Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes

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Competency Record Summary Sheet:

Strategic Leadership AssignmentUnit of Competency:SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishesStudent Name: Student ID: Assessor Name: Date of completion: AssessmentsStudent ResultsSatisfactory(S)Not yet satisfactory (NYS)Not CompletedAssessment Task 1: Knowledge Test£££Assessment Task 2: Practical Demonstration£££Comments:      Note: student is required be marked satisfactory in all assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.  Unit Outcome:o            Competent         o            Not CompetentIs re-assessment required:o            Yes                         o            NoAssessor Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date: 

SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes ASSESSMENT RECEIPT FORM



1.            This form must be stapled on top of the Assessment Workbook upon submission.

2.            This Assessment Receipt Form must be dated and signed in.

DECLARATION1.            I am aware that penalties exist for plagiarism and academic dishonesty. 2.            I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer/Assessor. 3.            I have retained a copy of my Assessment.     Student Signature:                                                                                 Date:

ASSESSMENT RECEIVED BY StaffName: Date: Signature:

================================= Tear Here ===========================

Students must retain this as a Record of Submission.

Assessment Handed on:



ASTRAL INSTITUTEStudentAssessment Received by   Staff Name: …………………………………..………………   Signature: ………………………………………………………..……    Student ID: ………………………………………………………..   Student Signature: ….………………………………………..…….


This assessment booklet and tool has been designed for students undertaking face to face mode of study to provide information before students take assessments and contains assessment tools to assess the skills and knowledge required from students to be deemed competent in this unit.

This booklet might not be suitable for students taking other modes of study e.g. online or work based.

Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment booklet. If you do not understand any part of this booklet, please inform your assessor/trainer.

The assessment booklet contains two (2) parts:

PART 1: Assessment information: This part contains information on assessments for this unit of competency and how assessment will be conducted throughout the unit to achieve the competency. It includes:

Application of the unit of competency.

Purpose of assessment.

Elements, performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements of the unit.

Conditions, context, required resources and location of the assessment.

Assessment tasks.

Outline of evidence to be collected.

Administration, recording and reporting the requirements including special adjustments, appeals, reasonable adjustments and assessors’ intervention.

PART 2: Assessment tasks: This part contains the information to successfully undertake the assessment task. In each assessment task, students will find the following information:

Task instructions.

Role play / Practical Demonstration information.

Information on resources required, where applicable

Appendix1- Assessment resource in ASTRAL INSTITUTE Kitchen


Assessment Information

Application of the unit of competency:

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook various vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes following standard recipes. It requires the ability to select and prepare ingredients, and to use relevant equipment, cookery and food storage methods.

The unit applies to cooks working in hospitality and catering organizations. This could include restaurants, educational institutions, health establishments, defense forces, cafeterias, kiosks, cafes, residential caterers, in flight and other transport caterers, and event and function caterers.

It applies to individuals who work with very little independence and under close supervision and guidance of more senior chefs. They follow predefined organisational procedures and report any discrepancies to a higher-level staff member for action.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

 Purpose of Prepare vegetable fruit assessment:

The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit SITHCCC008 – PREPARE VEGETABLE, FRUIT, EGG AND FARINACEOUS DISHES.


ElementsElements Title1Select ingredients for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes. 2Select, prepare and use equipment. 3Portion and prepare ingredients. 4Cook vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes. 5Present and store vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes.

Performance evidence:

Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:   follow standard recipes to prepare dishes for at least six different customers using each of the following types of products:vegetables and fruit:driedfreshfrozeneggs used for the following applications:aeratingbindingsettingcoatingenrichingemulsifyingglazingclarifyinggarnishingthickeningfarinaceous items:couscouspasta and noodlespolentapulsesriceprepare dishes using each of the following cookery methods at least once:boilingbraisingdeep and shallow fryingpoaching or scramblingroastingstewingprepare at least three different types of fresh pastaprepare the above dishes:within commercial time constraints and deadlinesreflecting required quantities to be producedfollowing procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing different food typesresponding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.

Knowledge Evidence

Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:   culinary terms and trade names for ingredients used in standard recipes for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes, relating to:convenience productsfresh productscontents of stock date codes and rotation labelscharacteristics of different vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes:appearance and presentationclassical and contemporary variationsfreshness and other quality indicatorsnutritional valueservice styletastetextureaccompaniments and sauces for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous disheshistorical and cultural origin of different vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes and productscookery methods for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes listed in the performance evidencehealth risks associated with raw egg products and alternative egg productsculinary applications which use eggs as specified in the performance evidencemise en place requirements for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishesappropriate environmental conditions for storing food products to:ensure food safetyoptimize shelf lifesafe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used to produce vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes.

Context and conditions for assessments:

To comply with the assessment condition of this unit:

ASTRAL INSTITUTE will conduct practical assessment for this unit in its Commercial Kitchen with serving internal staff and students as customers.

Kitchen has access to wide range ingredients including vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes mentioned in this unit and access to industry-realistic ratios of kitchen staff to customers; This includes

ASTRAL INSTITUTE staff as internal customers invited to taste meals during the assessment process; or

Fellow students and assessor who participate in role of customer practical assessment in ASTRAL INSTITUTE Kitchen

Access to range of documents and equipment found in commercial Kitchen (Please refer Appendix1 at the end of this assessment tool for detailed list of assessment resources).

Knowledge assessment for this unit will be conducted at ASTRAL INSTITUTE classroom at location identified at timetable.

Resources Required:

The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment and you have access to the following resources for the unit.

Computers with access to internet and printers.

DIDASKO learner guide for unit SITHCCC008

Access to ASTRAL INSTITUTE training Kitchen with access to equipment and documents defined in conditions of assessment above.

Clustering/holistic assessment:

There is no provision for clustering of assessments in this unit.

Competency Requirements:

To be judged competent in this unit, you will be required to demonstrate all indicators which are shown in the Marking Guide (assessor’s document).

You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be Competent (C) in the unit. Students with unsatisfactory completion of any of the assignment tasks will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC).

Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of Evidence (authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency record sheet.

Students unsuccessful at achieving “Satisfactory” for any assessment at the first attempt will be given two opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC) after two reassessments in a unit of competency student will be required to repeat the unit as per the scheduled delivery of the course. For further details, refer to ASTRAL INSTITUTE Re-Assessment Policy and ASTRAL INSTITUTE Course Progress Policy.

Assessment Task:

To achieve competency in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the following assessment tasks within the date and time specified in the session plan. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills and knowledge for this unit.

Assessment tasksAssessment descriptionLocation of assessmentAssessment Task 1 (AT1) – Knowledge TestYou are required to choose the correct option(s) from the choices given for the questions and short answers. You must present your assignment in a clear and professional manner. You will be given 3 hours to complete this task.Needs to be completed in the classroomAssessment Task 2 (AT2) – Practical Demonstration  This is Practical Demonstration in ASTRAL INSTITUTE kitchen. cooking range of vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes by using the products mentioned in the session plan. You must use different cooking methods and preparation techniques from the recipe provided. This will be done over 4 sessions of 4 hours each. You are required to cook for at least Six (6) different customers during these sessions.Needs to be completed in ASTRAL INSTITUTE Kitchen

Outline of evidence to be collected:

You must submit the following evidence to be marked competent for this unit. Your assessor will ensure that the evidence submitted meets the Rules of Evidence which are valid, sufficient, current and authentic.

