Proposed Solution, Implementation, and Evaluation

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Proposed Solution, Implementation, and Evaluation – Rubric Total 100 points

Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent
Mechanics of Writing
Includes spelling,
punctuation, grammar,
language use.
0 points
Surface errors are pervasive
enough that they impede
communication of meaning.
Inappropriate word choice or
sentence construction is
3.25 points
Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors distract
the reader. Inconsistencies in
language choice (register) or
word choice are present.
Sentence structure is correct
but not varied.
3.75 points
Some mechanical errors or
typos are present, but they
are not overly distracting to
the reader. Correct and
varied sentence structure
and audience-appropriate
language are employed.
4.25 points
Prose is largely free of
mechanical errors, although
a few may be present. The
writer uses a variety of
effective sentence structures
and figures of speech.
5 points
Writer is clearly in command
of standard, written,
academic English.
Evaluation Plan: Methods
for Evaluation
Evaluation Plan: Methods for
0 points
Methods to evaluate the
effectiveness of the
proposed solution are not
discussed. The proposed
methods are not supported
by the findings in the
literature analysis.
6.5 points
Methods to evaluate the
effectiveness of the
proposed solution are only
partially discussed. The
methods are sometimes
supported by the findings in
the literature analysis.
7.5 points
General methods to evaluate
the effectiveness of the
proposed solution are
summarized. The methods
presented are generally
supported by the findings in
the literature analysis.
8.5 points
Adequate methods to
evaluate the effectiveness of
the proposed solution are
discussed. The methods
presented are supported by
the findings in the literature
analysis.Projected outcomes
variables to be assessed are
discussed. Overall, the
narrative is supported by the
findings in the literature
10 points
Realistic and effective
methods to evaluate the
effectiveness of the
proposed solution are
detailed. The methods
presented are strongly
supported by the findings in
the literature analysis.
Evaluation Plan: Projected
Outcomes and Variables
for Assessment
Evaluation Plan: Projected
Outcomes and Variables for
0 points
Projected outcomes and
variables to be assessed are
not discussed. The narrative
is not supported by the
findings in the literature
6.5 points
Projected outcomes are
outlined and the variables to
be assessed are only partially
discussed. The narrative is
sometimes supported by the
findings in the literature
7.5 points
Projected outcomes are
outlned and the variables to
be assessed are summarized.
The narrative is generally
supported by the findings in
the literature analysis.
8.5 points
Projected outcomes variables
to be assessed are discussed.
Overall, the narrative is
supported by the findings in
the literature analysis.
10 points
The projected outcomes and
the variables to be assessed
are thoroughly described.
The narrative is strongly
supported by the findings in
the literature analysis.
Implementation Plan:
Strategies for Approval
Implementation Plan:
Strategies for Approval
0 points
Proposed strategies and a
baseline comparison for any
proposed changes are not
6.5 points
Proposed strategies are
incomplete. Current policy,
process, or procedure is only
partially discussed and a
baseline comparison for any
proposed changes to these
areas cannot be made.
7.5 points
General strategies for
obtaining the necessary
approvals and securing
support from organizational
leadership and fellow staff
are proposed. For any
proposed change to current
policy, process, or procedure
an outline of the current
policy, process, or procedure
is presented for a baseline
comparison. Some areas are
vague. Some support is
8.5 points
Key strategies for obtaining
the necessary approvals and
securing support from
organizational leadership
and fellow staff are
proposed. For any proposed
change to current policy,
process, or procedure a
description of the current
policy, process, or procedure
is presented for a baseline
comparison. The narrative
has adequate support.
10 points
Clear strategies for obtaining
the necessary approvals and
securing support from
organizational leadership
and fellow staff are
proposed. For any proposed
change in current policy,
process, or procedure an
informative description of
the current policy, process,
or procedure is presented for
a baseline comparison. The
narrative is thorough and
Documentation of Sources
Citations, footnotes,
references, bibliography, etc.,
as appropriate to assignment
and style.
0 points
Sources are not documented.
3.25 points
Documentation of sources is
inconsistent or incorrect, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, with numerous
formatting errors.
3.75 points
Sources are documented, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, although some
formatting errors may be
4.25 points
Sources are documented, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, and format is
mostly correct.
5 points
Sources are completely and
correctly documented, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, and format is free
of error.
Thesis Development and
Thesis Development and
0 points
Paper lacks any discernible
overall purpose or organizing
4.55 points
Thesis is insufficiently
developed or vague. Purpose
is not clear.
5.25 points
Thesis is apparent and
appropriate to purpose.
5.95 points
Thesis is clear and forecasts
the development of the
paper. Thesis is descriptive
and reflective of the
arguments and appropriate
to the purpose.
7 points
Thesis is comprehensive and
contains the essence of the
paper. Thesis statement
makes the purpose of the
paper clear.


Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent
Implementation Plan:
Resources Required
Implementation Plan:
Resources Required
0 points
Resources required for
implementation are not
6.5 points
Resources required for
implementation are only
partially discussed.
7.5 points
Resources required for
implementation are outlined.
Some aspects related to
stakeholders, assessment
tools, technology, funds and
staff needed to initiate,
oversee, and evaluate
change are outlined. The
narrative demonstrates a
general understanding of
resources needed for
8.5 points
Resources required for
implementation are
discussed. Aspects related to
stakeholders, assessment
tools, technology, funds and
staff needed to initiate,
oversee, and evaluate
change are discussed. The
narrative demonstrates
understanding of resources
needed for implementation.
10 points
A well-developed description
of the implementation plan is
presented. The narrative
includes when and how the
change will be integrated into
the current organizational
structure, culture, and
workflow, and who will be
responsible for initiating the
change, educating staff, and
overseeing the
implementation process. The
narrative demonstrates a
clear understanding of the
implementation process.
Resources required for
implementation are
thoroughly discussed.
Aspects related to
stakeholders, assessment
tools, technology, funds and
staff needed to initiate,
oversee, and evaluate
change are detailed. The
narrative demonstrates a
clear understanding of
resources needed for
Proposed Solution
Proposed Solution
0 points
A proposed solution is not
presented. The solution is
not supported by the
findings in the literature
9.75 points
A partial summary of the
proposed solution is
outlined. It is unclear
whether the solution is
supported by the findings in
the literature review.
11.25 points
A summary of the proposed
solution is presented. The
solution is generally based
on the support indicated in
the literature review.
12.75 points
An explanation of the
proposed solution is
presented. Overall, the
solution is based on the
support indicated in the
literature review.
15 points
A detailed explanation of the
proposed solution is
presented and is based on
the support indicated in the
literature review.
Paper Format
Use of appropriate style for
the major and assignment.
0 points
Template is not used
appropriately, or
documentation format is
rarely followed correctly.
3.25 points
Appropriate template is
used, but some elements are
missing or mistaken. A lack
of control with formatting is
3.75 points
Appropriate template is
used. Formatting is correct,
although some minor errors
may be present.
4.25 points
Appropriate template is fully
used. There are virtually no
errors in formatting style.
5 points
All format elements are
Argument Logic and
Argument Logic and
0 points
Statement of purpose is not
justified by the conclusion.
The conclusion does not
support the claim made.
Argument is incoherent and
uses noncredible sources.
5.2 points
Sufficient justification of
claims is lacking. Argument
lacks consistent unity. There
are obvious flaws in the logic.
Some sources have
questionable credibility.
6 points
Argument is orderly but may
have a few inconsistencies.
The argument presents
minimal justification of
claims. Argument logically,
but not thoroughly, supports
the purpose. Sources used
are credible. Introduction
and conclusion bracket the
6.8 points
Argument shows logical
progression. Techniques of
argumentation are evident.
There is a smooth
progression of claims from
introduction to conclusion.
Most sources are
8 points
Clear and convincing
argument presents a
persuasive claim in a
distinctive and compelling
manner. All sources are
Implementation Plan:
Description of Plan
Implementation Plan:
Description of Plan
0 points
The description of the
implementation plan is
9.75 points
The description of the
implementation plan is
11.25 points
A summary of the
implementation plan is
presented. The narrative
includes some aspects of
when and how the change
will be integrated into the
current organizational
structure, culture, and
workflow, and who will be
responsible for initiating the
change, educating staff, and
overseeing the
12.75 points
A description of the
implementation plan is
presented. Overall, narrative
includes when and how the
change will be integrated into
the current organizational
structure, culture, and
workflow, and who will be
responsible for initiating the
change, educating staff, and
overseeing the
implementation process. The
15 points
A well-developed description
of the implementation plan is
presented. The narrative
includes when and how the
change will be integrated into
the current organizational
structure, culture, and
workflow, and who will be
responsible for initiating the
change, educating staff, and
overseeing the
implementation process. The


Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent
implementation process. The
narrative demonstrates a
general understanding of the
implementation process.
narrative demonstrates an
adequate understanding of
the implementation process.
narrative demonstrates a
clear understanding of the
implementation process.