choosing the topic

The topic has been about understanding a proper assess for children and taking into consideration all the other circumstances too. The services under Equality Act 2010 helps in putting responsibility on public authorities with the elimination of discrimination and promoting opportunity and equality. The social workers receive information from other kind of professionals with concerning about the child being harmed or the risks of being harmed. The social workers have a major duty by law to investigate the situations and complete assessment or protection of children too. The family members and the child or young people need to contact the agencies who are involved with the child management and the welfare of child too. The situations involve the policy with duty to investigate about whether the child is being harmed. As per the analysis of children’s charity, the major priority is about protection of children and young people. We are not only the statutory childcare organization, but the police or children social care and NSPCC are the major agencies for handling power of statutory standards. The staff and volunteers have obligation to protect, safeguard and promote the proper child welfare. The strong safeguard practices and procedures are for engaging with us and then focus on different services too. The recruitment is for employing experienced workers with focusing on a prevention of abuse of children and young people too (Bhopal et al., 2021).

The staff and volunteers completely involve induction training and then work on children and young people. The procedures include policies and guidance for managers or the staff and volunteers with the clear staff. The set of actions includes encouraging children with handling and doing things for children with proper outcomes. The protection of children is from abuse and harm, with handling different problems along with ensuring the principles too. The responsibility is to work with children and the policies or processes to make sure that every child has been protected from harm too. The professionals are concerned about holding the safeguard and then involving with others about problems which can affect children too. If the professionals are concerned about the ways one help you and family, there is a need to plan along with extra help or support (Hermansson et al., 2022). The understanding is about early help services to support families, with stopping problems from becoming worsened too. The research is about parenting classes, or the nursery placements, and having a support worker to make sure that old children can properly attend school too. The statutory guidance is about setting out the key roles for individuals and then deciding which could help in representing specific roles and responsibility (Hermansson et al., 2022).

Aim of this work

The aim is about effectively focusing on early help services with responding on different needs of individual children and families. The services might focus on improved family function and building capability to solve problems as well.

How the aim will be achieved

The access to help and services helps in understanding localized arrangements for working over different levels which are measurable. The organization tends to focus on the Act for Data Protection 2018 and ensure that there are proper arrangements and clear processes or principles for shared information. The Needs of local authority services is to achieve and maintain a standard of health and development. The assessment needs to focus on the extra support with focusing on family needs as well. Under the Local Authority, the duties are for different enquiries of Section 47 of Children Act 1989 which is about holding reasonable causes to suspect if the child has been suffering (Crawley et al., 2020). The Child Protection Conference help in bringing the family members together along with understanding the reports where the professionals are asked to attend and suspect over the different Child Protection Plan of physical abuse, emotional, sexual abuse and neglection (Hoyle et al., 2019).

The aim is also achieved through Child Protection Plan with meeting the needs and then focusing over the review progress. The changes are needed to be handled or describing visits under the professionals toa support family and also check over the support. The plan includes the parenting classes, supporting workers for family along with nursery placements which are important for child of pre-school too (Levine et al., 2020). The safeguarding of children includes providing of vital sources and safeguarding the child protection matters. The promotion involves the safeguard and promoting welfare too. The influencing, developing and monitoring of child training helps in focusing over the needs and views of child. The analysis is about family assessments that includes how one can ensure the individual children under different considerations

