Question Completion Status

144 views 7:56 am 0 Comments June 6, 2023

Remaining Time: 39 minutes, 08 seconds.
Question Completion Status:Entrepreneurship and Innovation Assignment
YaZracroeXiiraktZergIrpdatht soenytegila%AtoPC:C:i tY17:c reeawd/patient v”M MR” “sit” “mitt”. Wl’ist”e “” Place all MRSA patients in individual rooms. if no private moms available all MRSA pan.. can. placed ,. the same shared room vnlh alert on patients eMR C *lace all MRSA patients in individual rooms, if no private rooms available place them in a shared room with contact precaution station nearby, adherence with strict MRO contact precautions. strict hand hygiene, environmental cleans on discharge, dedicated patient equipment, place alert on patients eMR
oth,,Proant place alert on patients eMR CI. Place all MRSA patients in individual rooms, it no private rooms available all MRSA patients with the same MRSA strain CO. be placed in the same shared room with strict MRO contact precautions, strict hand hygiene increased environmental cleans, dedicated patient equipment, place alert on patients eMR
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