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BABC011, CCOF001, DADC001, IITC001, SATC001



Assessment Item Name




Due Date

Sunday Week 5

Assessment item description

A description of the assessment item is as follows:

NOTE: You must attempt all answers. Sections with unanswered questions will not pass the corresponding criterion.

In this assessment, you will

read a prescribed discipline-specific text

read a text that you independently found in the UTS library (one that explicitly relates to the prescribed discipline-specific text)

watch a video that you sourced (one that explicitly relates to the prescribed discipline-specific text)

answer questions 

write a references list

Each section of the assessment relates to an SLO and a criterion.

NOTE: The prescribed discipline-specific text is an essential reading for Assessment 3 and Assessment 4 and must be referred to in these assessments. Therefore, pay particular attention to Question 6.

Subject learning outcomes (SLOs)& Language learning outcomes (LLOs)

On successful completion of this assessment item, you should achieve the following outcomes:



purposefully select, and critically evaluate meaning-making in, a range of relevant texts

systematically apply academic conventions to maintain academic integrity

Assessment item brief

For this assessment item, you are required to do the following:

Use three texts to answer all the questions in the template below. All texts must be on the same topic:

The prescribed discipline-specific reading.

An additional reading that you found independently in the UTS Library(one that explicitly relates to the prescribed discipline-specific text); and

A video that you found independently (YouTube/Ted Talk) (one that explicitly relates to the prescribed discipline-specific text).

You have two options on how to submit your completed template:

Option A: submit the completed template as a Word document.

Option B: submit a video recording which answers all the questions/tasks from the template (with each question on its own PowerPoint slide).

Assessment item submission requirements

For this assessment item you are required to submit the following:


Complete all sections.


Sections 1 – 4 relate to the prescribed discipline-specific reading.

Section 5 relates to your two independently sourced texts.

Section 6 relates to academic integrity


Your writing or speaking skills are not graded in this assessment. However, your teacher must be able to understand your meaning.

You must attempt every question.


Tasks are color-coded to reflect the stage in the course they are discussed:

blue best reflects representational meanings

pink best reflects interpersonal meanings

yellow best represents organisational meanings

You can complete the relevant questions as soon as the meaning has been discussed in your tutorial.

Each section is related to a corresponding criterion.

Reading Table

Note: When you copy directly from any reading or video, you must use quotation marks (“……”) and a citation with a page number.

For example:

Movement through exhibition spaces of an art museum is generally a taken-for-granted phenomenon” (McMurtrie, 2022, p. 94).


McMurtrie (2022, p. 94) states that “movement through exhibition spaces of an art museum is generally a taken-for-granted phenomenon”.

Section 1: SLO 1 Criterion 1: identify and explain main points, opinions, and supporting information


Answer all THREE (3) parts

What is the main argument, aim or claim (in the prescribed discipline-specific reading? Provide a quote (“…” + citation + page number);explain the quote in your own words. Do not use the original words; demonstrate you have understood the quote.

What is the main conclusion of the prescribed discipline-specific reading? Provide a quote (“…” + citation + page number); explain the quote in your own words. Do not use the original words; demonstrate you have understood the quote.

What are two main discipline-specific words? Provide definitions from the reading (“…” + citations + page number), if possible, and explain the (quoted) definitions in your own words. Do not use the original words; demonstrate you have understood the quote.

Main argument/point

Quote: “The purpose of the article is to explore the recent rise in protectionism.” (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 325)

Own words: the author focused on examining the main reason behind increasing protectionism from last few decades.


Quote: “This article has examined the concept of Global protectionism, a growing phenomenon in the global economy.” (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 324)

Own words: through reading it was concluded that increasing protectionism at the global level contributes global economy of the country.

Discipline-specific words



Quote “….” + citation if possible

Explanation of the definition/quote in my own words



Wayfinding may be defined as the “process of moving from a current location to a destination” (Adler-Milstein et al., as cited in McMurtrie, 2022, p. 96).

Wayfinding refers to how we move from where we are at one point in time to another place at another time, so moving from here to there.



Protectionism is considered as a government policy that promotes domestic trade by restricting international trade.

Protectionism restricts international trade and restrict the economic growth and development of a country.



Globalization is a process that allows people and goods to move easily move across borders.

Globalization promotes international trade that facilitates the movement of goods across national boundaries.


Answer all THREE (3) parts

List two (2) quotes that the writer(s) present(s) as opinions (“…..” + citations + page number).

Identify the language that makes them an opinion.

Explain why it is not a fact.


