Research Project Template

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Research Project Template

1. Introduction (approx. 200 words)
1.1 Background of the Study

Describe the academic and/or practical context of your research. This should set the scene
for your research and illustrate the value and relevance of your research
1.2 Problem Statement
What is the research problem – This should be deduced from the literature you have
reviewed so far. What problem is this research aim to address?
1.3 Research Questions and Hypothesis
Clearly state what you are going to explore through your research. What is your focus? What
is your aim? What question do you seek to answer?
1.4 Significance of the Study
What is the contribution of your study? – Describe how your research relates, or adds, to
existing academic research, and/or practice.
Provide a brief summary of your main findings or contributions.
1.5 Organisation of the Study
Explain (briefly) how your article is structured.

2. Literature Review (approx. 800 words)
– Clearly demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the key issues, concepts and
authoritative material relevant to the topic.
– Critically evaluate a range of relevant literature.
– Include an analyses of an appropriate theory/theories.
Clearly demonstrate how your research questions relates to the existing academic
– Include a conceptual or theoretical framework. The framework should bring together
key concepts and/or theories discussed in your literature review and demonstrate how
there relate to your research question.

3. Methodology, Methods and Ethics (approx. 300 words)
3.1 Research Design
– Outline your methodology
– Justify your choice of methods.
3.2 Sample Determination
3.3 Sample Selection Techniques
3.4 Data Collection Tools Analysis

– Explain how data was collected and analysed.
– Provide detail on what data collected.
3.5 Ethical Consideration
Reflection ethical issues and how these were mitigated.
3.6 Data Analysis

4. Findings and Discussions (approx. 900 words)

Your Findings and your analysis of them can be included in a single findings section or divided
into two separate sections (a ‘findings’ section and a ‘discussion’ section). Generally speaking
students who have collected qualitative data do the former, while students who have collected
quantitative data do the latter – your supervisor will be able to advise you on the best approach
for your project. In either case, you should:
– Present and describe any relevant data
– Outline and discuss the findings that emerge from your data
– Link your findings to existing literature and theory
The data and findings that you present MUST answer your research question/s.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations (approx. 300 words)
Brief introduction to what the chapter talks about
5.1 Conclusion
A few lines that conclude the dissertation (project). This is where you summarise the key
findings of the project. Maximum of three (3) key findings summarised.
5.2 Recommendations
Discuss the underlying issues that you concluded on with some major recommendations
from your findings.
5.3 Limitations and Future Research
Limitations: What are some of the factors that hindered the research process?
Future Research: What other research problems emerged from your findings, that require
further research?


References should include a list or sources you have used and cited in your project. You should
follow the Harvard referencing style. P lease note that your reference list is not included in the word
count but in-text citation (e.g. ‘Smith, 2009’) are included