Literature Survey

The safeguarding is about the health settings with social care settings that involves the integrated systems. The overview is about the therapeutic services for children with experienced sexual abuse. The identified areas are related to improvement in awareness and practices of safeguarding. It involves the identification of child protection of nurses with primary case that could lead to reduced ability on the system of health for responding to the needs of children too. The specific development of service initiatives comes under a primary care or settings of hospital which help in identifying the performance over the comprehensive oral assessment (MacAlister, 2022). The potential is based on contributing towards the improved awareness and also working through outpatient clinics to meet the needs of children and come up with the suspected forms of FGM. The development of processes is for increased awareness of risks which associates to the parental mental illness for ensuring that this is assessed with risks or then safeguarding, as needed. The survey includes the classification as social care where the services are voluntary sector and the papers are evaluated through initiatives that aims for specific groups majorly. The papers include the identification of spanned health and social care for promoting awareness that includes local authority partnership with the child sexual exploiting services. The evaluation is based on the survey responses which help in highlighting over documented initiatives that also involves different routine data to improve awareness to safeguard the health effectively. The approach is about the service development with interventions that are related to evidence of effectiveness, feasibility or acceptability. The interviews are based on new interventions in safeguarding with the barriers that involves the pressure on services. The cost is rarely identified to be the barrier with the report on costs with the implication of resource. The interagency working includes identified challenges with children working over health and social care, or integrated settings, with reflecting over diversified services. The mapping review is based on focusing over evidences from UK (Peckover et al., 2019). It comes with the systematic searching, quality assessment or component analysis with intervention or initiatives. The implications includes the service delivery or research with the safeguard that is also relevant to staff, roles that vary on first point of contact (Hefferon et al., 2021).

The clear understanding is about extending the mapping or evaluation of service initiatives, with the inter-agency collaboration. The improvement is about the quality and data consistency, with the investigation on children or young people which is essential for successful designing and implementation. The framework includes the guidance or minimum standards that is in regards to the need for eliminating discrimination, harassment or victimisation with advancement of equality of opportunity. This is cited on Equality Act 2010 which is for reducing inequalities between patients to access and experience outcomes from services of healthcare and securing services in an integrated manner. The effective safeguard arrangements seek on preventing and protecting individuals from harm or abuse which is regardless to the circumstances (Levine et al., 2020). In UK, the foundation is for safeguard legislation that is set for the handling of children and adults. The underpinning is about the core duties with the lifespan of safeguarding and identifying functions or specific to children. The legislation and mandatory reporting includes the enshrining of international and national standards, with safeguarding for children and adults that has transformed for new legislation process. The legislation is for all under Crime and Disorder Act 1998 with the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, that is under the safeguard on legislation that is specific to children. It is for the UN Convention for Rights of Child 1989. The safeguarding includes the embedded core duties of organization for the health system with the provider responsibilities to provide a complete safe or a high quality care. The commission responsibility is for assuring the safety or effectiveness on services, one has commissioned. The context includes the responsibility for every NHS funded organization with the individual healthcare professional work in NHS. It is about the ensuring with principles and duties of safeguarding of children and adults who are holistic and consistent too (Maxwell et al., 2020). The NHS includes the funded organization with the need to ensure about the sufficient capacity which is in place for the fulfilment of statutory duties. The organizations need to cooperate with working on the demographic footprints and seeking solutions in contexts to safeguard or developing the structural landscape which is needed. The check is to ensure about the workforce with maintaining list of individuals with the undertaking regulated activities for children and adults. The safeguarding is for openness, advocacy, transparency or trust (Brandon et al., 2008). The recommended approach includes the statutory duty which is set for healthcare providers that is set for the Duty regulated under Care Quality Commission. The duty of candour is triggered through notified incidents of safety. The safeguarding incidents is for clinical procedures with practicing on contribution for death, physical and psychological harm too.

