Rethinking the politics of uncertainty

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The Risk Management
of Everything
Rethinking the politics of
Michael Power
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Acknowledgements 7
1. Introduction: The risk management explosion 9
2. The state as risk manager 17
3. Turning organisations inside out: Internal control
becomes risk management 24
4. Anxiety and classification: The invention of
operational risk 29
5. What’s in a name? Reputational risk and the
transformation of social responsibility 32
6. Explaining the risk management of everything:
Function, fashion and fear 37
7. Out of control? Avoiding the risks of risk management 43
8. Conclusions and suggestions 59
Notes 66

Demos 7
This essay began life as an inaugural professorial lecture, ‘The new
risk management’, given at the London School of Economics in
December 1999. The author thanks the Trustees of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and the Economic and
Social Research Council for financial support. The author is also
grateful for helpful comments from Tom Bentley, Julia Black, Rachel
Briggs, Robert Bruce, Bill Durodie, Martin Evans, Bridget Hutter, Jimi
Irwin, Sue Mayer, Caroline Muller, Nick Pidgeon, Henry Rothstein,
Andy Stirling, James Strachan, Christopher Swinson, James Wilsdon
and Brian Wynne. Particular thanks are due to Paul Skidmore and
Eddie Gibb of Demos and to Julie Pickard.
Michael Power
June 2004
Michael Power is P.D.Leake Professor of Accounting and a Director of
the ESRC Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR) at
the London School of Economics, where he has worked since 1987.
He is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England
and Wales (ICAEW) and an associate member of the UK Chartered
Institute of Taxation. He has held visiting fellowships at the Institute

for Advanced Study, Berlin and All Souls College, Oxford. Research
interests focus mainly on the changing relationship between financial
accounting, auditing and risk management. He is author of
The Audit
(Demos, 1994) and The Audit Society: Rituals of Verification
(Oxford University Press, 1999), which has been translated into
Italian and Japanese, and is currently being translated into French.
The Risk Management of Everything
8 Demos
1. Introduction:
The risk management explosion
Demos 9
Can we know the risks we face, now or in the future? No, we
cannot: but yes, we must act as if we do.
Risk management and risk ‘talk’ are all around us. The risk-based
description of organisational life is conspicuous. Not only private
sector companies, but hospitals, schools, universities and many other
public organisations, including the very highest levels of central
government, have all been invaded to varying degrees by ideas about
risk and its management.
 Why has this happened and what are its consequences?
 Is this just one more management craze with questionable
benefits and potentially adverse effects?
 Or is it a rational response to an increasingly risky world?
 Is the growing organisational preoccupation with risk
management a symptom of failing control in a complex
environment, or is it a basis for re-focusing
entrepreneurial energy?
 Governments and large organisations must always act as if
they are in control, so is risk management simply the new
game of reassurance, an audit explosion in new clothes, or
a basis for innovation and change?

And what of the general public and its relationship to this ubiquitous
risk management? Does it enhance public confidence in private and
public sector organisations, or is it simply a managerial smokescreen,
deflecting attention from the more fundamental fact that individuals
are increasingly alone with risk, unable to trust the very institutions
designed to absorb it on their behalf?
These questions motivate an analysis of the ‘risk management of
everything’, a motif for one of the major public policy challenges of
the early twenty-first century.
Risk talk and risk management practices
Risk talk and risk management practices, rather like auditing in the
1990s, embody the fundamentally contradictory nature of organisational and political life. On the one hand there is a functional and
political need to maintain myths of control and manageability,
because this is what various interested constituencies and stakeholders seem to demand. Risks must be made auditable and governable.
On the other hand, there is a consistent stream of failures, scandals
and disasters which challenge and threaten organisations, suggesting
a world which is out of control and where failure may be endemic,
and in which the organisational interdependencies are so intricate
that no single locus of control has a grasp of them.
Risk management organises what cannot be organised, because
individuals, corporations and governments have little choice but to
do so. The risk management of everything holds out the promise of
manageability in new areas. But it also implies a new way of allocating
responsibility for decisions which must be made in potentially
undecidable situations.
Who bears the risk?
Many agencies in society which have traditionally played the role of
taking risk on behalf of the public, such as insurance companies,
financial services organisations and financial professionals, seem in
fact to be handing risks back as part of their own risk management.
Indeed, the risk management of everything is characterised by the
The Risk Management of Everything
10 Demos
growth of risk management strategies that displace valuable – but
vulnerable – professional judgement in favour of defendable process.
The state’s orientation to risk has also been transformed. The UK
government has recently become only too aware of big system and
project failures, and the vulnerabilities they create. In the fields of
energy provision, public transport, health, financial services and
large-scale infrastructure there have been major public crises.
Following the BSE crisis, and failures in school examinations and
passport applications systems, risk management ideas have moved to
the heart of government itself. Risk management is now at the centre
stage of public service delivery and is a model of organisation in its
own right.
Notwithstanding these efforts, faith in the role of the state as
absorber, collectiviser and redistributor of risk may be in decline.
Government is suspected of substituting risk management for
political argument.
The rise of risk management
Risk management is much more than a technical analytical practice;
it also embodies significant values and ideals, not least of
accountability and responsibility. Historically, a public politics of risk
management, particularly in the field of health, has been concerned
with the transparency and accountability of scientific expertise in
decisions about risk acceptance. Since the mid-1990s, risk management and private corporate governance agendas have become
intertwined, if not identical. Since 1995 (the year of the collapse of
Barings bank and of the Brent Spar crisis for Shell), being a ‘good’
organisation has become synonymous with having a broad and
formal risk management programme. Risk analysis, the traditional
technical home territory of risk management, has been subsumed
within a larger accountability and control framework.
An expanding knowledge base for risk management
Evidence for this transformation in the meaning and scope of risk
and its management is to be found in a policy, business and
Demos 11
regulatory literature explosion since the mid-1990s, providing a
knowledge base from which corporations and government can draw.
In the UK, slender guidance documents such as the ‘Turnbull Report’
have become powerful points of reference in a reform process which
has seen the emergence of standardised organisational forms, such as
risk committees, appearing throughout the private and public
4 A casual internet search using the term ‘risk management’
yields numerous professional articles in areas as diverse as
anaesthetics and charities, and all seem to adopt a similar framework.
Multiple text books and articles on ‘enterprise’ and ‘integrated’ risk
management have been published since the late 1990s, a period which
has seen the flowering of many new practitioner magazines with the
word ‘risk’ in their titles, and the conscious amendment of extant
titles to include the word risk.
5 Existing occupational associations,
particularly those with strong foundations in insurance, a traditional
stronghold of risk management thinking, have also taken up a generic
risk management agenda and their websites have become reference
points for new risk management thinking which is rapidly diffused.
This explosion of risk management ideas and blueprints is a
collection of aspirations and ideas, a rhetoric which may be well
ahead of practice. Unlike the expansion of auditing in the 1980s,
states and politicians do not appear to have been major direct
pressures for change, although they are adopters of risk management
thinking. New models of organisation and regulation are emerging
from various private sector sources, and consultants and professional
service firms are conspicuously the creators of new templates for
managing risk, sensing opportunities for using risk to re-define their
strategic significance and value.
The risk management of everything
This phenomenal expansion of the risk industry reflects a number of
different but convergent pressures for change in organisational
practices for dealing with
uncertainty. There has been a fusion of
The Risk Management of Everything
12 Demos
ideas about organisational governance and corporate responsibility.
New models of regulation are in vogue, and there have been changes
in attitude to the traditional mechanics of risk transfer with a greater
accent on risk communication. In addition, technological changes in
information systems have created new risk management possibilities.
Scandals and crises of the past ten years have also been catalysts for
the emergence of a conception of risk management with wide scope,
unifying traditionally separate areas, such as health and safety,
insurance and project management in a single model, but also
absorbing new objects of concern.
8 Even concepts of national security
and ideas of ‘preventative’ military action are being thought of within
the conceptual architecture of risk management.
Risk has entered private and public sector management thinking to
become an
organising concept as never before.9 Since the mid-1990s
considerable effort has been expended on making risk management
into a value proposition and in both private and public sectors the
concept of risk is being enrolled in a new focus on
outcomes and
performance. In the private sector this is visible in efforts to link
investments in control activities to organisational objectives and
value creation within frameworks for enterprise-wide risk
management (ERM). In the public sector ‘risk’, rather like customer
responsiveness, is emerging as the basis for self-challenging
management practices in the absence of direct competitive pressures.
However, while these rhetorics of value, integration and
innovation may be upbeat, it will be argued that these aspirations
must overcome the overwhelming tendency for the new risk
management to exacerbate
process. In both the public and private
sectors, risk management is part of a new style of organisational
discipline and accountability. Herein lies one of the major risks of the
risk management of everything.
What is risk?
The risk management of everything is intended to suggest that more
and more events and things are being seen and described in terms of
‘risk’, even though the concept remains elusive, contested and
Demos 13
‘inherently controversial’.10 Various specialist definitions and
classifications exist in the attempt to secure its meaning, and these
definitions reflect specific institutional interests. In some traditions
(health and safety), risk is equated with hazards and dangers; for
others (finance) it is a matter of volatility in expected outcomes, both
negative and positive. However, the very vagueness and ambiguity of
‘risk’, a fact which troubles expert commentators, is in fact a necessary
feature of its widespread impact. From this point of view, the
question ‘what is risk?’ is less important than the question: ‘how do
we know risk and what are the social and economic institutions
which embody that knowledge?’.
It has been famously suggested that we live in a ‘risk society’ in
which individuals are ever more conscious of self-produced or
manufactured risk.
12 Although, it is debatable whether the world is
‘more risky’ or more objectively dangerous now than in the past,
more possible outcomes in the world are now regarded as amenable
to human decision and intervention, rather than being in the hands
of the gods.
13 As part of a politics of uncertainty, publics of varying
kinds demand decisions and the right to hold decision-makers to
account. In this view, the problem is to render scientific and other
experts accountable and their judgements publicly transparent. The
public outcry over an alleged link between the MMR vaccine and
autism in children, and the controversy surrounding the now
discredited ‘expert’ testimony of Sir Roy Meadows in child protection
cases, are two recent examples of this politics of uncertainty.
Secondary risk management
But the risk management of everything poses a different agenda of
concern, namely that the experts who are being made increasingly
accountable for what they do are now becoming more preoccupied
with managing their own risks. Specifically, secondary risks to their
reputation are becoming as significant as the primary risks for which
experts have knowledge and training. This trend is resulting in a
dangerous flight from judgement and a culture of defensiveness that
create their own risks for organisations in preparing for, and
The Risk Management of Everything
14 Demos
responding to, a future they cannot know. It will be argued that a ‘new
politics of uncertainty’ is required to counter this trend.
The argument
This essay seeks to describe the institutional shape of the risk
management of everything, to understand its causes and to offer a
critique with suggestions for future policy.
The arguments below are necessarily sweeping and focus largely on
UK examples. Accordingly, their generalisability and comparability
can be questioned. Much work remains to be done in order to
understand the emerging institutionalisation of a new pervasive risk
management through definitions, attributions of responsibility,
communicative structures and accountability demands. It may well
be that the UK context is an exceptional one, characterised by a string
of major failures and an aggressive media.
In the next chapter, the risk management of everything is discussed
in the context of the state’s preoccupation with risk management.
Two key themes are analysed: risk communication and reputation;
and risk-based regulation. This is followed by a discussion of three
critical aspects of the new risk management which have emerged
from the private sector, and which are being imported and adapted by
the state: the emergence of risk-based internal control and its role in
redefining organisational governance and regulation; the invention of
the category of ‘operational’ risk to name a diverse basket of threats to
organisations; the emergence of the category of reputational (and
ethical) risk and the manner in which corporate social responsibility
agendas are being translated by risk management ideas.
