Research Methods         

201 views 7:12 am 0 Comments November 8, 2023


Business School

Assignment Details   


Module Title Research Methods         

Weighting 80%

Word Guideline 1800 words


Learning Outcomes to be Assessed: 

Knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in business and management and an ability to critically evaluate these

Responsibility for learning and demonstrate independent learning skills





Assessment Brief:



You are to undertake a research project on a subject of interest to you.  Examples include –

  • Student views on blended learning
  • Students views on the importance of academic standards in degree programmes
  • The issues international students face in adapting to UK higher education
  • Any appropriate student related topic agreed with your module tutor





  1. Give your proposal a title and develop one research question and/or research objective. (50 words)


Task 1 asks you to distinguish between the broad aim of your research and specific research questions/objectives. One objective/question is sufficient to show that you understand this distinction and to inform the rest of the assignment

  1. Undertake a short literature review. Summarise key theory and evidence relevant to your research and show the importance or benefit of your study question/objective. (400 words)


Task 2 is less concerned with content (i.e., your knowledge of the particular topic) and more concerned with the process of a critical literature review (i.e., that you know how to synthesise different sources, relate your project to debates and disagreements, and identify knowledge gaps that provide a rationale for your research objective/question). For this task, you are required to do enough additional reading to identify four or five relevant non-trivial references for use in the literature review (try to include a mix of newspaper/magazine articles, web sites, and academic journals


  1. Explain your research philosophy, strategy and methodology. In particular, comment on what makes your research positivist, phenomenological or any other philosophy you choose or a hybrid of approaches. (400 words)


Task 3 tests your ability to explain your research strategy and methodology in terms of an appropriate selection from the range of concepts introduced in the lecture course: e.g., positivist/phenomenological research; deductive/inductive approaches; theory-testing/theory-building; quantitative/qualitative data; research sample frame / sample size and so forth.

You will need to think carefully about both your research question/objective and your research philosophy/strategy/approach, as these will influence your choice of research technique in Task 5.

  1. Discuss and reflect on the ethical implications of your research. (150 words)


Task 4 ensures that you understand and have learned how to comply with the University’s procedures for ensuring that proposed research complies with prevailing ethical standards.

  1. Discuss and critically justify (referenced) your design of an effective data collection method to research the question/objective you specified and in keeping with your research strategy. Pilot your data collection method with a sample of 10 students to collect your data. (300 words plus questionnaire/interview schedule)


Show as an Appendix an example of any data collection questionnaires or documentation you would use

Task 5 tests your ability to design a research instrument to implement your chosen research methodology and so answer your question/meet your objective.

  1. Analyse data obtained Q5 and in light of your aims, philosophy and issues of reliability and validity discuss your findings and conclusions

(300 words)

Task 6 tests your ability to understand and justify and interpret appropriate data analysis methods

  1. Critically evaluate your research proposal by reflecting on the appropriateness of your research philosophy and methodology in relation to alternatives approaches. (200 words)

Task 7 demonstrates your ability to reflect critically upon the strengths and weaknesses of your research strategy, methodology and research instrument in terms of theory and in light of lessons learned during the pilot data collection and analysis phases of the research.



Assessment Criteria


Class Grade Point % Criteria
1 15 77+ ·            Demonstrates a high degree of perception and originality. 

·            Is factually faultless and comprehensive in coverage of the salient points. 

·            Shows complete comprehension of material and exceptional insight in interpretation/analysis/evaluation.

·            Evidence of extensive appropriate wider reading and independent research. 

·            Arguments supported by examples/evidence/case law.

·            Structure/grammar/referencing outstanding. 

14 74-76 ·         Demonstrates perception and originality.

·         Factually sound and comprehensive in coverage of salient points.

·         Shows considerable understanding of relevant material.

·         Outstanding interpretation/analysis/evaluation.

·         Evidence of considerable wider reading and independent research.

·         Relevant use of examples.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing outstanding.

13 70-73 ·         Demonstrates some perception and originality.

·         Is factually sound and covers most salient points.

