Research Design and Delivery

67 views 8:37 am 0 Comments April 19, 2023

Assessment Information/Brief 2022-23

To be used for all types of assessment and provided to students at the start of the module.

Information provided should be compatible with the detail contained in the approved module specification although may contain more information for clarity.

Module title Research Design and Delivery
CRN 53104, 53173
Level 7
Assessment title Research Presentation
Weighting within module This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.
Module Leader/Assessment set by Dr Zeljka Krpetic, Module Leader
Submission deadline date and time

All presentations will be delivered during scheduled sessions held in week 33.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Please submit your Research Presentation slides by uploading them to the Assessment folder via the Blackboard site by Tuesday 18th April 2023, 4.00 PM.

Presentations will take place on campus, between Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Final assessment schedule will be released via Blackboard announcement to all students closer to the assessment deadline.

Students are advised to put a placeholder for these two days, until the detailed assessment time is confirmed to all.

For coursework assessments only: students with a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP) or Carer Support Plan should check your plan to see if an extension to this submission date has been agreed.

How to submit

You should submit your Presentation slides by uploading them to the Assessment folder via the Blackboard site by, and no later than Tuesday 18th April 2023, 4.00 PM.

Please submit your slides here (PPT and PDF files preferred):

Research Design & Delivery > Assessment

You will then deliver your presentation during the scheduled session (live presentation non campus) in week 33 and you will be assessed by the tutors on the module using the marking scheme provided.

The rooms and times of the presentation will be communicated via the module Blackboard site in due time, and confirmed by the module leader and/or your assigned tutor.

Please note that anonymous marking is not applicable for this type of assessment – you are required to include your name and your degree on the first slide of your presentation for identification purposes.

Assessment task details and instructions

You are required to deliver an individual presentation that:

summarises and interprets results from the research activities that you have been undertaking within your subject-specific part of the Research Design and Delivery module (assigned stream); and

proposes, with appropriate justification, an appropriate design for a follow-on study.

You will deliver your presentation during a dedicated session that will be scheduled in week 33. You will be presenting to a small group of your fellow students and academics, and presentations will be live on campus.

Your presentation should be strictly up to 15 minutes in length. Please note that you will be stopped after 15 minutes, irrespective of whether you have finished. There will then be up to 5 minutes of questions from the examiners.

The precise structure of the presentation is up to you, but it should include:

Title slide with your name

A brief (1 slide) introduction to the topic (research background)

A summary of the research undertaken to date (wider research context)

Presentation and discussion of findings

Your proposed follow-on study design:

Rationale for selecting this follow-on study

Aim and objectives

Methodology or methodologies (with justification and recognition of any limitations)

Reference list for any literature cited within the presentation

Your presentation should be developed using MS PowerPoint, to ensure that contents do not move due to formatting, please submit your slides in a PDF format (File > Save As.. > .PDF)

To do well in this assessment you need to remember the following points:

Adopt a clear and logical structure for your presentation

Keep text on presentation slides to a minimum. Use figures and tables where appropriate to communicate your ideas. Rather than writing text to explain an idea, it can be more effective to develop a diagram to explain something.

Your presentation will be time-limited (15 minutes), so restrict the number of slides that you use. Any more than 15 slides is likely to result in your presentation overrunning.

Practice your presentation to ensure that you are able to complete within 15 minutes.

Your presentation should not feel rushed so, if your presentation cannot be finished in the time available, you will need to identify ways of conveying ideas more quickly. You may also need to cut back on some of the content.

Avoid reading – Whilst it is tempting to write out and read from a script, this is not a good way to engage your audience. If you feel you need notes with you, restrict them to a few words that will jog your memory if you forget the point that you wish to make.

You are encouraged to generate your own figures and schemes for presentation, particularly useful tool you are advised to use is drawing software (free for use for students). If you are including graphics taken from external sources, they must be appropriately referenced.

Audio and Video – If you wish to, you can include audio and/or video within your presentation. However, be careful not to spend too much time on this within the presentation.

Ensure that all citations and references are formatted using the Harvard system.

Arrive on time (usually 15 min ahead of the assessment session start) so you can upload your presentation and check through the slides to ensure that everything is displayed as you expect it to be before you start presenting.

Familiarise yourselves with the assessment criteria by consulting the marking scheme as early as possible.

When developing your following on study please be mindful of the weighting assessment of this component (40%) and ensure that significant research is evidenced and/or thorough justification/attention to detail when following on design proposal is included. Also allow appropriate time for delivery of this component, proportionate to the assessment weighting. Following on study part including ideas repeated from the guided seminars only might be scored low during assessments – please attend the guided seminars and tutor workshops to discuss and develop your ideas around the following on study design proposal.