From this descriptive anatomy of the new risk management, the
argument seeks in chapter 6 to explain its appearance. It is suggested
that, while the risk management of everything may be a fad, a more
complete explanation appeals to an individualisation process which is
driving risk experts and professionals to focus more on their
personal, legal and reputational risks, rather than on the primary
risks embodied in their formal mission. This pathology of risk
management is further criticised in chapter 7 in terms of four
Demos 15
overlapping problem areas: legalisation and trust; the imperialism of
internal control; trust in risk numbers; and the privatisation of public
In conclusion, the diagnosis provides suggestions for an ‘intelligent
risk management’
14 capable of avoiding these problems. There is also
a plea for a new politics of uncertainty which could support the
public conditions under which the worst side-effects of our
organisational obsession with risk and its management could be
The Risk Management of Everything
16 Demos
2. The state as risk
Demos 17
Modern states play a role that is easy to describe in risk management
terms. They pool and redistribute certain types of risk via health and
welfare systems. Since the nineteenth century they have produced
legislation in a wide variety of areas. As regulatory states, they also
create an increasing number of specific organisations charged with
‘risk regulation’. In the UK it is possible to list the Health and Safety
Executive, The Food Standards Agency, The Financial Services
Authority, The Commission for Health Audit and Inspection and
many other bodies. Although it is plausible to describe the state
as if it
had a risk management or insurance function in a general way, state
and related organisations have only recently become self-conscious
and explicit about risk and their risk management agendas, adopting
concepts and standards from private sector blueprints. In the UK, risk
management started to become part of the official self-description
and self-understanding of central government activities in the late
This growth of risk talk at the centre of government and in
regulatory organisations may be explained in terms of a growing
consciousness of risk to the state for failure to deliver on public
services. It may also have something to do with public perceptions of
the state as a source of risk in the face of mismanaged crises.
Research has shown that there is very considerable variety in the
manner in which risks are processed by state agencies; the

‘government of risk’ is by no means uniform across problems and
functions, with public perceptions, moral frameworks, institutional
arrangements and the nature of the risk itself giving rise to variation
in ‘risk regulation regimes’.
15 Nevertheless, the new mood of risk in
UK government reveals some common preoccupations which frame
and organise ideas about the management of risk. Two themes
deserve particular attention: communication with the public; and
risk-based regulation.
Risk perception, communication and reputation
Risk perception
An extensive research literature on risk perception exists and the idea
that individuals process and react to dangers in a wide variety of
ways, dependent on many different features of how risk is framed and
presented, is well established. From this point of view, individual
attitudes to risk are far from being a given. Research has informed a
critical project to question the exclusivity of scientific and expert
authority. It challenges highly rationalistic models of risk analysis
which assume away the important psychological and cultural
dimensions of risk understanding. This critique, an early politics of
uncertainty, has only very slowly and selectively been absorbed into
mainstream regulatory thinking.
The 1992 Royal Society report on risk significantly included a
number of these issues, but the synthesis between technical scientific
conceptions of risk analysis and social–psychological analyses of risk
perception was evidently an uneasy and imperfect one.
16 A later
report in the USA was more successful in this integration,
17 and
policy receptivity to risk perception issues has changed in the light of
a number of public crises and scandals. From 1995 ideals of
stakeholder engagement and the importance of communication
began to figure prominently in generic risk management blueprints.
In the UK, the handling of the BSE crisis had a catalytic effect on
government, forcing a recognition of the need to manage risk more
18 In particular, risk communication was accepted as
The Risk Management of Everything
18 Demos
necessary to manage public expectation and its potential
Risk communication
In recent years, risk communication ideas have become normalised in
a number of UK policy documents, notably the Strategy Unit report
in 2002 which has a separate chapter on ‘handling and communicating’ risks to the public. Earlier policy documents by the National
Audit Office translated private sector enterprise risk management
(ERM) ideas into the state domain. The UK Treasury has now
adopted this agenda, establishing risk management guidelines for
government departments, and supporting this with an educational
and cultural change programme headed by ‘risk improvement’
managers (RIMs). In addition, the Treasury Risk Support Team has
absorbed the work of the UK Interdepartmental Liaison Group on
Risk Assessment (UK-ILGRA).
This central government initiative in the UK has been described as
one of ‘organised paranoia’. It has the aim of improving the
government’s capacity to spot new risks in incubation. But it is also
reminiscent of, and extends, reform processes begun by the new
public management.
20 Risk is the new concept for challenging the
quality of public services in the absence of real markets.
The widening enfranchisement of, and communication with, lay
publics in the business of risk regulation is itself varied and the extent
to which the process is democratic remains problematic.
21 There has
been debate about the implications of participation and communication strategies for ‘risk acceptance’ processes. Previously the sole
preserve of expert committees and individuals, the emergence of
demands for consultation and for taking seriously the views of diverse
publics has brought the principles for accepting risk – ‘risk appetite’
in the language of private sector risk management standards – into
public question.
Attitudes to risk vary across individuals, and may be different at
different levels of an organisation.
22 Risk attitudes or appetites may
also vary across different aspects of the same risk, may in reality not
The state as risk manager
Demos 19
correspond to any stated appetite and may change with new or better
information. Policy-makers seeking to aggregate these views before
deciding whether or not to accept a risk therefore face many
difficulties. Not least is the problem of knowing which public
understandings of risk to take seriously and which not.
23 In some
cases, the public may understand risk issues very clearly.
The democratisation of risk policy has also sustained a huge
discussion to do with risk architecture and risk acceptance principles.
The much discussed precautionary principle in its various forms
places the burden of proof on any technological innovation, most
prominently in the case of GM foods, to demonstrate its safety.
Opponents of this principle argue for the importance of innovation
and for the need for some kind of cost–benefit approach to risk
Reputational risk to the state
By extending the scope of risk management practice beyond the
domain of the expert, to embrace and somehow enfranchise lay views
of risk, the state seeks to improve its capacity to handle risk.
According to some commentators, given the indeterminacy of risk
assessment it is essential that public perspectives play a role in the risk
regulation process.
24 But the growing enfranchisement of publics and
stakeholders in risk regulation regimes has much to do with
managing the perceived
legitimacy of regulatory activity and
decisions. There is more than a hint that risk communication
strategies are as concerned with managing the secondary or
reputational risk to regulators, public bodies and government as they
are about the primary risk that is to be regulated.
The UK government, like many others, is concerned to manage
public expectations with improved service delivery and project
25 The gap between these expectations and actual
performance constitutes a reputational, and ultimately political risk
for government and its agencies, such as regulatory bodies. Indeed, it
has been argued that the creation of such bodies is itself a strategy by
which government manages its reputational risk.
The Risk Management of Everything
20 Demos
Risk-based regulation and the politics of uncertainty
Over time it has become increasingly accepted that regulation is likely
to be more effective and more acceptable if it works with the grain of
private control systems. By harnessing private control activities for
public regulatory purposes, regulatory organisations can be relieved
of much of the economic and epistemic burden of detailed rulemaking, and can focus on overseeing the design and functioning of
local systems.
Responsive models of regulation
This ideal model, which is variously described as ‘enforced selfregulation’, ‘regulated self-regulation’ and ‘meta-regulation’, gives
internal control systems a central role.
28 Examples of the model are
increasingly found in banking regulation (the Basel 2 reforms in
particular), in health and safety regulation, in teaching quality
regulation and many other areas. In theory, regulatory regimes can
become more ‘responsive’ to the self-organisation of regulatees,
whether these are banks or local government service providers. The
self-control activities of organisations have become an essential
component of regulatory agendas which are developing in the
direction of ‘risk-based regulation’. This is a blueprint for the risk
management state.
In a number of domains regulatory bodies have explicitly adopted
risk-based approaches to the organisation of resource allocation.
Risk-based regulation is part of being explicit about limited resources
and the need to direct them to where they are needed most, eg failing
schools, unsafe facilities, banks with weak controls. Risk-based
approaches to regulation are simultaneously strategic and goaloriented. This conjunction of risk and strategy is fundamental to the
marketing of new approaches to regulation and risk management, in
particular by creating a common vocabulary between regulator and
But why does this emerging change in the operating philosophy of
regulatory bodies matter?
The state as risk manager
Demos 21
Risk-based regulation and the politics of uncertainty
Risk-based regulation is the potential site of a new ‘politics of
uncertainty’, an idea discussed in more detail in the final chapter.
Such a politics would be premised on the acceptance that failures and
accidents are possible in complex environments, even with the most
competent, ethical and expert oversight possible. Given the emphasis
being placed on the importance of innovation to economic growth
and prosperity, it might even be said that some failure is necessary.
Risk-based regulation necessarily embodies the idea that failures are
possible. However, the degree to which regulators and politicians are
able to be publicly explicit about this will vary according to the
perceived reputational and political risks of doing so.
Political discourses of ‘zero-tolerance’ sit uneasily with a risk-based
ethos. In addition, an event such as the demise of Equitable Life,
which could be regarded as ‘tolerable’ from the impersonal point of
view of systemic financial risk, was in fact experienced by large
numbers of people as a life-changing catastrophe – and reflected in
the media as such. People also feel differently about specific risks, eg
public attitudes to deaths on the road differ from attitudes to deaths
on public transport. All this means that
ex ante public acceptance of
the possibility of failure can never control
ex post public reaction to
actual failure.
The prospects for a new politics of uncertainty are also threatened
because risk-based regulation can be used as part of regulators’ own
secondary, or reputational risk management process. Indeed,
regulatory organisations must handle the uncertainties and
volatilities of the political environment – political risk. From this
point of view, risk-based regulation is ambivalent. On the one hand it
contains the seeds for a new risk politics; on the other it may
exacerbate the risk management of everything.
The example of the UK General Medical Council (GMC) is
instructive. The official inquiry into the serial murders by Harold
Shipman exposed weaknesses and deficiencies in the GMC’s
regulatory practices, particularly its processes for the investigation of
errors and administration of complaints, and its cultural bias in
The Risk Management of Everything
22 Demos
favour of doctors. At the time of writing it seems likely that there will
be much greater formalisation of the ‘fitness to practice’ regulations
for UK doctors. In a critical climate, a publicly explicit risk-based
approach to the regulation of doctors is unlikely to be acceptable.
However, it is likely that a new regime will in fact operate in this way.
More importantly, the reforms will increase the burden of ‘auditable
process’ in the medical field. The GMC is seeking to rebuild its
regulatory reputation and doctors will intensify their personal risk
management strategies. Whether any of this would have prevented
any or all of the Shipman murders is an unknown.
The regulatory state is becoming a risk management state. Operating
in an indirect manner, states are trading depth for breadth in their
operations, functioning via an enormous variety of risk regulation
regimes. Although there is considerable cross-sectional variation in
practices, two key themes are evident: an increasing emphasis on
communication with different publics as a basis for managing
reputation; and a trend for more explicitly risk-based approaches to
regulation and control in a widening number of areas. Above all the
risk management state depends on internal control systems in
organisations which proceduralise risk.
The state as risk manager
Demos 23
3. Turning organisations
inside out:
Internal control becomes risk
24 Demos
A conspicuous feature of the risk management of everything has been
the rise of the internal control system. Such systems translate primary
or real risks into systems risks, such as early warning mechanisms and
compliance violation alerts. Thus many risks can be, and are being,
operationalised as organisational processes of control, eg BSE and
farm management systems, GM crops and traceability systems,
earthquakes and emergency services/building regulations, terrorism
and the organisation of security and intelligence services. Clinical risk
management was originally conceptualised in terms of accidental
harms done to patients during the care delivery process; it has
subsequently become part of a regulatory regime concerned with the
effectiveness of health care in general, a matter of health care
organisation rather than specific clinicians.
31 Indeed, risk
management was one of the five pillars of clinical governance
informing the work of the Commission for Health Improvement in
the UK (now replaced by the Commission for Health Audit and
Organisational translations of risk into internal controls are
necessary conditions of possibility for risk-based regulation, and
hence for the successful operation of the risk management state.
Internal control is thereby the state in organisational miniature.
The topic of internal control in organisations is hardly likely to set
the pulses racing. Indeed, for many years this subject has been a

private matter for managers, a dry technical domain of control
specialists with checklists, evaluation questionnaires and a whole host
of other instruments. Internal control could even be described as a
kind of organisational common sense. Entities as diverse as private
corporations, corner shops, clubs and churches, all require minimum
financial and non-financial control systems to keep track of money
and related activities. But far from being a private organisational
matter, the effectiveness of internal control systems is now an issue
for public policy and formal law.
