Project Portfolio

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BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23


BM562 Project Portfolio

Key information
Consultancy group name
Consultancy group members and student ID numbers

1 2 3 4 5

Client company name
Client contact
Supervisor name
Date of submission
Project title

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM518 CW2 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Submission Components

To achieve a pass this portfolio must contain all the following elements:

1. The Project Portfolio GROUP/INDIVIDUAL (80% Group Portfolio and 20% Client Reference)

1 Copy of original brief provided by the client Taken from Blackboard
2 Exploration and agreement of brief, expectations and outcomes of the project following first meeting with client Template is in this document.
3 Detailed Project Plan with monthly updates Original plan plus two monthly project progress summaries
4 Signed Partnership Agreement Document
5 Minutes of all team meetings At least 3 sets of team meeting minutes

Template is in this document.

6 Minutes of all supervisor meetings At least 3 sets of supervisor meeting minutes

Template is in this document


Template is in this document.

7 Minutes of all client meetings At least 3 sets of client meeting minutes in addition to the exploration of brief

Template is in this document

8 Showcase evidence Photos, blog, video etc
9 CLIENT REFERENCE and assessment

It is your responsibility to obtain this.

(This is worth 10% of the final mark of this submission)

Template is in this document
10 Group log of portfolio contributions Template is in this document
11 Any further Appendices which add value to the portfolio

This assignment effectively encompasses the reporting of the management of the whole project. You are asked to compile a portfolio of evidence to show how you ran the project from inception to completion. This is highly prescribed in terms of the tasks you need to accomplish and the evidence you need to provide.




Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

1. Each task must be completed.

2. The overall Portfolio will be marked according to the assessment criteria grid.

3. The overall Portfolio will be assessed at 80% of the coursework 1 mark.

4 The Client Reference will carry 20% of the mark for coursework 1. Clients will be encouraged to provide individual feedback

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Client Project Brief

The brief taken from Blackboard may be used for this element of the portfolio.

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Exploration and agreement of the brief from first meeting with client




What is the problem(s) or issue that the client needs to address?

Why is s/he focusing on this problem?

Further background information about the company/competitors/customers etc, relevant to the problem

Key deliverables/What would be a ‘successful’ outcome for the client, by the end of the project?

Concerns/limitations raised by the client (e.g. costs, client availability)

Concerns raised by the consulting team

What actions were agreed and what are the deadlines for these?

Next client meeting date (or schedule of dates).

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Project plan

Note: Although you do not need to create a full Gantt chart, you still need to show clearly which tasks are to be undertaken, by when and by whom.

Two updates on the original project plan should be inserted in your portfolio too.

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Partnership agreement

This should contain the detailed ground rules and performance management process which your team will follow, to ensure all consultants in the team are performing. Guidance for developing this will have been given in lectures. You may use the agreement that you developed in Semester One, or add to this with the agreement of all members of the team.

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Minutes of team, client and supervisor meetings

It is fine to develop your own templates, but the minimum information required is;


Minutes of (Team/Client/Supervisor) Meeting (state which it is)

Date :






Minutes of last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

Brief summary of any points arising







5 etc.

For each agenda item:

Key points

Actions agreed and deadlines

Any other business

Date of next meeting

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Showcase evidence

If this takes place ‘virtually’ we will need the slides which you presented, and any other supporting materials.

If this takes place ‘physically’ ,include photos of your stand and any other supporting materials.

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Final report – 2500 words +/- 10%

Your report should adopt an evaluative approach and be structured as detailed below. This structure applies ideas from the Consulting Life-Cycle chapter (Chapter 5) from O’Mahoney and Markham (2013).

Your report should use line and a half spacing and be suitable for sending to the client as well as for inclusion in the portfolio. Careful attention should be paid to presentation, spelling and grammar, as would be the case if you were paid consultants.

Note that each section of the report builds on the previous one(s) so if you divide the work up between you, you need to be careful that there is a logical progression of argument.

Problem Statement

Briefly explain the problem or issue that your client wanted you to address (once the brief had been clarified after your initial meetings).

Use pages 142-143 of O’Mahoney and Markham (2013) to help identify what should be in a problem statement. (See Assignment Brief folder for this document).


Summarise what research (secondary and primary) you planned and undertook, to help respond to the problem/understand more about it.


Evaluate and rank the solutions that your team offered, making clear links between your research findings and your suggestions.

Be as specific as you can s e.g. ‘The primary research showed that 80% of the target group do not use Facebook, but two thirds do use xyz platform on a weekly basis and this is why route abc is recommended’.


Summarise what you have delivered to and achieved for the client, in relation to the business problem (identified in the problem statement).


Briefly comment on anything that the client needs to do to implement the agreed solution(s) or continue to focus on, now that the project has been completed.


Your reference list should include all sources mentioned in the report.

No appendices are required to the report element itself, but you can add Appendices to the Portfolio (see last page). You should aim, though, for the report to work as a ‘standalone’ document’, where the client could assess your contribution to his/her business without seeing the whole of the rest of the portfolio.

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW2 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Client Reference

What feedback would you like to give the whole group on what they did well for you?

What feedback would you like to give the whole group on what they could have done better for you?

Please can you give each member of the team a mark out of 10 for their contribution to your project. (4 out of 10 is our pass mark)

What advice would you give this group on improving their employability?

Are you willing to offer another project next year?

Client name
Company Name
Name of consultancy group
Student name Mark out of 10

Submitted in part fulfilment of BM562 module assignments

BM562 CW1 Project Portfolio 2022-23

Group log

For this, you just need to make clear, who did which sections of the portfolio. You can complete or adapt the table below to show this. Please all sign the Group Log, to show that you consider it an accurate record.

TASK Completed by ID numbers
1 Copy of original brief provided by the client
2 Exploration and agreement of brief, expectations and outcomes of the project following first meeting with client
3 Detailed Project Plan with monthly updates
4 Signed Partnership Agreement
5 Minutes of all team meetings
6 Minutes of all supervisor meetings
7 Minutes of all client meetings
8 Showcase evidence
9 Final report suitable for sending to the client
10 CLIENT REFERENCE and assessment

(This is worth 10% of the final mark of this submission)

11 Group log of portfolio contributions
12 Any further Appendices which add value to the portfolio

Please print name and sign

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Additional Appendices are optional:

Consultancy team – Please add as final Appendices any relevant additional information you think adds value to your submission and make sure that you cross reference these in your report.