Assessment Task 1 (AT1) – Knowledge TestCompleted knowledge test with questions answered and submit to your assessor electronically or paper-based.Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task.    Assessment Task 2 (AT2) – Practical Demonstration

Administration, recording and reporting requirements:

You must read and follow this information carefully while completing assessments for this unit of competency and if you are unsure of any instruction, please contact your assessor to clarify.

The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible.

Submission of assessment:

You must ensure that the completed assessment tasks are submitted along with the assessment cover sheet:

Your assessor will mark the submitted assessment, provide feedback to you and complete the comments section against each task, where applicable.

ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferred that the tasks submitted for assessments are typed and that they are legible and clear, if handwritten.

You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the assessor as per the training plan.

Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances with your assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine evidence/documents when seeking an extension (e.g. extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate). To arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date. Extensions must be confirmed by the trainer in writing.

You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support (as required) unless it puts in jeopardy the integrity of the assessment. Your assessor will let you know if this is the case.

Unless the assessment task specifically allows working in pairs or group activities such as brainstorming, you must submit your own original work and must not copy the work of other students. Plagiarism is unacceptable.

You can submit your assessment tasks through the learning management system or hand in hard copies in the classroom.

Recording an assessment result:

Once the assessments have been completed, the assessor will record the assessment results on the student assessment record sheets and LMS/student management system and all results will be approved by the course coordinator.

Assessors will check that you have completed the student declaration prior to filling out the assessment sheet.

Retaining assessment records:

ASTRAL INSTITUTE will securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for a period of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was made. ASTRAL INSTITUTE will also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue AQF certification documentation for a period of 30 years.

All assessment records submitted to the assessor for marking will be stored and retained properly. And a hard copy will be submitted to student administration for filing along with the evidence.

The assessor will ensure that the student records are securely retained in accordance with the ASTRAL INSTITUTE record control policy accessible by the Student Administration Officer.

Assessment outcomes:

For unit of competency:

There are two outcomes for assessments: C = Competent and NYC = Not Yet Competent (requires more training and experience).

You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the assessor is satisfied that you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria in line with the Rules of Evidence. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the ASTRAL INSTITUTE Re-Assessment Policy and ASTRAL INSTITUTE Course Progress Policy.

For assessment task:

There are two assessment outcomes for tasks.  S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory.

On the individual assessment cover sheet for assessment tasks you will be marked Satisfactory, if you have completed the task successfully, submitted all evidence and satisfied the assessment criteria and Not Satisfactory, if you have not completed the task, the evidence is not sufficient or does not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria.


If you are unsuccessful at achieving competency at the first attempt, you will be given two further opportunities for re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and date. For further details, refer to the ASTRAL INSTITUTE Re-Assessment Policy and ASTRAL INSTITUTE Course Progress Policy. As this is a competency based program, the assessment continues throughout the program until you either achieve Competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.

Student access to records:

You have the right to access current and accurate records of your participation and results at any time. You can see your results or attendance progress by logging in to the Learning Management System at any time or you can request a copy of your records by contacting the student administration and the assessor.


You may seek clarification about the assessment information and the instructions and tasks at any time from the assessor.

Reasonable adjustments and special learning needs:

ASTRAL INSTITUTE works to ensure that students with recognized disadvantages can access and participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. Disadvantages may be based, for example, upon age, cultural background, physical disability, limited or non-current industry experience, language, numeracy or digital literacy issues.

Where pre-training interviews and assessments reveal that a student may require special support or where, after enrolment, it is made apparent that the student requires special support, reasonable adjustments will be made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the needs of the student. An adjustment is reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s needs, while also considering factors such as the student’s views, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.

Any adjustments made must:

Be discussed, agreed and documented in the assessment record.Benefit the student.Maintain the integrity of the competency standards and course requirements as stipulated in the training package.

Be reasonable to expect in a workplace.

Reasonable adjustment may consist of:

Providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment tasks.

Presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues.

Asking questions in a relevant practical context.

Using large print material.

Extending the course duration.

Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and sentences.

Complaints and appeals:

If you are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, you may appeal the assessment decision. In the first instance, you are encouraged to appeal informally by contacting the assessor and discussing the matter with them. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of such discussion, you may appeal further to either the course coordinator and/or Head of Department. If you are still dissatisfied, you may appeal formally and in writing to have the result reviewed. For more information, refer to the Assessment Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.

Assessor intervention:

Assessors will check if you are ready for the assessment, and defer the assessment if you are not. Feedback will be given to you at the completion of the assessment.
During role play, the assessor may act as a client or employer, where required, but the assessor will not interfere with the assessment. If the assessment activities might impact on your safety or that of others, the assessor will stop the assessment immediately.

Plagiarism, cheating and assessment dishonesty:

ASTRAL INSTITUTE considers plagiarism and cheating as a serious misdemeanor. Evidence of plagiarism and cheating is treated on a case-by-case basis and the consequences for students engaging in such practices may include failure of the assessment or unit or exclusion from the course. For more information, refer to ASTRAL INSTITUTE’s Assessment Policy.

Assessor feedback:

Assessors will provide feedback on the assessment that you have submitted. This can identify your strengths and weaknesses or be an overall comment on your submission. A copy of the feedback along with your submission will be given to you and you must keep a copy of it throughout the completion of the course.

Student Declaration: 

…………………………………………………………………… (Student Name) have read and understood the information provided above and accept that any act of plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or suspension of my enrolment with ASTRAL INSTITUTE. I further declare that:

All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism and collusion has not occurred.

Assessment work has not been copied or submitted for any other unit/course.

I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.

I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I must reproduce my work.

I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.

Student signature: ………………………………………………………          Date: ……/……/…….


Assessment Tasks

Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Task 1 (AT1)

Student DetailStudent NameStudent Id:Group No (If Applicable):Assessment Details Unit of CompetencySITHCCC008 – PREPARE VEGETABLE, FRUIT, EGG AND FARINACEOUS DISHES.Assessment TaskKnowledge TestDue Date Date of Submission Assessment Outcome                     Satisfactory □       Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed □Assessor name Assessor Signature and Date Comments/Feedback     Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.AssessorStudentI declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.     Signature: ………………………………………………..     Date: ……………………………………………………….I have received, discussed and accepted my result as above for this task and I am aware of my appeal rights.                                                                                                                                                   Signature: ……………………………………………….     Date: ……………………………………………………..SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Assessment task 1: Knowledge Test

Required documents and equipment:

Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources.Student assessment booklet and a pen (organized by the student).ASTRAL INSTITUTE Learners’ resources for the unit SITHCCC008 – Prepare Vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes. (Organized by the trainer).

Learner’s notes.

Instructions for students:

This assessment will be conducted in the ASTRAL INSTITUTE classroom with access to the resources listed above.

You must satisfactorily perform all tasks to be deemed satisfactory for the assessment.

Planning the assessment

Recommended date for assessment:                              Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet.Time required for assessment: 3 hoursYou must: Answer all the questions satisfactorily to be deemed competent.Complete the assessment and submit in due timeline.Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.

Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence specifications:

At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor:

You are required to submit a completed (ticked) multiple choice question and short answers listed in Knowledge test.

Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment.

Evidence submission:

Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based.

Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

1.      You are responsible for preparing and producing all vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes. What information do you need to find when confirming food production requirements for your section?

(a)          Number of customers, portions and ingredients required for all menu items.

(b)          Standard recipes to be used, number of bookings for that service period and any specials of the day.

(c)           Quantities to be produced, portion sizes, equipment and ingredients needed.

(d)          Allocation of duties amongst the team, quantities required for each dish and production deadlines.

2.            You’re making 25 servings of risotto. The recipe yields 10 serves and calls for 800 g Arborio rice. How much rice do you actually need?

(a)          4 kg.

(b)          2 kg.

(c)           8 kg.

(d)          3 kg.

3.            How can you test the freshness of an egg before cracking it open?

(a)          Place it in a bowl of water and see if it floats or sinks.

(b)          Place the egg in a bowl of hot water for one minute, then in a bowl of cold water and see how it reacts.

(c)           Place the egg on a smooth bench top and spin it. How long and fast it spins indicates freshness.

(d)          Hold the egg up to a strong light and look for signs of discoloration and spotting.

4.            How do stock date codes and rotation labels, such as use-by and best-before dates, help you select fresh ingredients?

(a)          They indicate if an item should still be fresh and of good quality, and when items are no longer fresh or usable.

(b)          They ensure everyone uses good stock rotation methods. This reduces the amount of wastage and ensures only the freshest of ingredients are used.

(c)           This information tells you what ingredients to use first so you are always using the freshest, most recently delivered items to prepare dishes.

(d)          They indicate the freshness and quality of the product, which directly influences the taste and appearance of your dish.

5.            What are signs of contamination or spoilage in fresh commercially produced and packaged pasta?

(a)          Past its use-by date or a strong, floury smell.

(b)          A flexible but firm texture that breaks when bent.

(c)           Muddy yellow color with a shiny surface.

(d)          Dryness, discoloration or mould.

6.            Which statement is true about selecting equipment?

(a)          When making vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes, you should always select the largest pots to maximize the amount you can produce.

(b)          You should always use equipment that will make your job quicker and easier to help you meet production deadlines.

(c)           You should always select the cheapest equipment to reduce costs and increase profits while at the same time maintaining quality.

(d)          You should always select the correct type and size to avoid accidents, increase efficiency and achieve the best results.

7.            What equipment would you use to make hard-boiled eggs?

(a)          Saucepan, stove top, slotted spoon.

(b)          Frypan, stove top, spatula.

(c)           Saucepan, stove top, egg slice.

(d)          Kettle, large bowl, slotted spoon.

8.            What should you check before you use a pasta machine to roll out and cut fresh pasta?

(a)          Check that it has been washed using hot water to kill any bacteria and remove chemical residue.

(b)          Check with your colleagues that the machine doesn’t have any faults or safety issues.

(c)           Make sure it is safely assembled according to manufacturer’s instructions and that it’s clean.

(d)          Make sure you have the correct blades and the bench is adequately floured so the pasta won’t stick.

9.            Which practice best demonstrates safe and hygienic use of equipment?

(a)          Clean and sanitize equipment before use according to manufacturer’s instructions.

(b)          Never use equipment with dirty, sharp or rotating blades.

(c)           Do not attempt to clean equipment that has sharp blades.

(d)          Clean all equipment with a caustic cleaner to remove any food particles.

10.          What safety procedures should you follow when steaming vegetables in an atmospheric steamer?

(a)          Using protective gloves, open the door carefully to release the steam before retrieving the tray of hot vegetables.

(b)          Make sure there is a towel on the floor in front of the steamer so the floor does not become slippery.

(c)           Turn the steamer off and allow it to completely cool before opening.

(d)          Use a damp tea towel to carry the hot trays of vegetables, as this will absorb the steam and reduce the risk of burns.

11.          How should you sort and assemble your ingredients in preparation for cooking?

(a)          According to the recipe and food production sequencing.

(b)          According to the ordered steps given in the recipe.

(c)           According to your supervisor’s instructions.

(d)          According to which mise en place tasks you’re most competent at completing.

12.          Your recipe requires 500 g diced apples. How will you weigh or measure the apples?

(a)          With a measuring cup.

(b)          Estimate half of a 1 kg bag of apples.

(c)           On a set of accurate scales.

(d)          With a 1 L measuring jug.

13.          Why should you wash fruits and vegetables before starting preparation?

(a)          To make sure they are clean and all excess leaves, foliage, stems and other unwanted debris are removed.

(b)          To remove contaminants such as dirt and chemicals.

(c)           Exposure to water helps them remain plump and fresh.

(d)          Washing aids preparation processes such as peeling, skinning, slicing and dicing.

14.          The carrots for stir-fry vegetables must be julienned. What does this mean?

(a)          The carrots are sliced into round 1 mm discs.

(b)          The carrots are cut into a 2 mm even dice.

(c)           The carrots are sliced into short, fat batons of 4 mm x 4 mm x 1.5 cm.

(d)          The carrots are cut into fine, even strips of 2 mm x 2 mm x 4 cm.

15.          How can you best minimise waste of reusable by-products?

(a)          Follow recipes exactly so you don’t end up with leftovers.

(b)          Follow the waste management hierarchy.

(c)           Follow correct storage and stock rotation procedures.

(d)          Follow the instructions of your supervisor and more experienced colleagues.

16.          Select the most appropriate cooking method to use when preparing whole pears as a dessert item.

(a)          Boiling.

(b)          Grilling.

(c)           Deep frying.

(d)          Poaching.

17.          What is the appropriate cooking method to use when cooking pasta?

(a)          Braising in the oven.

(b)          Boiling method.

(c)           Absorption method.

(d)          Shallow frying in a wok or pan.

18.          The recipe states the egg whites must be whisked to a stiff peak. Which statement best describes this term?

(a)          Dense egg foam mass that holds its shape in the bowl but does not form peaks.

(b)          Glossy white foam formed by large bubbles of air. The soft foam tends to move around a lot in the bowl when shaken and the surface weeps liquid.

(c)           Vivid white foam with a glossy appearance and very fine close texture. Firm peaks form when the whisk is lifted from the foam.

(d)          White glossy foam that moves slowly in the bowl when shaken. When the whisked egg white is removed, a peak form.

19.          What role do eggs play when added to minced meat when making meat loaf or meat balls?

(a)          Binding.

(b)          Enriching.

(c)           Clarifying.

(d)          Emulsifying.

20.          You have finished kneading your pasta dough. What is the next step in making fresh pasta?

(a)          Cover and rest the dough for at least 30 minutes or up to three hours.

(b)          Roll the pasta dough and feed it through a pasta machine.

(c)           Roll the pasta dough and dry it out before feeding through the pasta cutting machine.

(d)          Sprinkle the dough with durum semolina and feed the dough through the pasta machine.

21.          Select the most suitable accompaniment to serve with flambéed strawberries.

(a)          Grated chocolate sprinkled over the strawberries.

(b)          A side serves of fresh strawberries.

(c)           Banana topping poured over the top and finished with a mint leaf.

(d)          Whipped cream served in a separate dish.