·         Shows a high level of understanding of relevant material with excellent interpretation/analysis/evaluation of the material.

·         Evidence of considerable wider reading and independent research.

·         Relevant use of examples/evidence/case law.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing outstanding.

2.1 12 67-69 ·         A comprehensive answer but with limited insight or originality.

·         Demonstrates a firm understanding of the material with no significant errors or inaccuracies.

·         Interpretation/analysis/evaluation very good.

·         Relevant use of examples

·         Evidence of appropriate wider reading and independent research.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing of a high standard.

11 63-66 ·         A good answer but with little evidence of insight or originality.

·         Demonstrates a firm understanding of the material with few errors, inaccuracies or omissions.

·         Interpretation/analysis/evaluation good.

·         Relevant use of examples.

·         Evidence of appropriate wider reading and independent research.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing of a high standard.

10 60-62 ·         A good answer but with very little evidence of insight or originality.

·         Demonstrates understanding of the material but may have some errors, inaccuracies or omissions.

·         Interpretation/analysis/evaluation generally good.

·         Use of examples reasonable.

·         Evidence of appropriate wider reading and independent research.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing of a good standard.




Class Grade Point % Criteria
2.2 9 57-59 ·         A competent answer but with no evidence of insight or originality.

·         Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the material but with some errors, inaccuracies or omissions.

·         Interpretation/analysis/evaluation present but not highly developed.

·         Some use of appropriate examples.

·         Reliance on lecture notes evident. 

·         Limited evidence of reading beyond basic module texts.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing of a moderate standard.

8 53-56 ·         A competent answer demonstrating satisfactory understanding of the material but with errors, inaccuracies or omissions.

·         Interpretation/analysis/evaluation weak.

·         Little use of appropriate examples.

·         Significant reliance on lecture notes.

·         Only basic texts consulted.

·         Some statements unsubstantiated.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing of a moderate/weak standard.

7 50-52 ·         A competent answer demonstrating only a basic understanding.

·         Material mostly relevant but with errors, inaccuracies and omissions.

·         Some interpretation/analysis/evaluation but shallow and poorly substantiated.

·         Limited use of relevant examples.

·         Significant reliance on lecture notes.

·         Only basic texts consulted.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing of a moderate/weak standard.

3 6 47-49 ·         Mostly relevant answer but with numerous omissions.

·         Some factual errors and only an adequate understanding of material.

·         Interpretation/analysis/evaluation shallow and poorly substantiated.

·         Limited use of relevant examples.

·         Very few basic texts consulted.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing flawed.

5 43-46 ·         Mostly relevant answer but with significant omissions and factual errors.

·         Poor understanding of material.

·         Interpretation/analysis/evaluation simplistic with little substantiation.

·         Limited use of relevant examples.

·         Very little evidence of reading even of basic texts.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing flawed.

4 40-42 ·         Some relevant material but with major omissions and inaccuracies.

·         Limited in understanding.

·         Interpretation/analysis/evaluation weak and unsubstantiated.

·         Poor use of relevant examples.

·         Very little evidence of any reading.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing poor.

Compensatable Fail 3 30-39 ·         Answer has some relevance but with major omissions and/or inaccuracies.

·         Demonstrates some/partial understanding but lacks material to answer the question.

·         Interpretative/analytical/evaluative skills very weak.

·         No evidence of reading at an appropriate level.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing poor.

·         Poor use of examples

2 20-29 ·         Largely irrelevant.

·         Only partial understanding of the question.

·         Very weak interpretative/analytical/evaluative skills.

·         Lacking in material to answer the question.

·         Considerable errors and inaccuracies.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing very poor.

·         Very poor or non-existent use of examples.

Non-Compensatable Fail 1 1-19 ·         Almost totally irrelevant.

·         The bulk of the answer is a misunderstanding of the question.

·         Extremely limited interpretative/analytical/evaluative skills.

·         Unacceptably brief/or unacceptably verbose.

·         Mostly inaccurate and erroneous.

·         Structure/grammar/referencing very poor.