Rubric assessment

132 views 9:03 am 0 Comments June 8, 2023

vodafone AU IP
8:36 pm • C 1Of
Cdterla mmarising rye’s evidence of merent rZ. of text and evidence
of !Mks to th material It i refs s
Understanding =:c1.7g of pedagogical I„eofved in teaching la dlvere abilities 0 o e
implications fm future teaching prattles are discussed
Unsatkfactory Satisfactory Good Faris to present Sencroac evidence Dalaisd evidence of …rent of coin.. aramorrY cofiefordirc. SIM111,11,10anti …taming of summary and the the test and evidence understanding of Ind end evidence of of inks lo tie course Me text and Mrs to the cane retrdMegriang te:::::fints
the readings
tecrgrth e
undorsanding of .P:n`c,”le,:nbdaZof Pocia9ogical petlagogiwl 7=”es”‘”‘ approaches c„.„.’Zits
ens among
Inoomprehensibk, presentsoon. Poorly (Skeen sources. Sources not cited Imppropriste for the professional contest.
Adequate, tmplicat=
and presented Sorne. lone or relevance nay appmr. APA is Mine mostly coned ly
Adequately develops understanding of Pl=ri s
Clear, understands the
Very Good Commenensne =ncetrf of understanrd ng of the lierixl:satno4:;”:”cse’ IT:17:14rc” Ellocavoly develops statements
Num. identicalion of evidence clattered summary andbd and evidenc= the course the tetal
understanding of P.a… approaches involved for drverso
aonnws rrifelt4 integrates Implications la future future teacMnp teaching practice
sources logical and Mao. of’ 7″I’AT’d=rZLI
W.. elective realer swam Logical end Pig* rfaillitlia 0 promnIallon Mew. mat.. WA cations we weed corm, Some very minor mistakes throughout onOng
Escellent use of sauces. LogiCak and probe.. preeentelkn of Won. draw. APA dtitons ere used co .k.