22.          You have prepared a vegetable stir-fry with honey soy sauce for a vegetarian customer. What is the most suitable accompaniment to serve with it?

(a)          Steamed rice.

(b)          Steamed pasta.

(c)           Couscous soaked on chicken stock.

(d)          Cheesy creamed polenta.

23.          You are checking the quality of your prepared dish prior to plating and service. What quality checks do you need to complete at this stage to determine if any adjustments need to be made?

(a)          Freshness, nutritional value, appearance, and taste.

(b)          Consistency, texture, taste, temperature, and aroma.

(c)           Whether the dish is too salty, bitter, sweet, or sour.

(d)          If you followed the standard recipe properly, you shouldn’t need to check quality points or make any adjustments at this stage.

24.          How should you present your final dish?

(a)          On service ware that is appropriate for the type of dish you’re plating.

(b)          On a large plate to give a greater visual impact when it is served to the customer.

(c)           Present the dish using service ware that is easy to carry.

(d)          In a bowl or on a plate that has been pre-heated in the oven.

25.          What sauce is used in the classic dish eggs Benedict?

(a)          Mornay.

(b)          Mayonnaise.

(c)           Béchamel.

(d)          Hollandaise.

26.          What should you check before a dish is served to the customer?

(a)          Visually check garnish, service ware and appearance.

(b)          Check for correct taste and make food quality adjustments.

(c)           Preheat the bowls you’re serving hot dishes in so the food stays piping hot.

(d)          Check the dish doesn’t contain ingredients that could cause an allergic reaction.

27.          Which procedure helps to optimize the shelf life and ensures the safety of surplus cooked dishes, such as steamed rice or boiled pasta?

(a)          Place dishes directly in the fridge or freezer while they’re still hot.

(b)          Store them in appropriate environmental conditions in a hot bain-marie until required for service.

(c)           Pay strict attention to temperature. This is the only factor to consider when storing finished dishes.

(d)          Store the dishes in clean containers in the refrigerator between 1 to 5 °C.

28.          You are finishing your shift and it’s time to clean your work area. Today, you have been preparing vegetable and farinaceous dishes. What are some of the cleaning tasks you are responsible for completing?

(a)          Clean large equipment, such as ovens, griller, bratt pan and steamer.

(b)          Clean large mechanical equipment, such as the peeler, planetary mixer and processor.

(c)           Clean and sanitize benches, chopping boards and utensils.

(d)          Clean and sanitize service ware, utensils and other small equipment.


SECTION 1: select ingredients

29:          List five examples of mise en place tasks that relate to fruit and vegetable dishes.


30:          List two quality factors to look for when selecting bulb and tuber vegetables?


31:          List two quality factors to look for when selecting eggs from stores.

32:          What are two signs of spoilage in berry, vine, stone and other soft fruits?


33:          List four pieces of information you might find on stock date codes and rotation labels.


SECTION 2: Select, prepare and use equipment

34:          List five tools or pieces of equipment you might need for preparing and cooking scrambled eggs.


35:          You’re making a very large quantity (100 L) of vegetable stock. What equipment would you use to cook the stock?


36:          How do you ensure safe assembly and cleanliness of mechanical equipment before you use it?


SECTION 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

37:          What is the most logical and efficient way to sort and assemble ingredients ready for cooking?


38:          How would you weigh and measure the following ingredients?

39:          What are three basic precision cuts you might use when preparing vegetables?


40:          What are the health risks associated with raw eggs or dishes containing raw or partially cooked eggs?


SECTION 4: Cook vegetables, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes

41:          What method of cookery would you use to cook the following foods?

42:          Briefly outline how to cook rice using the boiling method.


43:          Briefly outline how to cook eggs using the poaching method.


44:          List five culinary uses of eggs.


45:          You’ve been asked to make basic fresh pasta dough. List the four ingredients you’ll need.


46.          List three ingredients you can add to change the colour of fresh pasta dough.


47: What are two cultural variations of gnocchi and what is its base ingredient?


48:          List a suitable accompaniment for each of the following dishes.

SECTION 5: Present and store vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes

49:          List four sauces commonly served with pasta.


50:          List four dips or sauces commonly served with vegetables.


51:          Which garnish would you choose for the following dishes? Your garnish options are coddled egg, croutons, chopped herbs, deep-fried noodles, chopped basil, zest of lemon or orange.

52:          List two other environmental conditions that you must consider when storing surplus prepared dishes to optimise shelf life and comply with food safety requirements.


Knowledge test checklist – to be completed by the assessor

Marking criteriaStudent response (to be completed by the assessor) After the Knowledge test, the student has provided authenticity for the following questions:1. You are responsible for preparing and producing all vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes. What information do you need to find when confirming food production requirements for your section?S  NS2. You’re making 25 servings of risotto. The recipe yields 10 serves and calls for 800 g Arborio rice. How much rice do you actually need?S  NS3. How can you test the freshness of an egg before cracking it open?S  NS4. How do stock date codes and rotation labels, such as use-by and best-before dates, help you select fresh ingredients?S  NS5. What are signs of contamination or spoilage in fresh commercially produced and packaged pasta?S  NS6. Which statement is true about selecting equipment?S  NS7. What equipment would you use to make hard-boiled eggs?S  NS8. What should you check before you use a pasta machine to roll out and cut fresh pasta?S  NS9. Which practice best demonstrates safe and hygienic use of equipment?S  NS10. What safety procedures should you follow when steaming vegetables in an atmospheric steamer?S  NS11. How should you sort and assemble your ingredients in preparation for cooking?S  NS12. Your recipe requires 500 g diced apples. How will you weigh or measure the apples?S  NS13. Why should you wash fruits and vegetables before starting preparation?S  NS14. The carrots for stir-fry vegetables must be julienned. What does this mean?S  NS15. How can you best minimise waste of reusable by-products?S  NS16. Select the most appropriate cooking method to use when preparing whole pears as a dessert item.S  NS17. What is the appropriate cooking method to use when cooking pasta?S  NS18. The recipe states the egg whites must be whisked to a stiff peak. Which statement best describes this term?S  NS19. What role do eggs play when added to minced meat when making meat loaf  or meat balls?S  NS20. You have finished kneading your pasta dough. What is the next step in making fresh pasta?S  NS21. Select the most suitable accompaniment to serve with flambéed strawberries.S  NS22. You have prepared a vegetable stir-fry with honey soy sauce for a vegetarian customer. What is the most suitable accompaniment to serve with it?S  NS23. You are checking the quality of your prepared dish prior to plating and service. What quality checks do you need to complete at this stage to determine if any adjustments need to be made?S  NS24. How should you present your final dish?S  NS25. What sauce is used in the classic dish eggs Benedict?S  NS26. What should you check before a dish is served to the customer?S  NS27. Which procedure helps to optimise the shelf life and ensures the safety of surplus cooked dishes, such as steamed rice or boiled pasta?S  NS28. You are finishing your shift and it’s time to clean your work area. Today, you have been preparing vegetable and farinaceous dishes. What are some of the cleaning tasks you are responsible for completing?S  NS29: List five examples of mise en place tasks that relate to fruit and vegetable dishes.S  NS30: List two quality factors to look for when selecting bulb and tuber vegetables?S  NS31: List two quality factors to look for when selecting eggs from stores.S  NS32: What are two signs of spoilage in berry, vine, stone and other soft fruits?S  NS33: List four pieces of information you might find on stock date codes and rotation labels.S  NS34: List five tools or pieces of equipment you might need for preparing and cooking scrambled eggs.S  NS35: You’re making a very large quantity (100 L) of vegetable stock. What equipment would you use to cook the stock?S  NS36: How do you ensure safe assembly and cleanliness of mechanical equipment before you use it?S  NS37:       What is the most logical and efficient way to sort and assemble ingredients ready for cooking?S  NS38: How would you weigh and measure the following ingredients?S  NS39:          What are three basic precision cuts you might use when preparing vegetables?S  NS40:       What are the health risks associated with raw eggs or dishes containing raw or partially cooked eggs? 41: What method of cookery would you use to cook the following foods?S  NS42:   Briefly outline how to cook rice using the boiling method.S  NS43:       Briefly outline how to cook eggs using the poaching method.S  NS44: List five culinary uses of eggs.S  NS45: You’ve been asked to make basic fresh pasta dough. List the four ingredients you’ll need.S  NS46:       List three ingredients you can add to change the colour of fresh pasta dough.S  NS47:       What are two cultural variations of gnocchi and what is its base ingredient?S  NS48:       List a suitable accompaniment for each of the following dishes.S  NS49: List four sauces commonly served with pasta.S  NS50: List four dips or sauces commonly served with vegetables.S  NS51: Which garnish would you choose for the following dishes? Your garnish options are coddled egg, croutons, chopped herbs, deep-fried noodles, chopped basil, zest of lemon or orange.S  NS52:   List two other environmental conditions that you must consider when storing surplus prepared dishes to optimise shelf life and comply with food safety requirements.S  NSTask outcomeS  NSAssessor remarks Assessor signature   Date Student signature   Date SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Task 2 (AT2)

