Professional and Academic Skills

191 views 7:22 am 0 Comments July 7, 2023
Assignment No. & Title 1 of 1- Professional and Academic Skills
Context         Human Computer Interaction                                                                                                                                                               You are seeking employment as a manager in organisations in the events industry. You know that having an accurate portfolio of your experience, knowledge and skills is essential. You decide to develop an online electronic skills portfolio, as this is easily accessible and can be updated. Your task therefore is to produce an electronic portfolio which will identify your own experiences, qualities and skills. Any additional research which is undertaken, for example about possible posts and the job descriptions or further academic and training opportunities can also be included. You can utilise any online portfolio system which you think would be most applicable. Existing examples of systems used include Google Docs, LinkedIn or you could use the virtual space/cloud service which is provided by your company or learning provider. Any types of media can be included additional to the written work including blogs, videos, presentations, mock scenario debates, YouTube clips, digital images, drawings, digital audio etc. You will need to remember that the portfolio will be assessed by your tutor and could be part of the external verification processes carried out by ATHE

Activity 1 In your portfolio you must analyse the academic and workplace skills needed for effective performance and explain the importance of these skills within the workplace to individuals and organisations.         (AC 1.1) (AC 1.2) This provides evidence for LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2

Activity 2 This section of the portfolio will now take your findings and research and look at how you apply them in actual practice. You will need to cover a wide range of personal skills used in academic work and the workplace. You will need to demonstrate the application of these skills and this could include video media or social media. (AC 2.1) This provides evidence for LO2 AC 2.1 Merit Task To obtain a merit grade for this task you must provide an exploration which evaluates the similarities and differences between academic and workplace skills.  (AC 2M1) This provides evidence for LO2 2M1
Activity 3 The third part of your task is to provide a comprehensive, honest and informed self-analysis. Your analysis must consider your own academic skills both strengths and weaknesses and your workplace skills strengths and weaknesses. You should also include any evidence you have used to support your analysis. This should include a range of types of evidence for example any testimonials or references you possess or the observations and comments of others such as your peers and colleagues, where you study or are employed. (AC 3.1) (AC 3.2) This provides evidence for LO3 ACs 3.1, 3.2 Merit Task For a merit grade you must evaluate the strategies you could use to develop academic and workplace skills weaknesses (AC 3M1) This provides evidence for LO3 3M1 Distinction Task For a distinction grade you must evaluate the strategies you could use to further build on academic and workplace skills. (AC 3D1) This provides evidence for LO3 3D1
Activity 4 You are now in a position to plan the further development of academic and workplace skills based on the information you have gathered. • Identify and explain the different characteristics of an effective plan to improve academic and workplace skills  (AC 4.1) This provides evidence for LO4 AC 4.1 Distinction Task Construct a personal development plan to effectively address areas of identified weakness and build on the identified strengths. (AC 4D1)   This provides evidence for LO4 4D1
Guidelines for Submission of Assignments:   Ø Submit a hardcopy of the assignment report and presentation slides with assignment front sheet and signed declaration. Ø Assignment must be typed using single spacing and size 12 with Times New Roman. Ø Heading and subheading can be bold with underline if required Ø Text must be justified Ø Must contain the heading of the table/chart/diagram if used Ø All pages must be numbered

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