Reviewing a current issue in management

152 views 9:22 am 0 Comments June 6, 2023

For this assignment, you will write approximately 1500 words (please indicate the word count on the first page of your assignment; plus or minus 10% words is acceptable) reviewing a current issue in management using a recent late July to December 2018 or 2019 newspaper article and scholarly publications to summarise the issue and make an argument for or against the view given in the newspaper article. Students are to select an article related to one of the following topics: Topic 1 Integrating indigenous cultures into organisations Topic 2 Sustainable business in practice Topic 3 Integration of artificial intelligence into organisations (human and machine) Topic 4 Mentoring for effective workplace behaviour Key components:
FBL5010 I Page 15
• Your essay should first overview the topic you are exploring • You should then state an argument for or against the position taken in the newspaper article, • You can then discuss the implications of the newspaper article based on academic research and the position you have taken. • Your research should include your current textbook and recent peer-reviewed journal articles. At least eight (8) or more different, relevant scholarly articles, the current textbook and the newspaper article (i.e. minimum 10 in total) are expected. Remember that you must choose scholarly articles (otherwise called ‘peer-reviewed or academic’) from the ECU Library electronic databases. The textbook will also provide a sound starting point for your written responses. • All reference sources must be acknowledged within the body of the text (in-text references) and listed at the end (end-text). Standard APA 6th edition referencing style should be used (see It is NOT acceptable to cut and paste material from source directly into your assignment. Please ensure you understand how to paraphrase and reference correctly. • This assessment must be submitted via Blackboard. You can only submit your assignment once through Turnitin. If you are not familiar with Turnitin attend a workshop or watch the video available through blackboard. • There is a ‘test site’ to test your similarity score. • If the final submitted assignment for marking has a similarity that indicates plagiarism, the Associate Dean Teaching and Learning will be asked to impose a penalty, which can include a zero mark or a fail in the unit or another penalty at their discretion. If you are unsure about any referenced material please contact the Learning Advisor while developing your assignment to ensure you are referencing correctly.
NOTE: There is no ‘safe level’ similarity score when submitting assignments. If you need support with paraphrasing or to ask questions about your similarity report, please contact a learning adviser or attend a 1111111111 1,111/1/11FI Mini it 1,111111