Student DetailStudent NameStudent Id:Group No (If Applicable):Assessment Details Unit of CompetencySITHCCC008 – VEGETABLE, FRUIT, EGG AND FARINACEOUS DISHESAssessment TaskPractical DemonstrationDue Date AT2 Task 1- Production Plan and recipe cardsDate of Submission                             Satisfactory □     Not Satisfactory □ Not completed □ AT2 Task 2- Demonstration toolDate of Submission                              Satisfactory □     Not Satisfactory □ Not completed □ AT2 Task 3- Portfolio PhotosDate of Submission                              Satisfactory □    Not Satisfactory □ Not completed □ Overall AT2 Assessment Outcome                      Satisfactory □       Not Satisfactory □ Not completed □ Assessor name Assessor Signature and Date Comments/Feedback     Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.AssessorStudentI declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.     Signature: …………………………………………………     Date: ………………………………………………………..I have received, discussed and accepted my result as above for this task and I am aware of my appeal rights.                                                                                                                                                        Signature: ……………………………………………..     Date: ……………………………………………………..SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Assessment task 2: Practical Demonstration

Required documents and equipment:

ASTRAL INSTITUTE Commercial Kitchen with access to all the equipment and variety of ingredients defined in Appendix at the back of this tool.

Chef Uniform. (Students to organize themselves)

Knife Kit. (Students to organize themselves)

Chef Equipment and tool. (ASTRAL INSTITUTE)

Recipes. (Student must print from learner guide)

ASTRAL INSTITUTE shall make available the ingredients as per recipe.

Planning the assessment

Recommended date for assessment:                               Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet.Time required for assessment:  16 hours for 4 sessions of 4 hours each.You must:Produce all evidence as required in this assessment.Complete the assessment and submit in due timeline.Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.

Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence specifications:

At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor:

Completed Production plan for each Practical Demonstration Session including recipe cards. (Total 4)

Cook and present all the menu items for each session and present to assessor.

Portfolio photos for 4 sessions.

Complete and sign the cover sheet for the assessment task.

Evidence submission:

Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based.

Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

AT2-Practical Demonstration instructions

In this practical demonstration assessment, you are required to prepare vegetable, fruit egg and farinaceous dishes listed in menu table below for at least 6 different customers using each of the following products:

vegetables and fruit:

eggs used for the following applications:

pasta and noodles

You must prepare the dishes using each of the following cookery methods at least once:

You will complete this over Four (4) sessions in the ASTRAL INSTITUTE training kitchen with access to staff, assessor as customer.

You must prepare finish food production:

Practical Demonstration sessions and Menu Date of Demonstration  (please refer your timetable and session PlanPractical Demonstration 1 Follow standard recipes to prepare each of the following types of products:   vegetables and fruit:driedfreshfrozen   Practical Demonstration 2 eggs used for the following applications: aeratingbindingsettingcoatingenrichingemulsifyingglazingclarifyinggarnishingthickening     Practical Demonstration 3   farinaceous items: couscouspasta and noodles Practical Demonstration 4   farinaceous items: polentapulsesrice     SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

For Each Practical Demonstration session shown in menu table above you are required to complete following tasks:

At the start of session your assessor will check if you are in full uniform and carrying your knife kit. Assessors will be checking your uniform for cleanliness and that you have full uniform on prior to allowing you to begin the session.

As per menu for defined in above Practical Demonstration session your assessor will provide you standard recipe cards. Read carefully all the recipe information given to you when you receive it. If you do not understand any part, please ask your assessor.

You will have four (4) hours to prepare and produce the food items for each Practical Demonstration session and your Assessor will set commercial time constraints according to menu for each dish to reflect industry environment.

Task 1: Production Plan

You are required to consult your assessor and internal customers (ASTRAL INSTITUTE staff and students) for the session whom you will be serving food to confirm the food production requirements from session menu and standard recipes including:

portion control.

quantities to be produced.

special customer requests.

special dietary requirements.

After confirming the food production requirements, you must write Production Plan in the template provide in Appendix at the back of this guide according to the menu for the session.

Production plan has following Parts:

Part A- Menu details and food production requirements: Write all dishes from the menu for the session and number of serves your assessor asked you to cook.

Number of serves you have been asked to cook may differ from the number of serves specified in the standard recipe you have been provided. You are required to adjust quantity of ingredients according to number of serves you are cooking.

Also record your name, student number and the date of each Practical Demonstration session in the production plan template.

 Part B-Equipment: This part requires you to identify and list all the equipment’s including appropriate knives required to cook for individual dish from the session menu.

You must select correct equipment type and size for each dish and mention for which cooking method the equipment has been used and the specification e.g. Oven, if its gas oven or fan forced or convention oven.

Your Assessor will observe if you have selected right equipment for the job and will observe you while assembling equipment and safety requirements as per operating manual. The assessor will also check if the equipment you are using is clean as per standard.

Part C-Recipe card: Ingredients:

This part requires you to identify all the ingredients from standard recipes provided to you and calculate ingredient amounts according to per number of serves you are preparing.  Enter the ingredients on production plan. This will require your numeracy skills to calculate the quantity and number of serves and you must use standard trade names for ingredients and various products as per recipe.

Part D-Workflow Plan:

You are required to list tasks for Mis-en-place and preparation which includes weighing, measuring ingredients, creating portions, cutting and portioning as per recipe and write measures to minimise the waste.

