Project Management

108 views 9:20 am 0 Comments February 28, 2023

Cover Page

Assignment: Project Management

Name: Student ID

Tutor: xxxxx

Academic Misconduct Statement

Declaration and Statement of Ownership

I understand that academic misconduct is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence. The University of Suffolk will act on all identified infringements of its Academic Misconduct Policy, whether inadvertently, or through negligence or deliberate intent.


I understand that academic misconduct is wrong and that the University expects that all work submitted for assessment by students is the student’s own work, without falsification of any kind.


I understand that my work must be accurately referenced following the rules and conventions for referencing, citation and use of quotations set out by GBS.


I confirm that this assessment is my own original work, or my group’s original work, and has not been copied from another source without due acknowledge being made.


I confirm that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another organisation or person.


I confirm that I have not shared my assessment with any other person or organisation with the intention of it being used as their own work.


I have not previously submitted this assessment for any other module.


I have not allowed myself to be impersonated by another person for this assessment, nor have I impersonated any other person.


I am aware of and can access the support available to me at GBS to achieve academic integrity and honesty in my assessed work.




Student ID:__________________________________________________________________


Table of Contents: Page Number

Introduction xxxx

Project Plan xxxx

Mid-Way Progress Report xxxx

The Poster and Accompanying Commentary xxxx

Conclusion xxxx

References xxxx

Introduction (100 words)

Section 1- Project Plan (1800 words)

Project Background – Outlining the importance/rationale of the project along with project methodology

Project Objectives (SMART) / Deliverables

Project Scope Statement- project and product scope

Reflection of the skills required to complete the project- Consider the skills/expertise/workforce you will require to complete the project.

Project Assumptions and Risk

Project Cost- Estimating total cost along with allocation of the cost (breakdown)

Project Timing/ GANTT chart- Identify the project tasks that are in line with the project scope along with timeline.

Project Tasks – This is the actual part of your project management. Ideally, you should discuss the tasks identified and mentioned in the Gantt Chart.

Project Plan Execution

Section 2- Mid-way Progress Report (500 words)

2.1 Evaluation on the progress of the project according to SMART goals and previous project timetable.

2.2 Updated project timetable in the form of a Gantt chart, incorporating any necessary changes.

Section 3- The Poster and accompanying commentary (500 words)

3.1 A poster advertising the benefits of studying at GBS to adult learners.

3.2 Accompanying commentary which explains how the project methodology meets the objectives set out in the project plan.

4. Conclusion (100 words)