33 In short, private internal control
has come to play a very significant external
public role; organisations
ranging from major companies to universities are being turned
‘inside out’ in its name, and this more than anything else drives a risk
management explosion which demands the externalisation and
justification of organisational control arrangements.
A brief history of internal control
The transformation in the position and status of internal control
began in the 1980s in the financial services sector and became more
pronounced and generic during the 1990s. A critical event in the UK
was the collapse of the Maxwell empire and subsequent reactions
which led to the publication of the Cadbury Code on Corporate
Governance in 1992.
34 Corporate governance, traditionally
understood in the context of markets for corporate control, became
re-conceptualised as a matter of internal organisational structure and
design. The Cadbury Code, though formally voluntary, established
the principle that senior management are responsible for the
maintenance of an internal control system. The general principles in
the UK code, and its subsequent refinements, have been hugely
influential, shaping generic initiatives elsewhere, including at the
transnational level.
35 In the USA, a parallel critical event was the
publication of the COSO document on internal control, following a
congressional inquiry into fraudulent financial reporting.
36 Internal
control was re-defined broadly to cover not just controls relating to
financial accounting, the typical focus of auditors, but also regulatory
compliance matters and operations more generally. This expansion
Turning organisations inside out
Demos 25
and formalisation of the internal control agenda was crucial, and the
COSO legacy is evident in subsequent guidance documents,
particularly the Turnbull Report in the UK.
Another important source of thinking about internal control has
been the development of standards for quality assurance and
management systems.
37 The significance of this quality assurance
model cannot be underestimated; it has been exported to a wide
variety of domains and organisational settings, not least teaching
quality assurance in UK universities. Such systems have been
criticised for being excessively bureaucratic and for concentrating on
auditable process rather than on substantive outputs and
performances. Worse still, they distract professionals from core tasks
and create incentives for gaming.
The elements of the quality assurance template have been
expanded further in the direction of generic risk management
standards. In 1995, the first national level risk management standard
was published jointly by Australia and New Zealand. This has been
followed by standards in Canada, the UK and Japan.
38 Common to all
these different efforts to standardise risk management process is a
linkage between risk management and strategic objectives. This
conceptualisation seeks to elevate the internal control function from
its lowly historical position to the top of a risk management process
which is enterprise-wide in ambition because it addresses the risks to
the objectives of the enterprise as a whole.
The changing meaning of internal control
Why has internal control become so public and why this mutation as
risk management?
A first answer is to be found in changing ideas of regulation
discussed in the previous chapter.
A second answer is to be found in the domain of insurance and in
challenges to the logic of risk transfer. Large companies have become
more critical of their insurance strategies, preferring to retain and
self-manage many risks, which they might have previously
transferred. Companies like BP Amoco in the 1990s began to realise
The Risk Management of Everything
26 Demos
that they were paying too much for insurance and others have
discovered the benefits of consolidating hitherto separate insurance
40 At the same time, these organisations have become more
aware of individual risks at the core of their businesses which do not
lend themselves to easy pricing from an insurance point of view.
Reputational and political risks have begun to occupy management
attention as never before, further fuelling the tendency to look
critically at insurance as being only one part of a broad enterprise risk
management (ERM) strategy. From this point of view, ERM emerges
as a form of self-insurance in its own right, and self-insurance provides
incentives to invest in control systems.
A third answer is to be found in a distinctive form of institutional
response to crisis and scandal which demands new conditions of ‘risk
auditability’ and transparency for organisations. Risk auditing has a
long history dating back to the 1980s in the so-called hazard
industries, where the International Safety Rating System created the
conditions for ‘risk inspection’.
41 Primary risks themselves may not be
amenable to auditing or direct inspection, but the organisational
control systems through which such risks are represented can be. In
this way, the auditing and public control of risk is achieved indirectly
via the inspection of management systems of control. So, the rise of
internal control is part of a macro- and micro-level politics of
responding to crisis by creating new risk accountability structures
supporting chains of public and private reassurance. From this point
of view, the risk management of everything seems little different in
principle from the audit explosion.
The risk-based internal control system has become an increasingly
significant regulatory object, particularly with the passing of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA, and regulatory incentives exist to
have ‘good’ internal controls in a wide variety of areas: solvency and
capital adequacy, health care, safety, environment, business
continuity, teaching, waste management and so on. The private world
of organisational internal control systems has been turned inside out,
Turning organisations inside out
Demos 27
made public, codified and standardised and repackaged as risk
management. In this way, a blueprint for extending the reach of risk
management into every aspect of organisational life has been created.
Internal control systems are also highly problematic. Not only is it
difficult to define their effectiveness, which is in principle
unknowable, but, more crucially, a growing obsession with internal
control (a mutation of the earlier audit explosion) may itself be a
source of risk. First, internal control systems are organisational
projections of controllability which may be misplaced; such systems
are only as good as the imaginations of those who designed them.
Second, internal control systems are essentially inward looking and
may embody mistaken assumptions of what the public really wants
reassurance about. Risk management and certifications of the
effectiveness of internal control systems may do little to enhance
public trust in senior management of organisations. While
practitioners are well aware of the limitations of these systems, ‘better’
control systems continue to be regarded as politically acceptable
solutions to crisis, even where it is well known that such systems
would not have prevented the crisis in question. The invention of the
category of operational risk provides an example.
The Risk Management of Everything
28 Demos
4. Anxiety and
The invention of operational risk43
Demos 29
The risk management of everything involves the creation of new risk
categories for managerial and political attention. A specific
illustration is the emergence of the category of operational risk in
banking and insurance as a label for a number of real but ‘awkward’
risks facing organisations. Industry mythology associates operational
risk with a specific event, namely the collapse of Barings bank in 1995
resulting from the activities of the rogue trader Nick Leeson. In
reality, the category of operational risk pre-existed the collapse of
Barings and was used in the context of more humble and less
dramatic risks associated with organisational infrastructure and
44 But it was the Barings experience which helped to sell the
idea within many organisations. The category of operational risk
became a prominent focus for organisational reform and discussion
despite being problematic to define.
Operational risk as a ‘boundary object’
The definition of operational risk settled upon by the Basel
Committee, the transnational policy body for banking supervision, is
very general: the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from
inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from
external events.
45 The broad nature of this definition means that the
concept of operational risk can appeal to a wide range of sub-groups
within organisations and functions as an umbrella for many different

interests. Such concepts function as ‘boundary objects’, which link the
interests of diverse expert communities.
46 From this point of view,
operational risk has served to organise the risk management field,
creating an apparent unity from diverse elements and directing
managerial attention in a new and systematic way to a portfolio of
dangers and uncertainties. Indeed, the story of operational risk
characterises a new risk management in which the imperative is to
make visible and manageable essentially unknowable and incalculable
risks. New categories are a part of the appearance of manageability, a
conceptual ‘mopping-up’ exercise involving definitions and
Operational risk is principally focused on fraud and infrastructure
risk issues, but the implementation process under the Basel 2
proposals remains controversial. Much discussion has taken place
about what constitutes an operational risk ‘event’ (actual loss, possible
loss, a near miss?). Furthermore, the case of Barings suggests that
significant operational risk events, eg uncontrolled employees, are
high impact and low probability. By their very nature these events
lack rich historical data sets and exist at the limits of manageability.
However, a great deal of operational risk management activity in
financial institutions in fact focuses on routine systems errors and
malfunctions. In many cases it is as if organisational agents, faced
with the task of inventing a management practice, have chosen a
pragmatic path of collecting data which is collectable, rather than that
which is necessarily relevant. In this way, operational risk
management in reality is a kind of displacement. The burden of
managing unknowable risks, a Nick Leeson, is replaced by an easier
task which can be successfully reported to seniors.
The invention of the category of operational risk within banking
illustrates how new concerns and anxieties may drive the risk
management of everything. The case shows how categories and
classifications are significant in the organisational displacement of
radical uncertainty (rogue traders, murdering doctors) into
The Risk Management of Everything
30 Demos
something describable and, in aspiration, manageable. Killer events
and sources of fear become translated into routines, regulations and
data collection processes; anxiety, as the secondary risk of attempting
to manage the unmanageable, is ‘tamed’ by a kind of naming.
Operational risk management as a myth of control
The policy question is whether operational risk specifically, and
internal control in general, really stimulate an intelligent risk
management capable of challenging existing ways of making sense of
the world within and outside organisations, or whether they simply
end up as the ‘normalisation of deviance’ in a dense network of
procedures and routines. The suspicion is that, while operational risk
facilitates a greater ‘managerialisation of risk’ via new organisational
processes, and extends the scope of the risk manager’s and the
regulator’s work into more corners of organisational and social life, it
also reinforces myths of controllability in areas where this is at best
limited – for example, the senior management culture and the often
discussed ‘tone at the top’ of organisations. Much the same can be
said of reputational risk management.
Anxiety and classification
Demos 31
5. What’s in a name?
Reputational risk and the
transformation of social
32 Demos
The risk management of everything is characterised by the emergence
of secondary, or reputational risk management.
Reputational and secondary risk
A simple example shows the difference between primary and
secondary risks. Assume that the directors of a very large public
company consistently incur, and do not pay personally, parking fines
for their company cars. The primary risk to the company, in this case
of financial loss, is probably very small in relation to its annual
turnover. Accountants and auditors would say that these amounts are
not material, should not be separately disclosed in the annual report
and should be ‘lost’ in general expenses. But what would the public
think of this behaviour by corporate leaders? How would the media
report it if it came to light? Indeed, what general signals of corporate
trustworthiness would this give? Herein lies the secondary, or
reputational risk for the organisation. Reputation has turned the
concept of materiality upside down; financially immaterial events
may have huge potential significance for the organisation. The
management of such risks demands attention to the deepest
operating assumptions of organisations.
Although, the concept of ‘reputation’ as an intangible ‘asset’ has long
been recognised and formalised in economics, it only became a
prominent practical and managerial category in the mid-1990s.
Indeed, as in the case of operational risk, 1995 was also a significant
year for the emergence of ‘reputational risk’ as a category of
organisational and individual attention.
The birth of a discipline of ‘reputational management’ can be
traced to the now famous experiences of Shell in the wake of its
decision to dispose of the Brent Spar oil platform in the North Sea.
Despite having considered the environmental impact options
carefully, Shell failed to take account of likely public opinion about
water-based disposal, and the ability of prominent environmental
lobby groups to influence public perceptions, resulting in widespread
boycotting of Shell products and outlets. The event revealed the
power of external groups, assisted by the media, to threaten the
legitimacy and value of a large multinational organisation.
48 The
Shell organisation survived this event (and criticism of its role in
Nigeria), although it underwent a profound internal re-organisation
as a consequence. More recently, it has suffered adverse publicity for
overstating its oil reserves.
Another well-trodden example concerns the professional services
firm of Arthur Andersen which collapsed following revelations about
its role in the demise of Enron. The local actions of a small number of
individuals, and the shredding of documents, was able to bring into
question the legitimacy of the entire global organisation to practise
audits. This seems to have happened because these specific actions
were also regarded as reflecting a systemic or cultural feature of the
larger firm. Timing was also critical: coinciding with the audit
renewal season, clients left and the firm was effectively doomed.
Institutionalisation and amplication
The two cases dramatise how certain events may be amplified by
social and institutional forces beyond the control of individuals and
organisations. The media is an important source of amplification,
notwithstanding the damage to its own reputation and credibility in
the UK during 2004. The ‘secondary effects’ of an original risk event
What’s in a name?
Demos 33
can have very real consequences49 and the existence of reputational
risk management reflects a belief that amplification effects can be
explicitly managed and attenuated. Strategies such as swift remedial
action, eg product recall, have been well known for some time, but
have now been drawn into the orbit of risk management. The growth
of interest in reputation has also been an opportunity for public
relations departments and officers to stake a claim in the risk
management process.
