Report and Reflection on Engineering Ethics

96 views 7:06 am 0 Comments March 30, 2023

Assignment 1 – Report and Reflection on Engineering Ethics
Value: (25%) ULO: 1,4 Group or individual: Individual This assessment represents 25% of your mark for this unit and comprises of: Written report (20%) Reflective activity (5%) This assessment is an Individual report on Engineering Ethics of 2000 – 2500 words followed by a reflective activity of around 300 words.
Individual Report
You are required to: Review the Engineering Australia Code of Ethics and then choose an industrial accident to research and critically evaluate in relation to the Code of Ethics in Engineering.
Scenario: You are an engineer working with a team involved in investigations into harmful and dangerous incidents in your company. You have been tasked with writing a report on Engineering Australia’s Code of Ethics in relation to a specific at the company. The report is to be addressed to the consultative committee for the investigation of the specific incident.
Discuss the unethical behaviours which may have contributed to the incident. Consider how these behaviours may have breached the Engineer’s Australia Code of Ethics, and what pressures and motivations may have contributed to the unethical behaviours. Describe the realistic actions that could have been taken to avoid the incident and provide recommendations for future practice.