Identify the language

It is not a fact because …


a [multiple] methodological approach is necessary” (McMurtrie, 2022, p. 95).


the adjective ‘necessary’ cannot be proven when it describes an approach, unlike water, which is necessary to live; it is only McMurtrie (2022) who thinks it is necessary to have a multiple approach. A single approach might equally be useful.


is unlikely

to be accepted by others and could be expected to trigger retaliation” (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 324)


The accepted word here indicates that it is not necessary to be accepted by others to protect the domestic market by offering access to a foreign market that offers more benefits.



may be necessary to shelter the emerging industry from overseas competition”. (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 327)


The statement shows that in a developing country to introduce a new industry it may be necessary to give shelter according to competition in the global market.


Answer TWO (2) of the following:

Identify TWO (2) examples, illustrations, tables, objects, data, statistics, advertisements, etc. that the writer uses in the prescribed discipline-specific reading to support/illustrate the argument/claim? (Citation + page number). How do they support the argument/claim (in Q1)?

Name TWO (2) external sources that the writer has referred to as evidence to support the writer’s claims. Quote(“…” + citation + page number) the evidence and explain the quote in your own words. Explain how this information supports the writer’s main argument / claim (in Q1)?

To what extent do each of the opinions (in Q2) support or mitigate the writer’s argument / claim (in Q1)? Be detailed.

Write about TWO(2) of the following


The writer used a table showing comparison between traditional protectionism and global protectionism. Where in traditional protectionism there were fewer restrictions on trade, tariff, and movement of goods whereas in global protectionism it is evolving and resulted in increasing protection (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 332).

External sources:

Different sources were used by the writer to conclude and in preparation of the comparison table, sources of protectionist sentiment is included. Traditional protectionism indicates economic weakness for example it is explained that business organisations fear international competition. Whereas in global protectionism it indicates economic growth and strength, for example, Russia and Venezuela own strength as they were commodity exporters and France shows weakness where the government had fear of losing national prestige and employment in the competitive market.


The writer focused on examining situations where global protectionism is increasing and at last in conclusion it is analysed that global protectionism is a broader term that covers more geographical areas, measures applied, concerns, etc. It is also analyzed that global protectionism could have offered more benefits comparatively with the help of government support.

Section 2: SLO 1 Criterion 2: evaluate texts for quality, reliability, relevance


Answer TWO (2) of the following:

To what extent is the prescribed discipline-specific reading current? To what extent is the information accurate and relevant today? Explain. Provide evidence from the text (+ citation + page number)and real-world examples.

What type of source is the text? Who are the writer and publisher? Are they reputable? Has the writer referred to reputable sources? Explain and provide evidence from the text(citation + page number).

Why did the writer publish the prescribed discipline-specific reading? – To provide information, to persuade, to entertain, to sell? Is there a “hidden agenda”. Explain and provide evidence from the text(+citation and page number).

Write about TWO(2) of the following

a. Currency: all information shared in the article is cited by the writer. The article is based on evaluating the reasons that increased Global protectionism where countries also focus on promoting domestic industries by restricting international trade. Domestic industries contribute to promoting economic growth and development that support the country to grow. Economic nationalism is also considered as a policy that emphasizes promoting domestic and economic activities and is considered different from liberalism.

b. Reputation

c. Purpose: the writer published this article to examine factors that contributed to increasing protectionism, and to examine the difference between traditional and global protectionism. Some of the major factors are liberalization and globalization which resulted in removing poverty from India and China. The rapid changes in the trade success also resulted in the growth of China and India which impacted the world economic structure, and both countries contributed half of the World GDP that include export of about 40% (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 332).


Answer ONE (1) of the following:

What is the scope of the prescribed discipline-specific reading (limitations – context, data, sample size, etc.)? That is, what is the extent of the area or subject matter that the writer is focusing on?

To what extent does this scope make the findings/results and conclusion of the text reliable or unreliable?

What is the methodology/approach/theory that has been used in the prescribed discipline-specific reading?

To what extent does this methodology / approach / theory make the findings / results and conclusion of the text reliable or unreliable?

Write about ONE (1) of the following (only an OR b):

Scope: scope of the article included an understanding of global protectionism.

Reliability: it is concluded that global protectionism is increasing and is also contributing to improving economic conditions.

Methodology/ approach / theory



Answer all THREE (3) parts

Write your preliminary research question for either Assessment 3 or Assessment 4.

Provide a quote from the prescribed discipline-specific reading (“….” + citation + page number) that you can use in your assessments.

Explain why/how you might use this quote in your assessments. Be explicit. How does it support your claims and help to answer your research question?

Preliminary research question: Who says it is a problem?

Quote: “Furthermore, this problem is compounded by interpretive problems.” (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 334)

Explanation: the writer discussed interpretive problems and considered global

protectionist policies implementation as a problem.