50 It has also coincided with, and reinforced, the
increasing recognition of the importance of ‘new economy’ intangible
sources of organisational value at risk, and the necessity of
enfranchising external groups and interests, commonly known as
stakeholders, in organisational processes and decision-making.
The institutionalisation of the category of reputational risk by a
panoply of evangelical consultants has provided a new focus for both
private and public organisations on the relational dimensions of their
activities, on new types of asset and liability, and on their
embeddedness in networks and communities. At Barclays Bank,
which was criticised for many years for its South African interests,
there is now a ‘brand and reputation committee’ which puts
reputational risk on a par with operational and other risks, and which
unites the heads of risk, investor relations, public policy and
marketing and communications.
51 Reputational risk and its
management now cut across traditionally separate functional
domains in organisations.
Like operational risk, ‘reputation’ also functions as a ‘boundary
object’ linking hitherto compartmentalised and distinct interests,
such as public relations, accounting for intangibles and corporate
social responsibility. Indeed, the most significant impact of the rise of
reputation as a management category has been its role in aligning
various corporate social responsibility (CSR) agendas with risk
management, namely by making a wide variety of social issues, which
might ordinarily be externalised and forgotten by organisations,
imaginable as having potentially significant internal impact.
From this point of view, reputational risk management means the
rationally self-interested recognition of the risks posed by various
The Risk Management of Everything
34 Demos
agents in the organisational environment. In contrast to hopes for a
new corporate ethics involving greater stakeholder dialogue and
communication, risk management standards seem to represent
stakeholders primarily as a source of external risk to be understood
and managed.
52 Corporate social responsibility is thereby a form of
secondary risk management.
Defending reputation
The defensive dimension of reputation management is understandable in the face of greater ‘anti-capitalist’ popular activism,
organised and resourced consumer groups, and a global media system
capable of transforming minor local transgressions into major crises.
Reputational risk management has also become a critical dimension
of legal risk management; relatively minor fines, such as for parking
mentioned above, can lead to exacerbated reputational damage. This
places ‘legal risk’ in a new space of organisational concern, broader
than the direct economic cost of fines and settlements. The
appearance of ethics and legal risk officers is a response to this.
Following a line of reasoning developed by the sociologist Ulrich
Beck, the rise of reputational risk represents a shift in power from
corporations to ‘unpredictable consumers’, who are increasingly able
to reverse burdens of proof about product safety and quality and to
amplify these issues. But in the face of highly organised public groups
and NGOs, organisations may be
over-responsive to public concerns.
Indeed, reputational risk management practice may itself be part of
the amplification of reputational risk, with organisations unable or
unwilling to contest public perceptions of their actions.
The 1990s witnessed extensive attacks on the character of business
and the professions in the UK and overseas. In such a climate, risk
management in general and reputation management in particular are
attractive solutions to the problem of legitimacy. Coupled to mantras
that social responsibility is good business, they seem to provide a
solution to the problem of public trust consistent with existing ways
of operating. Yet, this is questionable.
There is something deeply paradoxical about being public about
What’s in a name?
Demos 35
‘managing’ reputation compared with committing to substantive
changes in performance. The more one is perceived to be attempting
to manage public perceptions, the less successful this must be.
Nevertheless reputation has emerged as a new management object for
private and public sector organisations, naming a domain of exposure
and anxiety where organisational identity and economic survival are
at stake. Reputation may be a poor diagnostic category but, like
operational risk, it plays a role in the organisation of managerial
attention and in the creation of new processes and functions.
And if everything may impact on organisational reputation, then
reputational risk management demands the risk management of
The Risk Management of Everything
36 Demos
6. Explaining the risk
management of
Function, fashion and fear
Demos 37
Previous chapters have suggested that the risk management of
everything is a story of the metamorphosis of internal control and
regulation. It involves an intensified emphasis on risk communication
and the management of reputation for both state sector and private
organisations. New categories, such as operational risk, have emerged
to absorb a whole series of disparate organisational concerns under
the banner of risk management. In the private sector, there is the
promise of an all-embracing enterprise risk management process
derived in linear, machine-like fashion from the highest strategic
objectives of the organisation. In the public sector, risk management
is becoming the new basis for challenging and defining the
parameters of service provision in a wide range of areas, and for
organising the allocation of scarce regulatory resources.
But why has risk management become such a dominant organising
model, for private and public organisations and for governments?
And why, given all this effort, is there something deeply unconvincing
and un-reassuring about these efforts?
Explaining the new risk management
A functional explanation for the phenomenon suggests that the
emergence of a systematic, generic and broad approach to risk

management is a rational response to the fact that the environment of
individuals and organisations, indeed the world, has become
genuinely ‘more risky’. So, the arguments runs, financial markets have
become more volatile, organisational activities have become more
dangerous with ever greater negative externalities, new large-scale
threats exist from epidemics, from terrorism, from climate change.
Individual states are ever weaker to control their destinies in a system
of global interconnectedness, while technology advances to create
both new opportunities and threats (GM foods, nanotechnology).
The image is of a ‘runaway world’ in need of new forms of risk
54 In such a world, the reinvention of risk management
and its repositioning as a critical model of good organisational
control seems a natural response. It is reinforced and justified by each
new dramatic headline event, from Barings to Enron and Parmalat,
from Challenger to Columbia, from BSE to mobile phones, and from
11 September 2001 to 11 March 2004 (the date of the Madrid train
Versions of this argument have become part of a managerial and
political rhetoric, but this is not to say that the arguments themselves
are true. The risk management of everything may well have some of
the rational functional response characteristics mentioned above
(universities, for example do seem to operate in a more uncertain
funding environment than in the past), but evidence that the world is
more risky or dangerous is at best equivocal. Furthermore, there is
nothing particularly
natural or obvious about the new organisation
and scope of risk management. Some risks and dangers receive more
attention than others. Organisational leaders seem to be particularly
preoccupied with reputational risk. Accordingly, we must look to an
explanation of the risk management of everything in
institutions. As
the concept of the social amplification of risk suggests,
understandings of risk are mediated and constructed by institutions,
such as the media and law.
55 In addition, institutional responses are
very much guided by cultural demands for control, accountability
and responsibility attribution.
The visibility or otherwise afforded to certain events by the world
The Risk Management of Everything
38 Demos
media (11 September 2001 compared with the Toulouse factory
explosion ten days later) and political attention systems are critical in
determining the profile of issues. Not all events that might be publicly
registered as crises, accidents or disasters become so. The processing
of risk will be influenced by institutional possibilities for making
decisions and allocating responsibility for historical and future
56 We need to understand the contingent and conditioned
nature by which critical events are processed by institutions. How
actual and possible events are perceived, classified, dramatised, made
visible and mobilised will determine their relevance for risk
management agendas, as the case of reputational risk demonstrated.
From this point of view, the primary question to be answered is not:
‘has the world become riskier?’ but ‘what are the collective
mechanisms by which some risks become managerially and politically
visible while others do not?’.
Risk management as fashion
One answer to this question points to the new risk management as a
managerial and administrative
fashion. In the UK we might call this
the ‘Turnbullisation’ of organisational life. It has been suggested that
three conditions underlie the creation of new managerial models: the
collapse of a previous fashion, a widespread performance gap and a
new rhetoric emphasising this gap and offering an enhanced
organisational rationality.
57 Crises and accidents have often been
diagnosed in terms of poor, non-integrated risk management,
particularly in the context of large projects. A performance gap has
been constructed by multiple surveys of ‘deficient’ practice, and a new
risk management is promoted via management consultants and
related agents operating through conferences, professional networks,
business press circuits and business schools. New models of
operational and reputational risk management are presented as
rational and natural, although it may be that ‘in part to inflate their
own status within organisations and to expand the markets for their
service, the professions created the impression of [. . .] much greater
threat. . .’
Explaining the risk management of everything
Demos 39
This ‘fashion-based’ explanation should not be overstated, but it is
undoubtedly the case that professionals of varying kinds play an
important role in reconstructing the conceptual architecture of risk
management, making it readily portable and diffusible as a model of
best practice (witness the re-framing and selling of business
continuity planning in the wake of 11 September and the renewed
emphasis on resilience since then
A further important rhetorical component of this strategy has
been the need to demonstrate the business case for risk management,
a claim which litters conference papers and the professional press.
Critical events are not only categorised as crises and failure, but as
threats to business and/or organisational survival in one form or
another. In the process of selling new management ideas
promulgators walk a tightrope between the need to emphasise both
their novelty and their status as business common sense. Hence the
impression given by many risk management blueprints is that they
are simply a new fashionable name for an old model. Business and
public sector professionals readily admit that if risk management is
not already part of the organisational business model, buying it off
the shelf merely for compliance purposes is unlikely to help.
Making risk auditable
The fashion-based explanation by itself is inadequate. Fads succeed
because they are able to appeal to deep-seated fears, aspirations and
values. So the risk management of everything has a deeper basis of
explanation as a continuation of control and accountability
ambitions begun by the audit explosion.
A conspicuous feature of the expanded risk management already
noted above is the convergence of risk management and corporate
governance, evident in the early 1990s in a programme to position
derivatives trading in a wider management control framework.
61 Risk
management has grown from a limited role in vetoing particular
transactions to become synonymous with being a well-governed
organisation, which is internally and externally accountable for how it
‘handles’ uncertainty. This demand for the governance of the
The Risk Management of Everything
40 Demos
unknowable requires organisational proceduralisation, something
started by the audit explosion and reflected in the generic flavour of
risk-based controls.
62 Although marketed in the name of outcomes,
strategy, value and best business practice, the cultural biases that drive
the new risk management demand a procedural and auditable set of
practices because control must be made increasingly publicly visible
and because organisational responsibility must be made transparent.
In such a cultural environment, with institutions which tend to
amplify blame and the logic of compensation, it is rational for
organisations and the agents within them to invest in management
systems with a strong secondary risk flavour.
But why has the cultural environment which drives defensive risk
management come about?
Individualisation, litigation and fear
A full answer to this question is beyond the scope of this essay but
would point to the growing individualisation of modern society, and
the rise of consumer and other claimant-type rights in a wide variety
of areas. This has created a more demanding context for
organisations and drives an emphasis on stakeholder communication
issues at the expense of trust in experts, specialists and professions.
The increasing enfranchisement of the public via active representative
organisations provides an environment of potential legal and critical
claims, which constitute a risk to organisations – this is partially
reflected in the rise of what some might call a litigation or
compensation culture. However, as the recent history of the UK
General Medical Council shows, failure to include non-expert
representation in governance mechanisms is also risky.
A wider set of risks and dangers facing individuals is being
increasingly perceived as ‘involuntary’, imposed by business and
public organisations who must be made responsible. Indeed, if all
risks were thought of in this way, all law would be compensatory
63 It may be that a growing understanding of many risks as
involuntary and compensatable provides the cultural climate for the
social amplification of risk and for the increasing legalisation of
Explaining the risk management of everything
Demos 41
organisational life. Trips have become risky for schools who need to
demonstrate that they have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the
safety of pupils. Even if such trips are not curtailed (schools cannot
easily ‘exit’ from this activity), the climate in which they are
undertaken has created a risk management issue both to protect the
pupils, the primary risk, but also to protect the school’s name and
that of staff, the secondary risk.
From this point of view, the primary driver of the risk management of everything has nothing to do with organisational efficiency,
although it will be marketed in this way. Rather, it arises from the
increasingly defensive mood of agents who previously absorbed risk
on behalf of others. These risk management agents – auditors,
insurers, the state, doctors, teachers and anyone else exercising a
judgement on behalf of others – have become preoccupied with their
own risks, particularly in media and law-intense environments.
Coupled to institutionalised assumptions and myths about the
manageability of risks, there is an intensification of strategies to avoid
blame when things go wrong.
The risks of the risk management of everything
The risk management of everything reflects the efforts of
organisational agents previously engaged in the collectivisation and
pooling of social and economic risks, to offload and re-individualise
their own personal risk. The result is a potentially catastrophic
downward spiral in which expert judgement shrinks to an empty
form of defendable compliance. In this way the risk management of
everything poses major risks to a society in which the most pressing
and most unpredictable problems cannot be solved without the
effective marshalling of expert knowledge and judgement. The
remainder of this essay considers what might be done about it.
