Prepare an individual video and audio

113 views 11:56 am 0 Comments March 29, 2023

You are asked to prepare an individual video and audio narrated presentation addressing questions for the given case

study. Your presentation should be professional in which the following elements must be included:

A cover page including your name and student number – 1 slide

Answers to the given questions – maximum 6 slides

Duration of the presentation must be no longer than 15 minutes.

You must use Microsoft PowerPoint for the presentation and add your audio narration to each slide individually. The 1st

slide must have your video added. You have access to this application via your NTU Office 365 account. Instructions how to

add video and audio narration to a Power Point presentation are given in the Assessment folder

Assessment weighting

The presentation contributes 90% towards the final module grade.

Submission deadline

The submission deadline is 2nd April, 2023 11:00 PM.

If you believe that you may be unable to meet the submission deadline you must speak with your Academic

Mentor and seminar tutor. You are also advised to review the information for the Notification of Extenuating

Circumstances (NEC) process available in the Student Online Handbook.

Case study

Carol Katz works for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) within the Department of Labour. Her

particular area of responsibility is air safety processes and, in particular, the integrity of safety processes at airports.

You are asked to prepare an individual audio-narrated presentation that addresses and analyses the following issues:

Create a spreadsheet that will be helpful for Carol to use to decide on probability p of violation. Consider different

probabilities of violations p and explain how you created the spreadsheet. For example, consider p=0.05, two values

of p greater than 0.05 and two values of p smaller than 0.05.

What is the mean number of violations and mean fine that the airport pays for different values of p?

What is the safety cost that the airport has to pay for different values of p?

Discuss the costs that would include both safety cost and fine that will be incurred for different values of p.

Which probability of violations p seems reasonable to implement at the airport?

Create any graph that will be useful for descriptive analysis to discuss the problem.

Why is it important to rely on data in this context? What benefits may it bring?

Assessment Criteria


Marginal Fail




Criterion 1

(Related to question 1)

Depth and quality of statistical

analysis, presentation of the

methods and

recommendation 30%

No evidence of

any awareness of



Little or no



included. No


Insufficient understanding of

the relevant methods.

Some relevant and required

knowledge missing or confused.

Insufficient attempt to analyse

the problem and apply a

statistical method.

Good understanding of

methods, demonstrating of

their relevance to the context

of the case studies.

Demonstrates a systematic

and sound factual and/or

conceptual knowledge base.

Good analysis of the statistical

method applied and analysis

of the results.

Very good understanding

and application of methods

from the course, in the

context of the case study.

Demonstrates a detailed,

systematic, in-depth,

theoretically informed and

correct knowledge base,.

Very good analysis of the

statistical method applied,

correct results obtained and

recommendation provided

based on the results.

Excellent understanding of

course methods and their

application in the context of

the case study, some of which

is beyond the material taught

on the course.

Demonstrates an excellent

comprehensive, detailed and

in-depth knowledge base, the

capacity to integrate theory

and application of statistical

method, relevant to the Case

study. Excellent analysis of the

statistical method applied,

correct results obtained and

recommendation provided

based on the results.

Criterion 2

(Related to Question 2)

Depth and quality of

descriptive/predictive analysis

and presentation of the method


Lacks any



Attempts at analysis

ineffective and/or

uninformed by the

descriptive analysis

Makes fair and/or

conventional use of

established methods of

descriptive analysis

Makes effective use of a

range of relevant critical

analytic techniques. Shows

well developed ability to

investigate alternative

analytic approaches, where


Demonstrates a command of

relevant critical descriptive

analytic methods. Shows an

excellent appreciation of the

limits and/or appropriate uses

of particular analytic


Criterion 3

(Related to Question 3)

Depth and quality of

critical appraisal of the

importance of data in

the given problem,

associated with data

driven decision making


Little or no


with relevant


Very limited evidence of

reading. Inappropriate

sources used. Engagement

with the literature is very


Evidence of some

independent reading from

appropriate sources. Sound

application of literature in

the given context.