You are required to identify suitable cooking method for each dish and identify temperature.

You are required to write step by step plan for how you will produce items from menu using logical flow to put the final dish.

Logical flow means for each dish you are required to follow steps in sequence as per standard recipe to ensure final dish is cooked as per industry standards e.g. For preparing a lot of dishes, dried beans and pulses must be soaked well in advance for cooking.

Identify any possible problem with cooking process and corrective action to be taken.

Tasks for colleagues if working in group.

Identify cutlery and crockery required for presentation and serving temperature for Dish.

Task 2: Prepare and cook menu items

After you have successfully written production plan, you are then required to put this production plan in to action and following must be completed to successfully complete this task:

Step 1 -Mis-en-place (Food preparation)

Select the correct size and type of equipment including suitable knives (e.g. for vegetables and fruit you will need food processors, blenders. For egg, you will need whisks and egg slicers. For Farinaceous dishes, you will need pasta cutters and rice cookers)Assemble and clean them and use them safely as per instruction manual. Your assessor may ask you questions on how will you use the equipment safely and will observe you while using the equipment and knives safely.

Select the ingredients for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes from store according to recipe ensuring quality, freshness and stock rotation (LIFO and FIFO) requirements. Also check if perishable items are fresh, there is no spoilage or contamination, check contents of stocks take dates, read labels before picking ingredients and implication on quality of dish prepared.

(e.g. To determine the freshness of egg, you must place the egg in a deep bowl filled with cold water and check if it:

Sinks to the bottom and stays there, it’s about 3-6 days old

Sinks but floats, its more than a week old

Sinks but then stands on end, it’s about 2 weeks old

Floats to the surface, it’s very old and should not be used)

You must prepare eggs for different culinary uses by using the following few methods:

And the following applications:

You must thaw any frozen fruit or vegetable which will be used to prepare the dish. You must use the following methods to prepare the vegetable and fruit:

You must prepare fresh farinaceous ingredients by using the following methods:

Weigh, measure and portion ingredients according to recipes and number of serves you are cooking as mentioned in production plan. Also make sure you are using appropriate measure equipment and correct units of measurement.

You are required to prepare dishes using each of the following cookery methods at least once:

Clean and cut other ingredients using basic cuts according to culinary standards e.g. right shape and size for each cut. Make sure you use right knife for cuts and minimize waste to maximize yield and profitability e.g. while peeling potatoes make sure you use peeler and don’t peel too much.

Complete mis-en -place and preparation.

Step 2-  Cook vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes

Cook the menu items (vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes) following the standard recipe and steps listed in production plan.

You should be able to identify appropriate cooking method for each dish and cook dishes according to appropriate cooking method for each skills session.

You are required to use following cooking methods for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes according to recipe requirements as per session menu. You will cover all the cooking methods at least once by completing all the practical sessions.

You must prepare suitable dips or sauces according to the recipe (e.g. Baked potato is served with sour cream and chives. Sliced tropical fruits are served with a hot chocolate dipping sauce Fried eggs are served with fresh tomato sauce. Penne can be served with pesto sauce) You must adjust the dishes for any dietary preferences e.g. low sodium diets and gluten free or any allergy.

You must follow standard recipes provided by assessor and make food quality adjustments including any cooking preference, (e.g. If the vegetables have lost color, you may shorten the cooking time and refresh in ice water to stop the cooking process) taste or texture adjustments specified by assessor and as per production plan.

During preparation, you must follow food safety during each production step e.g. Selecting right chopping board for different food types or washing hands after handling different type of foods and following ‘clean as you go’ principle.

Identify any problem during cooking process and take corrective action.

You should work with speed and should be organized to finish the dishes in given time frame.

You should work cooperatively with your colleagues If you are working in group or sharing equipment.

Step 3- Present and store vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes.

You must add dip or sauce to blend, enhance or dominate the flavor of the dish according to standard. You should add suitable garnishes according to standard recipe to enhance the colour, flavour, texture and the overall presentation of the meal.

Before presenting the dish to the assessor, you are also required to visually evaluate the dish. Adjust presentation including accompaniments and garnishes that maximize visual appeal including balance, color, contrast. It also includes plating food for practicality of customer consumption or service style and wiping any drips and spills on plate e.g. Hollandaise sauce is served with eggs benedict.

Final dish must be presented at par with industry standards. Present them to your assessor for assessment. Your assessor and internal staff (invited to taste meals) will act as customer for your cooked dish and your assessor or customer may ask you to adjust dishes according to their preference.

Step 4-Portfolio of work done

You are required to take at least 2 photos during each Practical Demonstration and affix them at the space provided in Portfolio Template provided.

You should write name of Dish for each photo and date when it was taken.

Step 5-End of service Procedures:

After you finish your presentation to your assessor, you must store the food items at the appropriate temperature and under the correct storage conditions to maintain quality, freshness, to minimise wastage and spoilage. This will include storing in appropriate environmental conditions Including:






use of containers


You must then clean the kitchen according to the cleaning schedule and dispose of or store surplus and reusable by-products according to ASTRAL INSTITUTE kitchen storage requirements and procedures, environmental considerations defined above, and cost reduction initiatives.

Ensure that all bins are taken out before you leave the kitchen.


SITHCCC008:AT2-Task1- Template Production Plan

Student Name   Student ID   Date             Part A-Menu ItemsPortion/sReference PageRoast Beef with Jus Lie10Page 1Grilled Chicken Breast15Page 2Baked Salmon with Lemon Butter Sauce20Page 3Vegetable Stir-Fry20Page 4TimePart D- Workflow plan Task (Description) and PriorityPart B-Equipment & OHSCommunication (who, about what?)2 hoursRoast Beef with Jus LieOven (Fan forced, gas)Notify assessor about starting the roast beef preparation1 hourGrilled Chicken BreastGrill panInform team members about using the grill pan1.5 hoursBaked Salmon with Lemon Butter SauceBaking dish, oven (Fan forced)Notify assessor about starting the baking process1 hourVegetable Stir-FryWok, stoveCoordinate with team members for stove availability                                                                  End of service proceduresEquipmentCommunication (who, about what?)  Storage containersKitchen staff: Notify them about the end of service and the need to store food items properly.  RefrigeratorAssessor or supervisor: Inform them that the service has ended and the kitchen is being cleaned up.  FreezerColleagues: Coordinate with them to ensure all tasks are completed and the kitchen is left in a clean and organized  Shelving unitsKitchen staff: Notify them about the end of service and the need to store food items properly.  Cleaning suppliesAssessor or supervisor: Inform them that the service has ended and the kitchen is being cleaned up.                                Post service de-briefCommunication (who, about what?)              Things to rememberUse logical sequence for the tasks in both mise en place and cooking Times are for guidance, may vary depending on the recipe/sSome recipes may require adjustment “Clean as you go” will save you timeSITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