The Risk Management of Everything
42 Demos
7. Out of control?
Avoiding the risks of risk
Demos 43
Crises and disasters have been important pressures for change in risk
management and risk regulation:
 the collapse of the Maxwell empire initiated the UK
corporate governance reforms which turned organisations
‘inside out’, and the focus on internal control systems is
being taken to a further extreme by the Sarbanes-Oxley
 problems at Shell in the 1990s effectively gave birth to
reputational management, and operational risk took off
in the wake of the collapse of Barings bank;
 there has been a surge of interest in business continuity
and organisational resilience and now terrorism risk
management is high on the public agenda.
Governments are also adopting explicit risk management
frameworks as a response to poorly managed large projects.
Relevant to all these examples is the idea of a ‘man-made disaster’, a
concept which focuses attention on the organisational and
managerial processes which ‘incubate’ the disaster or crisis.
64 In most
cases, a point supported by a telling analysis of the Challenger space
shuttle launch decision, relevant risk information is available but not
acted upon because of deep-seated organisational assumptions.
Although easy to note in retrospect, many disasters exhibit a common
pattern of failure to appreciate and process information, particularly
anomalous information that does not fit habitual channels of data
processing, eg gossip. On the basis of ‘incubation theory’, the starting
point for serious disaster analysis must be the ‘notional normality’
embodied in routine patterns of activity which inhibit intelligent risk
processing. From this point of view, crises and catastrophes do not
just happen suddenly; they are in an important sense ‘organised’ and
have their origins in failures of management and intelligence
processes over a long period of time. Even apparently surprise or
random acts (the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001; the Turkish
earthquake) are being traced to historical organisational and
intelligence failures (fragmentation in Security and Police Services;
non-compliance with construction regulations).
In the light of incubation theory, a risk management approach
focused on organisational processes, such as enterprise risk management (ERM) and its variants, seems rational and functional. And yet,
as suggested above, an intensified concern for organisational process
may also incubate risks of its own, not least the failure to see, imagine
or act upon the ‘bigger picture’. Take the example of the auditor who
discovered a major fraud because he noticed that a purchase invoice
was not folded. Audit procedures include methods for vouching for
the arithmetical accuracy of such documents, for agreeing the
numbers to the accounts, and for agreeing the ‘independent’ nature of
the invoice. But no amount of such process could allow one to see
what this auditor saw; that if an invoice is not folded it probably did
not arrive by post. And why would this be significant? Enquiries later
revealed that it was being fraudulently constructed by the company to
create a fictitious transaction. An auditor concerned solely with
official process would not see the purchase invoice in this larger way, a
vignette for how risk management processes can be risky.
Four related policy themes can be suggested for an analysis of the
risks of risk management: legalisation and blame; the imperialism of
internal control; trust in numbers; risk management as a private
moral order.
The Risk Management of Everything
44 Demos
Legalisation and blame
It was suggested above that, despite extensive claims to the contrary,
the risk management of everything has its roots in defensive strategies
by agents operating in highly legalised environments. However, this is
not to make a universal claim about ‘risk aversity’ across all
organisations and agents, as some commentators suggest.
Responsibility aversity
The phenomeonon is much more complex than this and relates not
risk aversity as such, but more to responsibility aversity. The
distinction between primary and secondary risks helps to make the
point. It may well be that in some cases and at some times, concerns
with secondary risk management of reputation may engender risk
aversity. In the school trips example, this would be the case if it could
be shown that a school was withdrawing from providing such
activities because of fear of litigation (rather than cost, teacher
competence, etc). In the case of financial auditing, there is some
anecdotal evidence that firms are shedding ‘high risk’ clients – the
very ones which should be thoroughly and competently audited.
However, it is equally likely that first order risk-takers will carry on as
before but will be inclined to invest more heavily in second order
reputation- and legal-risk management.
In cultural environments where there is an asymmetry between the
giving of blame and credit, it is perfectly consistent to have a high
appetite for risk, because of the attraction of positive outcomes, and a
low appetite for responsibility and blame in the face of negative
outcomes. In short, the risk management of everything amplifies
responsibility aversity across a wide range of possible risk appetites. It
is the specific dynamics of these amplification processes in society,
rather than any generalised aversion to risk-taking at the individual
level, which potentially inhibits organisational innovation.
Defensive proceduralism
Like the audit explosion before it, the new style of internal controlOut of control?
Demos 45
focused risk management has created an intensified attention to
process, and to the responsibilities of middle managers who must
constantly create appearances of process, via risk mapping and other
techniques, in order to defend the rationality of their decisions.
Where this ‘risk game’ is closely bound up with a ‘blame game’, the
effect can be highly defensive reactions from organisational
67 For example, in the face of new reporting
responsibilities and sanctions for professionals relating to money
laundering regulations, a wave of ‘defensive reporting’ is being
anticipated as a risk management strategy.
68 The net effect will be to
dramatically reduce the usefulness of the regulations, because
authorities may be so overwhelmed with information that they are
unable to process it effectively. Here the dynamics can be hinted at
using the example of employment references.
Assume that, a bit like auditors, I have a statutory duty to give
employment references for my students. As the perceived risks of
litigation resulting from the giving of such references goes up, the
content will tend to be restricted to factual data capable of clear
verification; no opinion will be offered. As this practice takes hold, the
value of references for information purposes will go down and will be
sought for formal reasons (to defend a decision to employ taken on
other grounds) or not sought at all. In both cases, the risk to the
writer of the reference may actually go down because of the way it has
been devalued. As a result, society will have more of what it does not
really need – certifications and non-opinions which are commonly
accepted as useless and which are time-consuming and distracting to
produce – and less of what it does – valuable but vulnerable
judgements based on the best available knowledge to inform
decisions in the face of uncertainty. This is the essential pathology of
the risk management of everything.
The defensive preoccupation with reputational and legal risks
which can dominate the climate of the risk management process has
little to do with any direct possibility of legal action. Rather, there is
evidence that legal initiatives in organisational environments get
filtered in ways that are amenable to managerial agendas.
69 Thus, legal
The Risk Management of Everything
46 Demos
and other norms get embedded into organisational routines not
because the real risks of litigation are well understood, but because
the mere possibility creates a defensive orientation towards the need
to justify decisions in retrospect. Accordingly, records are maintained
in a particular form both for possible legal consumption, but also for
internal defensive purposes.
From this point of view the traditional distinction between legal
regulation, voluntary codes and organisation-specific rules is not
useful; all are effectively experienced by organisational participants
‘legalistically’ and demand defensive compliance strategies.
70 Even the
well-worn distinction between principles and rules does not offer a
solution path here; principles will tend to be interpreted legalistically
in organisations via in-house manuals, training courses and
clarificatory memos.
Consequences of defensive risk management
The consequences of defensive record-keeping for professional
judgement are potentially catastrophic. By ‘professional’ judgement is
meant a culture which accepts and understands that such specialised
judgements may turn out in retrospect to be wrong, but which if
made conscientiously and responsibly are not necessarily
blameworthy. Already, concepts of ‘defensive’ medicine and auditing
are spoken of, signalling a withdrawal of individual judgement from
the public domain. Minimal records are kept, staff are cautioned
about the use of email, and normal correspondence is littered with
disclaimer paragraphs.
The risk management of everything implies a society of ‘small print’.
Not only references for employment purposes but all forms of public
opinion formation are a major casualty of this tendency, becoming
less and less informative as it becomes more risky to venture a
judgement. Despite bold claims for the value-adding potential of risk
management, the deeper logic is that of compliance, bordering on
paranoia and hyper-defensiveness. As risk language becomes
legitimate in organisations, anything can be a risk demanding
Out of control?
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attention. And, in this downward spiral, it follows that employees and
individuals become their own individualised, defensive risk managers
in forms of responsibility aversion and a ‘culture of fear’ of secondary
Organisational agents can make risky choices in these legalised
environments. In the case of the Soham murders, the failure to take
up the employment references of Ian Huntley had catastrophic and
tragic consequences. But in a cultural climate in which such
references increasingly have little value, potential employers often do
not follow them up. More generally, professionals are often so busy
that they can only cope by taking a calculated risk
not to implement
certain procedures. Society is obliged to allocate blame when things
go wrong, but these risky actions are also understandable.
A social contract at risk
It would be naïve to suppose that the defensiveness associated with
risk management can be addressed overnight, either by changes in the
law or in an intensification of claims that risk management is about
value. Take the specific case of financial auditing as an example.
Auditors in the UK are required to give an opinion for the benefit of
the shareholders of a company as to whether the accounts show a
‘true and fair’ view. These reports tend to be short with ‘boilerplate’
descriptions of the audit process. The opinion only means as much as
the terms of art through which it is expressed. Auditors know much
more of course, and could in principle say more publicly. But they
argue that without some relief from exposure to unlimited liability, it
is rational for their public reports to be cautious and coded.
One can argue that there is a deep social contract whereby
professions like accountants were granted monopolies over certain
areas of work in return for providing a risk management service
deemed important for the smooth operation of the economy. Today
that contract seems fragile because the professions are preoccupied
with avoiding risk to themselves. Consequently, audit reports and
many other similar forms of public statement of opinion are much
less valuable than they might be.
The Risk Management of Everything
48 Demos
The policy challenge is to recognise that blame cultures and the
legalisation of organisations in which they thrive may have little to do
with real legal exposure as such, but are the result of years of ‘hardwiring’ caution into the procedures and routines of risk management
practices. This means that the problem is more managerial than legal,
and concerns a reflex which, by taking on the clothes of law in its
manuals and operating procedures, amplifies internal proceduralism.
Changing legal systems will do little to change this; only challenging
the real, as opposed to the official, mechanics of blame and reward
can do this. And for this, a new politics of uncertainty is required.
Internal control: a new imperialism
Although an internal control revolution lies at the heart of the risk
management explosion, process-based risk management and internal
control systems suffer inherently from the problem of demonstrating
their own effectiveness, despite upbeat claims and continuing
attempts to recast control activity as a value proposition. Claims for
risk management effectiveness involve risk agents in hard work to
secure resources for their own departments by representing what they
do as valuable. External crises make the case for risk-based internal
control easier, raising it to the position of an almost untouchable
principle, rather like auditing in the 1980s. Indeed, risk-based internal
control has become a dominant image and representation of
organisations, further reinforced by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which
makes it an all-pervasive organisational, legal and regulatory
principle which will expand well beyond its US jurisdiction. To lack
internal controls, or to have a defective internal control system, is to
fail as a legitimate organisation.
The consequences of imperial control
This position of internal control systems, the ‘Turnbullisation’ of
organisational life in the UK, constitutes a profound risk of risk
management. The obsession with risk-based internal control systems
threatens to overwhelm other organisational functions. Internal
control as an imperial principle (no one can be against it!) occupies
Out of control?
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the space where the regulatory state casts its shadow. Its dry, technical
and unassuming history should not blind us to its profound
consequences as an institutionalised mode of organising the handling
of uncertainty. To a large extent internal control blueprints are
fantasy policy documents, which project comforting images of
controlling the uncontrollable.
Despite explicitly stated principles of supporting managed risktaking and value creation, the deeper bureaucratic logic of internal
control represents the opposite. To the extent that internal controlbased risk management is over-organised, it is a kind of new religion
and may encourage perverse behaviours by virtue of the faith it
engenders in itself.
72 Furthermore, reliance on internal control may
increase risk if it results in under-investment in risk intelligence
Towards an ‘intelligent’ risk management
The policy challenge is to put internal control and risk management
in its place, in particular to create a legitimate, ‘safe haven’ for the
judgement of the individual within an ‘intelligent’ risk management
capable of confronting complex systems which may be out of
73 Judgement would be safe in the sense that mistakes can be
made, or rather an intelligent view of ‘mistake’ could be taken
allowing for the conjecture and refutation that is essential to progress
and learning, and allowing for what it was reasonable to know at the
time of a decision, rather than what is known with the benefit of
At worst internal control systems ‘imprison’ risk management in a
pretence of control, rather than enabling risk management to become
a mechanism for encountering issues, including the problem of
control itself.
