Professional Ethics in Computing

158 views 8:28 am 0 Comments June 13, 2023

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T3 2020: ICT303 Professional Ethics in Computing
Assessment 5: Case study report Assessment type: Individual assignment (2000 words) Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they can identify, assess, and analyse the situation provided in case study. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes b, c and d.
Value: 15%
Due Date: Week 10 Sunday 23:55
Topic: Case study report Assignment Details: Assignment description
Write a report on one of the following topics. 2000 words Use a consistent referencing style (IEEE OR Harvard) Topics: Your topic is the one listed below, based on the last digit of your student ID at KOI.
Last Digit of your student ID
0) In a COVID.19 situation identify the importance of professional communications and tools and techniques for enhancing the same.
1) In the current situation of pandemic, identify the importance of personal privacy and how to protect it in face of the emerging Networking Technologies.
1 or 6
ICT303: Assessment 5
Compiled by: Divya Leekha T3 2020
< King’s Own .■.> Institute
2) In a COMD-19 situation identify the guidelines for ethical use of
2 or 7

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