AT2 PART C- Recipe Card – Ingredients

Student Name   Student ID   Date              Recipe Name Roast Beef with Jus Lie Portion Size 4 pax Outlet ASTRAL INSTITUTEPreparationIngredientsUnitQty. (4 pax)Qty. (20 pax)Unit costTotal4 pax20 paxPreheat ovenBeef roastlbs210$6.50$13.00$65.00Season beef with salt and pepperSalttsp15$0.10$0.10$0.50 Peppertsp15$0.15$0.15$0.75Sear beef in a hot panButtertbsp210$0.20$0.40$2.00 Olive oiltbsp210$0.25$0.50$2.50Transfer beef to a roasting panRed winecup15$2.50$2.50$12.50Roast beef in the oven until desired donenessBeef stockcup210$1.50$3.00$15.00Let beef rest before slicingFlourtbsp15$0.10$0.10$0.50Prepare jus lieButtertbsp210$0.20$0.40$2.00 Flourtbsp210$0.20$0.40$2.00Slice beef and serve with jus lieSalttsp15$0.10$0.10$0.50 Peppertsp15$0.15$0.15$0.75                                                                                       What are the criteria’s which needs to be considered when selecting the ingredients?Consider quality, freshness, dietary preferences/restrictions, seasonality, and cost.    What steps are involved in preparing the dish? Preheat oven, season beef, sear in a hot pan, transfer to roasting pan, roast in the oven, let it rest, prepare jus lie, slice beef, and serve with jus lie.        What accompaniments/garnishes should be used?Roasted or steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, fresh herbs, and bread.   What adjustments should be made for special dietary / nutritional requirements?Vegetarian/vegan options, gluten-free alternatives, and reduced sodium options.  SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Extra space for notes:

AT2 PART C- Recipe Card – Ingredients

Student Name   Student ID   Date              Recipe Name Grilled Chicken Breast Portion Size 4 Outlet Astral InstitutePreparationIngredientsUnitQty. (4 pax)Qty. (20 pax)Unit costTotal4 pax20 paxSeasoningSalttsp15$0.05$0.05$0.25 Peppertsp15$0.08$0.08$0.40 Garlic powdertsp15$0.10$0.10$0.50ChickenChicken breastslb1.57.5$3.00$4.50$22.50 Olive oiltbsp210$0.10$0.20$1.00 Lemon juicetbsp210$0.20$0.40$2.00 Dijon mustardtbsp210$0.15$0.30$1.50 Honeytbsp210$0.15$0.30$1.50 Fresh herbs (optional)tbsp210$0.25$0.50$2.50                                                                                                               What are the criteria’s which needs to be considered when selecting the ingredients?The criteria to consider when selecting ingredients for grilled chicken breast include choosing fresh and high-quality chicken, considering flavor profiles that enhance the dish, and taking into account any specific dietary or nutritional requirements.    What steps are involved in preparing the dish? The steps involved in preparing grilled chicken breast typically include marinating the chicken, preheating the grill, grilling the chicken to the desired doneness, and allowing it to rest before serving.        What accompaniments/garnishes should be used?Common accompaniments and garnishes for grilled chicken breast include lemon wedges, fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro, and sauces or dressings such as barbecue sauce or chimichurri.   What adjustments should be made for special dietary / nutritional requirements?Adjustments for special dietary or nutritional requirements may involve using low-sodium marinades or seasonings, opting for lean chicken breast cuts, and incorporating gluten-free or allergen-free ingredients as needed.  SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Extra space for notes:

AT2 PART C- Recipe Card – Ingredients

Student Name   Student ID   Date              Recipe Name Baked Salmon with Lemon Butter Sauce Portion Size 4 OutletPreparationIngredientsUnitQty. (4 pax)Qty. (20 pax)Unit costTotal4 pax20 paxPreheat oven       Season salmonSalmon filletslbs15$9.50$9.50$47.50with salt and pepperSalttsp15$0.10$0.10$0.50 Peppertsp15$0.15$0.15$0.75Prepare lemon butterButtertbsp210$0.20$0.40$2.00 Lemon juicetbsp210$0.25$0.50$2.50 Garlic cloves (minced)–210$0.10$0.20$1.00 Dried herbs (optional)tsp15$0.10$0.10$0.50Bake salmon in the oven–––––––until cooked through–––––––Serve salmon–––––––with lemon butter sauce                                                                                              What are the criteria’s which needs to be considered when selecting the ingredients?When selecting ingredients for baked salmon with lemon butter sauce, it is important to consider the freshness and quality of the salmon. Look for wild-caught or sustainably sourced salmon. Other factors to consider include the flavor profile of the dish, any dietary restrictions or allergies of the diners, and the availability of fresh lemons and butter for the sauce.    What steps are involved in preparing the dish? The steps involved in preparing baked salmon with lemon butter sauce typically include preheating the oven, seasoning the salmon with salt, pepper, and any desired herbs or spices, preparing the lemon butter sauce by melting butter and adding lemon juice, garlic, and herbs, placing the seasoned salmon in a baking dish, pouring the lemon butter sauce over the salmon, and baking it in the oven until cooked through.        What accompaniments/garnishes should be used?Common accompaniments and garnishes for baked salmon with lemon butter sauce include steamed vegetables such as asparagus or broccoli, roasted potatoes or rice, and a fresh herb garnish like dill or parsley. Additionally, lemon slices or wedges can be used as a garnish for added freshness and flavor.   What adjustments should be made for special dietary / nutritional requirements?For special dietary or nutritional requirements, adjustments can be made by using alternative ingredients or cooking methods. For example, individuals with dairy allergies can substitute plant-based butter or olive oil for the butter in the lemon sauce. Low-sodium options can be chosen for those on a restricted sodium diet, and the amount of added fats like butter can be adjusted for individuals watching their fat intake.  SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Extra space for notes:

Practical Demonstration log- Task 2

LOG Instructions Your assessor will do the following: Observe you in ASTRAL INSTITUTE kitchen, preparing and producing a range of vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes using various cooking methods and preparation techniques.Provide a range of recipes and ingredients.Use the checklist to observe while you use a range of preparation techniques and cooking methods.Use the checklist in conjunction with Observation checklist below.Observe you over a period while you learn and use various skills/tasks.Observe you while preparing vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes for at least six different customers during Four (4) sessions.Ensure that you can consistently perform all tasks multiple times satisfactorily.Decide when you are competent at all tasks.Regularly enter the log’s details into the LMS or hard copy to enable students to track their progress.   You are required to do the following: You must demonstrate preparation of a range of vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes using various cooking methods and preparation techniques. In ASTRAL INSTITUTE kitchen. Prepare recipes using all types of vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes listed at least once.Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes for at least six different customers.Use standard recipe for the session menu. (Print from Learner’s Guide for the unit) Consistently perform all tasks multiple times satisfactorily.Your assessor will submit results of your practical demonstration tasks via the LMS to track progress.SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Session No: 1Learner name: Date:  Recipe name:Roast Beef with Jus LieNo. of customers:  Recipe styleMethod of cookeryPreparation processIdentified and
corrected problems
SatisfactorySignature    Assessor feedback      Learner feedback    SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Session No: 2Learner name: Date:  Recipe name:Grilled Chicken BreastNo. of customers:  Recipe styleMethod of cookeryPreparation processIdentified and
corrected problems
SatisfactorySignatureVegetables and fruit:driedfreshfrozen   Eggs used for the following applications:aeratingbindingsettingcoatingenrichingemulsifyingglazingclarifyinggarnishingthickening   Farinaceous items:couscouspasta and noodlespolentapulsesriceBoilingBraisingDeep and shallow fryingPoaching and scramblingRoastingStewingPrepared within commercial time constraints and deadlinesReflected required quantities to be producedFollowed procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing different food typesResponded to special customer requests and dietary requirementsYesNoNot applicableYesNo Assessor feedback      Learner feedback    SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Session No: 3Learner name: Date:  Recipe name:Name Baked Salmon with Lemon Butter SauceNo. of customers:  Recipe styleMethod of cookeryPreparation processIdentified and
corrected problems
SatisfactorySignatureVegetables and fruit:driedfreshfrozen   Eggs used for the following applications:aeratingbindingsettingcoatingenrichingemulsifyingglazingclarifyinggarnishingthickening   Farinaceous items:couscouspasta and noodlespolentapulsesriceBoilingBraisingDeep and shallow fryingPoaching and scramblingRoastingStewingPrepared within commercial time constraints and deadlinesReflected required quantities to be producedFollowed procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing different food typesResponded to special customer requests and dietary requirementsYesNoNot applicableYesNo Assessor feedback      Learner feedback    SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Session No: 4Learner name: Date:  Recipe name: No. of customers:  Recipe styleMethod of cookeryPreparation processIdentified and
corrected problems
SatisfactorySignatureVegetables and fruit:driedfreshfrozen   Eggs used for the following applications:aeratingbindingsettingcoatingenrichingemulsifyingglazingclarifyinggarnishingthickening   Farinaceous items:couscouspasta and noodlespolentapulsesriceBoilingBraisingDeep and shallow fryingPoaching and scramblingRoastingStewingPrepared within commercial time constraints and deadlinesReflected required quantities to be producedFollowed procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing different food typesResponded to special customer requests and dietary requirementsYesNoNot applicableYesNo Assessor feedbackLearner feedback  SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