74 The policy and managerial challenge is to attenuate
and dampen the tendency for control systems to provide layers of
pseudo-comfort about risk. There is a need to design soft
management systems capable of addressing uncomfortable
uncertainties and deep-seated working assumptions, overcoming the
psychological and institutional need to fit recalcitrant phenomena
The Risk Management of Everything
50 Demos
into well tried, incrementally adjusted, linear frameworks of
This agenda will require a new kind of risk expert, mathematically
erudite perhaps but also the author of a wider organisational
narrative of risk which sits above formal control systems. Managerial
certifications, and auditor certification of these certifications, are the
very antithesis of an intelligent, honest and experimental politics of
uncertainty at the organisational level. They constitute a risk in
themselves, a dumbing down and palliative in the face of the essential
disorder of organisational life.
What kind of risk expert might this be? In the private sector the
risk officer with varying degrees of seniority is particularly visible in
the financial services sector and in large complex corporate
organisations. In time, we could expect this role to become
prominent in universities, hospitals and other public organisations.
But do such roles exacerbate the imperialism of internal control or,
like the ideal communist state, will they wither away once they have
served their purpose?
The chief risk officer
Officerships are themselves distinctive forms of cultural and organisational solution to problems. The label ‘officer’ endows any role with
a seriousness and officialdom that it might not ordinarily have. The
idea of a risk officer is nothing particularly unusual. It can be added
to a long list which includes compliance officers, health and safety
officers, information officers and knowledge officers. A ‘chief ignorance
officer’ has even been half seriously proposed.
76 Some of these roles
come and go, such as that of the ‘chief operating officer’, which has been
strongly associated with the rise and fall of the conglomerate form.
Other labels, such as the ‘chief financial officer’ seem more durable.
Only time will tell whether risk officers are a fad, or represent a lasting
organisational role, but the ‘chief risk officer’ (CRO) is worthy of note,
being a role that surveys suggest is growing in large organisations.
CROs ‘represent’ the risk management system but evidence varies
on whether the role is responsible for the workings of this system
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overall, or for its design and oversight only. It is well known that
officerships like this can be a dumping ground for problems, or a way
of telling the world that one is serious about an issue. In this respect
CROs may be an ‘organisational fix’, and a risky position as a potential
blamee. Equally the role may operate as a brake on excessively riskinsensitive activity.
The emergence of the CRO as a category, like that of operational
and reputational risk, signifies a certain kind of transformation in
status and scope of the risk management and internal control agenda.
The category is the product of cultural demands for the internal
allocation of responsibility. Indeed, the emphasis on the allocation of
internal responsibilities for risk – ‘risk ownership’ – is a critical feature
of imperial risk-based internal control systems.
79 The risk
management of everything is characterised by an intensification of
internal responsibility, accountability and ‘sign off’ structures, and in
the private sector the CRO stands at the centre of this system.
The prevailing image of an imperial internal control system
presided over by a new class of people called risk officers raises critical
questions. Might the internal allocation of risk responsibility be
counterproductive in any way? Do some risks slip through, or cut
across, the responsibility design net? Emergent risks, which are
difficult to characterise, defy easy allocation precisely because their
nature and causality is poorly understood or contested. Internal
accountability structures may be driven by habit and existing practice
without regard for the limitations of mapping individual
responsibilities to risks. Indeed, the entire process raises the spectre of
a kind hyper-accountability in which the CRO acts as an internal
monitor demanding ‘risk auditability’.
80 Maybe CROs are just a
symptom of the problem rather than its cure? They create smooth
appearances of manageability and fragment and individualise risk
responsibility at the organisational level. They must also spend time
managing their own risk as an easy blamee.
Intelligent risk management requires that we be wary, but not
entirely dismissive, of new roles with fancy titles who talk up the
value-adding potential of risk management.
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To the image of a risk champion with a roving role to challenge
control practices must be counterpoised that of the controlling
bureaucrat presiding over an unnecessarily elaborate and distracting
system of internal accountability, surrounding herself with a panoply
of comforting control instruments and culturally legitimate
quantitative techniques.
Trust in risk numbers
The risk management of everything is closely related to an ambition
to measure everything.
81 The Royal Society report in 1992 defined
risk as ‘the chance, in quantitative terms, of a defined hazard
occurring.’ Such a definition is readily familiar to a risk analysis
community concerned with such diverse subjects as quality control,
chemical toxicity levels and financial management. Versions of it are
enshrined and institutionalised in text books, forging an intimate
conceptual connection between risk and measurable probability. This
ideal, reflecting no doubt a wider cultural ‘trust in numbers’,
82 is often
limited in practice. It is accepted that hazards may be difficult to
define and the data sets supporting probability analysis may be
imperfect, but the ideal is clear.
As a statistical project with a long history one can point to an
expanding frontier of formalisation in which inchoate uncertainties
can become manageable risks. History shows how recalcitrant or
complex interacting hazard phenomena can be broken down, new
data sets can be collected for modelling and predictive purposes, and
acts of God become possibilities for rational decision-making.
Indeed, the economist Frank Knight’s famous distinction between
risk and uncertainty must be taken as historical and changing rather
than invariant; incalculable uncertainties can be ‘tamed’ as calculable
risks, and the story of operational risk above reflects some of this
quantitative optimism.
Measuring and modelling risk
Actuaries and financial specialists have reinvented themselves and
have begun to extend the tools and techniques for market and credit
Out of control?
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risk management to operational areas, such as catastrophe and fraud
risk. Quantification and measurement have become central to
techniques of risk mapping and risk landscaping, which all have as
their objective an overall view of the risk profile of an organisation. In
short, an important sub-dimension of the risk management of
everything is the expansion of the domain of rational calculation and
modelling to encompass more phenomena that affect organisations.
It is widely accepted in practice that the fixation on quantification
and modelling may itself be a source of risk. The CRO of Enron once
wrote an article entitled ‘Aiming for a single metric’ and the company
had a fully developed enterprise risk management system. In addition
financial risk modelling can become self-defeating when all market
participants use more or less the same model. In a crisis of liquidity
they will all tend to react in the same way (selling), something which
collectively exacerbates the crisis.
84 Another suggestive example
concerns the fact that much of the technical development in risk
management has been to due to corresponding advances in
information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure,
advances which also create operational risks. This ‘duality of risk’
inherent in ICT is a metaphor for the risks of risk management more
Quantitative and consent
Despite these difficulties, the use of quantitative techniques for risk
should not be restricted when they are appropriate, but there is a need
for a second order intelligence within organisations about when this
is the case.
Calculative solutions to technical problems work well in situations
where there is an available data base which is large, clearly defined
and complete, and where a high degree of organisational and political
consent about the nature of the ‘risk object’ exists. The science of
financial risk management can make some claim to fit this idea.
Where the knowledge base is less certain, risk management may have
to function more as an information gathering process, which becomes
problematic as consent about the nature of the risk object diminishes.
The Risk Management of Everything
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The production of consent about risk management processes
demands the creation of a common language and conceptualisation
of objects prior to any possible measurement activity. This consentbuilding process may involve non-experts and may be highly political.
As the case of GM foods has shown, consent is not guaranteed.
Indeed, quantification sceptics argue that complex risk management
problems, such as large-scale projects involving multiple stakeholders,
are essentially processes of consent management in the face of the
Intelligent risk management
Intelligent risk management practice must balance the role between
calculative techniques and models, and other communicative forms,
such as images and narrative (it should be borne in mind that value at
risk is
both calculative and visual). Leading organisations in the
private sector will claim they do this already. Experimentation with
narrative in the field of intellectual capital management is suggestive
for risk management and risk mapping processes.
88 Rather than being
regarded as poor quantitative tools, such maps can be effective in
directing management attention and organising critical ‘risk talk’
within an organisation.
89 Scenario-building as pioneered by Shell in
the 1970s helps to illustrate the power of softer, quantitative methods
in promoting critical reflection on organisational assumptions.
Intelligent risk management will embed quantitative techniques in
organisational learning processes and diagnostic stories, whereby
retrospective accident and error analysis can be harnessed for future
Risk management and the privatisation of public life
Reputation risk and the decline of the public
The fourth and final significant risk of risk management concerns its
consequences for democracy and public life. The risk management of
everything implies that risk management is becoming an
administrative paradigm for all forms of organisation, including
Out of control?
Demos 55
government. As suggested in chapter 5, reputational risk management
primarily conceptualises stakeholders as sources of threat to
legitimacy, and this is the basis on which key social policy issues may
be filtered and transformed by the state, by regulators and by private
organisations. In this way, the rise of the risk management model and
the growth of secondary risk management reflects the ‘decline of the
90 Key individuals and organisations with a public role seem
less willing to ‘risk themselves’ in public. As noted already in the case
of professions, a kind of social contract is being displaced by
reputation risk management.
The example of the World Bank, which has recently implemented
an enterprise risk management (ERM) system, illustrates that what
may be at stake is often very subtle. The ERM system is concerned by
definition primarily and directly with the risks to the Bank and its
objectives, rather than to developing countries. Supporting such
countries is part of the mission of the Bank, and a risk management
system is concerned with the risks to that mission. There seems to be
nothing particularly wrong with this. On the face of it, ERM is
helping the bank to focus more effectively on the first-order risks
facing developing countries. And, as most business people understand
very well, the best way to manage any secondary risk to reputation is
to manage those first order risks properly as part of the core business.
Furthermore, we may not care what the motives of organisations like
the World Bank, and their employees, really are, provided that the
consequences of the work can be judged to be beneficial.
The consequences of enterprise risk management
Yet, despite this positive picture, we should be concerned. ERM
contains the seeds for an essentially amoral, inward-looking and selfreferential set of practices. It creates and supports a (distracting)
consciousness of the organisation as being at risk in the face of the
rights and claims of others. This reinforces an individualised identity
for which private secondary risk management is regarded as the key
to survival.
In this way, ERM creates a ‘morally thin’ atmosphere which
The Risk Management of Everything
56 Demos
overrides any civic vitality that may have existed and which seeps into
the fabric of the organisation and its participants. The latter no longer
risk themselves in public and tend to engage skilfully in ‘controlled
91 As David Marquand has argued, ‘the threats to the
public domain feed on themselves’ and the fact that secondary risk
management has become a kind of organisational common sense is
symptomatic of a society with a crisis of faith in its professions and
public organisations.
92 The tight association between organisational
governance and risk management reflects, rather than solves, this
Despite the critical role attributed to public communication issues
in the new risk management within the public and private sectors,
and the efforts to recruit publics in risk assessment processes, the
public remains fundamentally externalised as problem and threat.
The civic or public sphere is simply one more variable to be
accommodated in standardised structures and processes of internal
Admittedly, reputational risk management can provide a
potentially important channel between organisations and social value
systems, and may in some circumstances represent a desirable social
amplification of risk by forcing companies to confront social impacts.
However, reputational risk management operates through, and
reproduces, an essentially individualistic non-social conception of the
organisation as an entity, a form of corporate personhood which,
according to a 2004 documentary film entitled
The Corporation, is
How can we move beyond this risk management-driven
privatisation of the public sphere?
A political discourse of uncertainty
Throughout this essay, it has been hinted that an answer lies in the
development of a new political discourse of uncertainty, corresponding to an experimentalism at the organisational level.
93 An earlier
politics of risk was concerned to enfranchise lay views in the risk
analysis and acceptance process, and to challenge the authority of
Out of control?
Demos 57
experts, particularly that of scientists. The new politics of risk must
retain the spirit of this critique while rehabilitating the authority of
the expert. This will demand forms of leadership at the state,
regulatory and corporate levels capable of developing a public
language of risk that explicitly admits the possibility of failure,
without this being understood as an excuse- or blame-avoiding
strategy merely to manage expectations.
In the face of media and legal systems which tend to ignore
‘conscientious’ judgements which go wrong, this is a daunting task. A
politics of uncertainty would need to develop the discursive capacity
to challenge the manner in which these institutions process events.
