Principles of Entrepreneurship

100 views 8:04 am 0 Comments March 21, 2023

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MAN 3802: Principles of Entrepreneurship
The Art of the Start ISBN # 9781591840565
The Art of the Start 2.0 ISBN# 9781591847847
: Guy Kawasaki
Publisher: Penguin
NOTE: Alternate editions of the book are acceptable for the project
The purpose of this report is to allow students a chance to reflect and reinforce what
they have learned through self-examination. The report will be an opportunity to share
personal experiences and opinions, as they pertain to the topics discussed, by the
author. This type of report is intended to afford an opportunity to synthesize the
theoretical knowledge gained from the reading and coursework, with the applied
experiences that pertain to students’ individual entrepreneurial journeys and ventures.
Each student will prepare and submit an individual Video Progress Report (covering
chapters 1-8)
and a Written Reflection Report (covering the entire book with a focus on
chapters 8-11 detailed analysis).
The expectation is that the submissions will be developed over the course of the
semester and pertain to the assigned readings in the book. The book, The Art of the
Start, is required reading for the course and the term project.
The purpose of this term project is to evaluate and reflect on the overall experience of
the book and explain what was learned.

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Read the required book and write about the overall experience and impact of the book.
Compare and contrast prior knowledge, experiences and perceptions with the concepts
presented by the author.
Students are encouraged to take notes while reading chapters in order to develop a list
of thoughts, feelings and attitudes about oneself and to record how those may have
changed as a result of the readings. Experiences will be analyzed according to
theoretical concepts and with discussion and illustration of how they conformed or
diverged from the theoretical expectations and existing perceptions.
Conduct additional research outside of the book and textbook to find resources and
references that support analysis and positions stated in the report. Keep track of
sources, which must be submitted in proper citation format in the written report.
minimum of three (3)
outside citations are required for the term paper. The book
and textbook may be referenced BUT WILL NOT count towards the required additional
Students are encouraged to prepare an outline or script for the video progress report
deliverable. This will help to insure the submission is well organized and complete
(covering required chapters) – “winging-it” is not recommended.
Proof read ALL written and practice all video presentations PRIOR to submission. Spell
and grammar checking is required for all submissions in the course.
THE WRITTEN REPORT should provide as much detail as possible and respond to
ALL the sections to receive full credit.
Suggestions have been provided within each section as a guide for what to
include. Students are NOT limited to these items.
Provide a brief narrative summary of your experience reading the book.
Include details on factual information as well as personal feelings and
Provide details on why this was a meaningful book to read.
Reflect on the overall experience.
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How has the reading aligned with individual goals, perceptions, or ideas
going into the reading?
Has a deeper understanding of entrepreneurship been attained as a
result of reading the book?
Have any individual perspectives or perceptions shifted – if so, how?
Use the following questions as a guide for your discussion on the overall
experience. You are NOT limited to these questions:

What did you learn about yourself, your abilities, or your interests?
What did you “discover” as a result of the reading and the time spent in
the course?
What types of challenges do you face and how do plan on dealing with
them now that you have read the book?
What was the “best” aspect of the book?
What was the “worst” aspect of the book?
Discuss the benefits of having read the book?
Describe ways in which the experience was enriching and educational.
Discuss ways in which the book has served to prepare you for the “real
world” and your entrepreneurial journey.
What were your expectations going into the reading? Were they met?
Why or why not?
What were you most surprised to learn about entrepreneurship? About


Provide an overview of your insights on entrepreneurship and launching a
Discuss personal plans for the future – specifically as they pertain to
entrepreneurship. Did the book help to shape those plans?
How did this book change you and your perspective or reinforce your
attitudes towards entrepreneurship and your plans for the future?


Assignment & Submission Details: Points
1-4 Read required chapters in book The Art of the Start NA
5 Progress report VIDEO SUBMISSION DUE (Chapters 1-8) 50

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Submit video within the corresponding drop box.
VIDEO Submissions REQUIRED Using Approved Formats Listed
MyCourses video recording link/tool (preferred)
You Tube Link (not private or password protected)
Presentations SHOULD NOT EXCEED 4 minutes!
7 Reflection report – WRITTEN REPORT DUE (Entire book
overview with additional per chapter emphasis on Chapters 8-
Submit approved document formats only (i.e. PDF or
MS Word file) in corresponding drop box

The grading of your individual work is in part a subjective process. The
following areas are considered and reviewed for quality, quantity and

Content, Focus, Use
of Text/Research
Analysis and
Critical Thinking
Writing Style, Grammar,
APA Format (when
50% 30% 20%
successfully answers
the assignment
thoroughly uses the
text and other
exhibits strong
critical thinking
and analysis
(e.g., evaluation).
Sentences are clear,
concise, and direct; tone is
appropriate. Grammatical
skills are strong with almost
no errors per page. Correct
use of APA format when

Additionally, term project submissions are evaluated on style, format and
overall presentation. Developing professional business writing and
formatting skills are important for success in business. Submit a paper
that reflects a commitment to quality and professionalism
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SPC Resources
SPCollege has wonderful resources for students on campuses and online.
Students are encouraged to seek assistance and support at the Learning
Centers and libraries.
For information on hours of operation, or to schedule appointments for
student support, go to the Student Academic Resources page on the SPC
website or
For additional resources go to the Student Support Resources page on the
SPC website or
Below are helpful links:
SPC Entrepreneurship Resource Site
Remember we are ALL here to help our students.
All you have to do is ask!