Section 3: SLO 1 Criterion 3: make inferences, identify and explain the bias, reading position


Answer all THREE (3) parts

Who might be the intended audience of the prescribed discipline-specific reading? List three. Do not write ‘student’ ‘researcher’, ‘people’, ‘children’; be specific.

Justify your answer by highlighting words or phrases in quotes from the text(“…” + citations + page number). The audience and the highlighting should link.

Explain how you inferred the audience.


Words/phrases from the text to indicate the audience



Indigenous peoples

Imperialism frames the indigenous experience” (Smith, 2014, p. 57).

Smith’s (2104) article is about the subjugation of the Indigenous people of Australia, so they would most likely want to know Smith’s views.


address problems

“We also need to address problems of aggregation and reaction. (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 334)

In the article address is used to indicates problems related to aggregation and reaction.


Interpretive Issues

“Interpretive Issues (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 334)

The writer used interpretive issues is used to explain informative issues.


cultural traits

“past historical experiences or distinct social

and cultural traits could affect the propensity to adopt protectionist measures.” (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 333)

The writer used trait words to explain different characteristics or features that are part of the culture.


Answer all THREE (3) parts

Write a very brief ‘biography’ of the writer in your own words + citation[where you got the information from] (approximately 25-50 words).

Find a quote (“…” + citation+ page number) in the prescribed discipline-specific reading that may indicate potential bias, stereotyping, or conflict of interest, based on the information in the biography.

Explain why this quote is biased – refer to something in the biography or to general issues of bias/stereotyping to support your claim.

Biography: Peter Enderwick is a professor of International business at Auckland University of Technology. He was interested in researching globalization, labor, emerging economies and the market.

Biased quote: “This is not to deny that governments could do better in highlighting the advantages of globalization and in ensuring a more equitable distribution of such benefits. “

Explanation: according to the writer government should have made extra efforts that could have contributed to economic growth but citizens should also focus on taking initiatives to support the country to grow and achieve a competitive position.


Answer all FOUR (4) parts

What is your reading position regarding the prescribed discipline-specific reading?

Do you agree/disagree with any of the points the writer makes? Provide at least one (1) point as a quote (“…” + citation + page number).

Write the meaning of the quote in your own words. Do not use the original words; demonstrate you have understood the quote.

Why do you agree / disagree with the quote? Talk about your self-bias.

Reading Position: Citizen

Quote: “The rapid growth and trade success of emerging economies such as China and India has created a fundamental change in the structure of the world economy, with emerging markets now accounting for half of world gross domestic product (GDP) (at purchasing power parity rates) and over 40% of world exports.” (Peter Enderwick, 2011, p. 332)

Own words: the quote states that increasing international trade supported emerging economic countries like India and China to gain competitive position. Half of the world’s GDP includes contribution from India and China even 40% of the export is also by both countries.

Why agree / disagree: I agree with the quote stated in the article that increasing international trade support countries in economic growth and development. It also contributes in increasing the spending capacity of the people living in a specific country.

Section 4: SLO 1 Criterion 4: identify logical relations


How does the prescribed discipline-specific reading relate to texts in your other subjects. (Name the subject; provide the name of the text; cite the texts and include them in the references).

Confirmations (do the texts say the same or similar things – provide details)? 

Contradictions (do the texts say opposite things – provide details)?

Note: if the prescribed discipline-specific reading does not relate, state why.

Text 1: The prescribed discipline-specific text relates to [Ambiguity Issues (Marchick, 2007], which we had to read in [Economics], in that it was analyzed that promoting trade across national boundaries support countries in economic growth and development that empower country and support country to achieve a competitive position.

Text 2: The prescribed discipline-specific text relates to [name of text (Author, date)], which we had to read in [name of the Subject], in that it/they…..


Answer BOTH (2) parts

How is the prescribed discipline-specific reading organised?Do not write “introduction, body, conclusion”. Write about the content, the progression of the argument, the experiment, the report, etc. Demonstrate that you have understood the content of the text.

Explain why the writer might have organized the information in this way.

The reading begins by focusing on the concept of global protectionism, It then moves on to economic nationalism and protectionism, where it also focused on analyzing the movement of trade protectionism to global protectionism. After that, it included forms, source, and basis for protectionism, and writer also focused on finding determinants of global protectionism that include issues. In the final part of the text, the writer concluded all findings made in the subsections discussed in the report to make it easy to understand.

Explanation: the writer include all important information related to the topic in the article to better understand the main purpose or reason behind increasing global protectionism and how it is impacting economy and performance of countries.