Above all this will be a public politics in which myths of perfect
manageability are laid to rest but necessarily imperfect, humanly
designed and operated, risk management systems continue to support
an engagement with unknowable futures. It will be a politics in which
the essential ‘
as if’ nature of risk management becomes the basis of
public consent, rather than of an expectations gap.
The Risk Management of Everything
58 Demos
8. Conclusions and
Demos 59
Individuals, organisations and societies have no choice but to
organise in the face of uncertainty, to act ‘as if’ they know the risks
they face. Since any form of organisation is also a form of closure, of
restriction and limitation, then it is a source of risk itself. The
management of uncertainty is inherently paradoxical, an effort to
know the unknowable. It has been said that the present age is more
aware of what it does not know, but the rise of a broad risk
management mandate since the mid-1990s suggests also a continuing
ambition to control and managerialise the future. This ambition is
reflected in the heightened accent on internal control systems in
organisations, in the creation of new risk categories and definitions to
focus managerial effort, in the creation of new agents and risk
responsibility structures, and in the development of new procedures
and routines which seek to align risk with a moral discourse of good
governance. The reach of this ambition seems to be the risk
management of everything.
Risk management as a concept, though unclear, has re-entered
organisational life as a demand for decisions in areas where some
pretence of knowledge is a necessary defence against anxiety. The
appearance of manageability is created by a material abundance of
standards, textbooks and technical manuals, but the re-writing of
organisational process in the name of risk is no mere technical
development. It also implicates a new moral economy of

organisational life at all levels: the state, public regulators,
professional associations and private corporations.
In many cases, there are benefits from these developments. Not
least, a better sense of risk in private and public sector organisations
may enhance the quality of decisions. However, as this essay has
argued, there is also a dark side to this trend, namely the emergence of
secondary or reputation risk management at all levels of society.
The ubiquitous risk management blueprint is the result of a variety
of factors: a response to specific scandals, opportunism by
occupational communities for professional development, new modes
of regulatory action and the mutation of earlier concerns with
accountability. But a deeper cause is to be found at the cultural level
in the rise of a distinctive individualism in which risk management
services a need for protection from blame.
According to the anthropologist Mary Douglas, we choose what to
fear in order to support our way of life. At present it would seem that
a dominant object of fear is loss of reputation. Beneath the surface of
the risk management of everything, and its claims as a valueenhancing practice, lurks a deep fear of the possible negative
consequences of being responsible and answerable.
From this point of view the risk management of everything
appears like the audit of everything and its associated concerns with
extending public and private accountability. The policy challenge is to
avoid history repeating itself, to avoid the side-effects of legitimate
demands for transparency. Specifically, how can a society understand
and deal with the trend whereby social agencies that have
traditionally handled risk on behalf of others are becoming more
preoccupied with the risks they face themselves?
The regulatory state itself is paradoxical in this respect. On the one
hand the development of specific regulatory regimes appears to be a
rational response, much like auditing, to the management of firstorder risks to health, financial security, etc. On the other hand, the
very existence of such regulatory agencies can be interpreted as
responsibility-shifting strategy by central government concerned with
its reputation.
The Risk Management of Everything
60 Demos
So what might be done? This essay concludes with a few
Developing an intelligent risk management
The risks posed by the risk management of everything demand in the
first instance an ‘intelligent risk management’ of first-order risks, and
pointers have been given throughout this essay. Specifically,
1. an intelligent risk management would not allow control
systems, and their advocates, to swamp managerial attention
and independent critical imagination. Models and measures
would be part of broader organisational narratives of
uncertainty. Risk talk and ‘safety imaginations’
95 will not
necessarily involve the faddish risk description of everything.
2. a greater degree of disorganisation and ambiguity would be
acceptable in risk management processes than current
initiatives suggest.
96 Risk management would be characterised
more by learning and experiment, rather than rule-based
processes. It would depend essentially on human capacities to
alternative futures to the present, rather than
quantitative ambitions to predict
the future.
3. however, an intelligent risk management will not throw the
baby out with the bath water; not all process and internal
control is bad. To the extent that process represents the
codification of accumulated wisdom, it should be sustained
subject to the possibility of constant challenge. For managers,
this requires an organisational capacity to question and
criticise the formal risk management system itself.
These suggestions are hardly original. Indeed, many organisations
will claim that they are already part of their operating philosophy,
that they are already intelligent. But the widespread realisation of an
intelligent risk management faces many barriers. For example, the
Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in the US seems to have all the characteristics
likely to exacerbate a process-obsessed risk management of everything.
Conclusions and suggestions
Demos 61
Limiting secondary risk management
The more challenging issue is how to contain and limit the growth of
secondary risk management. Here the problem cannot be resolved at
the level of the individual organisation alone. No doubt the nurturing
of local cultures which are more learning-oriented and less blamecentred will help, but something more is required, namely a new
political and managerial discourse of uncertainty.
The principal objective of such a discourse would be an effort to
counter the individualisation processes which drive reputation risk
management. For example,
1. a politics of uncertainty must explicitly acknowledge that
risks are ‘selected’ by institutions for a mixture of cultural
and economic reasons. In particular, it would need to develop
public understandings and ‘civic epistemologies’ of how risk
issues are processed and potentially amplified by the
institutions of media and law.
98 In a mediatised society, not
all aspects of public reactions are necessarily to be taken
In particular, the new politics of uncertainty would demand a
much clearer understanding of the basis on which public
trust in organisations, including the state, is sustained or
99 It would challenge whether risk management and
related disclosures by organisations really do anything to
enhance public trust. Public concerns may relate more to the
claimed benefits of technologies, products and services than
to the effectiveness of risk and control systems.
2. the new politics of uncertainty must generate legitimacy for
the possibility of failure. Indeed, in contrast to a ‘spin-’ or
‘reputation-culture’, such a political discourse would generate
public trust precisely because an explicit discourse of possible
failure is embedded in innovatory processes. The purpose
would not be to defend individuals from blame, but to
enrol the wider public in the benefits and excitement of
The Risk Management of Everything
62 Demos
innovation, much as the NASA moon programme managed
(temporarily) to do.
A new politics of uncertainty would not seek to assuage
public anxiety and concerns with images and rhetorics of
manageability and control, and would challenge assumptions
that all risk is manageable. States and corporations would not
need to act as if all risk is controllable and would contest
media assumptions to that effect. Public understandings of
expert fallibility would be a basis for trust in them, rather
than its opposite. Regulatory organisations would be publicly
conceived of more as laboratories, rather than as insurers. For
governments and regulators, the test of good governance
would not necessarily be the speed of their reaction to failure;
on the contrary, it might be their ability, in Peter Senge’s
phrase, ‘to take two aspirin and wait’.
Only time will tell, but both the measured response in the
Every Child Matters green paper following a series of highprofile failures in child protection, and the FSA and HM
Treasury’s response to the Penrose Inquiry into the Equitable
Life collapse, could turn out to be important turning points
in the state’s capacity to withstand pressure for knee-jerk
reactions to crisis.
3. crucially, a new politics of uncertainty must provide the
necessary, if not sufficient, institutional conditions, for
intelligent trust in expert judgement to flourish, and for the
recovery and development of the idea of honest professional
opinion. We need to imagine and create ‘safe havens’ for
professional and expert judgement. These havens would be
safe in the sense of providing a space for decision-making
where competence may flourish and express itself. While such
safe havens would not be a return to unaccountable expertise,
the challenge posed by an earlier politics of uncertainty,
experts could be assured of a proportionality of response to
decisions which turn out in retrospect to have been wrong,
though honestly and reasonably made.
Conclusions and suggestions
Demos 63
Safe havens would, of course, require real institutional
innovation. These might include experimentation with no
fault insurance mechanisms, as proposed by the Chief
Medical Officer last year for clinical negligence, on the basis
that they are much more conducive to the honest acceptance
and explanation of failure, and therefore permit greater
learning, than liability law. Another model, this time from the
academy, is that of tenure. It would be interesting to revisit
the potential for tenure mechanisms in other professions as a
basis for the security of expert judgement. Finally there is
almost certainly a role for professional bodies and associations
in identifying and regulating these safe havens, and creating
forms of peer review that help ensure they are not exploited
by unscrupulous practitioners. Although these changes might
seem peripheral, as the risk management of everything has
shown, we should not underestimate the power of specific
innovations to spread and become a template that permeates
a much wider set of institutional cultures.
4. a new politics of uncertainty will challenge the ‘small print‘
or disclaimer society that we have become in the interests of
making secondary risk management strategies publicly
visible and contestable.
When disclaimer paragraphs are longer
than the professional opinions they follow, we know something
has gone wrong
. In the interests of transparency, small print
should be made large and ruled out as a secondary risk
management ploy.
5. given the significance of large organisations in economic and
public life, the elements of a new politics of uncertainty could
be assembled at this level of society and filter ‘upwards’ into
the political domain, just as other ideas have done. A possible
launchpad might be the public mission of regulatory
organisations, positioned as they are between political
processes and the wider environment of public and private
organisations. There are some signs of this in the risk-based
self-description of some agencies, but these organisations are
The Risk Management of Everything
64 Demos
themselves constantly vulnerable to ‘political risk’. Governments and opposition have a responsibility to uphold their
side of the bargain that has seen complex and risky decisions
delegated to independent regulators, and not make hay every
time something goes awry.
These are just a few speculative and necessarily incomplete
suggestions but they frame the challenge posed by the risks of the risk
management of everything. The risk management of everything, and
the specific growth of secondary risk management, has a dark side
which is threatening the state, regulatory bodies, corporations and the
individual experts on which so many individuals in society rely. If we
must act as if we know the risks we face, then we must also create
forms of risk management, and a related politics of uncertainty,
which allows us to do this in more, rather than less, intelligent ways.
Conclusions and suggestions
Demos 65
66 Demos
1 See M Douglas and A Wildavsky, Risk and Culture (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1983): 1.
2 For a flavour of this broad agenda see EBR,
Managing Risk (London: European
Business Forum in association with Marsh, 2003); ‘Living Dangerously’,
Economist Survey, January 2004.
3 See for example, National Audit Office,
Supporting Innovation: managing risk in
government departments
(London: National Audit Office, 2000); Health and
Safety Executive,
Reducing Risk, Protecting People: HSE’s decision making process
(London: HSE, 2001); Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, Risk: improving
government’s capability to handle risk and uncertainty
(London: Cabinet Office,
2002); S Dibb,
Winning the Risk Game (London: National Consumers Council,
2003); C Raban and E Turner,
Academic Risk: quality risk management in higher
(London: Higher Education Funding Council, 2003).
Internal Control: guidance for the directors of listed companies
incorporated in the United Kingdom
, (London: Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales, 1999).
5 See for example, M Hanley,
Integrated Risk Management (London: FT books,
1999); Economist Intelligence Unit,
Enterprise Risk Management –
implementing new solutions
(London: Economist, 2001); J Larkin, Strategic
Reputation Risk Management
(London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002); J Lam,
Enterprise Risk Management – from incentives to controls (London: John Wiley,
6 The UK Treasury website has links to a number of these associations as
knowledge resources, including the Institute of Internal Auditors, The Global
Association of Risk Professionals, the Institute of Risk Management.
7 See for example, PwC/IFAC,
Enhancing Shareholder Wealth by Better Managing
Business Risk
(New York: PricewaterhouseCoopers/International Federation of
Accountants, 1999).
8 See B Flyvbjerg, N Bruzelius and W Rothengatter,
Megaprojects and Risk: an
anatomy of ambition
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
9 See B Hunt, The Timid Corporation: why business is terrified of taking risk
(London: John Wiley, 2003) chapter 3.
10 See B Fischoff, SR Watson and C Hope, ‘Defining Risk’,
Policy Sciences 17
(1984): 123–39.
11 E Rosa, ‘Meta-theoretical foundations for post-normal risk’,
Journal of Risk
1 (1998): 15–44.
12 See U Beck,
Risk Society – towards a new modernity (London: Sage, 1992).
13 See P Bernstein,
Against the Gods: the remarkable story of risk (New York: John
Wiley and Sons, 1996).
