Role of collaborative practice

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The focus is on the management of the case which is considered to be the collaborative process with properly planning and focusing on the coordination of care. The evaluation is based on the options and then meeting the services which are related to the needs of the family health as well. It is based on the communication and the available sources which are for promoting the safety of the patient and the quality of care. The cost effective outcomes includes the case management with the intake of the needs, with the proper service planning and the monitoring and the monitoring and evaluation. The major focus is on the case management which includes the autonomy, beneficence and the non-maleficence and justice.

Discuss the role of collaborative practice in case management and examples.

The role of the process of collaborative approach includes the discussion on the planning where there are coordination based on the options and how the services are monitored (Mandell et al., 2017). It is mainly to meet the individual and the family health needs which is set through communication and proper resources to promote the quality and the cost effective outcomes. There are times when there are multiple documents that are set with handling the varied relationship and the adaptive or dynamic case management which helps in improving the organization performance and putting the case information from and center rather than considering the process as primary. The focus is on the case files with the involvement of the individual collection of communication with the forms, process documents, reports and the supporting documentation. The case management solutions are for the proper management and then driving the successful, optimized outcomes which is for attending and then securing the individual bits for the material that have been contained.

Some of the examples are the responsibilities of the case manager to work on coordination for the multidisciplinary team. Here, the clinical responsibilities involves the intervention plan and admitting the new clients through reviewing the records and applications. It is for establishing the treatment program through setting the schedules and the routines. With this, there is a need to improve the financial status and then monitor the variances, to identify the trends and then recommend this to the management. The job outlook is for the career and the labor market information research to decide on the future approach with 350 individual occupations that are for the number of the expected vacancies with the particular occupation. The collaborative practice involves the client benefits which are stipulated for the health insurance plans with the client and support systems which comes through addressing the medical, functional, emotional and the other needs of the support systems. The case managers tend to work on the health and human services with provider, employer and community agencies that are involved with handling the providers of care and the advocacy, planning, health education and engagement. There are proper management of the resources with the evidence based guidelines or standards. The communication and collaboration is for the primary care providers with the delivery professionals involving the maintaining of the privacy, confidentiality, health and safety (Virta et al., 2017).

Why is collaboration important in case management?

The case management is the important strategy with the development of administrative service to control the costs. The major focus is on the improvement of the healthcare services and then providing the variety of population ranging from the long term users with the high cost of mental care and the substance abuse program participants. The cost control refers to the certification with the doctors for surgery who are working on abuse program participants. The cost control is to prevent the admission certification with the case management for the long term delivery. In US healthcare system which lacks safety, efficiency and the quality of care, there is a need to focus on the interpersonal and interprofessional collaboration with improving the impact on health care. The understanding is based on the clinical practices with the patient centered care, collaborative learning communities and the team building. The case management is important with optimized outcomes and securing the individual bits for the material. The Enterprise Content management and Document management system might be used for the management of the case information. Here, the improvement is based on the financial status through analysis of the results and then monitoring the variances as well. The case management comes with the options which is for the advocacy. Hence, the individual tends to work on the family needs with properly communicating and handling the resources. It is for the functional capability with benefits about how the individuals are served with the support systems. The case management serves the wellness of the client and the autonomy through the resources and the facilitation of services. There are timely and cost effective manner for the optimized value which is for the best time and then handling the case managers or the clients with the service personnel to optimize outcomes for the concerned. The examples are related to the case management framework with friends (Koontz, 2016). It can be about the cross-disciplinary and interdependent special practices. Working on the improvement of the client health and then promoting the wellness or the autonomy helps in identifying the resources with service facilitation.


The case management services are optimized when offered with allowing the direct, open and the proper communication (Mavronicolas et al., 2017). The case managers tend to focus on sense of commitment and obligations to maintain the current knowledge, skills and competencies. It is for the dissemination of practice innovations and findings from research activities. Hence, there is a need to group and access to the controlled way of involvement in the case. There are factors where there is a need to determine about the accessibilities with the identification of the treatment influences.


Koontz, T.M., 2016. Back to the future? Collaborative environmental governance theory and practice. In The Challenges of Collaboration in Environmental Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mandell, M., Keast, R. and Chamberlain, D., 2017. Collaborative networks and the need for a new management language. Public Management Review19(3), pp.326-341.

Mavronicolas, H.A., Laraque, F., Shankar, A. and Campbell, C., 2017. Understanding the drivers of interprofessional collaborative practice among HIV primary care providers and case managers in HIV care programmes. Journal of interprofessional care31(3), pp.368-375.

Virta, S. and Lowe, G.F., 2017. Integrating media clusters and value networks: Insights for management theory and research from a case study of Mediapolis in Finland. Journal of Management & Organization23(1), pp.2-21.