Reflect on your own learning

143 views 9:21 am 0 Comments March 23, 2023

9:13 0 CI MA Lk MI ’21 41 CI
You will reflect on your own learning as an artist and discuss how this learning can be applied to your practice as an educator, making connections to the unit readings and resources.
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While you should start with a collection of your explorations and material inquiries in the unit, your visual journal is NOT a collection of everything that you have done through the unit. It should be carefully prepared around the concept that emerged for you through the unit. Remember: this journal is about: 1. You as an artist and your personal experiences with materials
2. How you connect those experiences to the unit readings and resources
3. How you will use this knowledge and applying it to an Early Childhood Setting, in your work with young children.
To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions. 111 In week 1, start a Padlet or similar digital tool to start collecting examples of your artistic explorations throughout the sessions. If you are completing in-class activities throughout the unit, you will be doing a lot of the work for this assessment task as you go. 0 As you work through the sessions, document, document, document! You will document your activities, responses to readings, artistic explorations and material inn! iiripc Ilnri impnt yr, it nwn PY n In ra t inn c