Section 5: SLO 1 Criterion 5: locate, select, and then evaluate a range of texts relevant to research needs


Answer these questions for each of your two independently sourced texts:

Provide a summary of the content of the texts [50 words]).

Very briefly explain how they are relevant to your personal, study, and/or work needs and how they relate to the prescribed discipline-specific reading.

Briefly demonstrate that they are reliable sources of information by undertaking a CRAP test. Be explicit, critical and convincing. Develop your answers.

Reading from the UTS Library

Author and year

Peter Enderwick, 2011


Through article analysis it is concluded that there are various factors that contribute to gradual increase of Global protectionism. The writer also stated that is difficult to find any theoretical support, because it has sound arguments that resist Global protectionism. Different issues are also discussed in the article in context of Global protectionism.


The specific reading offered a detailed understanding of increasing Global protectionism which is promoting trade across national boundaries and it can support domestic organizations to grow.






Video (YouTube; TED Talk)

Author (Speaker) and year








Note: don’t forget to put these two sources in the references list.

Section 6: SLO 3 Criterion 1: apply APA 7th edition style referencing conventions


References: use APA 7th edition style.

Write the references list under the heading References

Note: there should be at least five references:

the prescribed discipline-specific reading;

the two readings in your other subjects (if Q10 was answered);

the reading that you independently located in the UTS library;

the video that you independently located; and

(any other text that you may have referred to in this assessment)

Use the APA PDF guide to help you format the references.

Make sure your reference list is left-aligned, double spaced, and in alphabetical order (A, B, C, D, based on the writer’s family name) hanging. Provide URLs as hyperlinks if possible. Do not use bold face.


Peter Enderwick, 2011. Understanding the Rise of Global Protectionism.[Online][Accessed Through] URL [7th April 2023]

Arlington, VA: National Foundation for American Policy.

Marchick, D. (2007, January). Swinging the pendulum too far: An analysis of the CIFUS process post-Dubai ports world. NFAP Policy Brief.

Assessment item grading criteria

For this assessment item, you will be graded according the following criteria:








Identify and explain opinions, main points, and supporting information

Identify and explain opinions, main points and supporting information

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates more than adequately the ability to Identify and explain opinions, main points and supporting information. This means that all the questions have been answered mostly convincingly and the answers are generally well-developed, and the issue well-explored.

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

The task demonstrates adequately the ability to Identify and explain opinions, main points, and supporting information. This means that all the questions have been answered somewhat convincingly, and some answers show some development.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

Evaluate texts for quality, reliability, relevance

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates more than adequately the ability to evaluate texts for quality, reliability, relevance. This means that all the questions have been answered mostly convincingly and the answers are generally well-developed, and the issue well-explored.

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

The task demonstrates adequately the ability to evaluate texts for quality, reliability, and relevance. This means that all the questions have been answered somewhat convincingly, and some answers show some development.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

Make inferences and identify and explain bias, reading position

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates more than adequately the ability to make inferences and identify and explain the bias, and reading position. This means that all the questions have been answered mostly convincingly and the answers are generally well-developed, and the issue well-explored

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

The task demonstrates adequately the ability to make inferences and identify and explain the bias, and reading position. This means that all the questions have been answered somewhat convincingly, and some answers show some development.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

Identify and explain logical relations

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates more than adequately the ability to Identify and explain logical relations. This means that two texts have been referred to, both questions have been answered mostly convincingly and the answers are generally well-developed, and the issue well-explored.

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

The task demonstrates slightly more than adequately the ability to Identify and explain logical relations. This means that at least one other text has been referred to, and both questions have been answered somewhat convincingly, and some answers show some development.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

Locate, select, and evaluate texts relevant to research needs

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates more than adequately the ability to locate, select, and evaluate texts relevant to research needs. This means that all parts are answered, and the answers demonstrate, convincingly, that the additional reading and video are relevant and have been summarised and evaluated mostly successfully.

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

The task demonstrates slightly more than adequately the ability to locate, select, and evaluate texts relevant to research needs. This means that all parts are answered somewhat convincingly, that the additional reading and video are relevant and have been summarised and evaluated somewhat convincingly.

Note: At least one A, B, and C must be convincing across the two modes.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

Academic Integrity

Reference list and citations

At least ONE feature of D is exceeded

The reference list and citations rigorously follow APA 7th edition with unsystematic minor errors. The reference list is complete and in alphabetical order.

Note: secondary citations are not expected

At least ONE feature of D is observed; all are above P

The reference list and citations demonstrate a very serious attempt at following APA 7th edition but there are systematic errors. This means that there is evidence that the APA referencing guide has been referred to and that phrases from other referencing styles are scarce (if at all).

Note: secondary citations are not expected

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met