Project Management

196 views 7:41 am 0 Comments March 14, 2023

Cover Page
Assignment: Project Management
Name: Student ID
Tutor: xxxxx

Table of Contents: Page Number
Introduction xxxx
Project Plan xxxx
Mid-Way Progress Report xxxx
The Poster and Accompanying Commentary xxxx
Conclusion xxxx
References xxxx

Introduction (100 words)
Section 1- Project Plan (1800 words)

1.1. Project Background – Outlining the importance/rationale of the project
along with project methodology
Project Objectives (SMART) / Deliverables
Project Scope Statement- project and product scope
Reflection of the skills required to complete the project- Consider the
skills/expertise/workforce you will require to complete the project.
Project Assumptions and Risk
Project Cost- Estimating total cost along with allocation of the cost
1.7. Project Timing/ GANTT chart- Identify the project tasks that are in line
with the project scope along with timeline.
1.8. Project Tasks – This is the actual part of your project management.
Ideally, you should discuss the tasks identified and mentioned in the Gantt
Project Plan Execution

Section 2- Mid-way Progress Report (500 words)
2.1 Evaluation on the progress of the project according to SMART goals and
previous project timetable.
2.2 Updated project timetable in the form of a Gantt chart, incorporating any
necessary changes.
Section 3- The Poster and accompanying commentary (500 words)
3.1 A poster advertising the benefits of studying at GBS to adult learners.
3.2 Accompanying commentary which explains how the project methodology
meets the objectives set out in the project plan.
Conclusion (100 words)