14 The idea, used throughout this essay, of ‘intelligent’ risk management is
borrowed from O O’Neill, ‘Intelligent trust, intelligent accountability’, paper
presented at the CBR/CARR workshop on
Soft Risks, Hard Lessons: using
corporate governance to manage legal, ethical and reputational uncertainties
(Cambridge: Cambridge University, January 2004).
15 See C Hood, H Rothstein and R Baldwin,
The Government of Risk (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2001).
16 See the preface to C Hood and D Jones (eds),
Accident and Design:
contemporary debates in risk management
(London: UCL Press, 1996).
17 See National Research Council,
Understanding Risk: informing decisions in a
democratic society
(Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1996); for further
discussion see also D Okrent and NF Pidgeon (eds), ‘Risk assessment versus
risk perception’. Special volume of
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 59
(1998): 1–159.
18 See Cabinet Office Strategy Unit.
Risk: improving government’s capability to
handle risk and uncertainty
(London: Cabinet Office, 2002), 16.
19 See the UK Treasury risk support homepage; available at
20 Phrase attributed to G Mulgan speaking at a conference entitled ‘Panic Attack’,
London: The Royal Institution, 9 May 2003.
21 See H Rothstein, ‘Precautionary bans or sacrificial lambs? Participative risk
regulation and the reform of the UK food safety regime’,
Public Administration
(forthcoming, 2004).
22 See B Hutter,
Risk and Regulation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).
23 See C Sunstein, ‘The laws of fear’,
Harvard Law Review 115 (2002): 1119–68.
24 See for example, A Stirling, ‘Risk at a turning point?
Journal of Risk Research 1
(1998): 97–109; See also D Okrent and NF Pidgeon, ‘Risk assessment versus
risk perception’.
25 Based on an allegedly leaked memorandum reported in the UK press in late
April 2004.
26 See C Hood, ‘The risk game and the blame game’,
Government and Opposition
37 (2002): 15–37.
27 See P Skidmore, P Miller and J Chapman,
The Long Game: how regulators and
companies can both win
(London: Demos, 2003).
28 See I Ayres and J Braithwaite,
Responsive Regulation: transcending the
deregulation debate
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).
Demos 67
29 This is perhaps most explicit in the case of the UK Financial Services Authority.
See FSA,
A New Regulator for the New Millennium (London: Financial Services
Authority, January 2000); J Black, ‘Mapping the contours of contemporary
financial services regulation’, CARR Discussion Paper 17 (London: London
School of Economics, 2003); See also The Audit Commission,
Regulation: minimizing the burden, maximizing the impact
(London: Audit
Commission, 2003).
30 DTI Innovation Report,
Competing in the Global Economy: the innovation
(London: DTI, 2003); FSA, A New Regulator for the New
31 See K Walshe and T Sheldon, ‘Dealing with clinical risk: implications of the rise
of evidence-based health care’,
Public Money and Management OctoberDecember (1998): 15–20.
32 See P Day and R Klein,
The NHS Improvers: a study of the commission for health
(London: King’s Fund, 2004).
33 Nowhere is this more evident than in the requirements of the US SarbanesOxley Act, section 404, which is likely to become a global blueprint.
34 See J Freedman, ‘Accountants and corporate governance: filling a legal vacuum’,
Political Quarterly 64 (1993): 285–97.
35 OECD,
Principles of Corporate Governance (Paris: OECD, 1998).
36 See COSO,
Internal Control: integrated framework (Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations of the Treadway Commission, 1991); available at
37 See the ISO 9000 series of standards published by the International Standards
Organization, based on an earlier standard, BS5075, issued by the British
Standards Institute; See J Tate, ‘National varieties of standardization’ in D
Sokice and P Hall (eds),
Varieties of Capitalism (New York: Oxford University
Press, 2001): 442–73.
38 See AS/NZS,
Risk Management (Sydney and Wellington: Standards Australia
and Standards New Zealand, 1995); CSA,
CAN/CSA – Q850–97, Risk
Management Guideline for Decision Makers, a national standard for Canada
(Canadian Standards Association, 1997); BSI,
BSI 6079-3. Project Management
– Part 3: guide to the management of business related project risk
British Standards Institute, 1999); JIS,
JIS Q 2001, Guidelines for the
Development and Implementation of Risk Management System
(Tokyo: Japanese
Standards Association, 2001).
39 See COSO,
Enterprise Risk Management Framework: exposure draft (Committee
of the Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, 2003); available
40 See ‘Meet the Riskmongers’,
The Economist 18 July 1998: 93–4.
41 See BA Turner and N Pidgeon,
Man-Made Disasters, 2nd edn. (Oxford:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997): pp 185–6.
42 See C Swinson, ‘Limitations of fail-safe systems’,
Accountancy May (2004): 26.
43 This section is based on M Power, ‘The invention of operational risk’,
International Review of Political Economy (forthcoming).
The Risk Management of Everything
68 Demos
44 See Group of Thirty, Derivatives: practices and principles (Washington, DC:
Group of Thirty, 1993).
45 See Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,
Sound Practices for the
Management and Supervision of Operational Risk
(Basel: Bank for International
Settlements, December 2001).
46 ‘Boundary objects are those objects that both inhabit several communities of
practice and satisfy the informational requirements of each of them. Boundary
objects are thus both plastic enough to adapt to local needs and constraints of
the several parties employing them, yet robust enough to maintain common
identity across sites. They are weakly structured in common use and become
strongly structured in individual site use.’ G Bowker and S Star,
Sorting Things
Out: classification and its consequences
(Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000),
47 See C Fombrun and V Rindova, ‘The road to transparency: reputation
management at Royal Dutch Shell 1977–96’ in M Schultz, MJ Hatch and HL
Larsen (eds),
The Expressive Organization: linking identity, reputation and the
corporate brand
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) pp 77–96.
48 R Lofstedt and O Renn, ‘The Brent Spar controversy: an example of risk
communication gone wrong’,
Risk Analysis 17, no 2 (1997): 131–6.
49 See the essays in NF Pidgeon, RK Kasperson and P Slovic (eds),
The Social
Amplification of Risk
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
50 For example see
Reputation and the Bottom Line: a communications guide to
reporting on corporate reputation
(London: Institute of Public Relations, MORI
and Business in the Community, 2003).
51 See ‘Barclays banks on a good name’,
Financial Times, 19 Feb 2004.
52 See M Power, ‘Risk management and the responsible organization’ in R Ericson
and A Doyle (eds),
Risk and Morality (Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
53 B Hunt, ‘Corporate social responsibility as a new self regulation’, paper
presented at the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of
Economics, April 2004; see also B Hunt, ‘Concerned companies’,
Spiked-Risk 14
April 2004, available at:
54 A Giddens,
Runaway World: how globalization is reshaping our lives (London:
Routledge, 2003).
55 NF Pidgeon, RK Kasperson and P Slovic (eds),
The Social Amplification of
56 See N Luhmann,
Risk: a sociological theory (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1992).
57 See E Abrahamson, ‘Managerial fads and fashions: the diffusion and rejection
of innovations’,
Academy of Management Review 16 (1991): 586–612.
58 See L Edelman, SR Fuller and I Mara-Drita, ‘Diversity rhetoric and the
managerialization of law’,
American Journal of Sociology 106 (2001): 1596.
59 For example, G Hamel and L Valikangas, ‘The quest for resilience’,
Business Review
September (2003).
60 M Power,
The Audit Explosion (London: Demos, 1994).
61 Group of Thirty,
Derivatives: practices and principles.
Demos 69
62 See M Power, The Audit Implosion: managing risk from the inside (London:
ICAEW, 1999).
63 See M Douglas and A Wildavsky,
Risk and Culture, p 21.
64 BA Turner and N Pidgeon,
Man-Made Disasters. this is also called ‘disaster
incubation theory’. See the review essay by J Rijpma, ‘From deadlock to deadend: the normal accidents – high reliability debate revisited’,
Journal of
Contingencies and Crisis Management
11, no 1 (2003): 37–45.
65 D Vaughan,
The Challenger Launch Decision (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1996).
66 See B Hunt,
The Timid Corporation.
67 See C Hood, ‘The risk game and the blame game’.
68 ‘Money laundering tip-offs set to double’,
The Financial Times, 1 March 2004.
69 See L Edelman et al, ‘Diversity rhetoric and the managerialization of law’.
70 See SB Sitkin and RJ Bies, ‘The legalization of organizations: a multi-theoretical
perspective’ in SB Sitkin and RJ Bies (eds),
The Legalistic Organization
(Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994) pp 19–49.
71 F Furedi,
The Culture of Fear: risk taking and the morality of low expectations
(London and New York: Continuum International, 1997).
72 See P Bernstein, ‘The new religion of risk management’,
Harvard Business
March/April (1996): 47–51.
73 See L Clarke,
Mission Improbable: using fantasy documents to tame disaster
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999).
74 See R Holt, ‘Risk management: the talking cure’,
Organization 11 (2004): 261.
75 This section is based mainly on M Power ‘The rise of the chief risk officer’ in B
Hutter and M Power (eds),
Organizational Encounters with Risk (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
76 D Gray, ‘Wanted: Chief Ignorance Officer’,
Harvard Business Review November
(2003): 22–4.
77 F Dobbin, J Dierkes, M-S Kwok and D Zorn, ‘The rise and stagnation of the
COO: fad and fashion in corporate titles’, discussion paper (Princeton, NJ:
Department of Sociology, Princeton University, 2001); available at
78 J Miccolis, K Hively and B Merkley,
Enterprise Risk Management: trends and
emerging practices
(Altamonte Springs FL, The Institute of Internal Auditors
Research Foundation, 2001).
79 M Douglas, ‘Les Risques du Fonctionnaire du Risque: La Diversité des
Institutions et la Répartition des Risques’ (The Risks of the Risk Officer:
Diversity of Institutions and The Distribution of Risks).
La Revue Alliage 40
(2002): 61–74; available at
80 See M Power,
The Audit Society: rituals of verification (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1997).
81 See M Power, ‘Counting, control and calculation: reflections on measuring and
Human Relations 57, no 6 (2004).
82 T Porter,
Trust in Numbers (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995).
The Risk Management of Everything
70 Demos
83 P Bernstein, Against the Gods: the remarkable story of risk; and P Bernstein, ‘The
new religion of risk management’.
84 J Daniellson, ‘VaR: a castle built on sand’,
The Financial Regulator 5, no 2
(2001): 46–50.
85 See C Ciborra, ‘ The duality of risk’, CARR Discussion Paper (London: London
School of Economics, forthcoming 2004).
86 See M Douglas and A Wildavsky,
Risk and Culture; see also S Hilgartner, ‘The
social construction of risk objects: or, how to pry open networks of risk,’ in J
Short and L Clarke (eds),
Organizations, Uncertainties and Risks (Boulder:
Westview Press, 1992), 39–53.
87 See B Flyvbjerg et al,
Megaprojects and Risk.
88 J Mouritsen, ‘Intellectual capital and the ‘capable firm’: narrating, visualising
and numbering for managing knowledge’,
Accounting, Organizations and
26 (2001): 735–62.
89 R Simon, ‘How risky is your company?’
Harvard Business Review 77, May/June
(1999): 85–94.
90 See D Marquand,
The Decline of the Public (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004).
91 See R Williams,
Lost Icons: reflections on cultural bereavement (London:
Continuum, 2000).
92 See D Marquand,
The Decline of the Public, p 132.
93 See U Beck, ‘Risk and power: why we need a ‘culture of uncertainty’ in EBR,
Managing Risk, pp 22–6.
94 See C Hood, ‘The risk game and the blame game’.
95 N Pidgeon and M O’Leary, ‘Man-made disasters: why technology and
organizations (sometimes) fail’,
Safety Science 34 (2000): 15–30.
96 See R Holt, ‘Risk management: the talking cure’.
97 Ibid.
98 The concept of ‘civil epistemology’ has been developed by Sheila Jasanoff.
99 See ‘Media blamed for loss of trust in government’,
Guardian, Thursday 6 May
Demos 71
72 Demos
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