Skills Observation ChecklistTasks and skillsSession 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Observable skills/tasks the learner is required to demonstrateSatisfactorySatisfactorySatisfactorySatisfactoryYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoDuring Planning and preparing for cooking student completed following tasks Locates, reads and interprets recipes, food preparation lists, menus and task sheets to check food production requirements. Student confirmed food production requirements with assessor from session menu   and standard recipes including: o    deadlines o    portion control o    quantities to be produced o    special customer requests special dietary requirements        Student completed the production including all parts of plan where student Identified menu items and adjusted number of serves as per instructions and Menu details, Ingredients, equipment’s and workflow plan in production          Efficiently sequenced food preparation and production tasks out lined in workflow plan and production plan as per recipe.        Student calculates ingredient amounts according to requirements in the recipes and food production plan and adjusted the quantity according to number of serves cooking.        Student could Identify and select ingredients for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness, codes and labels and ensures stock rotation requirements (e.g. LIFO and FIFO) by checking use by dates.        When selecting ingredients and vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous products, student checks perishable supplies for spoilage or contamination quality by visual inspections and using quality criteria e.g. no unpleasant odor, no discoloration of vegetables or blemishes        During preparation and cooking student could select correct type and size of equipment   including suitable knives (e.g. Food processor, egg slicer, pasta cutters, etc.) required to prepare each product from menu and safely assemble the equipment before use and used selected equipment in safely and hygienic manner following manufacturer instructions.        Student follows food and workplace safety procedures when assembling equipment and checks cleanliness prior to use.        Student uses equipment safely and hygienically when preparing and cooking food and wipes any spillage and ensures any safety guards and manual instructions.        Student could organise, sort and assemble ingredients according to food steps identified in standard recipe maintaining sequencing of production steps.        Thaw frozen fruit and vegetable according to food safety guidelines where required ensuring spills from thawing does not contaminate other food.        Student weighs and measures ingredients correctly by portioning ingredients as per recipes. Student also selects right scale and measuring units to weigh ingredients.        Cleans and cuts ingredients using basic culinary cuts including precision cuts for vegetables, washing ingredients property.        Minimizes waste by using waste minimization techniques e.g. correct peeling and chopping techniques, use by products of vegetables for preparing stocks.        Prepares mise en place and selects and uses right cookery methods (as listed in the skills log) for each dish. Student covers all the cooking methods at least once by completing all the practical sessions. boilingbraisingdeep and shallow fryingpoaching or scramblingroastingstewing          Uses numeracy skills to calculate number of portions and determines correct cooking time and temperatures for each.        Follows standard recipes for dishes using food types listed in the skills log and production plan for the session.        Prepares dishes for each session (for at least Six customers in total for all sessions): within commercial time constraints and deadlines.reflecting required quantities to be produced.following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing prepared dishes,responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.managing own speed, timing and productivity.        Student prepares suitable dips or sauces according to the recipe (e.g. Baked potato is served with sour cream and chives. Sliced tropical fruits are served with a hot chocolate dipping sauce Fried eggs are served with fresh tomato sauce. Penne can be served with pesto sauce)        Student follows standard recipe provided by assessor and make food quality adjustments including any cooking preference (e.g. If the vegetables have lost color you may shorten the cooking time and refresh in ice water to stop the cooking process.        Student adjusted the dishes for any dietary preferences e.g. low sodium diets and gluten free or any allergy        Student followed food safety during each production step e.g. Selecting right chopping board for different food types or washing hands after handling different foods and following ‘clean as you go’ principle.        Student Identifies any problem during cooking process and takes corrective action. Student works with speed, is organized and finishes the all the dishes in given time frame.          Student cooperates with other colleagues If working in group or when sharing equipment.        Student should minimise wastage by using appropriate tools and techniques.        Presents dishes on appropriate service ware for each dish with enhances presentation techniques e.g. color, texture and aroma.        Add suitable garnishes according to standard recipe to enhance the color, flavor, texture and the overall presentation of the meal. Student ensures garnish is correct in size and is edible and appropriate to dish type.        Visually evaluates the dish and adjusts presentation, if necessary. accompaniments and garnishes that maximize visual appeal:balancecolorcontrastplating food for practicality of:customer consumptionservicewiping drips and spills.        Student presents the Final dish must be presented at par with industry standards. Student presents dish to the assessor for assessment. Student adjust dishes according to assessor and internal staff (invited to taste meals) preference.        Student takes at least 2 photos during each Practical Demonstration and completes the Portfolio Template along with all the details.        Student stores food items at the appropriate temperature and under the correct storage conditions to maintain quality, freshness and to minimise wastage and spoilage. This will include storing in appropriate environmental conditions Including: humiditylightpackagingtemperatureuse of containersventilation        Cleaned work benches and areas, and   stored all unused ingredients to dry store and cool rooms ensuring correct storage temperature and by-products according to organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives. Emptied all bins and disposed waste in correct bins                   follow standard recipes to prepare dishes for at least six different customers using each of the following types of products: vegetables and fruit:driedfreshfrozeneggs used for the following applications:aeratingbindingsettingcoatingenrichingemulsifyingglazingclarifyinggarnishingthickeningfarinaceous items:couscouspasta and noodlespolentapulsesriceprepare at least three different types of fresh pasta            Final Outcome:SatisfactorySatisfactorySatisfactorySatisfactoryYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoDate of demonstration:________________________________________________________________Signature of the Assessor:        SITHCCC008- Prepare vegetable fruit egg and farinaceous dishes

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