The robust information sharing is for the heart of safe and effective safeguarding practice. The GDPR 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018 includes the data protection regime with the Practitioners that is in regards for the relevant data protection principles. This is in place to the greater significance with the transparent or accountable forms which is in relation for the use of data. The information sharing specific approaches is for safeguarding children with preventing or detecting a crime, with the specific provisions, that need information sharing, with example relating to operation of local safeguard children partnerships. The Child Protection Information Sharing programme is for the linking to IT systems which is set for the health and social care, with secured share basic information (Brandon et al., 2008). The NHS number for children and unborn children with NHS that involves to handle Safeguarding Adult Board. The roles and responsibilities include safeguard of children and adults at risks with the abuse or neglect which is a collective responsibility. The professional duty of care as a registrant for NHS contract that is for deploying on functions, they work too. The NHS England safeguarding role includes the NHS Improvement that is responsible to oversee the trust of foundation, with the NHS Trusts and direct commissioning which is set for NHS England and NHS Improvement (Anka et al., 2020). The provider leadership includes the required statute and regulation to have the effective arrangements. It is about the providers demonstrating on safeguarding at different levels. The identification includes the safeguarding children, with identification on procedures and policies with Safeguarding Children and Intercollegiate Document for Safeguarding Adults. One tends to provide effective supervisions of safeguard arrangements for staff, with role or function which is set on the awareness of personal responsibilities for safeguarding or information sharing. The assuring include the organization with acknowledging on the changing of the Primary Care Network, and Integrated Care Systems, with safeguarding that is considered for new integrated systems. The designated experts includes embedding over the clinical decision making with the local health economies with influencing the local thinking with practicing over the capacities to do so. The NHS Long term plan includes key role in working with service redesigning and Long Term Plan Implementation with enabling a greater provision on proactive and personalized health or social care systems. The integral approach is for the safeguarding children with children in care, or adults at risks, with development on Mental Capacity Act processes (Hood et al., 2020). The local safeguarding leaders comes in work collaboration for the PCN with ensuring safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act legal requirements that are integral to the networks. The clear line of accountability for safeguarding, properly reflect on CCG on governance arrangements, with the safeguard of arrangement. The training of the staff includes the safeguarding issues, with effective inter-agency working on ensuring effective arrangements for information sharing. The support is for development is on positive culture of learning with demonstrating over designated professionals and safeguarding to decision making (Humphris et al., 2019).


The safeguarding includes the responsibility on incidents with local Safeguarding Practice, with the abuse or neglect of a child that is known or suspected. The Child Death Review (CDR) includes Children Act 2004 requires the local arrangements with the statutory processes. The establishment includes the resident on relevant standards of Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme, with the aim to improve on quality of health. NHS includes the multi-agency statutory review commissioning for other purposes. The designated professionals includes the expertise on relevant agencies and other organizations, with Safeguarding Children Partnership Arrangements. To attend on the reflective or restorative supervision meetings, there are documentation or the professional facilitation as needed. To coordinate on practice reviews, or learning reviews where the health commissioners tend to work on designate professionals for children in care. The approach is for the ensuring of full registration for every child in care and then there are ensuring of implementation plans for individual children too (Tarleton et al., 2020). The designated professional approach is for the safeguard of adults with designated approaches that involves the health advisory roles which is set for handling the training and experience requirements for GP named professionals. NHS England System leadership which is set through improvement on safeguard practices. The support is for the underpinning system accountability with peer review based assurance, and source of intelligence (Karlsen et al., 2019). The direct commissioning includes the partnership with safeguard of young people suffering from mental health disorders or the unplanned withdrawal of child and the adolescent for health services. The regulation is important part for safeguard of partners with assurance and arrangement of accountability across the system of health. The regulators need to focus on working at the individual with organizational level set through assessing effectiveness. It is seen that there is an evaluation of sequence of services with providing a proper help to children and patients. They tend to make use of data from different longitudinal study that tends to aim for following progress of children and young people as well (Karlsen et al., 2019). The present variables tend to appear on the significant approaches for handling children ability to deal with stress and also the difficult situations which are encountered in the study. The research includes the multi-agency collaboration with improved levels of interference, which comes through early intervention and inter-acting risks factors that are for vulnerable children. The good child safeguard services are met rarely and then there are practitioners or agencies which are generally made to cope and then work on the feelings of hopelessness with employing the start over syndrome (Fouche et al., 2020). The research is considered to be important with strategies to help staff and then improve skills analytically with the grasping of child abuse or neglecting the cases holistically too.


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