Assessment Criteria

Familiarise yourselves with the assessment criteria by consulting the marking scheme as early as possible.

When developing your following on study please be mindful of the weighting assessment of this component (40%) and ensure that significant research is evidenced and/or thorough justification/attention to detail when following on design proposal is included. Also allow appropriate time for delivery of this component, proportionate to the assessment weighting. Following on study part including ideas repeated from the guided seminars only might be scored low during assessments – please attend the guided seminars and tutor workshops to discuss and develop your ideas around the following on study design proposal.

Knowledge and Understanding

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific SkillsAssessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of issues relating to research design and methodologies.

2. Evaluate current research, apply relevant methodologies, prepare results and communicate findings in an appropriate format for the target audience

3. Identify and implement key steps in the research design process

4. Effectively communicate findings to an academic/professional audience.

Transferable Skills and other Attributes

5. The ability to gather, manipulate and interpret relevant data taking account of uncertainties, assumptions, and actions in the absence of complete data.

6. The capacity to critically review, synthesise and integrate information from a variety of credible sources in an applied context.

7. The ability to learn and work autonomously and as a member of a team in planning and implementing tasks.Employability Skills developed / demonstrated

Communication YES

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving YES

Data Literacy YES

Digital Literacy YES

Industry Awareness YES

Innovation and Creativity YES

Proactive Leadership YES

Reflection and Life-Long Learning YES

Self-management and Organisation YES

Team Working YES (*stream dependent activities might allow for team working skills development)

Word count/ duration (if applicable)The maximum duration of your presentation is 15 minutes.

You will be stopped after 15 minutes if your presentation has not finished; any material that you have not covered within this time will not be considered within the assessment.Feedback arrangementsThe formative assessment (practice for success) for this module is delivery of a draft version of your presentation in the final timetabled workshop. Please ensure attendance to receive verbal feedback on your work from your assigned tutor. There will be no written feedback provision or draft folder submission set up on Blackboard.

You should use this feedback to enhance your presentation prior to delivery of your summative assessment.Academic Integrity and ReferencingStudents are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students need:

Academic integrity & referencing


Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously. Assessment Information and SupportSupport for this Assessment

You can obtain support for this assessment by reading all the assessment information available via the module Blackboard site, attending lectures and engaging with practical sessions, guided seminars and tutorial workshops.

The RDD Blackboard site provides detailed guidance on how to do well in this assignment.

In addition to the support provided through the formative assessment process, you can:

speak to your assigned tutor for further advice

Email the Stream leaders for stream-specific questions or Module Coordinator

Contact the Module Leader Dr Zeljka Krpetic to arrange an appropriate time to meet with her office hours (face to face or by MS Teams) for any general module and assessment-related questions.

You will generally receive a response to emails within 3 working days.

You can find more information about understanding your assessment brief and assessment tips for success here.

Assessment Rules and Processes

You can find information about assessment rules and processes in Blackboard in the Assessment Support module.

Develop your Academic and Digital Skills

Find resources to help you develop your skills here.

Concerns about Studies or Progress

If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Academic Progress Review Tutor/Personal Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator (SPA).

askUS Services

The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS including Disability and Learner Support, Wellbeing and Counselling Services.

Personal Mitigating Circumstances (PMCs)

If personal mitigating circumstances (e.g. illness or other personal circumstances) may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about the Personal Mitigating Circumstances Procedure here. Independent advice is available from the Students’ Union Advice Centre about this process. Click here for an appointment to speak to an adviser or email [email protected].

Please note that PMC for Late submission does not apply for this type of assessment. You can only apply for PMC for none submissions and attend the assessment in the resit period, if your PMC request is accepted. In Year Retrieval SchemeYour assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval. ReassessmentIf you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will be required to undertake the assessment again taking account of any feedback provided during the first marked submission. The submission date/reassessment date will be communicated to you following the relevant Examination Board meeting, in agreement with External Examiners.

The same instructions as per regular submission apply, i.e. the reassessment task is the same as the summative assessment.

For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances (PMC) for none submission, this will be your replacement assessment attempt. 

All assignments submitted after the deadline, i.e. in the late submission period up to 7 days late will be capped to pass mark (50), as a single fixed penalty for late submission.

For PMC purposes you can self-certify one instance of sickness of up to 7 days in any 12-month period.


The next available reassessment period (July/August 2023 – dates will be confirmed via Blackboard). 

For students taking the RDD module in T1, you should be able to resubmit/be reassessed earlier so you can progress to project as soon as possible. This is usually organised in March, dates will be confirmed via Blackboard following the relevant Exam Board meeting.

We know that having to undergo a reassessment can be challenging however support is available. Have a look at all the sources of support outlined earlier in this brief and refer to the Personal Effectiveness resources.