Problem Solutions Matrix

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Complete the “Problem Solutions Matrix” spreadsheet using the data and information you collected through research and completion of the Stakeholder Analysis in Topics 2 and 3. In the Solution Design Matrix tab, you will address the solutions previously implemented and compare to the new proposed problem solution for addressing the problem within your organization. Be sure to consider the “Solutions Score” column number when documenting the solutions. Review how to score your solution in the directions on the spreadsheet.


When scoring your solutions, you must also consider the timeline for implementation, costs and benefits to key stakeholders and the greater good, potential roadblocks to implementation, and how you will measure and validate whether a solution is successful in addressing the problem. After all of these have been considered and the solutions have been scored, identify the top three most viable solutions and transfer them to the “Problems Solutions Matrix” Part 2 tab. You will then provide specific resources and data to support the problem-solving strategy and identify the best solution strategy as indicated in the spreadsheet.

Solutions Design Matrix Problem Solutions Matrix Directions: You will use this matrix to record previous attempts to address the problem and proposed problem solutions. Complete the columns on the matrix as directed. For the “Previous Problem Solution/Proposed Problem Solution” column, include a detailed description of the solution, including the source of the solution. In the case of a previous solution, the source could be a manager interview, while the source for a proposed solution could be a link to an online reference article or resource. All other columns must rank the specified element as it relates to the solution using a 1, 3, or 5, with 5 being the highest ranking. Note that the “Customer Importance” column is weighted at twice the value of the other categories, since the impact of a solution on customers if of utmost importance. For example, if the solution was very important to the customer experience, it would earn a 5. If that same solution was only a 1 in efficiency and quality, then a 1 would be used in those two columns. If employees were somewhat satisfied with the solution and it was in the middle in terms of cost effectiveness, then both of those columns would be ranked as a 3. When calculated, the overall solution score would be 18. This number could then be used to compare the solution to others as a means of determining whether or not it should receive further consideration for implementation as a problem solving strategy. Customer ImportanceEfficiencyQualityEmployee SatisfactionCost EffectivenessSolutions Score Previous Problem SolutionRank each items as a 1, 3, or 5 with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories. Ex: Update and provide more training to Call Center staff3133114 0 0 0 0 Proposed Problem SolutionRank each items as a 1, 3, or 5 with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories. Ex: Change CRM rules for highest error categories3555324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Problem Solutions Matrix Part 2 Problem Solutions Matrix Part 2 Directions: Transfer the data for columns A-G from your original Problem Solutions Matrix spreadsheet file. Complete column H by following using the note provided. Customer ImportanceEfficiencyQualityEmployee SatisfactionCost EffectivenessSolutions ScoreResearch Data and Examples Proposed Problem SolutionRank each items as a 1, 3, or 5 with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories.NOTE: List specific resources used to find examples, relevant statistics data, and facts regarding the effective implementation of the problem solving strategy in related businessess. Cite all resources using APA format. Change CRM rules for highest error categories3555324Used data analysis from root cause analysis and hypothesis testing of significant variables to identify high impact solutions. Update and provide more training to Call Center staff3133114 0 Directions: In the space below, indicate which problem solution you have selected and justify why you think this will be the most effective way to address the problem you have identified in your organization. Running head: APA TYPING TEMPLATE 1 PAGE 8 Benchmark Data Collection Delia Ames Colangelo College of Business, Grand Canyon University BUS-470: Applied Business Project Susan Wind February 26, 2023 Part: 1 In order start the process of data collection, internal research is conducted to gather specific measurable data related to how the problem is affecting the company directly or indirectly. Along with this, it should also be noted down that, the data or information is collected on the number of customer complaints received each and every month for the past year. On the other hand, the number of orders are delayed or cancelled due to the issue, and the estimated cost of revenues and potential customer churn. At the same time, the data/information is collected from the company’s customer data base, financial reports and order management system. In the same way, important data is collected. The following chart is developed which summarize the data finding such as: Findings: On the basis of above excel chart or data collected, it can be said that there is a major issue in the company which affecting company’s sales/revenues, profit, customer satisfaction rate and order fulfilment. The trends also reflects that there is rapid increase in the consumer complaints which is major repeated problem in the front of the organization. The company is not trying to resolve the issue which affecting company’s revenue. On the other hand, it is not only important but also essential for the company to address as well as solve the problem quickly to prevent further negative impact on the organization. Therefore, the organization should pay special focus on resolving issue by adopting specific strategies and practices. Part: 2 The interview is conducted with the previous implementers on 10 February 2023 and data was about list of question about previous solutions. On the other hand, qualitative data is collected based on the different factors like quality, efficiency, customer significance, employee satisfaction and cost effectiveness. On the other hand, an interview is also conducted with the employees on 12 February 2023. Data is about feedback on employees which provide quantitative data on employee effectiveness and satisfaction. Additionally, internal Reports is also done on 15 February 2023 shows records of previous solutions which is quantitative data on cost effectiveness and success rate of previous solutions. External Reports is done on February 20, 2023 Records which shows solutions used by similar organizations in quantitative data on success rates of solutions used by similar organizations. The finding is given below in the table such as: Part: 3 A company may have to face different types of issues or problem which directly affect company’s success and growth. Therefore, the following listed below problems are selected such as: Low Performance from Employees: These types of problems arises within the company because of various reasons like lack of interest in job, lack of support from senior management, lack of training & development, poor work layout, or personal issues. Therefore, the following listed below are the five potential solutions to address and solve the problem of low performance from employee such as: 1. Offering Training and Development Opportunities: According to this, a company should provide regular training and development opportunities like in-house training, online personality development courses, to its employees so that they can gain new skills and improve their work performance. 