Report Structure

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Assessment 2 Q&A
~Strategic Human Resource Management~
Capstone Assessment: Case study report (Written Report) 55% – 3000 words (plus 10%)
Due Date – Thursday, 23
rd Feb 2023 (Week 7)
Report Structure
Title page – Include the title for Assignment 1, your name, student number, word count etc.
Executive summary – (keep it to one page only!)
Table of contents
Body – Will include various discussion/analysis under various headings and sub-headings
Recommendations and conclusion
Appendix (optional) – If you wish to include any additional information, can also include tables and/or figures if
you have not included them in the body of the assignment.
Please refer to the report template available in Assessment 2 instructions.
The introduction page, executive summary, table of contents, reference list and appendix does not include in
the word count
Makes sure you have numbered every figure and/or table and provide its source (i.e., reference)
What is required in A2?
Read the following case study:
Richards, J 2022, ‘Putting employees at the centre of sustainable HRM: A review, map and research agenda‘, Employee
Relations: The International Journal
, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 533-554, DOI:10.1108/ER-01-2019-0037.
What does the author argue? Sustainable HRM is built on the principles of Strategic HRM and focuses on broad
organisational goals
where employee interests are privileged over “employer agendas” or “business” goals. Central to this
approach, however, is the link between
HRM and sustainability.
What is Assessment 2 asking you to do?
Critically evaluate your organisation’s strategic HRM approach (or any organisation you are familiar with) by examining its
policies, practices and procedures.
Focus on the employee-centred sustainable HRM practices as discussed by Richards (2020) that are relevant to your
Key questions that you need to find answers to – for
your understanding and how these relate to your
1) What is sustainability?
2) What are UN sustainable development goals? (also
known as Agenda 2030) – look at the 17 goals.
3) What is sustainable HRM? (as discussed by
Richards, 2022)
4) What is an employee-centred sustainable HRM
5) How is sustainable HRM linked to strategic HRM?
6) What are some of the barrier to employee-centred
sustainable HRM?
My advice – It is not necessary that your organisation
has to OR must have sustainable goals or a
sustainability strategy to have sustainable HRM. Even
though, it is better, if there is a connection between
the two, the two can be mutually exclusive!
Sustainable HRM
Sustainable HRM – economic,
social/human and environmental
E.g. – decent work, better working
condition for employees, inclusion
of diverse employees, work-life
balance, mental health, etc.
Sustainable HRM
Sustainable HRM – economic, social/human and environmental outcomes.
E.g. – decent work, better working condition for employees, inclusion of diverse
employees, work-life balance, mental health, inclusion of skills in competency
framework, cascading environmental goals through performance development plans
How can HR be an intermediary?
How do you structure A2?
Background of your organisation.
This is also a good section to elaborate briefly if your organisation has any sustainability strategy, vision or goals either, more broadly and generally OR
specifically just in terms of its strategic HRM.
Characteristic 1 in XYZ Organisation
Critically evaluate C1 in context of your organisation’s HR policies, practices and procedures
Characteristics 2 in XYZ Organisation
Critically evaluate C2 in context of your organisation’s HR policies, practices and procedures
Characteristic 3 in XYZ Organisation
Critically evaluate C3 in context of your organisation’s HR policies, practices and procedures
Recommendations and Conclusion (the two sections can be together or separate)
Provide tangible actions that your chosen organisation can adopt in achieving its sustainable HRM outcomes.
How your recommendations will help the organisation achieve its strategic goals and objectives.
What do you need to do to succeed?
FAQs (please see the next slides)
1) Do I need to obtain consent from my organisation?
Ans.) No you can deidentify your organisation (use pseudonym) – you need to write this assignment based on your own
knowledge and experience of working in your organisation as well as your ability to conduct sound research. If you
wish, you can informally, talk to your manager/HR department about your organisation’s HR practices so you can use
that knowledge to write your assignment. However, it is not a requirement of this assignment for you to obtain formal
consent and/or collect any primary data – please avoid this and try to use publicly available resources.
2) How do I reference when I explain/discuss my organisation’s HR policies and practices?
Ans.) You do not need any references here, just explain/discuss this without any references. However, when you
critically analyse this information, there’s where you can bring your research and use references to engage in critical
3) Can I write my assignment in first-person writing style?
Ans.) It is recommended that you write in third-person writing style. This is “best practice” in academic writing.
4) In what format should I write/submit my assignment on Moodle?
Ans.) Microsoft Word format is preferred.
FAQs (please see the next slides)
5) What do I do if do not wish to reveal my organisation’s name?
Ans.) Please use pseudonyms (e.g., ABC Corp)
6) My organisation is too large/is global, can I focus on a specific division, business unit or department?
Ans.) Yes
7) You mentioned HR policies, practices and procedures. Do I need to talk about all the three areas?
Ans.) For this assignment, the terms “HR policies, practices and procedures” are used interchangeably. It is up to you as
to how broad or specific you wish to go into HRM. For example, HR practices include standard HRM practices like,
recruitment & selection, training, career development, performance appraisal, employee engagement etc.
Furthermore, HR policies may include a specific policy under any of the aforementioned HR practices. For example, a
succession planning policy under the career development practice. Finally, HR procedure may refer to standard
operating procedures (SOPs) or any other specific activity.
Good research is important – for example:
Refer to theories and concepts
Use literature to strengthen critical analysis
Conextualisation is important – give examples from your organisation.
Consider including contemporary debates – how are things done differently post
pandemic or align your discussion to UN SDGs? What has become more important
or less important? What’s relevant?
AIB Style guide is very important – section 11 on various referencing examples