Evidence of independent

reading from a range of

appropriate sources.

Literature well applied to

the given problem,

Evidence of independent

reading from a fairly wide

range of appropriate sources.

Clear, accurate, systematic

application of material in the

given context.

Criterion 4

Format of presentation:

visual appearance, audio

narration 15%

Presentation slides of

very poor quality.

Lacks basic

communication skills.

Absence of



Presentation is not

understandable and


The presentation slides show

limited visual appeal, and the

style is inappropriate.

Communication lacks clarity,

structure may not be


Limited use of terminology

but in an inappropriate


Delivery is disorganised

and the pace and

audibility are poor.

Good style of presentation

slides with good visual


Communication shows

clarity but lacks coherence.

Appropriate use of


Pace and audibility are

satisfactory most of the


Very good appropriate

style of presentation slides,

clear and logical structure.

Demonstrates good

communication skills.

Very good use of

appropriate terminology.

Pace and audibility are


Excellent, appropriate

presentation slides.

Professional and excellent


Demonstrates strong

communication skills.

Makes excellent use of

appropriate terminology.

Pace and audibility are very


Act with integrity in undertaking this assessment.

Undertake your work in line with the expectations set out in the Student

Charter, []

Student Code of Behaviour

[] and

the Academic Irregularities

[] Policy.

Download a copy of the assessment brief.


Save your work on your Microsoft 365 OneDrive, and for additional

back-up we recommend that you email yourself a copy at regular intervals,

and/or make copies at regular intervals on a USB device.

Start your work as soon as you can so that you can submit your work

before the submission deadline.

Do not start late and risk submitting late.

Submit your work to the Learning Room Dropbox folder before the

submission deadline.


It is important that you do not:

Copy (or scan) sentences or paragraphs from any academic or professional source

material (e.g., textbooks, journal articles, professional trade magazine articles) and

paste these into your work with the intent of having the tutor think that these

sentences and paragraphs were written by yourself.

Copy (or scan) sentences or paragraphs from any previous student example

assessments that may have been shared with you in class or on your Learning


Share any elements of your work (e.g., notes, calculations, typed answers, sources

used) with other students by screenshare, social media, telephone, or email.

Use any elements of a student’s work that have been shared with you


When working on your individual coursework and discussing your approach with other students,

keeping a brief record of points or ideas written down as an aid to memory, is acceptable


If you decide to write complete sentences or paragraphs that directly capture what another

person said and then use these later in your own work without acknowledging the source, then

this is plagiarism.

Where the other person uses the same statements in their own work these matches will be

flagged in Turnitin. This would constitute an academic irregularity and it is likely your work will

be subject to additional moderation and be considered by the School Academic Irregularities

Panel (SAIP).

You should keep any notes that are used in writing your assessment in case you are required to

produce them at a later date to authenticate the development of your own ideas.



Please ensure that you submit your work before the submission deadline (the

Dropbox folder due date) to the Learning Room Dropbox folder.

All students, including those with a statement of access, submit to the same

Dropbox folder.

The Dropbox folder will remain open after the submission deadline has passed.

Submitting your work after the due date/time will be considered a

late-submission and the late submission penalties will be applied in line with the

NTU Quality Handbook Common Assessment Regulations (unless you have been

granted an extension via a Notification of Exceptional Circumstance (NEC)



If you are attempting to submit your work close to the submission deadline

(which is also the Dropbox folder due date/time) and you encounter a technical

problem outside of your control, or have an unresolved technical problem then

you must:

Email the Library Support Team at [email protected] and include a precise

description of the problem and include a screenshot showing the specific problem or error


Email a description of the problem to your Module Leader (include a screenshot or

photograph of the issue) and attach a copy of your work in the email.

Submit your work to the Dropbox folder as soon as you are able to.

Submit a Notification of Exceptional Circumstances, with evidence of the technical issues

encountered (including the response from the library support team).


Please also note that inability to submit your work on time as a result of

failure to save your work on a regular basis will not be accepted as grounds

for subsequent Notification of Exceptional Circumstances.