Research Project SNA Research Paper

234 views 8:21 am 0 Comments October 20, 2023

Special Needs Assisting Level 6 (Project Guidelines) 50%
Give a brief introduction to what the project is about. (In this assignment I will be
discussing an additional need that affects language development, which is hearing
Additional Needs
¢ Introduce the additional needs that you are researching. |
e Definition of the special need should be included under this heading also. (Use
definition of the special need as a heading in your assignment)
e Discuss briefly the prevalence, causes, symptoms, or characteristics of the additional
(prevalence, causes, symptoms or characteristics should all be headings in your
e Discuss recommended treatments or therapies that are suggested to help support: the child with the particular additional need that you have chosen. (recommended
treatments or Therapies should be a heading).
e Discuss briefly the historical background of services for children with additional
needs. (Again, this is a new heading).
¢ Identify and discuss three current legislations that support the child (Each piece of
| legislation should have its own heading).
e Identify the difference between integration and inclusion in terms of special!
education. (Integration is one heading and inclusion is another). |
e Discuss any difficulties that the child may face in the mainstream educational setting.
(What you write here will depend on the additional need that you pick). Just say for
example that you pick an additional need that affects physical development, then you
might talk about access, to the classroom, wheelchairs, braces, crutches, rollators,
canes or prostheses, or those who fatigue easily may have difficulty moving around a
school campus.
If u choose an additional need that affects intellectual development, you would focus
on issues facing the relevance of mainstream curriculum, etc, as they might have
trouble reading, writing, or doing maths.
| (Whatever additional need you pick, just think about the challenges that the child
| would face trying to integrate and feel included in the educational setting).
! Educational Options
| ¢ Identify what educational opportunities are available to the children who have the
additional need you have chosen to discuss. (Discuss pre-school, primary, and secondary
| educational settings briefly outline them).