2. Implementation of an Attractive Performance Management System: An effective performance management system provide clear goals, objectives and expectations to employees. It also allows for regular feedback and evaluation. This can help employees stay focused and motivated and provide opportunities for coaching and support. 3. Improving Workflows and Process: By improving workflows and process, a company can improve its employee performance. For example, it makes employees more productive, innovative, efficient and self-motivated. 4. Offering Financial and Non-Financial Incentives: A company can improve work performance of its employees by providing them incentives, and rewards like monetary rewards, recognition program, and opportunities for advancement or career development. For example, it work as a most powerful tool of motivation for employees. 5. Foster a Positive and Innovative Work Environment: A positive work environment can help employees feel valued and engaged in their work. This could include promoting work-life balance, offering flexible work arrangements, or creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. Findings: Based on the above charts created, it can be said that, the company solved the problem related to poor work performance by adopting specific strategies. The company had invested time and money on training and development, performance management systems, improving workflows, fostering positive work environment, and offering rewards to its employees. References Bazeley, P., & Jackson, K. (2013). Qualitative data analysis with NVivo. Sage Publications Bryman, A. (2016). Social research methods. Oxford University Press. Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Sage Publications. Field, A. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. Sage Publications. Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (2017). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Routledge. Kvale, S., & Brinkmann, S. (2015). InterViews: Learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing. Sage Publications. Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. Sage Publications. Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Sage Publications. Silverman, D. (2016). Qualitative research. Sage Publications. Yin, R. K. (2014). Case study research: Design and methods. Sage Publications. Running head: APA TYPING TEMPLATE 1 PAGE 8 Stakeholder Analysis Delia Ames Colangelo College of Business, Grand Canyon University BUS-470: Applied Business Project Susan Wind February 5, 2023 Stakeholder Attitudes About the Identified Problem The stakeholders including the call center representatives, customers, and the company management, all have a negative attitude towards the identified problem. The call center representatives are likely to feel stressed and frustrated due to the lack of training and inadequate online tools, which may impact their job performance and motivation levels (Adib et al. 2021). The customers are dissatisfied with the quality of service, resulting in a decrease in customer retention and revenue loss for the company. Stakeholder Attitudes or Experiences It is likely that stakeholders may have experienced similar problems in the past, which could have been addressed with temporary or ineffective solutions. The call center representatives may have undergone training programs that were insufficient or did not cover all the necessary skills. The customers may have received compensation or apologies for poor service but did not experience a significant improvement in the overall quality of service (Lehtinen, Aaltonen & Rajala, 2019). The company management may have implemented temporary measures to address the problem, such as hiring additional staff, but did not address the root cause of the issue. Stakeholder Ideas for Potential Solutions The stakeholders may have different ideas for potential solutions to address the problem. The call center representatives may suggest increasing the duration and quality of the training program, providing access to updated online tools, and creating a supportive work environment. The company management may suggest investing in better training and development programs, hiring additional staff, and conducting regular quality audits and assessments. Who are the Stakeholders? The stakeholders that could act as sponsors to support problem solution implementation are the senior management, human resources department, and the call center team leaders. Senior management can provide the necessary resources, including funding and support, to implement the proposed solutions. The human resources department can oversee the training and development programs, as well as provide support and guidance to the call center representatives (Pedrini & Ferri, 2019). The call center team leaders can provide guidance and support to their team members and ensure that the proposed solutions are implemented effectively. Stakeholder Directly Affected by Solving the Problem The stakeholders who may be affected by solving the problem are the call center representatives, customers, and the company management. The call center representatives will benefit from better training and development programs, updated online tools, and a supportive work environment, which may improve their job performance, motivation, and job satisfaction levels. The customers will benefit from better quality service, resulting in increased customer retention and satisfaction levels. Stakeholders Who Could Pose Potential Roadblocks The stakeholders who could pose potential roadblocks to solving the problem are the call center representatives who may resist change, the IT department who may resist updating online tools and systems, and the budgeting department who may resist providing additional funding for the proposed solutions. The call center representatives may resist change due to fear of job insecurity or a lack of understanding of the benefits of the proposed solutions (Adib et al. 2021). The IT department may resist updating online tools and systems due to technical constraints or a lack of resources. References Adib, M., Zhang, X.,